Clinton News-Record, 1971-05-06, Page 15Clinton News-Raw d,Thurglay, May 6, 1971 5A The future is in our hands CLINTON DRYCLEANEr. Safety tips Attention Parents! If your child rides his bike at night, or in poor visibility, remember . . the bike must have a white or amber light in front . , a red reflector or light on the,' rear . . . red reflective material at least 10 inches long and one inch wide on the back fender . . . and white reflective material at least 10 inches long and one inch wide on the front forks, Motorists! If, for any reason, you decide to pass the car ahead when you're not quite sure you can do it, remember . . you're risking human life. Never pass other vehicles when climbing hills, on curves, when approaching bridges, railway crossings, or intersections. In other words, never attempt to pass another vehicle unless you're absolutely sure you can do so safely. For a safe passing rule, remember ... "If in doubt, don't!" Applications .will be received until May 8, 1971, for the position of Helper for the Public Works Department, Town of Clinton. Reply in writing stating age, qualifications to: Mr, John Livermore Clerk Town of Clinton, Ontario 17, 18b CLINTON DRY CLEANERS REMIND YOU IT'S NATIONAL FUR CARE MONTH! ..6 /1,0 ,, • For protection of your precious furs, our facilities are unsur- passed. Climate-controlled star- age, insured against all risks, plus meticulous professional care. Call us soon, for free, bonded pick-up of your furs. • A- From' my window.. 011001111111.11101111101.011111111111101 BY SHIRLEY 4. KELI,Elk Master Driver Award MAJOR F. A. Golding CD (left) Base Commander CFB Clinton is shown presenting CPI. Frank Kasawan with the Master Driver Award. The award, a gold and green enamel pin and a plasticized wallet certificate appropriately signed by the Chief of Defence Staff, is made to members of the Canadian Forces and civilian employees in recognition of over 20 years accident-free driving. —CF Photo. Local Serviceman retiring Major F. A. Golding (right) Base Commander CFB Clinton presents MWO A. R. Coutts with a retirement plaque at the WO and Sgts Mess Dinner on April 16. —CF Photo. There is a have Canada, and a have-not Canada. The have-nots from coast to Coast need our help, It will take time and in The process we may make some mistakes. But the first step is to wont to help. if oil of us start Caring and under- standing our fellow Canadian, surety we'll come together, If we don't, we'll come opart. Do we want to have Canada, or hove-not Canada? Only we have the answer. A population stretching east and west, dotted with islands of self-Interest, So what do we do about it? Build fences around its separate regions'? There is a lot we can do. first thing, we should start Caring and understanding. Not just about our own neighborhood, but about oil of Canada. We've got to help all those people and ports of Canada that need if most. How else can we keep our country together Canada. Stand together. 111 111 Understand together. • 141 The odvertisiag industry and your community Board or Chamber, I earn a fan of those columns iii newspapers Where the readers Write in With their personal problems and the columnist attempts to answer with the solutions. Don't get me wrong. I don't want any readers I may have to sit down and pour out their troubles to me in the hope that I will be able to set them straight, That's just not my cup of tea. But I do enjoy reading those literary pieces if for no other reason than to discover now many problems others have that I don't. Every once in a long while someone will write in with a problem which could very easily involve me . and this week I read one somewhere from a gal who said she'd visited at a friend's home for an evening of cards and had been serenaded all evening long with drum solos one after the other, kids arguing, a guitar and arepliphier turned up to the topmost and a stereo belching acid rock. The reader went on to complain that her hostess' seemed to be deaf to the racket and made no move to tone down the din in the background. The entire scene seemed so much like the atmosphere at our house that I began to reread the article time and time again to distinguish some clue which would tell me which one of my friends had written it about our house. I was even more perturbed by the columnist's answer. She advised that her reader shot I have left and told the hostess yo invite her back again another time . . after the children were ail married! I suppose it is difficult for most people to understand the reasoning behind allowing your children to live as they please (within limits, of course) even at home. And I would agree that it is in extremely bad taste for a host or hostess to submit guests to all the turmoil and strife which normally prevails in the household. But I'm a firm believer in encouraging your children to come home and to bring their friends home with them. And I know that if you are going to make a success of this kind of thing, you have to be prepared to accept their company ANYTIME . . . even at the most inopportune moments, That's just t r otten „ seemed, -that my kids choose to entertain at the precise moment that I do, How many times have I invited guests for dinner only to discover that my children have also made tentative plans to ask their friends to eat dinner with us? (Maybe it is because the kids know we'll have something rather special on the menu that evening, I don't know.) After appraising the situation from a nonlysterical vantage point, I've found that I seldom advise my children in advance of my plans, so how in the world could I expect them to know what's going on in any certain day. Furthermore, I've discovered " that it needn't be such a calamity. I simply entertain our guests in the diningroom while my kids have their friends in the kitchen or in the familyroom or on the patio, Who really cares how many dining areas there are as long as everyone gets fed? That's the reason we . have found a large house the only answer to our dilemma raising three children of varied ages and teaching them our approval of using their home as much of the time as possible for whatever activity they may select. It gets bothersome at times . but we've learned that if you shut the doors between the livingroom and the diningroom and between the diningroom and the kitchen and between the kitchen and the familyroom, you can watch television quite easily in the livingroom, have a 4—H conflab in the diningroom, a coloring bee in the kitchen and a rock session in the familyroom. Naturally there is some din seeping through the walls, but if you set your minds to it the whole affair can work quite satisfactorily. I have no patience with guests who come to our house and expect everything to be the same as they left it at their house, Each home is different and I fully expect my friends to adapt to our customs when they visit with us just as I would understand the differences in their way of life while visiting them. And I would strongly urge my guests to either accept things. as they are . . . or leave permanently. It won't do any good to return in 20 years because who knows? By that time I may have taken up the banjo and who wants Osten to that all evening long? ACW meets, The ACW of St. James, Middleton, will meet Thursday evening, May 13, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. John. Smith. There will be the annual sale of garden things, plants, slips, tubers, etc, The roll call word is "beauty." DELTA (RILL FINA STATION 299 Victoria St., Clinton 4824993 OPEN 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Now stock a new line of car and home stero players, tapes and speakers. Also fishing tackle and camping supplies, tf ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES Auction Administrators Pot Large & Small Offerings — a well established and respected market for the orderly and effitient setting of good household furnishings and -antiquities. — a knowledgable Staff whose duty is to safeguard the interests of the Seiler and maintain the confidence of the buyer. many buyers from Many areas wise confidence in estate M a r keting's businesslike procedure and integrity is your assurance of a much, better and -fairer return. if YOU BE tXECUTOH, HOMEOWNER oR ausINEssiviAN WITH FURNISHINGS THAT MUST BE SOLO — ENQUIRE ABOUT ALL THE ADVANTAGES YOU HAVE WHEN YOU RETAIN THP PEOPLE PROM ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES Auction Administrators WINGHAM, ONTARIO 35/4011 Serving Mid-Western OntariG Most Conodions believe in that thought. They believe it with all their hearts. Others believe in it, but won't lift a finger to do anything obout it. Not oil fingers ore born equal. That's why, if we're going to keep this country together, some need more lifting than others. Perhaps, had Canada not been blessed with so vast -a geography and and an orthipelogo of people along its southern edge, our problems might have been Afferent,. But here we are, Can you identify any of the airmen in this picture, The Picture was found recently during the demolision of the old Wearwell factory on Mary Street. Officials at CFB Clinton say the picture was probably taken about 1956. The identities of some are known, but the rest are not. OWE Get/tit/out JUST ASK AT OUR CASH AND CARRY DEPOT ALUKT MEET OR AT OUR PLANT 154 BEECH STREET, NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR WINTER GARMENTS CLEANED AND STORno FOR, NEXT SEASON, CALL 482.7064, FOR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY