Clinton News-Record, 1971-01-14, Page 12Tap the side of the pot on the edge of the potting bench to remove the old soil ball.
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4A.Clinton News-Record, Thyrsday, January 14,1971,
Federatiort Vicewpresideitt
calls for welfare changes
and care of house plants
A leadership battle may be shaping up between members of the
Federation of Agriculture and Ontario. Farmers Union in several
county organizations.
The warning was delivered last week by Bob Henry, president of
the Huron County Wheat Producers, to the Huron County
Federation of Agriculture. He suggested that the Farmers Union may
try to pack the Wheat Producers' annual meeting to be held in
Clinton on February $ at the council chambers of the town hall,
throw out the entire old executive and replace it with a new one,
Such an attempt was defeated late last year when the bean
producers held their annual meeting in Zurich,
Food distribution and the retailing system in Canada may be
radically altered over the next five years if long-term influences are
brought to bear.
Mr. A. J, McKichan, President of the Retail Council of Canada, in
an address to the Changing Concepts in Agriculture and Food
Conference, held at the University of Guelph, said that urbanization,
consumerism, nutrition, pollution and technology are all factors that
will affect the future food marketing requirements.
Greater unemployment insurance and social benefits, together
with increased urbanization, will mean that poorer sections of the
economy can spend more on food, and, that city dwellers will require
better food, with service built into the consumer price. More
take-out or restaurant foods, better processing for convenience
preparation, and a general upswing in retail store services will be
needed to meet these demands.
Consumerism — a consumer's increased awareness of good value,
and of her important role in the economy — will mean that better
packaging and more information on food products will be required.
Mr. McKichan added that the "no nonsense" attitude of
consumers will sometimes lead to demands that are impractical and
expensive. Whenever disagreements between consumers and the
retail trade become apparent, detailed explanations for retail actions
will have to be given.
Concern about nutrition and pollution will add to the retail
trade's responsibility to provide goods that are truly for the public
good. Better consumer education means the public will no longer
buy food that looks good but is not nutritious.
New technology and mechanization means that future store
buildings and service will be upgraded, and packages made more
uniform in size. It should lead to automatic re-ordering techniques
and checkout systems, and should be used to promote better market
research into consumer preference.
The future role of the federal government in agriculture will
almost scertainly revolve around programs and policies designed to
assist in farm adjustment.
So say economists Dr. G. R. Purnell, Director General of the
Canada Department .of Agriculture's Economics Branch, and V. A.
Heighton, a research specialist in the same Branch.
They say that adjustment is essential to meet goals needed to
solve the many problems facing agriculture as a result of economic
and technological changes.
Some seeds won't come out of dormancy following the usual dose
of water, warmth and fresh air.
And that may be because of chemical inhibitors, rudimentary
embryos, dormant embryos or a hard seed coating that prevents the
entry of water.
J. D. McElgunn of the Canada Agriculture Research Station at
Swift Current, Sask., has been studying the problem and says that
any treatment that will 'change these hard seed coats so that
moisture can enter can be used to overcome the problem.
Two new liquid fungicides for cereal seed treatment have recently
been developed to replace the products containing organic
mercurials which are being phased out.
Known as Liquid Polyram and Vitaflow, the two contain no
mercury and, according to Dr, L. V. Edgington, Department of
Botany, University of Guelph, are harmless to the environment and
have proved capable of controlling fungi on cereal seed.
"Before Liquid Polyram and Vitaflow came along," said Dr.
Edgington, "it seemed that seed treatment would have to be done
with non-mercurial dust formulations for use in the seed drill. These
would have been unsatisfactory because the commercial application
equipment available is designed for liquid fungicides."
Dr. Edgington said recent trials with a commercial-type treater,
conducted with Mr. W. D. Taylor, Ontario Department of
Agriculture and Food, University of Guelph, showed the two new
liquid fungicides were evenly distributed on seed. Seeds were treated
and then placed on an agar medium containing fungi. After two days
the "zone of inhibition of the fungi" around each seed was observed
to be quite shrift, indicating uniform distribution of the fungicides
on seed.
While Liquid Polyram has been approved for use since November,
Vitaflow was recently approved for the first time and should soon be
available on a commercial basis.
montoth — Spy — Delicious
Cee Grade — $1.49 1 bushel
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Store Open 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Daily 1,2,3,4b
Garden notes
Prior to the holiday season,
many house plants may have
been relegated to the basement
to make room for Christmas
decorations. Before returning
them to their previous locations,
it is advisable to examine each
plant, and decide what steps
should be followed to retain or
improve its vigor .
You. can't look at a plant's
tongue to determine whether or
not it is ailing. If you had the
equipment you could look at the
leaf stomata, for these groups of
sausage-shaped cells act as pores
and if abused may be the cause
of some maladies. The stomata
regulate the flow of water vapor
and gases through the leaf by
contracting and expanding like
inflated balloons. If these are
not functioning properly some
physiological disturbances might
take place which could endanger
the life of the leaf and cause it
to drop off or turn yellow. This
probably occurs more frequently
than we are aware of, and many
plants suspected of being
diseased could have this trouble.
With this in mind it is
important to consider whether
or not these cells have become
clogged by dust and grime. If
this is at all probable take them
to the bathtub or kitchen sink
and give them a good spray with
lukewarm water.
The next consideration is to
decide whether or not the plants
are getting leggy or too tall. In
most cases a ruthless pruning
will help plants a great deal. Cut
off half of the top growth and
allow new shoots to develop
from the basal portion, These
will eventually grow and form a
neater and more shapely
Also decide if the plants need
repotting, for now is a good time
of the year to do it. Remove the
plant from its container by
inverting the pot and tapping the
rim sharply on the edge of the
bench or table. If there is a large
accumulation of roots around
the earth ball then the plant
needs to be repotted.
Repotting may be done in
two ways — by removing some
of the old soil and repotting the
plant in the same pot or by
repotting it into a larger
receptacle. If the pot is already a
large one and you feel that a
larger pot would not fit into
your scheme of things, it is
usually possible, by removing
some of the soil with a pointed
stick, to move it into the same
pot or a new one of the same
Before repotting, clean the
old pot thoroughly, then place a
piece of broken pot or a number
of stones over the hole at the
base, and cover these with a
half-inch of leaves or coarse peat
moss. Next put some good soil
in the bottom and stand the old
root ball back in the Pot. If the
soil has been shaken out well
there should be room at the
sides to push in more soil. It
may be necessary to work this in
with a plant label.
Take care when potting into a
larger container that the new
one is not too big. The usual
move is from a two and a
half-inch to seven-inch pot.
When potting, shake some of the
old soil from the base of the
On Vecember 29, 1970,
leaders of commodity groups,
committees and organizations
associated with the Huron
Federation of Agriculture
gathered in Clinton for an
informal dinner with , local
members of the provincial and
federal parliaments.
After the dinner they
presented briefs to the members
MI various farm problems. Two
of the briefs presented are
reprinted here, Others will
follow next week.
Of all the problems that
Ontario farmers have, probably
the most serious is the cost of
labour. Farm help has become
almost impossible to obtain
because of government policies
in Welfare, Unemployment
Insurance and Minimum wage
legislation. When an able-bodied
man can apply for and receive a
good income from welfare
agencies and unemployment
insurance, he is not too inclined
to accept the standard of wages
that the prices of farm produce
allow a farmer to pay.
Because of rising input costs,
it has become necessary for
farmers to work longer days,
quite often seven days a week.
Many farmers wives and children
are required to assist at work
that is often too heavy or unsafe
for their ability. In a society that
seems so concerned for the
welfare and good health of
people, it appears that the rural
people who produce a large
share of the things that
prosperity consists of, are being
It is claimed that farming has
become the most dangerous
occupation in Ontario, and that
children under 12 years of age
account for a large percentage of
deaths and injuries from farm
accidents. Does this not indicate
to those who seem concerned
about safety and welfare that
there are too many children
forced to operate dangerous
equipment because father
cannot afford to hire competent
men from the returns he receives
for produce?
A visit to farms by officials of
government would also reveal
that there are many farmers'
wives whose health is impaired
from overwork by the time they
are 40 years of age. In many
cases the farmer's wife has taken
employment off the farm to
help carry the ever increasing
expenses of the farming
Calling on over 500 farmers in
Huron County this year has
given me the opportunity of
seeing the seriousness of the
farm labour situation and the
deteriorating attitude of many
farm people toward their
occupation, Discouragement is
becoming very ' prevalent,
particularly with farmer's wives
and families.
These are facts that most of
us are aware of. To be aware of
the problem is simple enough,
but what about a solution?
Could not some of the
resources paid in welfare
assistance and unemployment
insurance be diverted to a
program to subsidize the cost of
farm labour until some way is
found to pay farmers a realistic
price for their produce?
Hopefully, someday, someone
will find more realistic solutions
to economic problems, than
subsidies and welfare programs.
It seems unusual that a society
that claims to be so well
educated and well informed can
not find better ways of living
with abundance,
It was hoped that the Ontario
government could have devised a
more realistic method of
equalizing education taxes than
a welfare program. There is still
opportunity in that area to set
Farmers by necessity are
among the most competent
business operators in Ontario. If
given equal opportunities and
equal benefits will all of society,
agriculture can continue to be
Ontario's most productive
industry. However if present
economic trends are allowed to
continue to discourage rural
people, this industry will
probably fall into the hands of
corporations, which will
eventually lead to
monopolization of food
production and supply, which in
turn will probably bring high
food costs to consumers.
A square deal for farmers
today will pay dividends to all of
Ontario tomorrow.
This year the Huron County
Junior Farmers has a
membership of 151 in three
clubs. This represents a decrease
of 100 members in the past two
years and a loss of two clubs.
Some of the members of the
disbanded clubs are members of
clubs outside of Huron County.'
I feel that each club had a
different reason for disbanding.
In the one club was a continued
lowering of the average age of
the members and an increasing
reluctance to accept
responsibility of an office, with
a result of lack of leadership.
In the other club it was a lack
of female members. Without the
girls the boys didn't feel it was
worthwhile going to the
Two years ago the Junior
Farmers' accepted the
responsibility of Huron County
Safety Council, To publicize,
safety meetings were held last
summer in Relgrave and
Br uce fi e Id schools with
specialists on safety speaking
and showing films. Both
meetings were well attended,
Also we are selling fire
extinguishers, These are availabl
from any Junior Farme
Much ruckus was raised las
summer over a change in th
name of Junior Farmers. I thin
that our Provincial Directorate i
realizing now that there
more important things to d
than wrangle over a name.
Each fall we have been havin
a banquet and dance. This fa
was no exception with
splendidly organized banqu
and fine dance music. Only on
shadow vieled the night and th
was the lack of attendance.
seems that is one of t
problems we are encounteri
more frequently. I don't thin
we can condemn the public, it
mostly our own fault. We see
to fail to talk up our activiti
among ourselves to get a buil
up of enthusiasm. This in to
would be inclined to dra
parents and friends.
One issue that bothers us 1
the Goderich, Clinton area a
maybe others have the sa
problem, is the difficulty i
gaining recognition or publici
in the local press. P
advertising is welcomed, b
receiving news coverage
picture coverage is a paint'
process. The 4-H agricultur
clubs in the area have the s
problem. I think it varies wi
the different editors
Probably we should
encouraging our members
blow their own horns a lift
more. If we are to stop t
declining trend in membershi
we have to start with ourselv
Make us feel more confident
ourselvess. and the public w
accept us and be morewilling
join u
We can live up to our mot
"Self Help and Communi
Betterment" merely by bei
proud of who we are and wh
we stand for, we a
accomplishing the first step of
and this in turn is Commun t
plant and some from around the
rim. Work the soil well around
the root ball and firm it in with
a label or rounded stick. Pot
firmly to avoid leaving air spaces
in the new soil.
A good compost for the home
owner is one part of a good light
garden soil mixed with one part
sand and one part peat. To each
bushel of compost add a cupful
of a complete fertilizer such as
10-10-10. Unless you have
brought soil into your basement
it is better to purchase prepared
medium from the stores. Such a
compost is generally much
superior to a potting soil which
you mix at home.
At the time of potting, the
compost should be sufficiently
moist to cling together when
squeezed in the hand, but not
wet enough to form a mud ball.
If the plant has just been
repotted into the same pot it
should be watered immediately.
If, however, it has been potted
into a larger one, watering
should not be carried out for a
week, so as to give the new roots
a chance to develop in the new
Some of the plants may be
going into a period of dormaney.,
now and for these waterings
should be less frequent as the
toots become less active.
One final tip: — do not repot
a plant that is too dry. Make
sure it has been watered within
the previous 24 hours.
G4082 — 80 — 82 Days
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These Hybrids are from Detasseted Parents (100% Normal
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FREE Spring Delivery on Early Orders
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madiand Country Club
THURSDAY, JANUARY 14 at 7. p.m.
All interested are invited to' attend. During the evening two
films will be shown: "Basic Skills" and 'Racing RuleS."
Both films are from the Canadian Yachting Association,
Outlines for Pla'ns for 1971 will be discussed.