The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-29, Page 5/ WEDNESDAY, ,DE£h 29th, 1954 I a I ) THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,t. LU.C^NOW, ONTARIO I Lyceum WINGHAM First Showing Starts at 7.15 p.m. Saturday Matinees 2.00 "' ' -----------—------------------------------------------— ‘ , THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, December 30, 31, January 1 Spencer Tracy and Richard Widmark, in “BROKEN LANGE” Cinemascope NO MATINEE ON NEW YEAR’S DAY I I J MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, January 3, 4, 5 Howard Keele, Ann Blyth, in I I I i | I i i I I l I “SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS” I In Color In Cinemascope | I r i I I l I | Best Wishes For | I A HAPPY ♦AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR j THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, January 6, 7, 8 1 Robert Mitchum, Marilyn Monroe, in “RIVER OF NO RETURN” In' Color in Cinemascope 0 KINGSBRIDGE , Christmas visitors were Miss Maureen Vassella from London, Mr. Maurice Bowler of Toronto, Misses Mary Theresa and Fran­ ces Martin of Hamilton, Miss . Florence Lambertus of Hamilton, Mr. Clarence Doherty of Toron­ to, Mr. Douglas Crayne of Tor- ontoTMrr Wmr Van Osch of Tor- onto and Miss Jean Gilmore of London. . Mr. Gerald Garvey, who has spent the past two—years in the Western Provinces, is ’ now visit­ ing at the home of his brother, Thomas Garvey. i Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clare and Wm. Clare spent Christmas .with the Ryan . family, at Chesleyl Mr. and Mrs. J; Dietrich and family of Kitchener are visiting at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dalton. . ‘ Rev. Father Kevin Sheridan of Hamilton is spending the week­ end at the home of his mother,, Mrs<. M. Sheridan. The Christmas concert held in the parish hall on December 20 was one of the very best ever, to take place here. Our teacher, Mrs. Sheridan," spared‘nhb“Trfftnl~ to make this concert an . out­ standing success, regardless of the many difficulties, encounter­ ed due to pupils being absent so frequently with the vflu, etc. The lovely costumes, colored lights and stage decorations, etc., made an attractive setting for the fine ,4 presentation . of the ^.Nativity scene, drills, choruses, etc. Mr. Ray Dalton also entertained with Christmas songs. . Rev. Father Van Vynckt, as chairman for this occasion^ com­ plimented the teacher and. pup­ ils for their enjoyable program The chairman of the School Board, Mr. Gordon Valad, also congratulated Mrs. Sheridafi and. the pupils, and thanked ' Mrs. Du rrcarr- Si mpson an dr^M rs.x ^W a I— ter Clare and all,, otihers1 who ----^bidped.~to^.-.rnaka_^th.e„^co.n.ce.rt_a^ Success. After the prdgraih, danc­ ing to Carruther’s orchestra con- MARK FORTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie of Zion were forty-five years' mar-. ried on December 22nd,: and the week previous a. surprise party was held in their honor by- mem­ bers of the family and nieces and nephews.----------------1_____i______ At the conclusion of a social time and card playing, Mr. arid Mrs. Ritchie were presented with JLqux. chrome chairs.Alljoined in singing, ‘‘For They Are Jolly Good Fellows” Lunch was then served. Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie have a 'family of five daughters and two sons, Mrs. Ivan Papernick (Jean) of .‘Goderich, Mrs. Elmer Wall (Daisv) of, Teeswater, Mrs. .Jirn Smith (Violet) of'’Molesworth, Mrs. Robert Irvin (Elsie) of Dun­ gannon,- Mrs. Nelson Ra.ynard (•Clara) and Harvey and Eldon Ritchie of th? Zion community. There are fifteen grandchildren and. four-great grandchildren.. ,o Iiii j BREAKS WRISTS IN CHRISTMAS FALL (PARAMOUNT NEWS) Mrs.'Aqnie Ketchabavz had the!' ^fortune, on Christmas day to u /J° ■ th? sieigh and fract’ured- both wrists. She was on the' -way from her home to her son Jim’s home to spend Christmas. Mrs, Ketchabaw was taken to Wing­ ham Hospital. Her daughter An­ nie; Mrsi A. Copeland of Galt, who came up for Christmas,. re- mained With -her for a few days. , -Mr, and Mrs. Archie Courtney,- Mr. and Mrs.*G. Courtney and son-p f - Am be rle y~ and—Li zzie Reid ’ of Lucknow spent Christmas at Bob Reid’s. Archie had the, mis­ fortune of taking the end' off two fingers whi-ie -loading hvdro poles. . o '■ Mr! and Mrs. J. Crocker of St. Thomas called on Mr’’-.and. Mrs. D. Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Al Hamilton.1 Mrs.’ Dorthy Stein of Galt vis­ ited' with Mr. and'Mrs. J. Hen­ derson, '' ■ Mr. and Mrs. Grant Irudn and daughter of- Clinton vsited with Mr. and Mrs. ’H. Irwin. _,,Mr A- MacGillivray of Paisley called on Eric .Hackett and A] Hamilton. Mr. D. Anderson spent Christ-., mas with Mr.: and Mrs. Douglas and Mrs. Anderson and children who are with her parents while Dave is! getting their new homo ready for. occupancy.- /. t • . To all, our best wishes for health and happiness in the New Year. ? t Mr. and • Mrs.-.. R. Henderson of ' Hamilton ‘ and' Mr. Ivan; Hender­ son of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr. .and Mrs. Jack- Hender­ son and Mr. and Mrs. G. Wraith and children ofvGoderich. ^JMr-—Jack—Kennedy—returned- home from Kincardine Hospital to be with’ his daughter; Mrs. W. Dexter and Mr. Dexter on Christmas day. Mr. Kennedy had riot been in, the best of health for a week. Mr. Harry McMullin fractured some ribs when he fell down stairs. He makes1: his home with MrL and Mrs. Kelso Mc’Nay. 1 Mr. and Mrs. I. Campbell of | Belfast spent Christmas with Mr; arid Mrs. James Ketchabaw and Mae. ' ■ - ‘ / CULROSS CORNERS Happy-New Year Eyervone.'- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson had a visit from Santa who. in­ stalled a television set. ' . ' . ' Mis's . Irl-ma Hodgins of San Francisco is holidaying with her 1 parents, MT7^and~A'lrs7~Tom—Hod- 17 The PLAYHOUSE First Show at 7.30; Second, 9.15 *—• Matinee Saturday .......................... ......... ■ ....... . . . .-------------- ---------- ----------- Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Dec. 30, 31, Jan. 1 BURT LANCASTER, in ™ majesty o-KEErr ; J . ' The Lost Island trader who ruled 10,000 barbarous Fiji Warriors. . 7 ~WATCH THEATRE POSTERS ~ FOR NEXT WEEK’S SHOWS To You and Yours In The New Year HEALTH, PROSPERITY and HAPPINESS -------r---------———————— cember 21 -with Mr. Morley Wall as chairman. There were chorus­ es by the pupils, recitations by' Brenda Haldenby, Nancy Steffen; Sharon Hodgins, Laverne Harris, Billie Walk Donnie Wall, Doris Wall, Beatrice Halderiby, Dar­ lene Decker, Susie Harris, Harpld Whytock, Norma Haldenby, Kar­ en Wall, Larry Lamont, Edna Wall, Donna Haldenby, Beverley Wall; song by Billy Zettler; duet by Francis Lamont and Billie Zettler; rhythm band by the Jun­ iors; dialogues “Romeo and Jul­ iet”, an Indian dialogue, a dia­ logue “Belling the Cat”, “The Serenade”, “The Wondrous Gift” arid “Toby asks-a Question”. The audience also sang some carols. The teacher, Mrs. Graham and. her pupils deserve much credit for. the splendid program.’ LOCAL TEACHER PASSES EXAMS FORMER LUCKNOW RESIDENT DIED IN WINNIPEG 'tinued. ' .. 4 ' Midnight Mass’held- in St. Jos- ■-eph'-s-T-eh-u F(-h™-Qn--~Ch.uisiiij as__XY^ very well.■ attended, a"- .. •words cannot adequately . Mrs. Mid ford Wall & Donnie sent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Tom.Hackett and.Doug oh Ash field,. They also visited'at ; the same home on Sunday., . ■ .Mr. and Mrs.- Earle Hodgi/is and Mr. and Mrs. Art ■ Hodg-ins enjoyed a motor trip to. Owen Sound on Christmas eve. Mrs, R. Whitehead and .'Mr.’ . and Mrs.'Everett Whitehead and procession.: Qf jeeswater wer-e dinner S guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. p 1• Dinner g’ut'sts • Christmas from - - L i this community with Mr. and Mr<’ Bert Sh’ewfelt- and. family ell.!* ■ J........YT r’ and ~ George B.. Mutton died in Win­ nipeg General Hospital on/E^- cember 7th and was buried on December 10th. George was a son of. William and Mary (Chesnut) Mutton, formerly of Lucknow. George was’ ;a first class uphol­ sterer by trade, having learned his trade in Wingham. He mar­ ried Ann' Whitfield of Winnipeg some 40’ years ago. She survives him. There are no children. Dr. H.'A. Mutton of Mitchell is a brother and Mrs. Margaret Mac­ pherson of Milverton is a cousin. George was of an amiable dis­ position and won many friends, was . mere ......... describe th& beautiful procession in candle light .to the Crib, led., by Rev, Father Van Vynckt., al-' tar boys and angels, with Mary (as Patricia Anri Martin)., riding , on 9 donkey, guided by Joseph (Telry Dalton) placed the Infant- in .o(ir beautiful crib, where many -other angels with silver wings “were waiting t° gi‘ee^ therh. During this Gene Frayne rendered Schuberts. ............. Ava Maria and O Holy Mgnt,! Io t Wai] and family The.choir under the direction of • Hein, Hendricks and Mr. P^tei, ■ .Lierman as organist .sang * as* •...... ....... of the Angels exceptionally wei . < Kincardine included Mr, and 'Previous, to the procession to ^orlev Wall and family, i 5nd Mrs, Grant Wall and I riel” reviewed tbeVVW ing up to the first Christmas^e\e,.. Tb anc4 family. Mr and g first Crib by St Friinces. I 'The Canadian Industrial Arts :teachers _ who are taking the. Bachelor of , Science Degree course at London, Ontario, given by Wayne University of Detroit*. Michigan, finished this semester’s work with a class evaluation ses­ sion held in the University of Detroit on December 18th. These teachers who were re­ cently installed as charter mem- . bers of “Epsilon Pi Tau Canad­ ian Field Chapter’’ (an honary Society in Industrial Arts and Industrial-Vocational Education), were guests at Wayne University where a banquet was sponsored by^’AlphaOmieron-Chapter’A-—T Among the guests were Mr. Hedley B. Burden, and Mrs. Bur-, den; Mr. Leslie Naftel, and Mrs. NaftelTMr. Burden teaches at Lucknow District. High School. and Mr. Naftel teaches at Walk­ erton District .High School. The men were conducted on a tour through Q. L. Smith Junior High School and various places of interest, while their wives were touring Northland Shopping Centre. ’ Both Mr. Burden and Mr. Naf­ tel were successful • in the final semester examinations and have registered for. the next term which will begin February Sth, 1955, t § NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS! MB '- s * Z' NO Lucknow District Co-op TMfs. ' Orv and I FEE. | i i 11 of-lis the patronage. ‘ to be of continued service tO jo.iT- -—— TO jEVERYQNE IN TIIE COMMUNITY Best Wishes for • Good Health, Prosperity and Happiness In 19oo. .HOME .Nt’RSlNG — UEE S5M I * ■ • . ., • Z A Night Classes conf'' A & ’ I i . i-■ i. | if sufficient applications aire received, night- <l.<»-•s- j Jx-.held in January for the -i'1,l|<>i'i’l1--:_---------------,------------ i - . ■ ' 1 j BASIC ENGLISH FOR NJ 'V CANADIANS I '?T j Lucknow District § of this firm express nouir-stnceFC-^pp^<aaiHm„Qf.,§. * ne imuviMgc. friendsbip and goodwill we have enjoyed. ~Year JL ■ V xa. %