The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-29, Page 3WEDNESDAY, DEC. 29th, 1954 _-1!IRI.IIIII .I. I.l?.1*1".1! l7.T>,n!l ■" ...IIPI.JI I I-'i nuumm LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH I \ Minister:. I Rev. G, A. Meiklejohn, I' B.A., B,P, | SUNDAY, JANUARY 2/1955 I IJ I I — ------—--------—---- -------------- sons, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kennedy ■and.sons,.Mrs. D. Kennedy and Miss Annie Kennedy of Wing- • ham and Mr. and/Mrs, Harry' Tiehborne' of Godeneh ■■six.-nt' Christmas' with their mother ; Mrs. Kennedy and Pete, ‘ Mr. arid Mrs. Clifford -Fa----- THE U’CK>*OW SEN’TIHEI., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ’ ST. HELENS and fMr G S a.id of - Bra,':e.o. with 'Mr-.' and A' ..._Ja Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Todd.- and Mr sm-d Do vis.tori Miller for the holld ’ I , .Meir,tyre r:dge were -Ira. W. I. week-end. wiirioru f arrier a 7- occur- lcrjcv andand farriily of Wallaceburg, Miss',"1”**’* Southampton & Mr. -Witinifi-ed Farrier of .Toronto'1 ? ? , • Neel>' Todd. David, Janet •« PAGE THREE 11,00 a.m.: Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 12.15 pan.: Church School. a . _ 4-zq.r.u, v’dllVLand Mary Qf Stratford, and' Miss Myrtle. Phillips of .Lohdon; vzere _ v.eek-end guests of Mrs.- D?Todd, nia all spent, the? week-end with" Stuart' of Toronto Mr. and Mrs..- W. R. Farrier. , was a visitor with Mr, and Mrs Mr. and Mrs/ Melvin. McClen- [Geor8& Stuart and Mr. Joe Stuart !. 7.00 p.m.; The Identity of a Christian Church. Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Wallace McClean, jMinister | SUNDAY, JANUARY 2, 19551 11100 a.m.: Morning Worship. | Sunday School Following j Service. | 3.00 p.im: Erskine, Dungan i non. j 7,00 p.m.: Evening Worship, j WHITECHURCH Wishing one and all a Happy and Prosperous New. Year. Mr. and Mrs. Ab Coultes and family spent Christmas with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Ma-; 'jury. •• .'. .. • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mqpre. & Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moore and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Basil Thompson of —— Preston- --—-—- . ——; - '..Mr/ Howard Martin held the lucky ticket, on Weston’s fruit cake at Chapman's store. —and_. - family spent the week-end with V friends at Listowel. Mr. and Mfrs. Russell Chapman and Gary spent the week-end at Markham. , . Mr. an'cl Mrs?’Carl Weber, Ann •. and Marlene spent Christmas with friends at Listowel. Mrs. M. Ross is spending Christmas and New Years at Galt - and Fonthill. . , Mr. , and Mrs. ,. Edgar Gaunt, Barbara, Jim arid John visited on Sunday with,'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McClenaghan.. Mr. arid Mrs. Clark MacGreg- ; or & family, Mrs. D. MacGregor and Mac MacGregor o’f New York spent 'Christmas with Mr. and Mrs7^oeH>o^arf^ar“MtldnTay7-- Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Scholtz and Mr. and Mrs. Cam-Simmons- and Nancy of 'London spent Christmas "with their parents. ' George. Ross of Owen Sound spent the week-end with his par- v cnts, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick, Mr, " and Mrs. Russel Ross and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn and family spent Christmas with Mr. and iMrs. Ron Coultes of Bel- gravei Mr. Chas. Gillespie of. Kitch­ ener spent Christmas with rela­ tives around here. - Mr. and Mrs. E; Groskorth & ‘ family spent the Week-end in Willowdale and Unionville.. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Durniri & Mr. and iMrs. Carman Farrier. & family of Mimieo, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gillespie and family of Sar- rJ- • *• '____■_ Mr._ and ’Mrs./ W. R. Far.rTer. • aghan and Michael of Kilchener, -oyer the Christmas wee^end^" Mr., and Mrs., Harty' Moss and. Mr. and Mrs.- Mel Brown and. T??11\<6fY_B5ight’ M.r- and. Mrs.lBob. Murdie of Kitchener were Ridgetown spent the week-end! with Mr, and Mrs. B. D. Mc- Clenaghan. . . 1 Mrs. Ab , McQuillin -.S'pent Christmas with her sister.. Mr. and Mrs. Neil'i-MacCallum. ..Mr. and Mrs..'Bert Moggash & ‘ ‘VU“er ?r . •jc ford spent Cnnstmas week-end atfamily spent Christmas with his hprp J„mp kPrp parents at Ailsa Craig. Mr. i ‘ I were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller. Plans are being • made for a sons spent the week-end withj‘-.^he Day ■ After Christmas”, to JMr, an-d .Mrs, Archie Watt at Tor-. held under the auspices of On<?’ ■, ’; i the . Women’s Institute on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Welwood, ~ Mrs. A. Cronin and Jack of Cal- Mr., and Mrs., Harty' Moss and f ” - - ■ ■ ■ Jas. MacIntyre and Allan of' holiday visitors with Mr. Mrs. d.j a. anc| Mrs. Murdie ! Mr. and Mrs'. Gordon Miller'& i Larrv of London, are holiday v'is- ji.t ors with. Mr. and Mrs.. Chester 'Taylor, .. ... " : i Miss Margaret Miller of Strat- ;S 'here home here. . • i Mr., and .Mrs'.- Willis Corrigan , d Mrs. George Fisher i Of Cookstown and Mr. and . Mrs. JV* -------------------/■'" I. \ • ’ . .............................................. "•............ s*i i J ' Jj ft ft 40 ft4» ft fe/ Once a year sale. Tailored <to, measure -L choice materials. 40 ft' 4Sft 4» ftJM ft ft •M. ft 4B ft 40 ft4» ft M ft ft AS ft 40 ft JC0 ft «*•ft , Sanderson’s I LADIES and MEN’S WEAR S & J I ■ Suits for men Free Pair of Extra Trousers or 20% Discount This offer is good until January 15th only.1 BY CAMBRIDGE AND TIP TOP Skirts, Sweaters, Slacks Good assortment in all sizes. Plaids, Worsteds, Gabs, Taffetas. Priced right for best quality. DRY CLEANING Monday and Friday — Moth-proofed — Guaranteed. Tiverton with Mr. and Mrs. Toby; Hblvrood Jantzi. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Watt and x i4-iaUc xul .Dr.t_and...Mrs,. Donald. Wa_tt._. ancL progr-am^-inri-uding— a--short-play- sons speiyt the week-end with |‘^he Day ■ After Christmas”, to JMr, an-d-Mrs. Archie Watt at Tor-. held under the auspices of On<?’ ■, .%<. ™! the-Women’s Institute on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Welwood, January 7th. Keep the date/in Mrk,, Hester Falconer and Mr; mind. " ■■/'■' Mrs. A. Cronin and Jack of Cal- Mr. Harvey Sparling preached, eddri spent Christmas with Mr. a challenging sermon on ‘.‘What and Mrs., Jas. Falconer, ^0 . you believe about • Jesus *Mr. and Mrs. Ed Marsh, Mrs; Christ?” in the United’Church. on Watson, Mr., and Mrs. Oscar/Stindav morning. Mr, Mel Brown Casemore, all of Wingham; spent i£ang. the. solo ‘The Birthday of Christmas with Mr. . and Mrs;. E. j -a King”'ajid the choir contribut- Casemore, - ' ' ed a Christmas, anthem, / Mr.and., Mrs;. Donald- Martin [• ■ -Mrs- .John . Miller, who -spends and family spent Christmas with -the winter months in London and Mr. and Mrs.: Lome MacAllister j Strathroy, attended the marriage in Culross- "" y ' . /. . of her granddaughter, Donna Mil-, 0TT ,14 Mr.; Robt. Mowbray, Miss.es ! Jer,- only 'daughter of’"'Mr?. and- MFs. -A.—Sr Mitchell—inTlamilton. Agnes and Bertha MacKay of ■ Mrs. Alvin Miller of Strathroy to London, soent Christmas., 'with iMr.. Leslie Campbell on Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson. ■ mas Day. . —-Mf“and—Mrs- John Gaunt and-p-?phe-^ann.ira4'. Sunda family spent Christmas Ayith . Mr.j, Christmas concert/was held in and Mrs. George Coultes - of East! the United .Church' on Monday Wawanosh. '/ ’■ , I evening”-i....r. ... . There'were 18 tables of euchre” Mr! Lome Woods? the supt.; was played in the hall Moriday night..! chairman : and Mrs. E. W. Rice, the ’prizes' going to./high lady.: ; was1' pianist, the dine program Ruby.Conn; high.,man,'Fred-Tifr opened .with..a- Christmas carol ' fin;- low lady; Mrs. • G. Gillespie; j followed • by a • welc:ome song ‘ by lo-w- man',. Chas;- -Tiffin/- lonethe children.-Other numbers in- ---------- _ ' hands. Ewart MacPheFsori and ciud'ed . choruses by the. Juniors j developed an infection^ triaL con Mrs; Elmer -. Wall. Luii'cn .was and bj•• the -Senior, girls; readingsj 1 served and .a dance foHpwed to /y Terry Wilson/ Shirley Mac- niusic by Tiff-in’s orchestra. ’ ' Neil, Donald Taylor, Miss^W.. D. Congratulations to Mr Cornelius 92nd birthday at1 the home of Joyce -. McDonald ••and • • rnyi.us Mr. -and Mrs. .'Harty .Galley ■ in . Barbour: recitations, by .Donald Mr. Harvey Sparling preached, do . you believe about • Jesus Chri4t?” in the .United'Church. on I . ! evening”-with- a good attendance. •# \ • < . I ■ < 4 I ! 1 s ft w ft w ft Mr s I | Best Wishes For S | A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 1 arid Mrs. Allan - Stuart of Hamil-i ton, Mr., and Mrs. Jack Wilson of Stratford and Miss Winnie Ste­ wart of London spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and* Mrs, Philip Stewart.' ," Mr. arid Mrs. Redvers Johnson arid Joy spent Christmas with Mr. and • Mrs. Guest Mitchell of Galt and also visited with Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Hollyman took quite ill on Friday evening arid was taken to Wingham Hospital, oh Christmas Day. Her condition is improving, - Reeve $. Robertson of Luck­ now and Reeve David Carruth­ ers of Kinloss were among those attending the funeral of Reeve Gordon Dixon of Southampton on Wednesday. , r 1 Ru’herford ■ and ^Marvin McDon- 3Id: piano solos .by .Allison^Webb, o.f Joyce* .' McDonald ".and P^Rhis Saunders.' ■Linda'. . Little and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bott- and1'Terry. Wilson; '^solo by PhR11^ with her parents, Mr. and Mr>, - and a. duet? by .Gladys ..McDppald ~Robt/Purdori. ' " , • and Terry Wilson;,An interesting LeroV.Rintdui is under.the doc- v10ur was spent-dn gameb -and tor’s.care with virus pneumonia .contest underline .Gary Rintoul has -been under the.:'.$hm of Mrs. doctors care, for .the-past.coup.?. Brawn after \vhen' of weeks.wi,th a sore throat/ social time. wa» w/s.| ' lunch, including we cream, waij Mr,.. and -Mfs. Bill Humpnit> /' ______—_ had as their guests ori Christmas.. . . . day her entire family . consisting' ' a f of' Mr.-and. Mrs; .xMilv.ert. Reid; LOCal 0 and family, Mrifrand Mrs. Peter' . Cook and family,. Mr. and Mrs.: Mr. and Mr> Charlie McDonald .-.and fan'.i.v., Detroit-.were Mr. arid Mrs. Russ Cl'ipperton and w,lt>h his- pare Wingharii: ■t on James celebrating -her at1 the home o si Vdmnv and her parents, Mr. and -Th^a3 H- Bu Mrs. "Sath R4W. making, a. gatsy. Mr. and M- ering of .twenty;e.rght /P/l/'T/fj/! Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Lavery of Toronto were Christmas week­ end visitors with Mrs. R. T. School Douglas and Miss. MacDonald. Mrs. Robert. McQuillin, George and Marilyn of Hamilton -were Christmas visitors with Beatrice McQuillin' and, brothers.. \ Mrs,. Wilfred McQuillan return­ ed home recently from Wingham Hospital, She underwent an op­ eration in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London/ a while ago- and then fined her to Wingham Hospital for several days. ■ . /Miss Noreen /■■, Kilpatrick of Western University is spending- the Christmas holidays With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kil­ patrick. '.. . Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gaynor and Johnnie: and Sharon of Tavistock, .also Miss' Joyde Little of Chat- ’ ham. spent Christmas’ at Mrrand~ Mrs. Albert Little’s. „ Mr. and'Mrs. Calvin Irwin and> familv’from-Oshau a and Mr. and. . Mrs. * Charles .Riach and Mari­ anne from Woodstock spent ■Christmas AyiCh Mr. and Mrs. W. ! J? Irwip. . • - •!'' Mr. George McRoberts, and Mrs. Winnifred Nixon spent Christ­ mas dav and the week-end with i Mr/' and. Mrs; Ernest Snowden and family and Mr. James Snow­ den of Rast Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. . Russell; Clipper­ ton and fainily of London spent the holiday week-end with her., parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reid. Mrs;- Albert Little’s, :. I a- HAP?Y NEW YEAR May every day of 1955 be “Happy Days” for you and’ yours, blessed with health, wealth and happiness. V. h )•; Thanks a million for your patronage and goodwill dur­ ing the; year, and our New Year resolve will be to con­ tinue to serve you to the very best of Our ability. BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET . Jts peen g and! - 1 • i <?* n rUS, » 1 * k last r. Wm rs.' ' E, ,-H, A si new holiday' week-end at P’.vmouth. ' Lwfriiiam ..fibWR y ave a ee .a H J08W In Appreciation Of Yotn* !• dends.ud and. ut ■’ ’W®- Say .Thank You ’and Extend Jo- kun votn - Community Our Vei\v Best VV/hes 1’Oi A. I.-hl. . jlnd Prosperous SUnv \ McltexinaiA & •MacKetl^® wit a ■