The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-05-28, Page 9Church C E CREAM POP'S Taxi Service Phones: Exeter 357 and 545-r-3 Are You Ruptured? Our Service Is Different! We Sell You A Fit In Our Private Truss Room CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Bev. Donald R. Sinclair, B.A., Minister Organist: Mrs. J. G. Cochrane 10 a.m.—Church School. a.m.—Public Worship. Special service in honor of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Monday, June 1, 4 p.m.-—Pic­ nic for the Mission Band and Beginners’ Class at the home of Mrs. James Taylor. Wednesday, June 3, 8 p.m.— Caven Congregational Circle at the home of Mrs. Strang. 11 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1953 THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH 1. O. Rottenbury, Minister This Sunday, 2:30 p.m.—Service in the Exeter Canadian Legion Hall. All welcome! Trusses, Belts, Supports of AU Kinds SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Over 20 Years’ Experience - Your Drugs At - ROBERTSON'S Phone 50 Exeter ZION CHURCH Evangelical United ' Brethren CREDITON Minister: Rev, E. N. Mohr Sunday, May 31, at 10:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.—The Eighty- Seventh Anniversary, Guest Speaker: Mr. D. P. Sav­ age, Listowel, Ont. We bid you a hearty welcome. “Let the hills rejoice and the mountains be glad.” Thursday, June, 4, S:30 p.m.— W.S.W.S. Meeting. EXETER TABERNACLE P.A.0.0. Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer. Mrs. Stewart Triebner in charge, Thurs., 2:30 p.m.—W.M.C. Meet­ ing. Fri,, 8 p.m.—Christ Ambassadors Sun., 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. Supt,: Mr. E. Cudmore. Sun,, 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Sun., 7:30 p.m. — Evangelistic Message. A good song service. SIGNS Of AU Kinds TRUCK LETTERING CUT-OUT LETTERS DISPLAY CARDS, BANNERS the Senior Oh Dear, the Junior Choir: Dear Choir: TRlVlTT MEMORIAL — Anglican — Rector: Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A., M.A. Organist: Robert Cameron May 31—Trinity Sunday. 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:30 for the Day of Coronation of Her Gracious Majestry, Queen Elizabeth II. Tuesday, June 2, 10 a.m.—Holy Communion. Queen Elizabeth has requested all members of the Church to join with her in Communion on the day of her Coronation. Thursday, May Ladies’ Guild home of Mrs. a.m.—Preparatory Service 28, 8 p.m.—The will meet at the Charles Acheson, Crocker Signs Phone 21 Exeter L DON’T GET A GOAT . . . GET A LAWN-BOY GET YOUR LAWN OFF YOUR MIND JAMES ST. CHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.O.M., Musical Director 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. CORONATION SUNDAY Anthem by “For Thee, Country.” Anthem by “Land of Our Birth.” Anthem by Combined Choirs: “Land of Hope and Glory.” Soloist: Bruce Cudmore. p.m.—Evening Worship. The Huronia Male Choir will be present and sing anthems, solos and other numbers. They will be assisted by the ladies who sang in the operetta, with Mrs. Robert Reilly as soloist, and by the boys’ octette from the high school. A warm welcome is extended to all. NOTE; There will be a congrega­ tional meeting Thursday, May 28, at 8:30 p.m. 7 CHURCH OF GOD GRAND BEND Rev. E. Wattam a.ms—Sunday School. a.m.—Worship. ■Evangelistic Service. —Prayer Meeting. -Young Peoples. 10 11 7:30 p.m.- Wed., 8 p.m.- Fri., 8 p.m.— Page 7 Announcements DeliveryNo BIRTHS CARDS OF THANKS Topics From Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE H See it today. up to 250 lbs. Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon, and during the evenings throughout the week: SPRAMITE General purpose .prayer - SNELL BROS. LTD. Garage DON'T GET A GOAT... . ..d - GET A LAWN-BOY MAKE MORE MONEY with a M Economically priced — Avail* able In 6 model* - Pressures MAIN ST. CHURCH Rev. A. E. Holley, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Sunday, May 31— 10 a.m.|—The Sunday 11 a.m.—The Nursery 11 a.m.—“God Anthem: Te (“We Praise 7 p.m.—“What Come and bring a friend. Organist School. Class. Save the Queen.” Deum Laudamus Thee, O God”). Is the Gospel.” LRIUn-BOV ROTARY POWER MOWER •Speedy and effortless. •No raking, no trimming. • Powered by famous Iron- Horse. • Economical, trouble-free. Made in Canada by the manufacturers of Johnson, Evinrude and Elio Outboard Motors. See The Amazing New Twist - O - Wrist TRAQUAIR HARDWARE EXETERPHONE 27 FARM DEFENDER light weight — 500 lb. prat* iure. Engine, P.T.O., ar Row Crop Model Sprayer*. WEED SPRAYERS A ihtfl to suit your roqulro- mentis with boomi In vari- out tlzei. Municipal, Cullom Sproyen a specialty. SPRAYING EQUIPMENT Exeter Farm Equipment ExeterPhone 508 >■ USED CARS 1951 1951 1951 1950 1948 1940 1937 1935 CHEV SEDAN DODGE COACH with Radio FORD COACH with Overdrive PONTIAC SEDAN with Radio PLYMOUTH SEDAN with Radio FORD COUPE FORD COUPE FORD SEDAN TRUCKS All Reconditioned! GMC HALF TON PICKUP DODGE HALF-TON PICKUP AUSTIN PICKUP, New Motor GMC THREE-TON, New Motor GMCs 1947 1947 1950 1948 NEW PONTIAC - BUICKS Immediate Delivery ZURICH 0 Pearson Motors Pontiac and Buick ONTARIO Coronation Day, June 2The family of the late Mrs. Annie Mulligan wish to express their sin­ cere appreciation to those who helped in any way during their recent be­ reavement. Special thanks to the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home, Dash­ wood. 28e COREY— To Mr, and Mrs. Charles W. Corey, Crediton, on Saturday, May 23, at South Huron Hospital, a daughter, Rose Mary Ann Corey; a sister for Marie. EAGLESON—To Mr. and Mrs. Mer- vin. F. Eaglespn, Exeter, on Satur­day, May 23, a daughter, Cheryl Janine, at South Huron Hospital. GAMBLE—To Mr. and JJr.fi, Wendell Gamble (Violet Rader) at St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital, London, on Mon­day, May 25, a son. HERN—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Hern (nee Hazel Langford) of 575 Ma­thers Ave. West, Vancouver, B.C., announce the arrival of their son, Dennis Earl, at North Vancouver General Hospital, on Monday, May 18, 1953. SKINNER —Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner, R.R, 3, Exeter, announce the birth of a daughter on Monday, May 25, at South Huron Hospital. SWIFT — To Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Swift, of R.C.A.F. Station Cen­ tralia, on Monday, May 25, a daughter, Coleen Joy, THOMSON—To Mr. and Mrs. Giles Thompson Jr., of R.R. 8, Parkhill, a daughter, on Saturday, May 23. TINNEY—Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Tin­ ney, of Hensall, are happy to an­ nounce the birth of their son, at Clinton Community Hospital May 29, 1953, Matthew Albert Seandrett; a brother for Ronald and Gregory. WOOD—To Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Wood, Crediton, on Thursday, May 21, a daughter, Patricia Desanne, at South Huron Hospital, DEATHS Personal Items F/O Jack and Mrs. Cann, Rev. William and Mrs. Mair and. Jo­ anne, Mrs. Ferguson, of Exeter, were Wednesday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde. Mr. Grand Bend, F/O Jack and Mrs. Cann, Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Hodgert and Grant were Thurs­ day evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cann. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cann re­ ceived a rousing chivari on Tues­ day evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. ■ Edwin Miller spent the weekend up north on a fishing trip. Many attended the presenta­ tion at Farquhar Hall on Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cann. They received a purse of money. Mrs. Gertie Wiseman returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Cann on Sunday. Mrs. IV. J. Moores is ing the Dominion Board ronto this week. At time of writing, Jimmy Snow, infant son and Mrs. William Snow, critical condition. Attend Anniversary Quite a number from this community attended Woodham Sunday School anniversary on Sunday. Among some of those who with Mrs. Mrs. Dennis with Mr Thomson; Mr. Stewart and Marlene, Mrs. Lorne Passmore, and Paul with Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ gar Rodd; Mr. and Mrs. WilliamRohde, Douglas and Glenn with, — ---- ,-----.. — JR... Mr nnJ Mra Clarnrinp Thnmenn ito express their sincere appreciation Ml. ana MIS. Clarence inomson. |. fh h rgmP.mhnmd Mrs. Whit- and Mrs. Jim Love, of Mr, and Mrs,William attend- in To- little of Mr. is in day and and and and Mrs. Lloyd and Mrs. Jack Mr. and Sharon attended and spent the relatives were: Mr. Frayne Parsons, Mr. Aimer Passmore, David RINKER — In St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, Friday, May 22, 1953, Mrs. Charles Rinker, 72, ENGAGEMENTS Mrs. Alvina Fraser, ot Hensail, wishes to thank her many friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and sympathy during her recent bereavement; also for floral tributes. Special thanks to Rogers, Dr. Goddard and the thron Funeral Home. the Rev, Bon- 28c wishMrs. Seth Brown and family ... to thank their neighbors, relatives and friends who so kindly remem­ bered them in their recent bereave­ ment. For the beautiful floral tributes and for their pathy. Special son. expressions of sym- thanks to Rev. Stin- 28* Mr. Charles wish to thank —-................. -latives for the kindness and —.....during Mrs. Rinker's long illness in the hospital. The sympathy shown during their recent .sad bereavement, for the beautiful floral tributes and cards of sympathy. Special thanks to T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home, Lutheran Ladies’ Aid, Mrs. George Tieman, Mrs. Leo Gibson and Mona Tyler. Also the pallbearers and those who helped in any way. 28c The family of the late Albert King wishes to express sincere apprecia­tion for the many acts of kindness and sympathy of relatives, neighbors and friends shown during their re­ cent bereavement, also to Rev. Par­rott, Misses Joyce and Patricia Cham­bers, Drs. Dunlop and Morlock and the staff of South Huron Hospital. A special “thank you” to the AV.A. of Crediton United Church. Rinker and family their friends and re- 1 cards IN MEMORIAM 28c Highland Hill Dairy Exeter Dairy New Low Tire Prices A special Coronation service will be held on Sunday, May 31, at 11:15 a.m. The regular meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. will be held at the home of Mrs. Vic Jeffery on June 3 at 2 p.m. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist 10 a.m.—“The Coronation”. 7:30 p.m,—‘“The Mind of Christ” HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Daters visited recently with relatives at Sarnia. Entertain Auxiliaries A delightful social evening was held in the Legion rooms, Mon­ day night, when the Hensall Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion entertained as guests the Brussels and Seaforth Auxiliar­ ies. Lovely bouquets formed an attractive setting. President Mrs. S. Rannie pre­ sided. The Misses Mary Ann and Dianne Rannie favoured with a vocal duet accompanied by Miss Gladys Luker who contributed a niano selection. Contests were enjoyed and bingo featured. Mrs. A. Clark acted as caller. Refresh­ ments were served by the com­ mittee in charge. Fitting words of appreciation were expressed on behalf of the visitors. Mrs. F. Beer made the reply. During the social hour Mrs. C. Dennis, of Seaforth, won the lucky prize, a box of pansies. Miss Barbara Forrest Miss Barbara Forrest passed away suddenly at the Consitt nursing home, Hensall, Tuesday, where she had been a patient since February of this year, in her eighty-sixth year. Miss Forrest was born on the Parr Line, Stanley Township, and had been a resident of Hen­ sall for 31 years. Surviving are two brothers, William Forrest, Hensall, and John Forrest, of Hay Township. Resting at the Bonthron funeral home, Hdnsall, where public funeral services will be held on Thursday at 2 p.m. Rev. W. J. Rogers, minister of Hensall United Church, of which she was a. member, will conduct the service. Burial will be in Bayfield cemetery. ■■ fl fl SEED BEANS We have the following varieties of SEED BEANS for sale: Michclite, Robust, Yellow Eye, Navy, Clipper and Bluepod Order Early —• Cook Bros, illing PHONE 24 HENSALL the department of homecrafts, home nursing, and home furn- mem­ table Institute's Annual —Continued frorti Page 1 available through along the lines health education, cultural activities ishings. Dinner was served by the bers of Hensall W.I. The decorations carried out the Cor­ onation theme. The afternoon session opened with a devotional period conduct­ ed by the Rev. W. J. Rogers. A choir of thirty Institute members sang “A Song of Peace”, which was followed by community sing­ ing directed by Mrs. R. Middle­ ton. Grand Mrs. judged Salada first prize to the Grand Bend en­ try which depicted Brewster’s Mill, a local landmark. Seaforth’s entry was in conventional design. Mrs. Arthur Rundle and Mrs. William Bell gave interesting re­ ports of the officers’ they attended recently Mrs. Rundle reporting tions and Mrs. Bell economics and health. Speakers they heard included the Hon. Dana Porter, Byrne Hope San­ ders, Col. T. L. Kennedy and Dr. McKinnon Phillips, Minister of Health. . Mrs. Delmar Skinner a demonstration ments. Elect Officers Mrs. Norman of the Provincial Board, report of the work of her depart­ ment and presided over the elec­ tion of officers. Chosen were: past president, Mrs. James Kirk­ land; president, Mrs. Kenneth Johns; first vice-president, Mrs. -Emery DesJardins, Grand Bend; second vice-president, Mrs. Thom­ as Myers, Zurich ; secretary­ treasurer, Mrs. William Johns, Exeter; assistant, Mrs. Alex Ham­ ilton, Grand Bend; Federated re­ presentative, Mrs. A. Crozier, Seaforth; alternate, Mrs. Harold Walper, Parkhill; auditors, Mrs. Garnet Hicks, Mrs. William El­ ford, Exeter; delegate to area convention, Mrs. Herb Pfile, Grand Bend; convenors: Agri­ culture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. H. I-I. Strang, Hensall; Citi­ zenship and Education, Mrs. Ro­ bert Elgie, Kippen; Community Activities and Public Relations, Mrs. E. DesJardins, Grand Bend; Historical Research, Mrs. Paul Doig, Seaforth; Home Economics and Health, Mrs. William Bell, Kippen; Resolutions, Mrs. Arthur Rundle, Exeter; Junior convenor, Mrs. Margaret McArthur, Walton. Nominate Officer Mrs. J. R. Geddes, Mississippi, Ontario, was nominated for pro­ vincial president by Mrs. David Myers on behalf of Mrs. Thomas Myers, Zurich. Mrs. Ernest Hobbs, St. Marys, chairman of the London area, brought greeting from that area and announced the date of the convention to be held at Hotel London oil October 20 and 21. The theme of the convention will be Home Economics and Health. She asked South Huron branches to participate in W.I, projects at the Western Fair. Several Institute branches re­ ported on their plans to attend Canada Day at the Associated Country Women of the World conference in Toronto August 21. Miss Greta Lammie accompan­ ied the singing throughout the meeting and musical numbers were contributed by the Huron- dale and Seaforth branches. *The 1954 District Annual will he held at Seaforth. Bend Winners R. Kettle, Exeter, who the two entries in the Tea rug contest awarded convention in Guelph, on resolu- on home Larry Taylor and Mrs. of Elimville gave of floral arrange- Keating, director gave a Mr. and Mrs, Frank Reaume, Com­ ber, Ont., announce the engagement of their only daughter, Marilyn Fran­ ces, to Mr. Neil Lloyd Hodgert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodgert, Seaforth. The marriage will take place early in June. 28* I CARDS OF THANKS I Mr. Earl Whiting and family wish ■to those who remembered Mrs. Whit­ing in any way during her illness, to the hospital staff, Dr. M. C. Flet­ cher, Rev. H. J. Snell, the Dinney Funeral Home, those who sent flow­ers and cards or assisted in their home during their recent sad be­ reavement. 28* Mrs. Henry Kestle and family wish to express their sincere appreciation to their friends and neighbors who so kindly remembered them during their recent bereavement. For the beautiful floral tributes and for their expressions of sympathy. Special thanks to the Hopper-Hockey Funeral Home and Rev. Holley. 28* Mrs. E. J. Shapton wishes to ex­press her appreciation to the staff of South Huron Hospital, to the pall­bearers, to those who sent flowers and cards and to the relatives, friends and neighbors who remem­ bered her in any way during her re­ cent sad bereavement. 28c The family of the late Mrs. Russell Baynham of Grand Bend wish to thank all their friends and neighbors for the kindness shown during her illness and recent bereavement, for beautiful floral tributes and cards, also to Rev. W, Smith, the pallbear­ ers and those who loaned their cars.* Miss Ida Gianville wishes to thank hfer relatives, friends and neighbors who so kindly remembered her during her recent sad bereavement. For the beautiful floral tributes, and for their expressions of sympathy. Special thanks to the pallbearers and flower bearers, Rev. Holley and the Dinney Funeral Home. 28* Mrs. Joe Bullock wishes to thank her many friends, neighbors and re­ latives who so kindly remembered her with flowers, cards, letters, treats and visits while a patient in South Huron Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Miss Clay­pole and staff, Rev. Parrott, Dunlop and Dr. Morlock. BROOK — In loving memory of Mrs. Annie Louisa Brooke, who passed away two years ago on June 3. Loving and ki-nd in all her ways, Upright and just to the end of her days; Sincere and true in her heart and mind, Beautiful memories she left behind. —Ever remembered by her daughter, Dora, son-in-law, Ernie, and grand­children.28c of a who May that DICKINS — In loving memory dear father, William Dickins, passed away four years ago 247*1949. Four years have passed since sad day When one we loved was called away, God took him home — it was His will;Within our hearts he liveth still. —Ever remembered by Jack and Shirley. 28’ MacDONALD — In loving memory of Jean and Harold, who were killed May 29, 1948. Oh what would we give to clasp your hands, Your dear kind faces to see,Your loving smiles, your welcome voices, That meant so much to us. No one knows the heartaches,Only those who have lost can tell Of the grief that is borne in silence For the ones we loved so well. —Sadly missed by their daughter, Marcia, and Mom and Dad Bayn- ham. 28* GENUINE DOMINION ROYALS 600-16 ............. $16 EACH 670-15 ............. $19 EACH WHY PAY MORE? BATTERY SPECIAL! SUPER BARGAIN AT $10 EACH Plus Exchange One Of The Largest Manufacturers Extra Duty Gould TRACTOR BATTERIES Top Grade Batteries Made By Ron Westman's SPORT AND AUTO SUPPLY Exeter Lucan F. A. MAY & SON Phone 190 EXETER Phone 190 , Men’s Wear — Ladies’, Children’s and Babies’ Wear Dry Goods — Floor-Coverings, etc. SPORTS Men and of jackets WEAR Boys is complete. Immediate IN YOUR LOCALITY FOR For prompt attention call GUARANTY OF CANADA \ * MONTREAL • WINDSOR or any office of TORONTO OTTAWA Niagara falls • sudbury SAULT STE. MARIE calgary • Vancouver service” RAYE B. PATERSON Trust Officer Hensall, Ontario, Phone 51 TRUST COMPANY Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and Advisory Service 4% Guaranteed Investments 2% on savings deposits may be mailed Real Estate Services NEW for Our stock Exciting new shades and styles by Royal Ascot, Kensington and other smart linens from Boys’ from NYLON TRICOT SHIRTS by Forsyth No need to iron. Simply wash and hang up to dry. A boon to the busy housewife ......... $12.95 well new and known makers in corduroys, velvets, gabardines. Priced ..... $6.95 to $15.95 ........ $3.79 to $6.95 TONY DAY SWEATERS Beautiful new shades and pat­ terns in 100% Australian Botany wool. See the new Natural Cash- mere Finish, permanently moth­ proofed with Mitin at ..... $8.95 “MAGICFIT TOUGHIES” by Monarch No size worries. These 100% ny­ lon sox fit sizes 10 to 13 and are treated with Nylo-mist to ab­ sorb perspiration. Unconditional­ ly guaranteed for 90 days. Priced ................................... $1.69 pair SPORT SHIRTS By Arrow, Balfour and Glenwood Bright summer shades in new cool materials. Plains, fancies and neat checks. For cool comfort buy several of the new rayon eyelets at ....................... $2.95 Dress Up For The Coronation Holiday a new range of dresses, skirts, blouses, etc., for the summer season. Get your Miss Link has just returned from Toronto with complete sportswear, requirements before, the Coronation holiday. 25% Off Ladies' and Misses' Full Length Spring and Summer Coats Suits The 1953 swim suits for ladies, men and children are now in stock. Printed Linoleum We have just received three rolls of good quality printed linoleum—-two floral and one block pat­ terns-— This is require at a very special price $4.95 per run. yd. a very scarce, line so act quickly if you this 4-yard width. I Special Boys* wash suits, styles in sizes 2 and 8 only. Reg. $1.98. On sale at ........................................ $1.49 Phone 32 IF Line Busy Call 752 one- and two-piece Coronation Ties You will want one of these new Corona­ tion ties as a souvenir. Neat crowns and other symbolic motifs .. $1.50 and $2.00 J. H. Jones - Groceries Phone 32 If Line Busy Call 753 Superior Store Special Values For May 28, 29 and 30 HENLEY’S TOMATOES Choice quality, 28-oz. tins ..... each 210 FISHERMAN RED COHOE SALMON Very special value, 7%-oz. tins each 250 CAMPBELL’S SOUPS Tomato or Vegetable 2 tins 250 CLARK’S PORK & BEANS 15-oss. tins ...... 2 for 250 ST. WILLIAMS MARMALADE Orange and Grapefruit, 24-02. jar .. 290 BURNS’ CHUCKWAGON DINNER 15-055. tins ............... each 390 DR. BALLARD DOG FOOD — Tfial pkg. of 3 tins; Chicken, Regular, Liver for 390