The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-29, Page 81 'I WEDNESDAY, DEC. 29th, 1954ONTARIOTHE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW^T s Money Saving News ’ . ■ -I 1 CAREFUL DRIVERS OF.ONTARIO! T North America’s Largest Auto Insurance Company i i I R.R. 3, Goderich t* !< More than 3,900-children were bom in Canadian Red Cross Out- ►ressed his good »e who in future tne affairs of the How does your Sentinel label read? ’ AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS I | Free Pick-Up and Delivery Monday and Thursday. I g for detail's see your local agent. Thanks a million < for your patronage, and a million good wishes that you all will enjoy the good fortune of ' ■ A WATCH FOR FULL PAGE ADVT. RETIRING HURON REEVE ENTERTAINS - COUNCIL , I.’- ’ . •• ' or ' v Reuben Wilson Phone 80-r-8, Dungannon A\ PAGE EIGHT THANKS A MILLION for your generous patronage during the year. It has indeed been appreciated and we look forward1 to . serving you in the New Year. • ... V.. ( f , $ OUR BEST WISHES that 1955 may hold in store the best of everything for you arid youis—r Happy New Year To All. ASHTON’S §8 I s i s .......;v,................s 8 Men’s, Ladies’, Children’s Wear^Piece Goods & Woollens § r OBITUARY CHARLES JOHN MacGREGOR The death of Charles John Mac- Gregor, a native of the Kintail district and- one of a family of twelve /spns born to Alexander and prac^ fMa<Gregor,“ occurred z suddenly at Waterloo on Sunday, December 12th, from a heart at? tack. He was in his sixty-fourth yean havirigLbeen .borikpn Man?h: 28th, 1881. / . Mr. MacGregor attended pub­ lic school ait Kin tail, high school at Goderich, and Hamilton Nor­ mal School Upon graduating in ‘^1909, his first school was at I Laurier, where he boarded at thq home of Mrs. Thomas Dickson, now of Tiverton and who attend­ ed the - funeral. He taught at . . Parry Sound, Sebringville and TiUsonburg, where , he enlisted during the First World War, and at its close returned to Tillson- burg. In 1921 he went to Kit­ chener where he taught at King Edward school for two years her fore going to Waterloo, where hie had taught .for (the succeeding rrthirty-one years, and became supervising principal of all pub­ lic schools in Waterloo, while continuing to teach mathematics in Grade 7 and 8 of the Elizabeth Ziegler school where he was prin­ cipal. Mr. MacGregor’s prominence in the profession and the respect in which he was held in education, church and civic circles, was evi- State Farm Mutual THAT Russell Johnston of Ash- : field, ~who is- receiving treaU ment in Victoria Hospital for a foot fracture suffered many months ago, was home for Christmas. He has returned to the hospital for two or three more weeks.. With the aid of crutches, Russ is now able to put soriie weight on the foot. ■' ; •------O— ■ ’ ‘ I THAT night classes in basic Eng­ lish for new Canadians and in home nursing will be held at Lucknow District High School in the. New Year, if sufficient applications are received. IN DAILY PAPERS on January 3rd aind 17 th I I i i i i i the tribute was paid him of nam­ ing a new public school .in Wat­ erloo the MacGregor School. In addition to "his school Work! Mr. MacGregor was an adtyve member of First United Church, .and was treasurer for many years. He was also treasurer of the Community Concert Associ­ ation. He was a member of Water­ loo Masonic Lodge,, the Young Men’s Club and served on the -Library—Board for many years J Following a service in Firlst United Church, the remains were brought to the home of his bro­ ther, Mr. Fred MacGregor at| Kintail, arid on Thursday, De­ cember ,16 th, a second service | was conducted in Ashfield Pres-i byterian Church by Rev. J. R. MacDonald. Interment was in Kintail Cem­ etery. The pallbearers were thrdgi close associates at Waterloo, Mr. | M. D. McLennan who had taught with him for 29 years. Mr* Doug­ las of the Board of Education, Mr. Snyder of the2 Church Board, and three nephews, George,. Gordon and Robert MacGregor. Mr. MacGregor is survived by foufbrothers7~ColinandFredof Kintail and William Y. and Alex MacGregor of Stettler, Alberta. He was predeceased by Murdoch, Dan, Roderick, Hector and Johri and 'two brothers that died in in­ fancy. " THAT the weekly dancing class­ es are now being held here each Tuesday rather than Fri­ day. A new highland dancing class for beginners will be started on January 4th. —o— iTHAT Gordon MacKay, butter­ maker at Maitland Creamery, Wingham, for the past twenty- five years, received a gold watch at the banquet of the / United Cb-operatives of Ont- r tario -held in Toronto. Roger Oke, another employee who is well known here, was previous­ ly honored on reaching’ the" quartet century of employment with this plan? THAT Mrs. Janws Beaton is ill in Toronto at flhe home of her daughter, Mrs. George Rdbin- son. Mr. and Mrs. Beaton were planning to fly West for Christ­ mas and an extended visit when she was taken ill, forcing them to cancel the trip. THAT a mumps epidemic which recently hit the Whitechurch | district was no respecter < of person*—it struck children and adults alike, and among the. latter group was John Gaunt, who had a 28-day siege indoors with the malady. ( LtHAT JMr._ Ray MacKenzie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henr ' Mac- Kenzie, was Successful in pass­ ings the intermediate examina­ tion of the Institute of Charter­ ed Accountants of Ontario. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL 53 S. C. Rathwell&Son * ’ .■ . ' • Fine Footwear For All The /Family JIUXLX1 CIXXVl vAVlv vXXVXvu) W CIO . VVA denced a cotiple of years ago whenPdst Hospitals in 1953. '.‘W / 5 HAPPY NEW YEARfe. OBITUARY ALBERT MeQUILLIN . The death of Albert McQuil- lin, a lifelong and highly re­ spected resident of this commun­ ity, occurred at his home at Whitechurch on Tuesday, Decem­ ber 21st. He was seventy-one years of age. Death was due to a heart condition, although for many years • Mr. McQuillin had suffered from a crippling rheu­ matic- condition.- -BeSpite-his-a-f*- fliction he was always cheerful, .and_reiaine.dLhis wit„and__bappjL disposition until the end. He was a son of William John McQuillin and Maty Wadsworth arid was born in West Wawainosh Township oh January 15, 1833. On February 6th, 1918, he mar­ ried Sarah Ann McIntosh, dau­ ghter of Mr/ and Mrs. Dan Mc­ Intosh, at the brides home, Sec- I ondCon cessiori-of-Kinloss-AThey. continued to farm so long as Mr. McQuillin was! able/ ' 1-—MTF=Mc-QuilUn^was=a^mem-bei^ of C h al m er s Presby terian Church, Whitechurch, and at­ tended services' regularly when health permitted. The .funeral service Was held ift the church I on Thursday, conducted by Rev. Norman Casewell. Interment was in. Greenhiil Cemetery, the pall­ bearers being Victor Emmerson.. John AitchisMi, Russell Chatman, Robert Ross, Gibson Gillespie . Tom Morrison/-— ■Ml 'McQuillin is 'survived by his Widow and one brother James McQuillin of West Wawanosh,’- Reeve, Dick Martin brought a nine year career in Huron Town­ ship municipal affairs to a close when he presided over the final council meeting of the year. As council adjourned for noori (hour Mr. Martin invited members of the council to foe his guests at dinner. „ ' Mr..' Martin . expressed his thanks ’’to’’ the^members' of “t hrs~H and past councils for the co-oper- | ation and exj wishes for’ tn& would.carry on municipality. * Libby’s Pineapple Juice, 48 oz.L... 35c LG.A. Fruit Cocktail, 28 oz. 41c Pasco Celery ., 2 for 29c •i Wr ■ f • . ' '> j § Doles ( S Sliced Pineapple, 20 oz......35c Cello PacirTomatoes ; 25c Grapefruit, 96’s .i...... 6 for 33c ........ z . x z - rxLGrsA.. Diced ? CatrotS12 for 25c ■ r .......Peanuts, lh‘■'350 tor pnerniis UftKHi lviurniiig ^Marmalade, 24* oz. & Aylmer Catsup ..■..•...<»u»..or, r Hereford Corned Beef .... Steam ^Mazola Oil ........................ & Domestic Shortening g Gold SealSSockeye Salmon Maple Leaf .. ' ^Mincemeat, 2M lb. tin »w"44c . ................... 45c 21c 39c 394 390 •2'80" 370 39c > ■ 5-Star Specials I,G.A» Fancy Tomato Juice, 20 oz.< 2 for 25fi Margene Margarine ’ 33c Quaker Oats 35c .-.............r....................... . Mixed Candy, lb I r I SMITH’S iga M arket We take this opportunity to » thank you sincerely for your pab « ronage and good will during the _g past year, and to wish one and | all. afull measure .Pf health. • | | wealth arirta^ihfe^^lmrtiirhiW::M the New Year. ” ' •