The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-12-03, Page 7Trivitt Officers Elected Again Thp annual meeting of the W,A. of Trivjtt Memorial Church was held at the home of Mrs. F. W. Bawden. Returned to office were following: president, Mrs. Bierling; ’vice-president, Mrs. Heywood; treasurer, Mrs, Andrus; secretary, Mrs. John Luxton, and Little Helpers secre­ tary, Mrs. William Middleton. Reports of the various commit­ tees indicated a very successful year. Plans were made for a Christ­ mas party in the form of a pot luck supper for the ladies of the church, in the parish hall, De­ cember 15. News of Sunshine By SIRS, WILLIAM DICKEY the H. V. Alf EXETER TABERNACLE P.A.O.C, Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—'Bible Study and P r a y e r at Mrs. Hamilton’s home. Fri., Sun. Supt. for Sun., day. Sun., God Toward Man.” Come on out and enjoy a good Song Service of the songs that mother used to love. 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School, Mr. E. Cudmore. Classes all ages. Ycu are invited. 11 a.m.—Missionary Sun- , Holy Communion. 7:30 p.m.—“The Love of Town Of Exeter In by co-operation with the decoration project sponsored the Exeter Businessmen’s Association, the council of the Town of Exeter requests householders to a 9 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 3, 1953 Announcements News of Decorate Their Doorways FOR are CHRISTMAS PRIZES offered for the Best Decorated Doorway In Town Three Prizes: 15-Pound, 12-Pound and 8-Pound Turkeys JUDGING WILL BE COMPLETED BY December 19 Results will be posted in the window of the clerk’s office during the evening of December 19. Council members and the town clerk are not eligible for prizes. Judging will be based on originality and best use of available materials. Commercial-type decorations ■will not be a deciding factor. The Participation of Everyone Will Be Appreciated W. G. COCHRANE Mayor BIG Discounts on Current Models 1953 Buick Riviera Sedan $1,000.00 OFF 1953 Plymouth Sedan $500.00 OFF 1953 Chevrolet Delux Coach ‘ $300.00 OFF4 I Phenominally Low Prices ON LATE MODEL USED CARS ’50 PONTIAC COACH ’50 CHEVROLET COACH ’48 MERCURY SEDAN ’47 FORD SEDAN *52 AUSTIN SEDAN *52 PONTIAC SEDAN *51 MERCURY SEDAN Terrific Bargains On Pre-War Cars TrucksOnly Two Left ’SO STUDEBAKER PICKUP, like new ’50 DODGE PANEL, as good as new Any Reasonable Offer of the Above Not Refused 4 I TEL. 478 PEARSON MOTOR SALES Pontiac - Buick - GMC ZURICH JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. 3. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.O.M., Musical Director 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m,—Morning Worship| Sermon Subject: “The “ quenchable Light.” Anthem by the Choir. Solo; Bruce Cudmore. 7:00 p,m.—Evening Worship. Sermon Subject; “Hallowed Be Thy Name.” Duet: Kathryn and Marilyn Hicks. A warm welcome is extended to all. Un- THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Rev. Carl Schroeder, Minister This Sunday, 2:30 p.m.—Service in Main Street United Church. All welcome! Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Johns and Marie were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cowdrey at Kirkton, when they celebrated Mr, Jack (Smithy) Johns’ eightieth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Rodd and children were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Passmore, of Thames Road, on Saturday eve­ ning when they celebrated little Paul’s first birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Simp­ son and family, of Kirkton, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Miller, of Londesboro; Mr. Bill Quacken­ bush, of Komoka, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johns and Marie visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rollings, at Cen- ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Minister; Rev. E. N. Mohr 10:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m.—Bible School. 7:30 p.m.—Evening Worship, Subjects: Singing Christmas Carols, Observing Advent Time. Welcome. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, B.A., Minister Organist: Mrs. J. G. Cochrane 10:00 a.m.—Tne Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Public Worship. Thurs., Dec. 3, 4:15 p.m.—Mis­ sion Band. Mr. Sinclair will speak. Thurs., Dec. 3, 8:00 p.m.—A re­ ligious film, “THE HIDDEN HEART”, will be shown in the Sunday School room. Everyone welcome. Offering. Thursday, Dec. 10, 8:00 p.m.— Caven Auxiliary, Women’s Missionary Society at .the manse. 0 MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. E. Holley, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist Sunday, December 6— 10 a.m.—The Church School in all Departments. 11 a.m.—“The Drama of Christ­ mas.’’ Morning Worship Only. Come and bring a friend. TR1VITT MEMORIAL — Anglican — Organist: Robert Cameron 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:30 p.m. — A college student will have charge of the service. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, December 6— 10:00 a.m.—My Stewardship. 11:00 a.m.—Meeting of the Con­ gregation. 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.—Light of the World. Sunday, Dec. 20, 7:30 p.m.—The Christmas Program. Garnet C. Murray Woodham Farmer Garnet C. Murray, 67', a for­ mer resident of Exeter, died .sud­ denly at his home in London on Monday following a heart attack. Born near Bayfield, Mr. Mur­ ray farmed at Woodham for over 20 years. He moved from Exeter to London eight years ago. Surviving are his wife, the former Harriet Young, two sons, Donald and Alvin, London; two daughters, Miss Shirley Murray, London, and Mrs. Elroy Desjar- dine, Zurich. Also surviving are his mother, Mrs. Mary Ann Mur­ ray and brother Cecil Murray, both of Exeter, and two sisters, Mrs. Robert Talbot, Edmonton, and Mrs. Will McKewen, London. The Rev. Howard Sugden, of Central Baptist Church, con'duct- ed the funeral service on Wednes­ day at the Bennett-Oatman fune­ ral home and interment was made in Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens. Bank Shares Fast Growth Striking confirmation of the rapid pace of Canada’s extra­ ordinary development is found in the Bank of Montreal’s annual report to its shareholders and its two million customers. The 136th annual financial statement of the country’s senior chartered bank shows all-time peaks in the most important departments, wth total resources running to a record figure of $2,364,000,000. A most notable indication of the nature and pace of business activity during the past year is provided by the fact that the B of M’S total loans have in­ creased by $145,582,0010' and stand at the impressive total of $857,762,561. These loans are made “to Can­ adians of every calling—farmers, miners, fishermen, oil men, lum­ bermen, ranchers—to industrial and business enterprises and to provincial and municipal govern­ ments, according to the report just issued by the local B of M manager, C. E. Shaw. His report underlines the fact that the extent of the bank’s par­ ticipation in financing the busi­ ness and personal needs of its customers is made possible by the record amount of funds which B of M depositors placed with its branches from coast to coast. In­ creased over the year by $79 million, the bank’s total deposits run to $2,226,'960,000—the high­ est figure in the bank’s long his­ tory. Well over half this money is made up of the savings of pri­ vate citizens in all walks of life. Strong Position Maintained Notwithstanding the greatly in­ creased''amount of money which the B of M is' lending to its cus­ tomers, the traditionally strong liquid position of the institution has been maintained, with quick­ ly available resources at $1,513,- 000,000 equal to 66.75 per cent of all its liabilities to the pub­ lic. Of these “quick assets” the most important in size* are the bank’s holdings of government bonds and other investments ■amounting in all to nearly a bil­ lion dollars. Earnings and taxes both show­ ed increase for the bank’s year which closed on October 31. After allowing for a tax-bill of $6,650,1000—up from $'5,918,000 in 1952'—the B of M reported earnings from the operation of its 600 branches of $7',042,676. Of this amount $5,040,000 is be­ ing paid to shareholders. This represents a return of 5.21 per cent on their investment, com­ pared with 5.01 per cent last year. The bank's rest account was further strengthened and stands at $ 6 0,0 O'O1,0 0 0. BIRTHS BELLEROSE — Mr. and Mrs. James Bellerose, Centralia, are happy to announce the birth of a daughter at South Huron Hospital, December 2, 1953. GACKSTETTER—Mr. and Mrs. Arn­ old Gackstettei1 ‘(nee Irma Fergu­ son) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Karen Jean; a sister for Gail and Lynn; at South Huron Hospital, November 25 1953. t ORMSTON—Mr. and Mrs. Ray Orm- ston (nee Margaret McNaughton), Unionville, announce the birth of their son, Donald Thomas, in Wo­ men's College Hospital, Toronto, on November 25, 1963; a grandson for Mr, and Mrs. Lome McNaughton, Cromarty.McMANUS—FO, and Mrs, Bruce Mc­Manus, R.C.A.F. Station Centralia, are happy to announce the birth of their son at South Huron Hos­ pital, November 27, 1953. THOMSON — Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Thomson (nee Isabel Armstrong) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Jannice Marie, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Monday. November 23, 1953. WIEGAND—Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Wei­gand wish to announce the birth of "a son, Gordon James, on Nov­ ember 28, 1953, in South Huron Hospital; a brother for Rose Marie. DEATHS MELVILLE—At the home of his sis­ ter, Mrs, Wesley Simmons, Main Street, Exeter, on Monday, Novem­ ber 30, 1953, Warren Melville, in his seventy-first year. ENGAGEMENTS IN MEMORIAM WELSH—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Scott Thomas Welsh, who passed away one year ago today, November 30, 1952. They say time heals all sorrow And helps us to forget, But time so far has only proved How much we miss you yet. God gave us strength to fight it, And courage to bear the blow, But what it meant to lose him No one will ever know.—Sadlv missed by his loving wife, Hazel. 3c WOODBURN — In loving memory of Evelyn, who passed away two years ago: December 3, 1951.Though your smile is gone forever And your hand we cannot touch; Still we have so many memories Of the one we loved so much. —Ever remembered by Carman, Olive and Marion, 3nc c: I:: iii now the Kirkton By MBS. FRED HAMILTON people, their why of living and tilling the soil, At the close, of the mooting n 20-question quizz was enjoyed. Sixteen were present at the meet­ ing. A Full 's Enjoyment When You Give The Ice Chips —Continued from Page 6 Ice Show In order to give people in surrounding towns and villages an opportunity to obtain re­ served seats for the spectacular ice show "Ice Fantasy of ’54” coming to the Exeter Arena Box­ ing Day, December 26, we will be sending blocks of tickets to Zur­ ich, Dashwood, Lucan, Hensail, Grand Bend, Seaforth and Cen­ tralia to be sold. They will be on sale at stores in these towns for two weeks starting the first week in December, So be sure to take this opportunity to get your tic­ kets. Tickets will be available at the Exeter Arena from De­ cember 1 to December 26. This is for the evening performance only. All seats will be rush seats for the matinee performance. Minor League Teams Our minor league WOAA teams are rounding into shape and their schedule started Monday when the Midgets travelled to Mitchell to play Monkton. All WOAA games are scheduled prior to major attractions in the evenings. The first home game for the midgets will be Wednesday, De­ cember 9, at 6 p.m., when Hen­ sail comes here. With such capable coaches and managers as G. Baynham and Bill Smith with the Midgets, Reg Turner and Clayt Needham with tho Juveniles, Father Charbon­ neau and Doh Butler with the Bantams, it looks like our hockey teams should have good year. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hanna, of Kirlcton, wish to announce the en­ gagement of their youngest daughter, Myrtle Viola, to Donald George Hew­ itt, of Toronto, son of Mrs. Hewitt of Exeter and the late Percy Hewitt, The wedding will take place the mid­dle of December. 3c CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. Joseph Finkbeiner wishes to thank her friends for cards, letters, plants and flowers sent to her while a patient in Victoria Hospital and since returning home. 3* Mrs. Bruce Stanlake, of Grand Bend, wishes to thank those who re­ membered her with cards, flowers, treats and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and since returning home. 3c Mrs. G. W. Howse of Woodstock wishes to express her sincere appre­ ciation for cards, flowers and the deep interest shown by friends of Centralia and vicinity. The family and relatives of Mrs. Howse extend special thanks to Dr. Frank Butson, Hopper and Hockey ambulance group, and for the efficient staff of nurses and management of South Huron Hospital. 3* Mr. and Mrs. John Luxton wish to thank their friends and neighbors, also Dr, J. G. Dunlop, Dr. M. C. Fletcher and the staff of South Hur­on Hospital for kindness pathy shown them during and death of the late Mr. Grieve. Mr. and Mrs. William ____ __ Melvin wish to thank their many kind relatives, friends and neighbors who so kindlv remembered Mr. Stade with cards, flowers, treats and visits while a patient in Victoria Hospital and since returning home. 3* I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to the neighbors and friends who so kindly remembered me with cards, letters and treats, and to the Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Legion for beautiful bouquet of flow­ ers, while a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. — Mrs. Catherine Hedden, I-Iensall. 3c I wish to express my sincere ap­ preciation to' all my friends who sent cards, letters and gifts and also those who visited me while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and since r e t u r n i n g home. —Mrs. M. Houghton. 3c Mrs. Peter Doyle, of Mt. Carmel, wishes to express her sincere thanks and appreciation to all her relatives, friends and neighbors who so kindly remembered her with beautiful gifts, cards and flowers while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, and since returning home. 3c The family of the late Mr, Isaiah Witmer wish to sincerely thank their many friends, neighbors and relatives for the visits, cards and flowers dur­ ing Dad's illness, and also for the many expressions of sympathy ’ ' “ their recent bereavement. IN MEMORIAM KLUMP—In loving memory of dad, Mr. John Klump, who _____away one year ago, December G, 1952. Just a token of love and remembrance Of a father I'll .never forget; His memory to us is a treasurer, His passing a lifetime regret. —Always remembered by his (laugh­ter, Mildred Holtzman, and family. 3* PASSMORE—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. John Passmore, who passed away Dec­ ember 7, 1950.Three years have passed away and gone Since one we loved so well Was taken from our home on earth, With Jesus Christ to dwell.The flowers we place upon her grave May wither and decay, But the love of her who sleeps be­neath Shall never fade away. —Always remembered by her husband and family. 3c WELSH — In loving memory of a precious Dad, Scott Thomas Welsh, Who left this world to live with the Lord one year ago today, Nov­ ember 30, 1952, It is not in the grave I think of my loved one,It is only the house that he lived in is there;He’s yonder with Jesus, alive in the glory, And oh, What a comfort to know that he's there.I’ll meet him again, I know that for certain, It may be in Heaven, in the air, that’s with ” i ’ plans foi __ mine to wait for up there. G. Dunlop, Dr. ""M. and sym- the illness James H.3c Stade and during3c a dear passed minor a very i, or perhaps Jord, in His •e, meeting mill that , Wayne. 3c lemory of a „ „...............Mrs. Lisle i, who passed away two 3, 1951. , us her smiling face pleasant, cheerful ways, ............ >n so many friends bygone happy days.lgh her smile has gone forever id her hands wo cannot touch, shall never lose sweet memories tile one we loved so much. vo loved her, so we miss her, pur memories she is near, remembered, longed for al­ ways, But But -Ever lovingy remembei Great Day. His loving tl- ____the futur ‘ * the ■ed ti son, Times- Advocate Fairfield Fann Forum The Fairfield Farm J met at the home of Mr Lamport with an attendance of 24. -J-’/' “The Struggle for Men’s Minds.” The next meeting will he held at the home of Mr. Elmer Wilson, Forum r. Ted WOODBURN—In loving dear wife and mothei Woodburn, . ' . ... years ago, DecembeiGone from us, And herA heart that woi Tn ’ ’Thoi Af Wo of As A In .. Loved, ---------------- ....ways, Bringing many a silent tear. —Ever remombei'Od by lie; Marlene, Margi WOODBURN—In dear daughter Woodburn, wh year! Asleep isband, 3c ry of a Evelyn ... .............„ Ill tret and Bill. loving mchioi and Mister, __ __ o passed away two .go, December 8, 1951. . God’s beautiful garden, 1951 The topic for discussion wasi s » I And when our . Hfp s Jourw Is ended,Wo know wo shall moot*her again. •Ever romomhorod by Mother, sis­ ters and families. 3* Miss Doris Foley and friend spent the weekend with Mrs. Edith Foley. Mr. James Brooks, Stratford, was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Hamilton. Y.P.UA The Young People’s Union met in the basement of the church Monday evening with the mission­ ary convenor, Harold Burgin, in the chair. The topic was given by Norris Atthill, recently returned from service in Korea, Everyone enjoyed his talk on the Korean HELP WANTED LADY FOR ALTERATIONS ON ALL TYPES OF CLOTHING Must Be Experienced Steady Employment For Right Person. Apply In Person Mid-Town Cleaners William St. Exeter Store Open Wednesday Afternoons Until Christmas jx" liiii ::: Li:: UH L:::: | ::: :::th fir ,x! You can solve most of your Christmas gift problems from our large stock, now on display. Come often. Use our lay-away plan if you wish. Lingerie Nylon Hosiery Beautiful new lingerie by Vogue, Stan­ field’s, Patricia and Watson’s-—-in py­ jamas, nightgowns, slips, etc. • Scarves, boxed handkerchiefs, hand­ bags, blouses, dresses, coats, suits, skirts, dressing gowns, etc. • Blankets, bed-throws, towel sets, fancy linens, stetson^ How to make him beam (without knowing his hat size!) It’s simple. Just come in and get a Stetson Gift Certificate, with a miniature hat in a gleaming miniature hat box. He merely trades the certifi­ cate for the Stetson of his choice. He gets the right size, the right style, the right color! Give Him a Stetson Gift Certificate for Christmas Stetson........................$8.95 Brock and Van Kirk $5.95 scatter rugs, table cloths, F. A. Phone 190 Men’s Wear Dry The three best brands we know, of: •Supersilk, Orient and Gotham Gold Stripe. All lengths and sizes 8^ to 11. Newest fall shades at attractive prices. Sweaters By Grand 'Mere—cap and scarf sets, gloves, etc., are always popular gifts. For Him! For Christmas! Fine Gowns 4 Rich rayon lounging robes . . . handsomely styled in attractive jacquard designs in burgundy or blue. Each ...................................... $13.95 and $16.95 “Viyella” . . . famed fox* warmth and its non-shrink qualities. Each ................................................................ $13.95 Boys’ Eiderdown. Each ................................................. $4.95 Just Arrived! Another Shipment of Men’s Gabardine Topcoats With Zip-In Linings This three-season coat is tailored from hard-wearing Nyladure with warm quilted zip-in linings. At the Low Price of $29.00 Polojamas FOR MEN AND BOYS Fine quality combed cotton in light blue with navy trim and grey with wine trim. Men’s .... $4.95 and $5.95 * Boys’ .... $3.49 and $3.65 Special Men’s 100% pure nylon sox treated with nylo-mist to absorb perspiration. Unconditionally guaranteed for 90 days .................................................................‘............ $1.00 pair Boys ...................................................................... 790 and 980 MAY & SON EXETER Phone 190 — Ladies’, Children’s and Babies’ Wear Goods — Floor-Coverings, etc. X to to Superior Store Special Values FOR DECEMBER 3, 4 AND 5 ELLMARR PEANUT BUTTER 1-lb. jars ....................................... each 320 QUICK COOKING OATS (Robinhood) 36-oz. bags ................................ each 170 CLARK’S PORK & BEANS Large 20-oz. tins ........................ each 170 WETHEY’S TOMATO JUICE Fancy quality, 20-oz. tins ...... each 110 CARNATION MILK Large tins each 140 FISHERMAN SOCKEYE SALMON 7%-oz. tins ................................each 350 MITCHELL’S APPLE JUICE Large 18-oz. tins ...................... each 330 DOMESTIC SHORTENING 1-lb. packages .......................... each 280 PALMOLIVE SOAP (Bath Size) Trial bottle Halo free with 3 bars 390 SWIFT’S PREM Luncheon meat per tih 330 CHRISTMAS BAKING SUPPLIES — Full stock of all whole Peel and Pineapple Rings, in bulk. Also all package lines of Cut Peels, Fruits and Pineapple, Almond Paste and baking needs. NEW CHRISTMAS NUTS -- In shell, now on display. “41 J. H. Jones Groceries Phoiies 32 752