The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-11-17, Page 6'* PAGE SIX .z THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ....l...................................1...... ..,.u............. — li —11 —11 —ti — .“■■n .Iff, »1. ■■11 — WJ? W-MW-I BROWN BROS ’Phone 181. Kincardine , PAYING HIGHEST PRICES FOR LIVE POULTRY . Poultry Culling A Specialty In accordance with government regulations our poultry coops are thoroughly, washed and; disinfected: 7 ' for ydur protection. ' . i ■ . . ■, ■ 4* T —t WEDNESDAY, NOV.. 17th, 1954 KINGSBRIDGE ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garvey, , Michael, Mrs. Murphy and babe of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Thqmas Garvey. : Mr. and Mrs. Van Osch and Mr. and Mrs?i Heindricfis spent , Sunday, with' Mr, and Mrs. H. Geilan’of Exeter: Mr; and Mrs. Gene Danny, and Mrs. Don Frayne, spent last week with relatives in Hesson,, Kitchendr and Kin- ■ ' kOra. ' ‘77 Mrs. Reynolds has returned to her home here after two weeks . Visit in Galt. “"““"MfsT^Bernadme^Kinney^clbged 7 her summer* home here and ..is1 Frayne, < wb •Mi :#p- • I b<-:> now visiting' her uncle, Michael Griffin of Dulutty. Mrs. -Kinriey intends spending ttye win t e r months witty tyerz brother, Rev, Ralph O’Loughlin in Texas. Aid Hurricane Fund A contribution of $54.60 was (sent |o. ttye Ontario Hurricane : Relief Fund from the people of St. Joseph’s parish. The winner ofv the door prize last Friday nigtyt af, the dance sponsored by the £.W.L. was Mrs. Jos. Courtney. 7 , Mi;, Wm. Van Osch of Toronto spent the week-end at his home here. ; Word has been received here ofthesuddendeathofLeonard- O’Reilly of Cargill, whose fun­ eral topk place on Monday morri- ing at Cargill. / Mr. Moore arid family of De­ troit' visited at the home of Michael O’Neill over the week­ end. Mrs. Martha O’Neill return­ ed to Detroit witty them on Sun­ day. ' • ,7< ■ '■ ?. '-7-. Wins Proficiency Award ^Several friends arid relatives of the graduates of the Goder- icty’ Collegiate Institute attended the Commencement and Gradu­ ation exercises held in the school auditorium ‘.on Friday, November J.2th at 8.30 p.m. Among those receiving fheif intermediate cer­ tificates were Peter Lierman and Frances Dalton of this parish, to wtyom we extend cbngratuia- tions..Peter“LiermanT was given special mention by the princL pal, Mr1. Scott, as he was, the winner : of * the Peter Adamson Memorial fpr Grade X, for gen­ eral proficiency, and also the award from the Catholic Wo­ men’s League for ttye highest standing in Grade X Latin. SPORT... INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY IN THE BALANCE, MEET FRIDAY . Intermediate hoqkey hangs in the balance in Lucknow ttyis win­ ter, and ttye deciding factor may well W the interest shewn, in a meeting called for Friday night of this week. The meeting will be held in the Town Hall arid will follow a, meeting of ttye Business Men’s Association, Aty intermediate > team has been entered, ; arid Friday night’s meeting will decide if a squad can be mustered or The Sepoys withdrawn. Mel Stewart was en­ thusiastic about rounding up a team, but he has, since accepted a 'position dn New Brunswick, and someone else is .going to have tox do the pushing here in. I . ’ • • * * 4 TIMBER TIPS front! Cubs Montgomery Motors Ford-Monarch Dealer, Phone 40 No matter how bad the traffic;' problem, gossips run down more people than drivers. 1 Monday night saw the and Squirrels battling in a post­ poned game witty the Squirrels coming up with 5 points* The Button Brothers sparked the Squirrels attack while Irvin „Eedy^wasJ;op_jmanLXQrJbe„Cub_st The Zebras moved well out in first place when , they downed the ninth place Pole * Cats to take 7 points. Eunice Reid ^as high for the Zebras with 518 plus 156 for a 674 total and Stuart Jam­ ieson again rolled over the 600 -mark. Chas. Webster was high for ttye Pole Cats. \ The Wolverines moved into Second place when they downed the short-handed . third -place-. Karigardb^td^take^ 7npoihtsr-Edna^ Couse with 508 plus 141 for a total of’ 649 was high bowler for the Wolverines with Mary Fisher rolling close to the 600 mark. Bob Nanson was high Kangaroo with 659 plus 45 for 704 while Larry Salkeld Scored a total of 6157 “ —The Coons moved into, eighth place aS they took 5 points from ’ihq Gophers who are now tied for 3rd witty the Squirrels and Kangaroos; Marg Finlay and Kay Bailey were high for the Cdons; with Kay chalking up a 524 flat plus 138. for a 662 triple. George Westlake was high man for the shoorthanded GopHeys, scoring a 620 flat triple. ' The third place Squirrels slow­ ed a bit as the Chipmunks took ‘ 5 points to move into 6th place. Bill Hunter was top bowler for the-Chipmunks with a 575 flat plus 111 totalling 686 while Capt; Freck Button led his Squirrels with well over 600. Fred Young and Irvin Eedy .each-bowled—ar.oundm-600~.as._the- Cubs squeezed past those luck­ less Reavers: by taking 5 points. The McKinnon duo rolled a com­ bined total of. 1265 for the ninth place Beavers. The Cubs have now moved up to a 7th place tie. ’Team Standing Zebras 31 j Wolverines 26, Kan­ garoos 24, Gophers 24, Squirrels 24, Chipmunks 49, Cubs 18, Cbpns, 18, Beavers 13, Pole Cats .13. MAKE THIS A CHRISTMAS THAT MOTHER 7—------W4fcM=©NG-REMEMBERv^-^ ■ ■ •. '' ? ■ • Plan To Make Her Life Easier And Cheerier With An Up-To-Date Kitchen. Modern Kitchen Cupboards \ ’’Colourful Arborite Counter Tops Chrome Finish Hardware Marlite Wallboard In Six Colours Ten Test Ceiling Squares AS LONG AS 24 MONTHSTOP AY. Call lii and see These Materials. No Obligation « .........7 • •> 7 Plumbins and Heating Service and repairs I ..1.1, .■. ' Oil Burners Serviced—Units Converted Complete Repairs for Deep and Shallow Well Pumps Automatic Hot Water Tanks Installed For a free estimate call or see z ART GILMORE 61-r-13 DungannonR. R. 3, Lucknow . WHITECHURCH I Dianne friends James The Women’s Institute held their pot.luck.suipper in the Hall on Tuesday, November 6th with a good attendance. The program was well enjoyed by all, consist­ ing of solos by Verlie Metcalfe, Wayne Fairier; piano solos by Doris Picket; a monologue by Margaret King and a reading by Mrs. W. R. Farrier and the spec­ ial speaker was Mr. Steve Stoth- ers of Lucknow. His address was on the Maritime Provinces, The meeting closed with “God save the Queen”. Mr. . and Mrs.: Ed.JMoiQre,_Phyl^ lis, Shirley and^ Doris spent the week-end with relatives in Pres­ ton.Mrs. A; C6ultes : and spent a few days with in Toronto. Mrs. E. Caslick, Mlns. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gaunt, Mr. Orville and Joe Tiffin are among the ones that have the mumps. ' , • ■ ; .L Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Hall, Jefry and Judy of. near Windsor spent Sunday with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Moore.. Mr. and Mrs. Cam Simmons & Nancy of London spent the week­ end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin. ' Mrs, Irene Paterson of Torontp spent >the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Taylor. .' - ' Mr. and Mrs.. Jack Hayes of Detroit are visiting with rela­ tives and friends here.*- . Qj/ Mr. • and Mrs. Jas. Macintosh Wingham Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Aty. McQuillin. ? : The .regular meeting of the Young People’s Society of Wlilte- church Presbyterian church was held in the Sunday School room on Sunday evening. The meeting was opened by a call to worship by the vice president, Lome Forster. The scripture and medi­ tation , on “The World , we live in” was capably taken by Jean Aitchison. Mrs. Angus Falconer led in prayer. Miss Ruby Conn and Mrs. Don Ross favored Vzith "a duet^’Nb Disappointment in HALDENBY ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Armature and Field: Winding, Brushes, Bearings, Etc. Repaifstb Fractional and Integral Horsepower Motors, Also Electric Fans, Vacuums, Clippers, Drills, Etc. HALDENBY ELECTRIC Kinlough Phone Ripley 111-r 29 -.C. The TeU$remr Tpronto announces that Elmer Umbach LD . A . Drug Store z / Lucknow \ is an authorized agent for Telegram Want Ads Heaven’”: The collection was re­ ceived by Marilyn Morrison. The roll call was answered by 21 members. Mrs. Wm. Purdon gave a reading. James Wilson had an interesting topic on “Wise Man Sayings”. A young men’s trio, consisting of Jack Aitchison, Jack and Lome Forster, sang “Ari Evening Prayer”. Hymn 684 was sung and the meeting closed by repeating the mizpah bene­ diction. Men .are like old corks; they’ll pop the question, but they have to be drawn out a bit? JOHN W. HENDERSON | : LUMBER LIMITED I j LucknowPhone ISO — Ontario | South. Kinloss C*G.I.T. . The meeting of the’ South Kin­ loss C.G.LT. was held on Nov­ ember. 4th,. After repeating the purpose, Margaret Baulch j>lay- ed the 'C.G.I.T, hymn. Songs were sung and Mrs. T. MacKen- zie^ taught two new games. It was decided to try for the chev­ ron? honor class. The electiori of Officers followed: president, Belle rGraham-H^ce-^r-esTh-Ruth —SteeH- sec., Shirley Irwin; treas., Nancy Cochrane; pianist, Margaret Baulch* The call to 'worship Was followed by a hynin ahd the scripture and prayer by, Mrs. , Chislett. ' t ■ United Church Mission Bdiid The; November rheeting of the United Church Mission Band op­ ened by singing the Mission Band hymn and repeating ihe Mission re.ad the scripture lesson follow­ ed by a prayer by Lynn ’Couse., It was decided to have a Christ­ mas party. The date will be an? nounced. Paul Henderson gave a reading, “He Lea.deth Me”, was then sung, instead of'the study, book, we started the- project; pertaining to the .study book story. The meeting closed with a reading by Fraser Ash tort, a hymn and the benediction. , IN LATE MODEL Look At These Prices! 1954 Chev* Belair Powerglide Sedan, fully .equipped $2,295 1954 Chev. Standard Sedan, fully equipped 1,895 1954 Pontiac Sedan, fully equipped .•...7? 1953 Chev. jleliixe Sedan, fully' equipped 1653 Ghev. Coach, fully equipped 4 a- 1953 Pontiac Sedan... 1952 Chev. Sedan, two-tone 1952 CtyeV.' Coach, low mileage .■ ‘ 1951 Chev. Sedan 1951 Chev, Coach 1950 1 1949 1647 Chev. Fleetline Coach, fully equipped 1942* Chev. Fleetline Coach Dodge Sedan > Chev. Sedan ... '•f' rt ■1•> >I ......... .... ............ ................ 1950 GMC ’/j-TON . PICK-UP 7..................:.... 535 1948 Reo 3-Ton Cab arid Chassis ......I.?,.$608 ■ 1943 Dodge 1-Ton Panel' ........a..; '24'5 1949 Ford Tractor arid Plow, new redf tires .__ $50^ Brussels Motors Huron County’s Foremost Used, Car Dealers ' • Uash, Trade, Terms ~ Open. Evenings Until 10 Cities Service Dealer » Fhdne' 73x, Rrusscls >