The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-29, Page 7■ 1 / 4 i®k^W'Sl 4 ■ •*' s WEDNESDAY, DEC.29th, 1954 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW", ij.in'..!-------- ------------------- 7 . ONTARIO ' '4 ■ . 11 ’. ’f . <* • M *■ I f. - 4 To The Electors Of The VillageOfLucknow: Ladies and Gentlemen: < In standing for reflection as Councillor, I assure ybu that if returned, it will be my constant endeavour- as in the past, to give service with economy so far as'ys in my power, in the bestcinterests of the municipality. I have had two years’ service on the Council, and during the past year have acted as Chairman of Hydro. - Wishing You A Happy And Prosperous New Year. ’ p ■ x ‘ PAGE SEVEN i . ■ilton and S, B. Stothers,. Mrs. Jessie Allin by G. Rath- well and Lloyd Hall, Dr. James Little by Mrs. Chas. Steward and Mrs. Roy Black. Alex M.acNay by Mrs. Chas. Steward and Mrs. Roy Black. -*Alex Andrew by K. C. Murd\e and *R, J.- Button..' Lloyd flail by J. C. Johnston and R. F. Button. Roy Finlayson by Mrs. Roy Black and Mrs. Charles Stew­ ard. r NOMINATION MEETING * I (Continued from Page 2F to let anyone else have the seat,: He .referred^ to the remarks of a previous speaker that you can’t, please everyone, and' said that uplortunately they had- not been able to do so. ' - • K,«C. Murdie, chairman of the Board, said he would like to see others stand. Dr. James Little, the other retiring member, felt 'he would- like'1 a vacation after •four years on the Board. . Other nominees were Ro.y. Fin- . layson, Mrs.. Jessie Allin, Alex MacNay, Alex Andrew‘and Llpyd Hall. None but .Mrs. Allin indi­ cated they might consider the . nomination. Mrs. Charles Steward gave- de­ tails of the incident whereby her | i?randdaugh'ter was not permitted i to 'attend .Grade- I, bpcause ,'of . I ih(> Board's adherence to the De- ■ cember-31st'deadline, and asked it' the Board could overrule the i Inspectors and Department dff- i ivials. I "In reply K. C. Murdie' pointed ; our that .the big enrollment had I rooms full ancl ..required,, a-jug- - 11 *8 m i the December 31st deadline, for I beginners,- the Board' had Set up a kindergarten Class, and their course ..of . action, in the whole matter had the advice- and con­ sent of 'tne7 Inspectors. Reviews Financial Picture ■ Donald Henderson gave a de­ tailed financial resume of both the public schoo.1 and high school. He pointed out that, where sohool sections send students to Lucknow Public School they pay $60 per pupil to Lucknow, and the rural board is reimbursed by i grants of about forty, pe^cent^ | Wher-e pa-rehts—pay- ■th’e~~tuitidn fee personally the charge is $25 a pupil. ■ - ’ Salary .* increases to public­ school teachers amounted-- to ; $1050, With salaries amounting td 71 percent, of the budget. Insur­ ance .on the school and contents ! is $42,000. Overall expenditures I for the’ year are up $1,400. . '. r '* ' ... ... for the 14th consecutive year. rm_ y▼ 1 * * Cecil Attridge by Art Br.eckles ;and Harry .Nixon, , •' 'Cecil Attridge by R. Rae. and J. W. Joy nt. * Clair Johnston by K. Cameron and Wm. A., Hamilton. Alex MacLeod by C. .Steward and W. G. Webster. . For School Trustees ■Gerald Rath,well by Jack Fish­ er- and Lloyd Hall. . . K. C. Murdie by G. Rath well and Jack Fisher. Roy Finlayson by A. W. Ham- * V ,5 » I\; ■ •i ■ -. 3.. ’4. the The Robert srin' hy ■' Ar M Alex Mj.'Leed, , For Councillors ' l 1 < I. Wishing You A Happy And Prosperous New Year. /■ • • < •• y- STUART E; ROBERTSON. ARCHIE B. SMITH. o , (0 v ■ ««!»• ■• • • -■ To The Electors Of The i Village Of Lucknow: ■ • s. • ‘ . ■ ' ■ ; • ( i i ... i I Ladies and Gentlemen: < - —Having served yciu for the pasT year' on the -eouncil- TT, Vr'cla“es- In adhereing to and having decided to stand for re-election', .1 will indeed j " " ■ appreciate and. welcome your support on Election Day. I If elected I assure you I will give the affairs of the I municipality* my careful attention. • j Compliments Of The Season To All. I ■ ■'< : ■. •' y ; ' .• .* T,- ALEX MacLEOO. I I I HIGH SCHOOL MARKS ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DANCE The auditorium of Lucknow District High School was attact- ively decorated in Christmas tra­ dition on Wednesday night of last week when the students, staff, school board and guests en­ joyed the annual- Christmas dance.. ' 0 ’ ■ Music for the evening was sup­ plied by “The Aristocrats’’, Which includes in its number two Luck­ now students and an ex-student, i Jim Reid, Jim Hackett* Don Cameron,. Barbara Wilson and Keri McAllister. At intermission, . the school-quartette "composed of i John Helm, Dale Haldenby, Ken. MacNay and George Anderson, sang several numbers. George, the original bass, filled, iri for i the present . member, Jim Hack- l tra work. .’ • : .. >An elimination dance was won J.AL Irwin., and.. .Mary. Maeln-- tyre, and a spot dance was won by Charlie Murray and Phyllis ■Smith" Those in attendance en­ joyed a lunch of sandwiches^.sofL drinks, and coffee prepared by the students? [ “No Trouble Noxv” Following the fire at the Wing­ ham High School, the . Advance- Times commented under the above caption: “And it was less, than a week ago^ at. the last meeting, of the high.school board, they, were wondering what do do with the old, H-huis”. • . j Miss. Mina Graham of Chili- cothe, Ohio, is- a. Christpias visit­ or hGre at the home of Miss Em­ ma McCluskey and with her Sis­ ter, Mrs. ,Wm. Habkirk, who is pa-t4ent-^-t^BakerVT^PrtVate' Hospital. . !T To The Electors Of The j: Village Of Lucknow: ■ j Ladies and Gentlemen: < , | Haying accepted the nomination for Reeve for the VilL s j age of Lucknow , for the year 1955 and as 1 am now retired I and will-.haVe time to devote to the duties of Reeve, I re- i |. spectfully solicit your vote and influence and if elected will j endeavour to favor: ' ' .. ............ 1- Rigid Economy. c 2. Dispense with the manual for assessment purposes and revert to the 1952 assessment basis of values.* ( Alleviate /the distress of the Small .Pox .epideinir affecting our sidewalks. To change, the date of Nomination from the present .1 date to the last Monday in November with election ! jda#.the^ followihgJMonday^^^^------— 4 Wishirig All A Bright arid Prosperous New Tear tor the year are up $1,400. . , ' Dental care has been provided for the 14th consecutive year. The High School salary sche­ dule sq.ts minimum of $2,800 and $3,000 with’, a special certificate., The annual increment- is $200 to. a maximum of $4,600 and a .prin- cipal’s maximum of $5,000. . G .. . Supply teachers’ .salaries dur­ ing the year at the High School were close to $1,200. Contracts call for a maximum' of 20 school days leave of absence. ■ f . High School attendance is 161 routes are operated, for an aver­ age of 309 miles, daily,..carrying 114 'pupils. The daily cost of' transportation is S73.61 of whiefy $45.60 is received in Department­ grants. . '■ - - - The cost of transportation to the District Board for a 200- i school-days year, is approximate­ ly $5,60.0, or slightly over a mill.' I .The MacMillan- Brothers,- who. ■ are in the Lucknow Public school , section asked for. an explanation - (if a rate of 11.9 mills which they an; assessed in West Wawanosh ; as against a'7,6 mil! rate' in -.Luck-T i now" for public schoo.i purposes. •' Lit was regarded its due to a dif-. |Terence in the basis of assessment i . 'arid the question cou-ld7 not .b^| Latisfactor.ily . answered at_ ^mVetingt Wrist WavVaniW 'Town■ | i i i i i i ii i i i i i I 'ship officials could not'clarify, cither, acTurdirig tu'lhc Brethe.rs, The ■folh’.wi.rig were hbmmat For Reeve ,AIvx• IIami 11on Iw- Ch,;is. S-:i an! arid W. G. Webster. S. . E. Smith .a •JL B. ’Shribers by A-Icx Mac I i I ! f i ■ j ■'L" yj- •’—»ungiai auu iiujpvivwo *-»v »< . ' i . 7i ; i 1—rf-.t’prl-iffld-P'ltrrH't E Kobortnon,- : .’ George Jo.vnt by’S: IL Stftthtf I «nnd: V. A., MiWVbra'y, !.■ ’*' -way and Ardhm B. Smith ". ( • >V A. Mowbray by A. W. Ham- •_ I . ilt'on and S.- B. Stothers. j ■ •, ■ Ar’hie Smub. l-y A,*M. Hai I u>n and V A. My. orav. ’ -1 - Willmiv.- G. ’ Webstr,r I ( f v' anu. Art Bi'evklrs NMnmn | To. The Electors ’ Of/1 ( Village O£ Lucknow: jA^iesAnd Gentlemen ! ' J I i i i 1 1 ii • ’ ' • . ‘ ' . ; ■ t r during ^iV0 years a$ Councillor and .Rryve, arid A J. t time numerous municipal improvements -have Dten achieved that will be apparent to all. ’ ’ ‘ that re-election to the Reeveship, I as>urr you caUvr Gtected I will spare nd time-qiy effort'in (^rett/Uy , , y,rig out the duties end. responsibilities of Hi.,< office