The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-11-17, Page 7WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17th, 1954 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN I BUYS NEW TRUCK, GETS FIRST AIRPLANE RIDE *'i.- .. ................. .............■....- United Church W.A., Group 1 In the absence of the leaders, Mrs. Brooks presided for the de­ votional and business periods of the November meeting of Group lr held at the home of Mrs. Alex MacNay on Wednesday afternoon, November 10th. “Give Peace, O God” was the opening hymn and Mrs. George Joy nt read the scrips ture. Mrs. Brooks took the med­ itation’ and offered prayer. Fol­ lowing the business, Mrs. Spence Irwin took the-chair for the pro­ gram. interesting notes on two well known hymns, namely, “Res­ cue the Perishing” and “Stand up, Stand up, for Jesus”, were read by-Mrs;~-Jpynt, ~ with members singing a verse, of each. “A toast to the Flag Of the Empire” was given by Mrs. W. R. Howey, and Mrs. Speriee Irwin favored with a piano instrumental. Miss An­ nie MacKay very capably , gave a talk suitable to Remembrance day, and two minutes silence was T MONUMENTS SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKERTON * . \ • • 4 < ' • ■ ’ • We are the only manufac­ turers in this part of Ontario . of high class > monuments who import granite.from the Old Country in the rough by - the carload-and process from ~ the rough to the finished monument. No middleman. When choosing a monument come- and see, one of the largest selections in Ontario. Established over sixty years. Write or phone Walkerton 8 and reverse charges. SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKERTON observed, followed^ by singing God save the Queen”. At the close of the meeting, Mrs. Wil­ son Hamilton provided a contest and the committee served re­ freshments. Langside W.M.S. The November meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Farish Moffat. The meeting was opened by the vice president, Mrs. jack Pollock, ‘The scripture lesspn was taken by Mrs. Farish Moffat. Mrs’ Bert Moffat read the meditation on “Remembrance”. The ' offering prayer was _ given. by Mrs. - D. Scott. Emma Richardson gave the Glad Tidings review. The following officers were filled for the coming year: pres., -Mrs. Far- ish Moifat; vice pres., Mrs, Jack Pollock; treas., Mrs. Bert Moffat; . sec., Mrs. Lloyd Moffat; Supply . s^c., Mr^,, D. Scott and Mrs. Jas. ■ McPherson; Welcome and Wel­ fare, Emma Richardson; Lit. and Lib., Mrs. P. Moffat; Glad Tid­ ings, Mrs. Orr; press sec., Mrs. Farish Moffat. Hymns were sung arid the meeting closed with the Lord’s ' praypr in. unison. South Kinloss Faith & Fellowship The Faith and Fellowship met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacIntyre on Msnday, Novem- her 8th.. The meeting opened wifo the singing of Psalm 121, followed by the repetition of the Lord’s prayer. The next meeting is to be at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' jra, Dickie with Grotip 3 in charge.- Prayers were given by Stewart Stanley and Mrs. Steer. The scripture lesson was read by ...-Leonard Mclnnes'‘‘followe by . the meditation given by Mrs. Archie MacIntyre. A reading, “Remembering” by Mrs. Harold Campbell, was followed, by .a . ..period of- silent - prayer in re­ membrance of, those who gave their lives. A reading and pray- ~|er~was given by Mrs. Baulch. A filmstrip was shown._and--ques ■ ions weremsked on the filmstrip. Grace w^sung and lun.ch was served followed by a vote of. thanks by’Leonard Mclnnes. The meeting closed with the mizpah benediction.- Olivet W.M.S. ‘Nineteen members answered the 'roll call at the. November meeting of the W.M.S: ’ held at On th» iobr Chief Wilmot Young, Bfoclcville'police headJot thtf P°£ years.Brock vi lie'young iters know hini as .the’ launder and athletic director at the Police Athletic Aesociotion; thd ftohhies behind his desk were won by boys - a - flirij’ athletic teams .arid the 50-girl bugld bond sponsored by tD<yA«octotioii»— * THE TELEPHONE IS ESSENTIAL TO A COMMUNITY‘S SECURITY AND PEACE OF MIND ... . ■ Cbhf of Police dkcUres ■ Brock^ille’s popular chief knows froin experience the tremendous reassurance people fed? just knowing any hour of the day or night they can depend Ofi the telephone Ifi case of need; . , remains that you and your family feet more secure ■ more secure—because of your telephone. ; Peace of mind is an extht value tlf.it is pat< of your teiephoiie isetviee; a value that cannot bv jneasutc « THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA S . ' ' ' . ■ • ’• ' " ........................ ............................ . — ................... . .......... . WHAT! NO JAIL? No! Seventy-eight. thousand people Jive together happily, and practically crime free. Their sys­ tem of public schools is almost perfect. Every child of ten can read. There are seminaries and colleges, newspapers arid publish­ ing establishments. But there is not a single jail or penitentiary. The place? The island called Ice­ land, a sovereign state since 1918. Formerly it was ruled-jn Den­ mark, Two other facts about this remarkable island are very sig­ nificant. No beverage alcohol is permitted to. be imported. All are total abstainers! This advertisement is sponsor­ ed by the Huron County Temper­ ance Federation. TRELEAVEN HORSE BEST OF CANADIAN-BRED JUMPERS Beau Geste, a seven-year-old chestnut gelding owned by Dr. R. L. Treleaven of. Woodstock and formerly of Luckriqw, beat ■the best of Canadian-bred jump­ ers to win the $1,500. Burton Stake at the Royal .Winter Fair on Monday night. . . __zThfiL- well-known Western On­ tario horse, ridden by, the own­ er’s son Dick, went around the 10-jump course with no faults, and was top horse in conforma­ tion and soundness. Dr. Treleaven picked up $450 first prize and a plate for his horse’s performance., the home of. Mrs. Norval Stew-r art. Mrs. Clayton presided over the business part of the meeting. The roll'call was answered by a verse on peace. Mrs. H. Henry reported on the Willing' Workers. Discussion followed and it was decided to quilt a. couple of quilts for the Flood Relief Area. Sev­ eral pounds of candy were do­ nated and will , be sent to the' soldiers’ hospital in London. Mrs. Melvin Colling presided over the devotional, part of the meeting. Mrs. Alvin Hamilton read the scripture. Short readings were given by Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Colling, Miss Rosser played a couple of instrumentals on the piano. Our new "study book on India was introduced by Mrs. Brydon. ’’ She told us of the hos­ pitality and artistic tastes of the people of India and their capac­ ity for adjusting themselves to any situation. M r s. Howard Heriry thanked the hostess, Mrs. . Brydon and all the group *fOr an enjoyable afternoon. After sipg-. ing the National Anthem lunch was served by. the group in charge. 'Annual Meeting Ashfield W.A. The annual meeting of the •Ash.field W.A. was held on No­ vember 11 th at Zion dhurch fol­ lowing the W.M.S. meeting. Hjmn 550 was sung and the scripture was read by Mrs. Geo, Saunders. . Prayer was then, of­ fered by Mrs. /George Twamley, The minutes Were read by. Mrs. Jim Hunter and adopted. The treasurer’s report . was . read by Mrs. Richard Kilpatrick shoy/ing a balance on hand of $11.42 as at November 11 th,. 1954. -Rev. Dick­ inson then took charge of the.' election of officers as follows for the coming year: pres-UMrs. Jim Nelson; treas., Mrs. Wilfred Hac­ kett; sec., Mrs, Eldon .Ritchie; ladies to represent the W.A. at each Circuit are as . follows: Blake’s, Mrs.; Wm. Andrew and Mrs. Livingstone JMen.ary.;.JHack-- "ett’s,. Mrs.Ralph Cameron and Mrs. Dynes Campbell; Zion, Mrs. Gordon ^Ritchie and Mrs. W. O. Hunter. Hymn 376 was sung and Mr,': Dickinson closed with' pray­ er. Lunch was served by Zion ladies. ( the the an- the Men’s Choir Provided Music Ari. all -male- choir led in singing’ and rendered two fhems very acceptably in ■ United Church on Sunday._m.o.mx ■ThgTElm.er Umbach presided at the oraan and members of the choirzincTudedi A, J., Armstrong, Alex Havens,. Harvey. Webster, ! Cecil Attridge, Al IrWih, Don ' Thompson, .Ken MacNay,. Roddy 1 Wraith,, Well Henderson, GVeri I Waldon, Jack McKfm, Murray Couse,' Raynard Ackert, Harvey Bride, Eldon Henderson, Arthur Breckles, Clayton Alton, Frank ■ i Thompson’, ' Red vers Johnston, ■ i Chas Webster,. Alox Andrew. .■ Spence Irwin, who is recuper­ ating from injuries received in a motor accident, had his first air­ plane ride last week. Spence wrecked his pick-up truck in the above mentioned accident and ldst week purchased a new Vz- ton pick-up from Ford Motors in Goderich, where his brother Gor­ don is employed. * The salesman, Bob Chisholm, 5- o promised Spence a plane ride and last, Friday morning picked hiin up by car arid whisked him to Sky Harbor airport,- where Bob took over, the controls of a plane to give Spence a 20.-nunu.te- breeze over, Goderich and from Bayfield to Kingsbridge.. BORN SCOTT — Jji Wingham Hospital on November 5th, 1954, to Mr. arid Mrs. Elmer Scott (Mabel Hedley), a son. 3 U) Co