The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-12-10, Page 10Feminine Facts / THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1953 Bride Honored Before Wedding Mrs. Peter Durapd was hostess for a surprise shower honoring Miss Pat Johnston prior to her marriage last Saturday. Thirty friends and neighbors presented her with a variety of lovely gifts. The C.G.I.T. and Sunday School Of Caven -Church made a present­ ation to Miss Johnston Tuesd'ay evening. A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate ?.!'5 8F-'1 ®F?. Sr?,hl To remove* paint from glass, use hot vinegar. Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (South of Jack Smith Jeweller) : Naturelie Permanent Wa.iag Lustron Cold Wave Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop RHONE 71-W EXETER The Smartest Thing You Wear Is Your Hair For Appointment Phone 146 Marjorie Dilkes “Your Hairdresser” Christmas Specials NYLON BLOUSES $2.98 and $4.95 United Church Organizations Elect New Officers For 1954 Main St. W.A. And W.M.S. The W.A. and W.M.S. of Main Street United Church met with Mrs. A. E. Holley at the parson­ age for their Christmas meeting. Mrs. R. E. Balkwill, president of the W.M.S., reported that the allocation had been sent away and that a bale had been sent to Toronto and a special collec­ tion from the members was used to pay for shipment to tination. Mrs. E. Carter assisted W. Martin conducted the service. Christmas sung and Mrs. prayer, Mrs. N, Hockey and Mrs. A. Ostland sang “Star of the East". Mrs. A. Willard played a medley of Christmas selections. The W.A. business meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. E. R. Hopper, and 97 percent of the members answered roll call. Plans were made for decorat­ ing the church for the Christmas season. The congregational sup- its des- by Mrs. worship carols were Layton led in i 25 Huron St. W. - Ph. 146 1 Are You Eligible? Tender White Fish — $1.15 Plate Special For This Friday! PLAN NOW FOR YOUR NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY To Win Our Christmas Gifts per will be held as soon as the work on the kitchen is completed in January. Santa Claus arrived in time to assist the committee in serving Christmas cake and candies. The following slate of W.A. officers was elected: president, Mrs. E- R. Hopper; first vice- president, Mrs. Glen McKnight; second vice-president, Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer; treasurer, Mrs. L. Ho­ wey; secretary and press report­ er, Mrs. E. R. Russell; pianist, Mrs. A. E. Holley; flower com­ mittee, Mrs. W. Martin, Mrs. B, T u c k e y; parsonage committee, Mrs. G. Jaques, Mrs. W. Balkwill, Mrs. William Ryckman. W.M.S. officers elected were: honorary president, Mrs. George Layton; president, Mrs. R. Balk­ will; vice-president, E. Rus­ sell; secretary, Mrs. G. Layton; assistant, Mrs. L. Porter; treas­ urer, Mrs. J. Ferguson; assistant, Mrs. A. Campbell; corresponding secretary, Mrs. G. Jaques. Missionary Monthly secretary, Mrs. E. Carter; community friend­ ship secretaries, Mrs. M. Quauce, Mrs. W. Powell; pianist, Mrs. A. E. Holley; assistant, Mrs. E. R. Hopper. Mission Band superintendent, Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer; Baby Band superintendent, Mrs. R. Turnbull; press reporter, Mrs. R. E. Rus­ sell; group leaders, Mrs. E. Car­ ter, Mrs. M. Quance. James St. W.A. Christmas was the theme the James St. W, A. meetin; Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Jones read the Christmas in Scripture and carols sung. The Christmas message brought by the Rev. H. J. who spoke on the angels’ words to the terrified shepherds, “Fear Not”. “The fears of the present day are caused the world,” Mr. future will look we look out for United Church is calling on its members to celebrate Christmas in a Christ-like manner, not be­ ing extravagant or ostentatious but rather to hold wholesome family gatherings and to discour­ age drinking which leads to ac­ cidents. Miss Maxine Reeder sang a lovely solo, “A Star Was His Candle,” accompanied by Mrs. H. L. Sturgis. Marie Hodgson gave a reading, “The Touch Of A Mas­ ter Hand.” Mrs. F. A. May presented the slate of 1954 officers which was accepted. Rev. Snell conducted the installation service for the following — honorary president, Mrs. H. J. Snell; president, Mrs. Whitney Coates; vice-presidents, Mrs. A. Fraser, Mrs. Carfrey Cann, Mrs. Stanley Love; secre­ tary, Mrs. J. A. Traquair, assist­ ant, Mrs. Allan Fraser; treasur­ er, Mrs. E. Bell, assistant, Mrs. Laura Harvey; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Percy Passmore, assistant, Mrs. E. Pym. Pianist, Mrs. ^.H. L. Sturgis, assistant, Mrs. I-I. J. Snell; com­ mittee convenors, floral, Mrs. I-I. Pollen; church, Mrs. H. H. Cowen; parsonage, Mrs. E. Stein­ er; visiting, Mrs. emergency, Mrs. A. junior choir, Mrs. nominating committee, Cann, Mrs. C. of on H.J. story, were was Snell by the state of Snell said. The out for itself if the present. The E. 0. c. Tip-Top Tailors Made-To-Y our-Measure or beautiful may be yours free! NYLON HOSE Squire; Elliot; Farrow; Mrs. C. Pickard, Mrs. J. H. Jones, Mrs. W. Witmer; group leaders, Mrs. E. Johns, S. MacNaughton, Mrs. Pooley; auditors, Mrs. Rivers, Miss N. Keddy. During the social hour J. Snell and Mrs. C. W. Down poured tea at an attractively ranged tea table. C. E. C. Mrs. H. ar- The Future Generation “WHAT WILL I DO NEXT?” — Terr ance Stephen, only child of Cpl. S. J. and Mrs. Saxby, Huron Park, is fifteen months old, just the right age for a young fellow to wonder what to get into next. His father, who was posted to Cen­ tralia five years ago, is in the Log Control section of the Royal Canadian Air Force station. —Jack Doerr, Exetei* CGIT Plans Yule Vesper The C.G.I.T'. of James St. United Church, with Mrs. II. J. Snell as superintendent and Miss Helen Anthony and Miss Helen Hardy as leaders, National Christmas vice at the regular vice, December 13. of Caven Presbyterian Church, with their superintendent, Mrs. Donald Sinclair, and leader, Miss Mary Ann Erskine, have been in­ vited to join the James St. group for this special service which has become a symbol of the national strength and unity of C.G.I.T. Dressed in white middies and blue skirts, groups in all IQ provinces will take part in this rededication to the ideals and purposes of the movement, fol­ lowing the order of service pre­ pared by the National C.G.I.T. committee. The Christmas Vesper service, which will include an impressive candle-lighting ceremony symbol­ izing the coming of light to the world with the birth of Christ, is not for C.G.I.T. members alone., The public is invited to attend and take part in the service and to become acquainted with the activities of this interdenomina­ tional movement, under the Can­ adian Council of Churches, whose chief purpose is to present the Christian way of life to teen-age girls. will observe Vesper Ser- evening ser- The C.G.I.T. COTTON JERSEY PULLOVERS ASSORTED KID GLOVES A FEW LADIES’ SLIPS n $1.98 $2.00 $1.98 It's Not Too Late! It’s not too late to win our $15.00 free merchandise prize! Present your sales slips December 24 and for the largest total we will give you your choice of $15.00 worth of merchandise. PHONE 169-J ■< WIN Gram Says: Is One Year Old! By MARJORIE STEINER by contributing r e c i p LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S WEAR EXETER BIG MONEY ON BIG TOP CFPL Radio 3 to 4 p.m. Daily with Box Tops from CANADA PACKERS Big Wash Day Products On December 11, 1952, Gram’s recipe column was begun. So this week we are celebrating our first birthday. We’ll confess, we undertook the project with some fear and trembling. But it’s been so much fun ibecause you, our readers, have made it your col- Pin Chatter with the umn s ACTS WICKER Rebekahs Plan Christmas Party Members of Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge will hold a Christmas party following the next regular meeting, December 16. An exchange of gifts will be made. The Lodge made plans for this, and other events at a meeting Wednesday night. On Friday, December 11, lodge members will visit the County Home at Clinton and will put on a program for the residents there. Cars will leave the lodge rooms at 6:45. A bridge and euchre marathon is planned for the winter months. AMAZING SUDt WAJKIMG Au‘v JAIRKi & MJMtt Dishcloth inside each NEW DOUBLE SIZE PACKAGE OF QUIX SOAP POWDER • GIVES YOUR WASH THAT CLEAN LOOK I • MAKES COLORS BRIGHTER, WHITE CLOTHES WHITER _ e which have become quite popular. As for Gram, writing the col­ umn has helped her to prove a statement sh& has often made that “life begins at 50.” So here we start out on our second yeai' and we hope your co­ operation will make it as pleas­ ant as our first year has been. We have cookie recipes from Mrs. A. Ryckman and Mrs. W. E. Gardiner and a Christmas pudding recipe from Mrs. Motz, of Crediton. Dainties (Mrs. A. Ryck-man) 1 cup white sugar 1 lb. dates 2 eggs beaten a little salt Cut dates in pieces and mix well with other ingredients. Cook mixture about five minutes until it thickens, stirring all the time. Remove from stove and stir in three cups rice krispies and blend well, and R.L. When washing floors, put wax on in the evening; polish the next morning. It takes half the time and less rubbing to bring out a hard, bright polish. EXETER F. C. Beaupre J. H. Jones Grocery Rick’s Foodland Sanders Grocery / The following- retailers of Exeter and District stock “QUIX” Double Size and “BYE” Detergent: GRAND BEND 1 Desjardines’s Wallys Meat Market LUCAN Geo. H. Paul Revington Food Mkt. ZURICH Thiel’s Grocery CENTRALIA Glenn Robinson Ladies Children Children’s TWO-PIECE PLAIDMILLINERY for LADIES and CHILDREN All At SPECIAL PRICES! Dresses Hosiery Sleepers Pyjamas Sweaters Mitts ★ Skippy Overalls ★ Matched Jeans and Shirts ★ Nylon Rompers could choose the wrapped parcel which most appealed to you. Mrs. F. Whilsmith and Mrs. Alvin Moir convened the commit­ tee in charge of the attractive tea room.Ladies' League By NORMA WILSON On Tuesday, December 1, the Yarn .Spinners took five from the Wee Hopes. Agnes Appleton was high spinner with 511 (193); Norma Snell rolled 5 21 " the Wee Hopes. The same night the stole five points from Bunnies. High Jill Preszcator 546 (230). Lois Por­ terfield was tops for the Bunnies with 550 (248). Repeating the tale on alleys 5 and 6, the Alley Cats trimmed the Hi-Lights 5-2. For the Cats, Katy Hay, the captain, rolled a neat 584 (203); Edna Glaab toosed 552 (233) for the Lights. Wednesday, December 2, in an­ other 5-2 victory, the Cracker Jacks triumphed over the Jolly Six. Lorraine Montrose cracked 509 (221) for the Jacks and Helen Frayn e was top gal for the Six with 451 (184). The top team, the Happy Gals, dropped seven po.ints to the Hot Dogs. High for the Dogs was Dot Brady 524 (193); another Dot (Hall) bowled 597 (211) for the Gals. Another shutout was recorded when the Pin Poppettes took all from the Nit Wits. Highest Pop­ per was Phyllis Haugh 456 (186); for the Nit Wits Maxine Reeder was high with 424 (208). On Thursday the Skunks brought along their peculiar per­ fume it seems because the Busy Bees took seven points from those hard-to-beat gals. Georgina Webster was buzzing with 540 (188) and for the Skunks Mar­ ion Walters was high with 49 8 (190). The Frisky Si&ters captured five points from 'the Merry Maids. Peg Hunter-Duvar was the high­ est sister with 482 (183); mer­ riest maid was Naida Francois with a lovely 637 (225). High single this week wag out red-headed gal, Mary Westlake, with a 269 game. Keep it up Mary, we may get a free coke yet. High triple was rolled by Nai- who ivas on the to prac- (234) for Jolly Jills the Dumb was Alma Form into two-inch rolls roll in coconut. * ' * * * Orange - Peanut Butter Ice Box Cookies (Mrs. W. E. Gardiner) cup cup cup cup egg tibsps. orange juice tbsp, grated rind cups flour tsp. salt tsp. soda cup pecan nut meats butter peanut butter brown sugar white sugar well beaten % % % %1 2 1 2% U % Vz _ _ Method: Cream butter and pea­ nut butter. Add sugar gradually, then egg, juice and rind. Add .sifted, flour, soda and salt. Stir in nut meats. Form into rolls, wrap in wax paper and chill in frig. Slice and bake on greased cookie sheet at about 375° for 15 Slips Panties Pyjamas Sweaters Blouses Hosiery Gloves Hand Bags Scarves ofYes, you can win these won­ derful Christmas- prizes! You the draw for every purchase, and Christmas. Two pairs of will receive a free chance large or small, between now nylons will be given away every Saturday night! The Tip Top Suit will be drawn for on Christmas Eve! Make sure your jiame is entered. on THESE LADIES WON NYLONS! Saturday, Nov. 29—Mrs, Arthur Fraser, Exeter Saturday, Dec. 5—Mrs. Del Mooney, Exeter “WONDERSILK” DRESSES Sizes 145 to 245 Variety of Colors and Styles Just the Thing for Mother! ONLY $8.95 NEW! HANKIES Lovely Irish Linens and imported Swiss Varieties Colorful Floral Decorations! FROM 25? UP Buy HER Presents At LADIES’ WEAR MAIN ST., EXETER Centralia WA Makes Donation The Sunday School room Centralia United Church, beauti­ fully decorated with a manger scene, near which stood a table with open Bible and tall white tapers, a Christmas tree and poinsettias, made an interesting setting for the December meeting •vf the W.A, l Mrs. Gerald God bolt, preflidont, spoke on “Christmas Celebrations in Other Lands”. Slides on the “Story Bethleham .Star”, “The Family”, “The Wise Men and the “Old Rugged were shown. At intervals program, c „ Mrs. Reg Hodgson and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson sang a duet. During the business meeting conducted by Mrs. K. Greb, the co-presidents were appointed to send cheer boxes to shut-in mem­ bers of the congregation. Donations were voted to the Navy League, War Memorial Children’s Hospital and the M. and F. fund. Approval was given for the purchase of kitchen equipment. Roll call, 'T for Christmas?” by 33 members nine visitors. Following the ____ .. ..... dal Christmas dinner was served by Mrs. Alton Isaac and her com­ mittee. Mrs, Gerald M c Fa 11 s voiced the appreciation of the members to Mrs. Isaac rind bar assistants. of the Holy Came” Cross’ in the carols were sung and What do you Want was answered and there were meeting a typl- I da Francois, beam with 637. It pays tise. STANDINGS Happy Gals ..... Hot Dogs ....... Wee Hopes ..... Alleys Cats ...... HI Lights ....... Jolly Jills ....... Busy Bees ...... MOrry Maids ,... Yarn Spinners .. Frisky Sisters ... Skunks .......... Plti Poppettes ... Jdily Six ........ Nit Wits ........ Dumb Bunnies .. Crackerjacks .... G 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 p 50 46 45 43 37 34 34 32 32 31 30 28 19 15 14 14 1 Vz 1 1 Vz y2 y2 % % Vz minutes. He $ $ $ Christmas Pudding (Mrs. R. L. Motz) chopped suet brown sugar flour grated carrot * raisins mixed candied fruits cinnamon nutmeg salt soda, dissolved in milk cup cup cup cup cup cup tsp. tsp. tsp. tsp. . , . (If pudding seems too thick, add a. little milk.) Steam two hours. Serve with carmel sauce. Serves four. Caven Christmas Fair Remunerative The ladies of Caven Presby­ terian Church held a very suc­ cessful Christmas fair in W. G. Simmons show room on Saturday afternoon. Prospective buyers queued up outside the door wait­ ing for it to “be officially opened by Santa Claus when the clock struck three r The baked goods, farm pro­ duce and fancy Work and apron booths were ail well partoniiied. Miss Margaret Brown presided at the surprise tabic where you LADIES' JEANS 20% OFF SUITS, COATS AND COAT SETS CHRISTMAS CARDS See Our Large Assortment of Boxed and Single Greetings COUTTS ANDERSON'S PHONE 37 EXETER W'