The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-12-03, Page 9Page 3 McGilli- n. Mickle’s put Mo­ THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 3, 1953 Are You Ruptured? League play wiu the ice • DELIVERY • CAPACITY Used Cars • SERVICE 1951 1946 1951 PHONE 156J953 1953 1952 Santagram 0 draw in theExeter offi-WIN 0 1 1 2 second tri­ Langford’s T 0 1 1 0 0 0 p 4 3 3 2 0 0 P 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 0 0 the of the w 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 * CAN GREET CHILDREN IN YOUR “TOYTOWN” ’ SATURDAY AFTERNOONS FROM 3:00 P.M. TO 5:00 P.M. IN DECEMBER. sen- first dis- L 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 SIGNED SANTA CLAUS 1951 1949 Twice your needs Always a reserve, Always at regtr lar intervals. Our Service Is Different! We Sell You A Fit In Our Private Truss Room Trusses, Belts, Supports of All Kinds All-weather de-’ • pendability. COACH COACH HARDTOP SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Over 20 Years’ Experience a much-im- year, They the R.C.A.F, 5-4 contest. Brown, Glep to hold the fast-skating crew to a stanzas, are icing team this ☆ ☆ Forest (A) .. ................ Lucan (C) ........... Exeter (A) ........... Hensall (A) ......... .ilderton (D) ................. Strathroy (A) ............. St. Marys (A) ........... Goderich (A) ............... Zurich (C) ........... Byron (B) .............. . ..* * * SCORES THIS WEEK Exeter 5, Hensall_______ _______ 2 St, Marys 3, Ilderton . Hensall 12, Ilderton 10 Lucan 5, Exeter 2 Forest 6, Zurich 4 Strathroy 10, Byron 3 Goderich 6, St. Marys 3 Cyclone Standing T 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 parade. Bob Watson pot­ fifth marker, Heweiv and Bill Musser the Mohawk goals. TO BEAVERS TOYTOWN, EXETER: METEOR SEDAN CHEV SEDAN ANGLIA STUDIE STUDIE METEOR SEDAN DELIVERY DODGE HALF-TQN STUDIE HALF-TON Dashwood ........ Creditors .,................ Centralia .................... Centralia R.C.A.F, .. Grand Bend tylarpone ...................... son, Coates. LUCAN: Goal, Barnes; defense, W. Smith, Brown; centre, Rowett; wings, MeTavish, Gaudette; alternates, Mc­Alpine, Yelle, Hardy, F. Revington, G. Revington, Kirkpatrick, L. Rev­ington, Watson, Stevenson. First Period1— Exeter, Hewer(F. and J. Andersen) ....... 2,45 Penalties; w. Smith, McAlpine, Rowett. Second Period ’ 2— Lucan, Gaudette(Smith, Rowett) 2,453— Lucan, F. Revington(Kirkpatrick) .................. 5,05Penalties: F. Revington, F. Ander­son (match misconduct), D. Brintnell, Elder. Third Period 4— Lucan, F. Revington(Smith, Kirkpatrick) ........., 10.385— Lucan, Watson(L. Revington, Stevenson) 15.116— Exeter, Musser( Elder) ..... 17.007— Lucan, Gaudette (Rowett) .. 19.38Penalties: L. Revington, Brown (match), Richards, Hewer, Glenn, MeTavish.Referees: Higgins, Bloxam. - Your Drugs At - ROBERTSON'S Phone 50 Exeter "fa ☆ ☆ ☆ iz GRAHAM ARTHUR Ontario Crediton Squad Centralia Win Creditor and Centralia squads scored wins in Rec Tuesday night. Crediton defeated squad in a close Wein, Schroeder, ............ and Fuller scored fpr the win­ ners. Marksmen for the airmen were Butler, Larstone, Chef and Kearny. •Centralia handed Exeter Mar­ oons a 7-5 defeat. Glen Robinson starred for the winners with four goals. Bond, Isaac " and Swartz fired singles each. For the Maroons, Parsons scored two, Beayers, Willard and Mike notched the others. W L 2 o 1 1 1 o o BIG MONEY ON BIG TOP CFPL Radio 3 to 4 p.m. Daily with Box Tops from CANADA PACKERS Big Wash D,ay Products novrsoi/r that keeps on giving! ( Dishcloth inside each iff W DOUBLE SIZE PACKAGE 0E QUIX SOAP POWDER • GIVES your wash that CLEAN LOOK/^eSF • MAKES COLORS BRIGHTER, WHITE CLOTHES WHITER ACTS QUICKER RCA VICTOR Records -eSSC*' FULLY AUTOMATIC "45 RECORD CHANGER plays through your present set Lucan Six Score 5-2 Triumph Hand Mohawks Second Defeat hear our complete collec­ tion of records in long-playing or 78 rpm speed. Ip view of the flying fists on Tuesday uight, the hockey was almost incidental to the other contests of the evening. Between the physical battles, Lucan Irish came from behind to struggle 5-2. In capturing their umph of the season, lads handed Mohawks their, sec­ ond defeat as against two wins. Trailing 1-0 after the first per­ iod, Lucan came back strongly iu the middle frame to score two quick goals. The Irish widened that margin in the third. Coach Stars Len Gaudette, speedy playing­ coach for Lucan, and Fred Bev­ ington, veteran Irish star, fired two counters each to lead the scoring ted the Fred flashed Exeter dominated play in first period. With the help three penalties to the Irish, Mohawks held the home club in its own end most of the stanza. Their power plays didn’t click, however, and they lacked a pay­ off punch around the net. Fred Hewer finally lit the red bulb at the 16-minute mark. Frank Anderson rushed the puck into the Lucan zone, flipped a high pass across the goal to the other side of the rink, Johnny Anderson knocked it out in front and Hewer got a big enough piece of the rubber to bang it against t the goal post. It bounced across the line, hit the other standard and ricochetted out but the cials allowed it. Barnes Good Jake Barnes made some sational saves during the stanza and the Irish unit played effective penalty - killing tactics. Mohawks began to dominate play again in the second.but Len Gaudette changed the picture with a terrifically fast break that produced the tying marker at 2.45. Exeter’s defense was caught in the Lucan zone when Bill Smith got the disc out to centre Eddie Rowett who flipped to Gaudette. In an amazing b,urst of speed, the small but tricky for­ ward raced in from left wing and beat Reg Turner on a drive that caught the top cornei’ of the cage. Fred Revington, who played an effective game even though he was recovering from an injury and not expected to dress, scored Lucan’s second tally three min­ utes later. He stopped a Mohawk advance, shot. the puck to Ken Kirkpatrick who relayed it back. Revington went in alone and fired underneath the sprawling Turner. Doubles Duty Exeter's play weakened after Frank Anderson was put out of the game. George Shaw, playing his first tilt of the season, took on the heavy chore of centreing the front line and relieving on defence. Despite this, the locals held Lucan scoreless the rest of the period and halfway into the third. Fred Revington counted the winners’ tally at 10.38 from a scramble in front of the Smith and Kirkpatrick were en assists. Mohawks lost another man minutes later when they carried Al McGillivray, first string de­ fender, off the ice with a leg in­ jury. 1 Bobby Watson scored on a backhand shot at 15.11 to it 4-1. Assists went to Revington and Ron Stevenson. Pots Rebound Bill Musser flipped in a loose rebound for Exeter minutes later as the Mohawks tried to rally. Ted Elder also got credit on the play. But Lucan fired the parting shot. Eddie Rowett broke up a Mohawk rush and carried over 1 the blueline, sucking the defence ' in with a change of pace. He flipped to. Gaudette on left wing who labelled one from 25 feet out. There were only 22 seconds left in the game. Although both teams were shorthanded for 12 minutes of play each, only one goal was scored with a man in the penalty box. For a game early in the sea­ son, the crowd was good, EXETER: Goal, Turner; defense, D. Smith, Glenn; centre, F. Anderson; Wings, J. Anderson, Hewer; alter­nates, Richards, Elder, Musser, Mc­Gillivray, ShaW, D. Brintnell, Law- Win Over Hensall On Home Ice 5-2 Mohawkjs scored their second triumph of the season Friday night by scalping Hensall Finks 5-2 in the best ice exhibition yet at the local emporium. The Exeter tribe jumped into a 3-0 lead in the first period but they had to produce good defens­ ive play Hensall last two Finks proved __ _ __ , proved Friday night they’ll be tough opposition in the Cyclone race. After one period of dis­ organized play, the Hensall squad settled into a fast, hard-skating game which kept the locals hust­ ling to keep up. Third period play sparkled with fast, rugged hockey with both teams hitting hard. “ rose continuously until jors for fighting cooled sion. Fred Hewer was the star of the game. The young Grand Bend lad, who alternated between centre on .the third line and right wing on the first, cap­ ped his hard-working perform­ ance with two goals and two as­ sists. Murray Brintnell, Al Mc­ Gillivray and Frankie Anderson fired single tallies. For Hensall, Ron Broom and Al Nicholson flashed the red lights. / Hewer potted the first goal of the game after 11 minutes of Tempers two ma­ th e ten- Mohawk net. giv- two make Leroy SNELGROVES EXETERPHONE 18 play with a trickier that bounced over goaltender. Bill glove. Murray Brihtneli ■hawks up 2-0 with a screened shot from a corner. Al vray fired the third counter af­ ter Bill Musser drew the Hensall team to one side and passed the rubber over to the defenceman at the other side of the blueline. Broom scored Hensall’s first ■—Please turn to Page 10 Kinkids Win First, Take Monkton 5-1 Exeter Kinkids won the open­ ing game of the local W-O.A.A. Midget group Monday night. They defeated Monkton 5-1 in Mitchell Arena. Bill Pollen starred for the winners with four goals. Pave Morrissey fired the other coun­ ter, Jack Taylor earned three assists, with Bill Pincombe and Carey both getting one. The Kinkids’ first home game will be against Hensall on Wed­ nesday, December 9. Meet The Mohawks well with his Always A Fuel Reserve GRATTON & HOTSON GRAND BEND Flyers Drop Two Tilts Centralia Flyers lost their first? two home games in Exeter arena last week. Orangeville spoiled the air­ men’s home opener Thursday night with a six-goal •’splurge in the second period. Final . score was 7-1. ■ On Saturday night, Milverton Dominions took a 9-3 measure of the Flyers. Clinton Colts. play the airmen in the local rink tonight (Thurs­ day). Johnny Anderson Johnny Anderson, who patrols Mohawks’ left wing on the front line, hails from London. He played two years with that city’s Junior. “B” club. Possessor of a bullet-like shot and a good pair of skating legs, John works in shifty playmaker and former teammate, Frankie Anderson. I-Ie’s played hockey most of his *21 years in London. Except for a stiiit in Toronto, all his minor play was in the outdoor rinks of the Forest city. , In his .two years with the Lon­ don Juniors, he played centre and left wing. He was a member of the club in 1951-52 which won t'he .group championship and reached the Ontario finals. Last year, 'he worked in the city’s in­ dustrial league. The 165 pound, 5’ 9”, dark­ haired athlete likes football and swimming besides hockey,. He’s married to the former 'Winnie Fowler, of London. They have two children, Danny 3, and Tom­ my 2, and live in an apartment at Ed. Hunter-Duvar’s motel. John works at Ron Westman’s Sport and Auto Supply. Bill Musser Bill Musser, 24-year-old right winger for Mohawks, has played for Exeter intermediate teams longer than any other member of this year’s squad. Bill first joined the town's big team in 19 4 8, the year Exeter reached the semi-finals to be de­ feated by Port Elgin. Except for this year, he has always played centre. Two seasons ago he was top scorer on the team; last year he was second in line for this honor. The speedy skater was born in Detroit but moved to Dashwood when he was two years old. His first experience in organized hoc­ key came in 1946-47 when he played for Exeter Juveniles. He made the Dashwood intermediates the year before he moved to Ex­ eter. Bill is 5’ 8” tall, weighs 140 pounds and shoots left. He works on the second line with Ray Richards and Ted Elder. In the summer, he enjoys pitch­ ing for the Maroons in the Rec­ reational softball league. Bill was married in September, 1952, to the former Marie Hux­ table, and they live in an apart­ ment on Main Street. Bill works in the implement business of his father-in-law, F. W. Huxtable. Yes, Kiddies, Santa Claus, will be in our Toytown for two hours every Saturday before Christmas, to hear from your own lips what you want for Christmas. Ask Mummy or Daddy to bring you to Beavers Toytown on Saturday afternoons between 3:00 and 5:00 to talk to Santa Claus and tell him what you really want for Christmas. WHILE THEY LAST 21 Walking Dolls Reg. $10.95 SPECIAL $7.95 Beavers Hardware PHONE 86 EXETER Cyclone Menu Thursday, Dec. 3Byron at Hensall Friday, Dec. 4Zurich at Lucan at Forest at Saturday, Dec. 5Strathroy Tuesday, Dec. 8 Lucan at Goderich at Hensall Strathroy at Forest Wednesday, Dec. 9 Ilderton at Zurich Exeter Goderich St. Marys at Byron Byron Midget Schedule November30—Seaforth at Mitchell Exeter at Monkton (9) December 9—Hensall at Exeter Monkton at Mitchell14— ‘Seaforth at Monkton Hensall at Mitchell (9)16— Mitchell at Monkton 17— Exeter at Seaforth (9)22— Hensall at Seaforth 23— Mitchell at Exeter29— Mitchell at Hensall30— Monkton at Exeter January 4—Exeter at Mitchell Hensall at Monkton (9)7—Mitchell at Seaforth15— Exeter at Hensall11—Monkton13— Seaforth14— Monkton16— Seaforth All games at . .. otherwise indicated. at I-lensall at Exeter at Seaforth (9) at Hensall .7 n.m. except where Six Tied For Second In Tight Cyclone Race Although only 16 games have been played this season, the Cy­ clone race has already developed into a tight contest. Six of the ten teams are dead­ locked in second place with two wins each. Forest Lakesides continue to set the pace. Thdy defeated Zur­ ich 6-4 Tuesday night to chalk. Up their third Win and continue their undefeated streak. Lucan, Exeter, Ilderton, Hen­ sall, St. Marys, and Stfathroy are bunched together behind the loader. All have suffered two de­ feats except Lucan. Goderich won its first garde Oh Tuesday night, defeating St. Marys 6-3. Last year's champions, Ilder- tOh, slid back iii the standing this Week with defeats at the Muds of “A” olhbs. Hensall stop­ ped the “D“ team 1 U-liO1 Mohday night and St. Matys blanked the former winners 3-0 last week. Flyers Lose Zurich Flyers suffered a de­ feat in their first game Of the season, The offensive strength of Forest, combined with the torrid goaltending Of Bryce Dafoe, stop* ped the Flyers 6-4. Norland, paced the scored two ior Barasli singles. Fourteen Including a misconduct to Jim Hayter. Injured Stars Playing with his left wrist in a cast didn’t prevent Bob Ddig from starring in the Hensall win Over Ilderton. i)oig, who broke the wrist in a game against sttathroy, potted four goals for the winners in their 12-10 tri­ umph. Morton counted three' and Broom two in the Hensall attack. ilderton’s McNair scored three and Evans fired two, Randall and Wright winders. Bob Haytef for Zurich, with Jun* ahd Rortier notching penalties 'were Called, PHONE 16 Aylmer Pumpkin 28 oZ Christmas Is A Family Affair . . . and Gould & Jory is the place for Christ­ mas shopping because it’s a family reasonable prices. A Lay-Away Plan store. Gifts galore for everyone—at for your convenience. For Children Snow Suits Station Wagon Coats Goloshes Mitts and Gloves Pyjamas Sweaters Lined Jeans Corduroy Slacks Cotton Flannel Shirts Nylon Slips and Panties Handkerchiefs Handbags Nylon Hose Mitts and Gloves Boxed Handkerchiefs Nylon Overboots Blindcraft Aprons Snuggledown Gowns Snuggledown Pyjamas Housecoats Houseslippers McBrine Luggage For Men * Belts, Plain and Initialed Ties Braces Cuff Links Tie Clips, Plain Tie Clips, Initialed Housecoats Houseslippers McBrine Gladstone Bags Motor Rugs For the Home For Ladies Dress Nylon Gowns Nylon Slips and Panties Rayon Gowns Rayon Slips add Panties Cardigans Pullovers Silk Headsquares Scarves Station Wagon Coats Biltmore Hats Forsyth Shirts Sport Shirts Cardigans Pullovers Pyjamas Nylon Socks Leather Gloves Initial Handkerchiefs Initiated ScarVes Kenwood Blankets Chenille Spreads Loop Twist Mats Sheet & Pillow Case Sets Wabasso Sheets Flannelette Sheets Towel Sets Bath Mat Sets Linen Tablecloths Lace Tablecloths Luncheon Cloths China Grocery Specials For Thursday, Friday & Saturday Green Giant Niblet Corn 14 OZ Aylmer Tomato Catsup 11 055, 2/350 210 190 Old South Blended Juice 48 ok. .................310 Schneider’s Crimpy Flake Shortening 1 lb..................................... .. 270 Kellogg’s Rice Crispies Med.-2/350 Shop Early Shop At Home GOULD & JORY EXETER