The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-11-17, Page 8PAGE, EIGHT THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, WY.4W 1954 f. • I I w • ■i* 7 EASY TO CLEAN EVEN, DEPENDABLE HEAt ECONOMY OF OPERATION BEAUTIFUL v ,• ................ ............ ..... . , f A.' L; ? Ladies’,' Children’s Wear—Piece Goods AT Woollens ...................I.-"..... ..........-.I............................................................................................................................................................ I.....................U.... May W«a Suggest You Use Our . Oiristmas Lay Away Plan /\/ WHY? ; \; Earlyrshoppers are:assured ofa better selection and the last minute rush is avoided .< • •> Qrir Christinas Lay-Away Plau DOES NOT REQUIRE A DEPOSIT We will gladly lay away any parcel or parcels until it is convenient for you to calk OUR CHRISTMAS DRAW ■:Qr Mien’* V. MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT •r . • *' / • V**‘’ ‘ .* ‘ By House,of Stone r— Value $59.95, One ticket with each "purchase of $5.00 jor over. AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS | Frte Piek-Up and Delivery Monday and Thursday. I OBITUARY WILLIAM N. BUSHBLL The funeral servlce-for -the late William N. IJushell was largely attended^ last Tuesday afternoon at the McLennan - MacKenzie Mwaorial Chapel, where the flower-banked bier evidenced the popularity of <the deceased, and sympathy for the bereaved. Hun­ dreds had visited the Chapel prior to the service in tribute to one who had been a lifelong and highly esteemed resident of the district ; Billy Bustiell, as he was fam­ iliarly known to young and old, was born on a Kinloss Township farm near Kinlough, on January 25th, 1831. He was Otte of four sons of Nathaniel Bushell arid Elizabeth McMann. / The family was young when Mrs. BusHell^diedandas alad in his early teens, William went; to Ripley to attend school and assist in the grocery store oper­ ated by his uncle, W. J. Craw­ ford. ‘ ’ •' In 1909 Mr. Bushell bought the grocery, s bakeshop arid restaur- fr 1 WvVr TWT ► * V W VW W V WWW O y FV! See Our Selection Of . . . . Christmas Baking Supplies Largest stock in town —■ and aHUie Best Prices. ► I ♦A ■ ■ ‘Bright’s Applesauce, r 15 os. ........ Si tor , Doles Crushed Pineapple, ' 20 'ok: LG A. Choice Peas, ► 20 oa. 2 for ^Breakfast Club Raspberry Jam, 24. oz. ■ iShirriffs Good Morning >. Marmalade, 24 Oz. ’Rose Whole Dill Pickles, ’ 24 os. ........ J.6.A4 Catsup SMITH’S FOOD MARKET 'X dk. A'rdh’dk A'A/Xi Aiiaih A A., A & dL AiJk'A db 'An AA.AnA 31c 29c 39c 33c 45c 31c 210 v V < J < if < < < *1 Corned Beef ... Margarine ....... THAT the winners at the Mon- , day night Shoot party were Mrs. A. J. Wilson and Al. Irwin. THAT Leo Beauchamp, who had( ; recently taken over the. duties of projectionist at The Play­ house Theatre, is laid up with a heart condition and during •his absence, Bob Gardner is carrying bn for him. THAT two members t>f the Dun­ gannon 4-H Beef Club, Frank Alton and Lome Hackett, are listed as showing calves in the Queen’s Guineas competition at the Royal Winter Fair'• on Thursday. Last week we nam­ ed four members of the Luck- rnnhOwnC^ iered ’ in this contest. The calves are weighed in oh Wed­ nesday, shown on Thursday af- ternoori and sold by auction on ■; Saturday. ■ THAT Mrs. G. Caldwell of Dun­ gannon, who suffered a brok­ en hip a few weeks ago, is a ^patient at Baker’s Private Hos­ pital. Mrs.* Margaret Dudley is another patient who was re-: cently admitted to the home. Enjoy Years Of > * % /'• Carefree Warmth Oil Space with a McClary EFFICIENT ♦ * * WM. MURDIE 0 SON 1’’PHONE 10, LUCKNOW Heating ' plumbing —; tinsmithing Oil Furnaces Installed and Serviced — n ■> <>—111 *>»■“ , , ? . - , „ / • ' THAT Miss Gail MacMillan has successfully .passed her regis­ tered nurse examinations.J*>he is a member of the staff of St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where she trained. Gail .has- ambitions; to become a TCA stewardess. resigned as manager of the Walkerton arena, a .difficult post which .he has capably handled since the installation of artificial ice. The resigna­ tion is effective January 1st “Tapper” - is a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Little of . Ashfield. '■ T . THAT Mel Stanley came across ■ -4 patch of wild'strawberries in full blossom on their farm a mile, west of Lucknow on Satr /; urday. , . THATwhileJoeConleyand_Bill Brown were putting a new ceiling ip/ Joe’s home, they dis­ covered ip the attic a 33-year- old ticket to the Goderich In- dustrial Exhibition.Theclates Were September 6, 7, 8, 1921. Dr. W. F.. Clark was secretary ’' and T. Gundry, chairman of the track committee. Four races were listed for a total purse of $900. THAT Lucknow ratepayers got their tax bills last week and / for some of them at least, it was “bad news”. - THAT the United Church choir was at Teeswater last Wed- --^esday^i^t^,tafeing-part4n~the- week-long preaching mission conducted by Rev. John Stin­ son. As well as an anthem by the choir, a selection was ren­ dered’ ‘by a mixed quartette comprised of Mrs. J.‘ W. Joynt, Miss BW RObertson, Eldon Henderson and .Rayriard Ack- ert. ant business of Mr. Alex Tre- leaven. The restaurant was eventuallydiscontmuedbut-Mr. Bushell, with the assistance of his wife whom, he married in September- 1933, continued to rim the bakery and grocery store until l944, when they sold the business to Mr. Donald B. Blue. . Mr. and Mrs. Bushell retired to, Lucknow where they had since .made their home. Mrs. Biishell was formerly Mary An­ netta Moore, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Moore of Kinloss. She survives to mourn the loss of a kind and devoted husband. <” iSurviying also - is a brother, John Bushell of Kinlough.’. A brother, Russell, died in 1916 arid another brother, Nelson E. BusH- ell,# predeceased , him just five months ago. ‘ Mr. IBushell was immaculate in his. appearance, friendly" and kind and ?many friends were saddened by hjs sudden passing. t>h the Saturday afternoon , of his death Mr. Bushell had been cleaning, his car^ and doing some other out-of-doors work He col­ lapsed near the house and dred almost instantly from a coron­ ary attack. He was beyond help when Mrs. Bushell reached him. Wood working/was a hobby at which Mr. Bushell was quite proficient and many cleverly constructed items are evidence of his handiwork. A sign for the new. high school which he recently completed has not been put up. Rev. A.. Meiklejohn of Lucknow United Church, Which he was a member, con­ ducted the funeral service. Mem­ bers of Riple Lodge I.O.O.F., to which he belonged, conferred last rites bf the Order at the graveside in GreenKilTCemetery. Six nephews acted as pall­ bearers, Max, Morley and Edbert Bushell, George and Currie Col- Well arid George Moore, THAT Earl “Tapper” Gray has IF Rubber Footwear SPECIALS X CLEARING OF DISCONTINUED LINES * ■ : .. J - J.ir . J ■ y ; -• -r - -- -I -. WOMENS SNOBOQTS . 12 PAIRS ONLY, site 6, women’s fierce and wool-pile lined over the foot snoboots, black and brown. Values for$9.95 (feC QR CLEARING AT , CHILDS’ and MISSES’ SNOBOOTS PAIRS ONLY—Childs' and Misses’ lifted Snoboots. Values to $6.95 /I Q CLEARING AT ..........i...................O’*‘T17 BOYS’ ZIPPER OVERSHOES BOYS’ AND YOUTHS’ black ail-rubber zipper Overshoes. Regular to $5.95 QCt CLEARING Al? .......................................... MEN’S HOCKEY OUTFITS MEN’S PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY OUTFTlSi-sizes 7 to 10.. Half sites included,. Regular $22.00 Value Q OQ CLEARING AT ■ / . ■■, ■' : • ■ ’ 'I 639c 38c 17c Hereford Margene Sair fitted Dates Ogilvie Silver and Gold Cake "Mix............ Cherry Pie Ready JSuriny Coffee .... $1.05 " Royal Guest Coffee,........> $1.09 Crown Syrup, 2 lbs. 29c rod < 1 < ' < 27c 35c.> - ■ < < . - -;r - , Stokley Rice Dinner 2 for 33c < Old Dutch Cleanser 2 for' 27c < Palmblive Soap, teg. 2 for 19c < Five, Roses Fldpr, 7 lbs. L 49c < Florida Grapefruit, ' < GREHORA SCATTER RUGS ■ A smart non-skid washable rug, ? forest green: and diisty pink,,. ' . , only* .....................j $1.98 each .’ WINTER HATS ' ' ■ . See our” large selection on sale; L6Vely GIFT SETg - 50x50 table cloth and 4 napkins/ , , blue, pink, green, cream, white. . 'V had yet the of S. C. Rathwell&Son Fine Footwear For All The Family STORE -■ ;-----------—...,--------------------------------------- ..ra Don’t Forget To Visit Our Toy Department There You Will Find Something To Please Every Child Doll Prams from $4.98 each Cute Doll 'Furniture 98$ set polls’ Dishes and Baking Sets, from ...............$1>§8 Little Girls’ SeWing Machines ......................................... $2,79 Beautiful 22-Inch Trucks, from $,2^19 ' Jolly Pirate Shooting Game, ideal game for older boys $2.39 Monopoly Sets $2.98 Crokinale Boards $4.39 Books for Everyone* from 1.5$ ? Ask About Our Christmas Lay-Away Plah, MEN’S WOOL MITTS Only ....moo........* $1.60 a pair • •. ? ; ' INSOLES. ? Have all sizes, in men's better felt insoles, only, pair 35c< Original Foam Felt Insole, only pair ......................................... ■ MEN^S DRiESS GLOV^- /■ Lined leather dress gloved. / L ; Pair .... ........