Clinton News-Record, 1971-01-28, Page 6Corning Events Eleven Tweenies were enrolled in the Fourth. Clinton Brownie Pack last week in a ceremony at the Clinton Public School. The new Brownies are, front row (left to right) Erin Phillips, Mardell Donna Cole, left, and Terry Flowers of the Fourth Clinton Brownie pack received their Golden Hand awards at a ceremony last week at Clinton Public School. New committees of County Council 7. 61) 1/1 When you're ready to gnarne ,;the day—see the beautiful RAINBOW WEDDING LINE INVITATIONS AND .ANNOUNCEMENTS ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton Walkerton And Seaforth tk: CI1INTON 482-952§V • ',N,K74R.10 ;4•CVMA:(:RtiZeMIC.N,fttv if THE 60th Annual Meeting and Banquet of The Children's Aid Society of Huron County will be held in Ontario Street 'United. Church, Clinton, on Wednesday, February 3rd, 1971. Tickets — $2,5Q, am available from 'Staff or Board Members and must be purchased by January 29th, 1971, The Public is cordially invited to attend, ,--3,413, CARD PARTY at Orange Hall, Clinton on Saturday, January 30 under Auspices LO,L. 710 at 8: 30. Ladies please bring lunch. —4p FRIDAY, February 12, 1971. Carnival Dance, Huron Fish and Game Club, $4.00 couple. Advance sale tickets only. See Stan Falconer or Jim Scott. Lunch provided. —4,5,61) FRIDAY, January 28, 8:00 p.m. Bayfield Community Centre, Share-the-Wealth Bingo. Proceeds for Bayfield Hockey Club. —4b FRIDAY, January 29, Euchre party, Varna Township Hall, 8:30 p.m. Auspices L.O.L. 1035. Ladies please bring sandwiches. —4b CASH BINGO: Legion Hall, Seaforth, Friday, January 29, 8:15 p.m. rlegular games, $10; three $25 games; $75.00 jackpot to go. Door prizes, Admission $1.00 Auspices Branch 156. Proceeds welfare work. —2tfn WEDNESDAY, February 3, 8:00 p.m. Snowmobile Club meeting. Clinton Town Hall. All snowmobilers welcome. MONDAY„.: February 1, 2:00 p.m. Regular meeting, Women's Auxiliary to Clinton Public Hospital in Hospital cafeteria. FRIDAY, January 29, 8:00 p.m. Euchre and Bridge, Trinity Church Parish Hall, Bayfield, sponsored by Ladies' Guild, Admission, 50c. Lunch provided. —4b THURSDAY, January 28, Ringo. at Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $56.00 in 56 numbers. WONDERING What to do? Let's Go Bowling. Open hours at Clinton Crown Lanes, Tuesday, 7-9 p.m.; Wednesday, 7-9 p.m.; Thursday, 7-8:30 p.m.; Fridays 7.11 p.m.; Saturdays 1.5 p.m.; and 7-11 p.m. Sunday 1-5 p.m, For information call 482.7791. —44tfn Britnell's annual skuistics BY SHIRLEY J. KELLER Every year about this time, Huron County engineer James Britnell presents members of county council with a set of statistics covering snowfall in Huron County. Over a period of 30 years, the average snowfall in Huron County has been 83 inches per winter. Last year, 105 inches of the fluffy white stuff fell in this area but luckily, pointed out Britnell, there were few winds to whip them around. Thus far this winter, Britnell told council, there has been 78 inches. That's more than double the amount of snow which normally falls in the same period according to the 30 year averages. This year as well, Britnell had another set of figures to tickle the fancy of county residents. The county engineer was trying to show that there is just no possible way that the county winter road condition should be compared to those highways maintained in winter by department of highway crews. Britnell reported that it costs the county about $450 per mile for maintenance while the department of highways spends about $2,000 per mile. DHO has three times as many snowplows and four times as many sanders as the county road department, continued Britnell. "There simply is no comparison," concluded Britnell. COMING FEBRUARY 1 ONE WEEK ONLY THE MERCY BROTHERS at ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Clinton 48ZL3489 Brandon PRO Hardware HANDYMAF4'S HAVEN I3AYFIELD — ONTARIO TELEPHONE 565-2677 Complete PAINT & WALLPAPER SELECTION RUG SHAMPOOING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT 1971 BOA SKI SNOWMOBILES PRICED TO CLEAR WINTER CARNIVAL EVENTS speCIAL COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY, FEB. 1 - 7:00 PAM. CLINTON COMMUNITY ARENA ALL COMMITTEE MEMBERS ARE URGENTLY REQUESTED TO ATTEN CLINTON CA,RNIVAL SNOWMOBILE RACES SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 1:00 P.M. UP TO $300 CASH PRIZES PER RACE at CLINTON KINSMEN RACEWAY 4, 5b pAnAvisioN*TroaritcoLont) 104Warnerbros. Attinney company GODERICH THURS., F111., SAT. 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524.7811 AIRCOND1TIONED JANUARY 28, 29, 30 SATURDAY MATINEE JANUARY 30 JACK And The 8E01 STALK PLUS: CASE OF THE MALTESE CHICKEN DEEP FREEZE SQUEEZE SADDLE SORE WOODY SUN., MON., TUES. JAN 31, FEB. 1 2 COI OR by Dr. LIXF etottuced by Directed by ercerli)lay PAUL -OSBORN '''12c11' BOOBY ADLER .JOSII11A LOGAN 'MAGNA Proddction Ore STARTING WEDNESDAY — FEBRUARY 3 Metro Goldwyn Mayer presents A Hatika loeh Production Kel 's Heroes Panayision and Metrorninr R ( atMf0411Ci A 0111! INFIRIAINPMNI 6 Clinton News-Record, Thursday, ,January 28, 1971 Thurlow, Laurie Leeson, Mary Helen Clynick, Shelley Middleton, Dinah Buchman; back row, Susan Jefferson, Sherry Johnston, Fay Montgomery, Cathy Deichert and Beth Bail. The following are the committees of Huron County Council for 1971: Roads, Joe Hoffman, chairman; Elmer Hay ter, Elgin Thompson, William Elston, Wilmer Cuthill. Huronview, Harold Robinson, chairman; Joe Dietrich, Hugh Flynn, Frank Cook, J, L. McCutcheon. He alth, Jack 'Morrissey (non-council member) chairman; Jack Alexander, Anson McKinley, Clarence Boyle, 0. G. Ginn. L ibrary, Harold Wild, chairman; Eugene Frayne, John Baker, Duff Thompson (non-council member), George McCutcheon (non-council member) and Stewart Procter (non-council member), Property, John Flannery, -chairman; Lloyd Hendrick, Ken McMichael, Don MacGregor and Dave Gower. Planning, Charles Thomas, chairman; Ed. Oddleifson, Roy Pattison, Girvin Reed and Paul Carroll and Cal Kreuter, Iain McAllister, Ralph Jewell, Roy -Westcott and Clayton Laithwalte, all non-council members.. Development, Alex McGregor, chairman; Lloyd Ferguson, Harold Lobb, Doug McNeil, George Bailie as well as Don Pullen, Jim Britnell and H. R. Lancaster, all noii-couneil members. Executive, Gordon Hess, chairman; Mel Allan, Bob Lyons, Allan Campbell, Everett Met -twain and Cecil Desjardine. County representatives to the five county hospitals were appointed. They are E. B. Menzies, Clinton Public Hospital Board; Glen Fisher, South Huron Hospital Board; John Schaefer, Alexandra Marine and General Hospital Board; Dave Cornish, Seaforth Community. Hospital; and John B. Fisher, Wingham Hospital. Brucefield ElY MRS. H. F. Berry Dr. and Mrs. Win. Swan London spent last Sunday with Miss M. E. Swan and Mrs. Steward Board Meeting on January 21 with a good attendance. Mr. Allan Hill was appointed treasurer; Mrs. A. Paterson secretary; Mr. Alex Townsend, chairman; Mrs. terry U.C.W. representative and Mrs. Wm. Scott. Mrs. A. Paterson is visiting in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, London and Mr, and Mrs. DeWayrie Elliott, Sarnia, visited with Mrs. FL Berry, Sunday. Miss Margaret McIntosh, Mrs. John Lee arid family and Miss M. Sonsenson, Toronto were guests of Mrs. M. Haugh over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mcileath, Windsor were recent visitors with Mrs. J. W. MeBeatli. FIABKIRK TRANSIT TOURS 3 days Nashville 869.00 '2 per room Easter Weekend Leave April 8th Return April 11th aster School Break 9 days New Orleans $149,00 includes Grand Ole ()pry Nashville -9 days 'Florida $186.00 Write Box 700_, Seatorth, Ont. or phone $27-1222 for brochure. 2,3,4,5b Hensall • BY MRS. MAUDE HEDDEN The January meeting of the Kippen East Women's Institute was held last Wednesday opening at 11;30 with a pot luck dinner. Each member invited a guest. President Mrs. Robert Bell presided and the meeting was opened with the Institute Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect. The roll call was answered by "My latest quarrel with my husband." This was an every member program in which each member contributed a number and the guests were invited to join in. Poems were given by Mrs. G. Bell, Mrs. Archie Hoggarth, Mrs. E. Whitehouse, Mrs. D. Brodie and Mrs. C. Eyre. Readings were given by Mrs. J. Drummond, Mrs. D. Triebner, Mrs. R. Simpson, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. A. Finlayson and Mrs. S. Pepper. A piano solo was played by Mrs. Robert (-lineman, a dance number "The Barn Dance" by Mrs. H. Caldwell and Mrs. \V. Bell and the Highland Schottische by Mrs. R. Broadfoot. Instructions were given on how to sew a lining in a dress by Mrs. Charles .Eyre. A Tiny Tim version of "Tiptoe Thru' the Tulips" by Mrs. Al. Hoggarth and a skit "Sales Resistance" by Mrs. M. Connelly, Mrs. V. Aldendice and Mrs. R, Bell. Sing-songs were also enjoyed. Reports were given on agriculture and Canadian Industries by Mrs. R. Kinsman; Historical Research and Current events by Mrs. W. Bell and Home Economics and Health by Mrs. J. Drummond. The Bunny lion was performed by Mrs. E. McLean, Mrs. T. Finlayson and Mrs, R, Consitt, Mrs. J. McEwen, Mrs. C. Henderson and Mrs. M. Richardson sang "When You and I were Young Maggie". Mrs. A. Melleath, Mrs. K. .McLean and Mrs. J. Coleman did exercises. During the business the secretary and treasurers' report were read by Mrs. J. Drummond and Mrs. II. Caldwell, The Institute will eater to a banquet in the near future and will donate $10 to the anniversary fund. It was decided to serve the birthday luncheon and put on the program at Huronview in March. A thank you letter was read from the Diehl family. The Institute will sponsor three 4-H Girls Clubs with leaders for the next project "Separates for Summer" as follows: Mrs. V. Alderdice and Mrs. Ti. Turner; Mrs. M. Connolly and Mrs. B. Kinsman, and Mrs. D. Brodie arid Mrs. M. Postina. Mrs. J. Drummond conducted a contest and Mrs. M. Connolly and Mrs. W. tell conducted the penny sale. The hostesses were Mrs, Al Hoggarth and Mrs. V. Alderdice. Courtesy remarks were. given by Mrs. M. Connelly and Mrs. W. Coleman of Seaforth extended thanks on behalf of the guests. Winners in the penny sale were Mrs. Whitehouse, Mrs. M. Richardson, Mrs. H. Caldwell, Mrs. J. Drummond, Mrs, J. McLellan, Mrs, J. McEwen, Mrs. B. Kinsman, Mrs. T. Finlayson, Mrs. M. Davidson, Mrs. 0. McLean, Mrs. C. Henderson, Mrs. A. Finlayson, Mrs. Charles Eyre, Mrs. A. Madleath, Mrs, 0. Bell, Mrs. Al. Hoggarth, Mn. S. Pepper, Mrs. K. McLean, Mrs. J. Coleman, Mrs. A. lloggarth, Mrs. E. Melon, Maureen Connolly, and Mrs. R. Bell. Amber Rebekah Lodge held their regular meeting Wednesday .January 20 with Nobel Grand Mrs. Jack Taylor presiding, The visiting committee Mrs. Ray Consitt and Mrs. Garfield Broderich visited Queensway Nursing Home arid presented each patient with a treat. Cards and treats were sent to other sick and shut hi mothers. A report Of the C.P.T. committee was presented stating that the eqtipment of wheel chairs, walkers and crutches are in constant use. More chairs and walkers are needed. Another euchre is planned for February. The Noble Grand reported she had contacted Miss Catharine Russell of Goderich chosen student and attended the United Nation Pilgrimage in New York City held in June last year. Miss Russell will show her pictures in the Lodge Hall Wednesday February 3. The I.O.O.F.'s wives and husbands of the Rebekah's will be guests for the evening, The 22nd birthday of this lodge will also be celebrated that night. The monthly birthday party at Huronview was held on Wednesday January 20th with a full auditorium. The one hour program was in charge of the Auxiliary executive President Mrs. M. Sutcliffe of Goderich presided. Twenty-seven residents were honored with gifts. Two numbers from Hensall W.I. were presented by Mrs. W. Dining who gave a reading "Stay For Supper". Mrs. T, J. Sherritt read a poem "The Parlor Organ" accompanied on the piano by soft music by Miss Greta Lamm ie who also gave an instrumental. Mrs. J. McAllister and Mrs, R. M. Peck also attended. A social hour was enjoyed. On January 19, 1971 the Hensall United Church Women held an executive meeting when they made arrangements for the congregational supper to be held on February 3 at 6:30 p.m. Tentative plans were also made to have a Spring Thaw Supper on March 31st, 5-7 p.m. A request was received from the Childrens Aid Society, Goderich for good used childrens and adults clothing. Anyone wishing to donate clothing could bring it in to the church. A special service emphasizing the Outreach of the Church will be held Sunday, January 31 at 11 a.m. in Hensall United Church. Guest speaker will be Rev. Alfred McAlister B.A,B.D. of Thornhill. The annual congregational supper will be held in Hensall United Church Wednesday, February 3. Supper to commence at 6:30 p.m, followed by a short business meeting and program. Miss Margaret Smillie of Toronto passed away Friday morning at the Trafford House Nursing Home at the age of 95 years. The daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. 13en Smillie born and raised on the Smillie homestead one and a .quarter miles north, of Hens-all. She taught school for many years in Hay Township, Ilaileybury -arid in Toronto. She leaves one sister, Dr. Jennie Robertson, Toronto and one brother Dr.. A. B. Smillie, Niagara Falls and several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by .two sisters and two brothers, Mary, Mrs. John Elder, Henan; Miss Ernmaline Toronto; and a former missionary in India, James Hensall; Rev. Ben Smillie missionary in India. Funeral service and committal was held Monday in The Miles Funeral Home, St. Clair Ave., Toronto. She was laid to rest in the Mausaleurn at Hensall cemetery. Rev. F. Currie, chairman of the Huron-Perth Presbytery of the United 'Church has been delegated as a commissioner to the sessions of the general council of the United Church of "Canada being held in Niagara Falls from January 25 to Feb. 2, This. is the highest court of the United Crinteh of Canada vcihieh yaesasersin .h assembles only -once every two Monday, January 25, we first sang a song, Silly Willie, then we played Fish in the Net. After that we went to our corners and also had roll call. We had Fairy Ring and Nancy Newland was Fairy Queen. As soon as we finished that Packy BY SHIRLEY J. KELLER Dr. G. P. A. Evans MOH made his last appearance before Huron County Council Wednesday morning on the last day of the January session. He brought forth a preliminary sketch of the Board of Health's budget for the coming year before moving on to his . new post in Kitchener.Waterloo. If county council would adopt the full program suggested by the board of health, it could increase the health budget by about $26,789, Dr. Evans said the board of health is proposing expansion of the dental program in Huron; expansion in the community geriatric program; expansion of the alcohol and drug addiction service; an,Vexpansion of the environmental hygiene program. Although Dr. Evans kept his remarks very brief, he did elaborate a little at the invitation of several county councillors. A full dental program as proposed, said the Medical Officer of Health, would include the services of a full-time dental hygienist and a part-time (about 25 percent) public health dentist. "The brush-in program is just the beginning of the development of a complete dental health program in the County of Huron," said Dr. Evans. In the matter of alcohol and drug addiction, the doctor said a public health nurse - social worker would work exclusively on the program in close co-operation with family doctors, Goderich Psychiatric Hospital and the members of the Huron County Health Unit. Dr. Evans said this person would also be involved in the matter of education concerning addiction. He said people must know the "futility of getting on this treadmill." Reeve Harold Lobb, Clinton, meets 10110048010040010410' Judy Finly took our (weenies, Brown Owl Mrs. Cantle took the new Brownies, Grey Owl Mrs. woofor took Golden Bar Brownies and Tawny Owl Mrs, Peterson took the Golden Hand Brownies, Then we had POW Wow and sang songs. Brown Owl took the owls off the new tweeniea and we went home, wondered what was being done in Huron to assist the addict. "We are doing as good a job a at the present time we ar equipped to do," said Dr. Evans. He had high praise for the staf at GPI-I who work more wit alcohol addiction than with dru addiction because the latter i "an extremely specialize service," Patients abusing drug usually go to London fo treatment. Middleton The A. C. W. of St. Jame Middleton, is holding a churc "Family Party" night at th home of Mr. and Mrs. Do Middleton on Friday evenin January 29 at 8:30 p.m. This the A. C, W.'s first venture II year and promises fun and gam for all ages. A lovely basket of flowers w placed in St. James Church o Sunday last by Mrs. Robe Welsh in loving memory of h mother, Mrs. Howard Snell, wh passed away last week. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack McLaren Benmiller visited on Sunda with Mr. and Mrs. Stewa Middleton. A lively skating party w enjoyed last Saturday afternoo by the Youth Group of the Oa Street Salvation Army Citade London, held at Stewa Middleton's pond. About 3 persons attended on t invitation of Mr. and Arthur Tolchard, wh entertained them in their horn following the skating party. Mrs. Ray Wise sustained faci injuries in a snowmobil accident on Tuesday of la week. Her many friends wish h a speedy recovery. Heart disease deaths amo adults aged below 65 ha decreased steadily since the fi Heart Fund campaign in 195 with your Heart Fund dolla speeding virtually every advanc tunnmlunpnnulln uulm 4th pock BY JILL J, CLYNICK FEB. 4 COMMITTEE MEETING AT 7 P,M. — ARENA FEB,: 8 BINGO AND DRAW AT LEGION, 8:30 P.M. FEB. 10 AFTERNOON — CARDS AND TEA AT ARENA NIGHT — OLD TIMERS HOCKEY GAME FEB. 13 1 P.M. — PARADE FROM LEGION HALL TO ARENA Be sure and practice for Log Sawing & Snowshoe Races to be held Feb. 13 MOH presented new budget on to new pos