The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-22, Page 2£ A I % ■ 1 ,4 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO HOME TOWN GREETINGS k (By Dean I. MacLeod) Sing me a song of the SepOy Town When the Christmas time is near, TeR ine {he charm of the fairy gown She dons in the closings year. Tell me a tale of the roofs all whiter And the sparkle on the snow, And the way the Nine Mile runs so light The heart of the town below, • ‘ A- . . • -of ■ Tell me the look of her cosy homes ; And the shops on Campbell Street, Till memory thrills in the one who roams - And shows where the neighbours meet. Tell me the tale of ihe shopping crowd Who pause their friends to greet Mothers Guiding and Dads with handclasp proud, some. little feet. I I a story of children fair Carols that they sing, Tell me And the > And the peaceful hush of the Sunday air When the tells of the churches ring. ' But tell me a message of real contend— That hearts in the Sepoy Town Are tuned , to the heart of God Who sent . His Son as a Ransom down. r Sing me ar song of a world’s one Door Till there is no near or far , And like to our loved ones gone before, We follow a Guiding Star. -.'.g cr * S . or * w I s J| " ■' ■ . . - ' - $ The Christmas meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Oliver McCharles. Mrs, MeL ving Colling presided over the “bt^iness”p^“6f^ the—meeting while Mrs. Douglas Henry, con­ vener for the December group, had charge of the devotional part. Christmas carolsrwere sung and the: roll call was answered with a Christmas thought. Mary Roul- ston gave a reading on “The Message of Bethlehem”. Mrs. Anger sang “Silent Night”. Mrs. Norval Stewart and Mrs. Sandy McCharles played a piano duet. The* guest speaker was Mrs. “Wal­ ter Farrell who spoke on the ;i I1 t ' OUvet W.M.S. ■ 7 Under the Bruce County assess­ ment equalization program, the town of Chesley’s assessment has been increased from $1.1 million to $1.6 million. true ' spirit of Christmas. Mrs. Clayton moved a vote of. thanks to the speaker, to the hostess and to the group in charge and a welcome to Mrs. Daisy McCharles whowasabletobehomeagain.- The supply secretary reported 110 lbs. of clothing had been sent to Korea and axcouple, of; quilts had been sent to Toronto. After singing the closing hymn, lunch was served and boxes were pack­ ed for the shut-ins. I / * w •r A HAPPY HOLIDAY TO ALL! At mis time of the yedr, it is most .fitting that we~take-time7to express the appreciation of our ^your—good— ASK EGG FLOOR AT PRQpyCERlLEVEL President Wilfred Shortreed of Walton presided over the Decem­ ber meeting of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture board of directors held in the Agricul­ tural Board. Room in Clinton. As this was the first directors’ meet­ ing following the annual meet- ing, sey^ral new township direct­ ors were introduced. • • The report of the striking com­ mittee set up to select an exe­ cutive. and committee, for the comjng year was’given by the secretary, Gordon M. Greig. The new. executive „is as follows: past pres.,, R. S. McKercher, Dublin; pres., Wilfred Shortreed, Walton; vice-pres., Douglas McNeil, God­ erich; 2nd vice pres., Winston Shapton, Exeter; executive mem­ bers, Cafl Oestreicher, Dashwood; Anson McKinley, Zurich; Bill Kinahan/ Lucknow; Erlin Whit­ more, Seaforth; Mrs. Tait Clark, Goderich, as woman directpr, a representative from the Huron County Junior Farmers;_ J311L Gow, Auburn, representing af­ filiated organizations and secret- ary-fieldman, Gordon M. Greig of Bluevale. . * The resolutions , committee in­ cludes: Winston Shapton, Exeter, as chairman; Warren Zurbrigg, Gorrie; R. S. McKercher, Sea­ forth; Anson McKinley, Zurich, and Jim Feagan, Goderich. On the calfhood vaccination commit­ tee are agricultural representat­ ive G. W. Montgomery as chair­ man; Bill Culbert, Dungannon; Harold Elliott, Bluevale; Carl 70^treicherrDasWoodrand-Jack Currie, Wingham. The poultry committee is made up of Bob McKinley, Zurich; Alfred War­ ner, Bayfield; HarbldFahnefrEx- eter, Ross McGregor, Seaforth & Dick Proctor, Belgrave. The edu­ cational committee includes the four- presidents, secretary wo- man director and chairman of the Farm Forum committee. The OBITUARY MRS/ WALTER HODGINS In the K-W Hospital, Kitchen­ er, Ont.; where she had been a patient for almost three years, death came to Mrs. Mary J. Hod­ gins orf December 15th, 1954. e Mrs. Hodgiiis was born in Ok- ford County near Harrietsville on Sept. 27, 1870. At the age of ten, she moved with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Statters, to a farm on the 10th Con. of Kinloss Township. In 1900“ she married Walter Hodgins, who predeceased her on January 8, 1929. . She leaves, to mourn her loss three sons, and five daughters, Harry of Toronto,: Charles of Wingham, Ralph and Mrs. Earl Culbert (Jennie) of London; Mrs. B. N. Thompson (Annie) of Kit­ chener, Mrs. John T. Taylo? (Mary) of Galt, Mrs. Raymond Snyder (Florence) of Blooming­ dale and. Marion, a W.M.S. mis­ sionary of the’ United -Church, who is- now spending part of her “furlotigh yeajT at: “the Snyder home; one brother, Denzil . of Galt;“ twenty-one grandchildren- and four great . grandchildren, also survive. The funeral service was' held On Saturday, December 18th at 2.60 p.m. at the Walker funeral home in Wingham. Interment was ih Greenhill cemetery, Lucknow. A former pastor and friend of ■iori^^fiding^Rev7~Fr"Er Clys-' dale of London, conducted the funeral-ser-vice,-.assisted, by -Rev.,- McRae . of Wingham United ChuTch, of which Mrsi Hodgins was a member. Mr. Clysdale paid tribute to a fine Christian Ionian, who never failed to uphold the highest ideals' in her home, church and community. ’ Pallbearers were former neigh­ bors, Earl and Art Hodgins, Ernie Hamia* Frank Thompson, Jack Ross and; Eldon Eokonswillef, f WEDNESDAY, DEC. 22nd. 1854, ! "I ■■r1"....... ..'.I"1.! '..... /■ ..-........7 * & and YoursBest Wishes 0 i Webster & MacKinnon I for a Most Merry Yuletide Season and The Best of Everything in the New Year. wheat committee members are: Russel Bolton, Dublin,, as chair­ man; Frank Linklater* Goderich; R. S. McKercher, Seaforth; Jini Bradley, Lucknow, and Harry Strang, Exeter. On the insurance committee are:1 C. R. Coultes, Belgrave; Harvey Taylor, Bruce- field and Ed Hendrich, Credittn. ■ ___Urges Park Site The meeting endorsed a resol­ ution from Colborne township asking for Federation of Agricul­ ture support for a county or pro­ vincial. park site along the Lake Huron shore in Huron County. Three other resolutions received from Farm Forums and township Federation units, relating to the present poultry production dil- ema, were endorsed. The resolu­ tions asked that a floor price for eggs be applied at producer level and that the floor price be re­ gained at last year’s level.- A third resolution that was endors­ ed asked for a Federal investiga­ tion into the spread in prices be­ tween producer and consumer. Figures were presented, that showed producers receiving 28c ^per-dozen-for-their-eggs-that-sold- to the city consumer at 48c per dozen in cartons. Delegates were appointed to at­ tend the annual meeting of the Ontario Federation of Agricul­ ture. President Wilfred Short; reed, past president R. S. Mc­ Kercher* vice presidents Douglas McNeil and Winston Shapton,' Mrs.' Tait Clark, secretary-field- man Gordon K. Greig and a rep­ resentative of the Huron County Junior'Farmers. The executive of the County Federation Voted a fund of $125 < ■ -I..Greetings and Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year Fisher’s Barber Shop 5 '■ Jr to help pay expenses for young people from Huron County whc* will be attending the Winter Short Course at the Ontario Ag­ riculture College from January 3 to 7, .1955. The most that will be given to each delegate will be $5.00 and if more than 2$ Juniors attend the course from. Huron County the? money will be divided equally among the delegates. JUNIOR RED CROSS-TOTS VISIT BAKER HOSPITAL . The Little Lights Branch of the Junior Red Cross from Room II: of the Lucknow Public School Visited the Baker Hospital on . Tuesday afternoon to sing carols and present gifts of fruit. Each of the children number­ ing about thirty-six brought an . > orange to school. These were placed in decorated six quart baskets and presented to the folk at the Baker Home, when the children went there in a body. Mary Murdie, president of the -< Little Lights group, made the presen tation“addressrThechild-^^— ren assembled in the reception room to sing their songs. Reci­ tations were also given by Herby Hunter, Douglas McKinnon and Myrna Burden. There was mutual enjoyment in the visit for both the child­ ren and the ..aged folk at the hospital. The management of the Hospital treated the children to- home-made candy. ?z « There are 1,089,206 young Can­ adians enrolled in the Junior Red Cross. ■ T J