The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-11-17, Page 5I WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17th, 1954 ) 1 A •* Is Your Subscription Paid? XKINLOUGH A h rJ J prayer, school pupils sang “Eljz- / I » The cost is very little, You Ure invited to use our service £J'*' £ * <**?< t-i. 4, ' * Nichol Fletcher was Beverley Township' on 26th, 1877, later moving Forty-six years ago she John Richardson, and pudent voice. >- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,. Nov. 22, 23, 24 KEEFE BRASSELLE and MARILYN ERSKINE, in The Eddie Cantor Story «A Salute to a great guy and grand entertainment. Attack without warning! — Courage without equal! suits and you* will find that the get of our Unit siL.es-have won superior tunity Monday, Tuesday, November 22, 23 .JAMES MASON and CLAIRE BLOOM, in “THE MAN BETWEEN” On Our New Wide Vision Screen , . . . - - - -. - ...................—■■ < ' • .* » . • . * ■ . This co-dperative has grown and grown because it has provided, is providing, and will' continue to provide GOOD SERVICE AND. BETTER SIRES. . V ’ ‘ I THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO making too much noise. ’ “I won’t, so there!” in an im- Lyceum Theatre 'V WINGHAM First Showing Starts at 7.15 p.m. Saturday Matinees 2.06 In color oh our new. wide vision screen. Evenings 75c and7 35c ~ Matinee 50c and 25c Bi ll MII ■■ II —■ II ■■ Hi r ~T 1 ; T- ••; rr ; n i n.r.Mnr rA •• — Il IM n.m i m n m’iiJi This has been accomplished because the people using this service -have dictated’ its policies through the board of directors which the MEMBERS ELECT. Directors represent districts and breeds. Everyone' has representation. - < • Farmer ow;ned, Farmer controlled, Farmer developed, and Farmer promoted, means—PERMANENCY,* STABILITY AND SECURITY, for the many thousands of farmers buying "service from their own NON-PROFIT organization. |I I i I r i Stand up then—I will be obey- For Service In Yotir Area Phone The Waterloo Cattle ’Breeding Ass’n., Clinton' 242 •dii week /days between 7:30 to. 10:00 <i.m;,. and , bfi Sundays and Holidays, between 7:30 to a.m. BETTERSIRES In their- selection,, mdny thousands .of miles have been travelled and great thought has been given by men whose judgerhent and experience have earned the confidence of farmer members. Every available means is used to measure /transmitting, qualities of the buriT“Selectodr fur service. T . . . We suggest that you.’check record of Performance lists, show awards, progeny testing results and 4-H calf club re- ......... . _ r Unit sires - have ratings, especially -where given equal oppor- . ■ tf. ' • .1. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November 18, 19, 20 GARY COOPER and SUSAN HAYWARD, in * “GARDEN OF EVIL” CINEMASCOPE.............. ■ PAGE FIVE iI ' Il ■i\ i' 1,» “Sit down!” said a nervous old “J ? gentleman to his son who was ed” ■’ « • .. Ji X_1.___•_____1_ __ .J Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, i November 24, 25, 26, 27 " Humphrey- Bogart, Jose Ferrer, Van Johnson, \ Fred MacMurray, in “THE CAINE MUTINY” 4> SERVICE ’ • 1* ♦ * ■ • ’ * ’ ’ • • ■ u ■ ‘ •Research is continually , going on. An example of this is research rWith frozen semen fri co-operation with the Ontario Veterinary 'College. This will enable the farmer’s choice of the country’s best sires. This is ►now available, to a large extent. /' • ' ' ' I I ASHFIELD BARN RAZED BY FIRE (DUNGANNON NEWS) George Dawson^ young teen* age son of Mr. and Mr$. K. K. Dawson, took suddenly ijl iSat* urday morning and was rushed to Goderich Hospital aind was soon after operated on for a strangled hernia. “Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell, Auburn, visited Mrs. Robt. Fitz­ gerald, .and Mrs.; Richard Gard­ ner on Sunday. Other visitors were. Mrs. Kenneth Campbell & little son Stephen, Westfield on Monday and last Thursday, Miss Hazel Webster of Lucknow. Mrs. Roderick McDonald, is staying with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Sillib for the winter. A barn burned in the Ashfield district on Sunday night, that of Lawrence Ellis on the Boundary road that runs from Nile to Shepardton. A coal oil \antern upset, when chores were being done in the evening about 7.30 p.ni. The flames quickly spread and help* was . hindered by the Ellis family not having a phone. AbAUt__12-~pigs-r-ahd- some hens were lost, as the barn was quick­ ly enveloped with flames, along with the_season’s crop. Miss Sylvia Stingel, a Grade" XII pupil of Goderich Colleg­ iate Institute last year, received her diploma at graduation Fri­ day night and returned to Strat­ ford General Hospital where she is in training, after spending the ; week-end at home. ' V... The PLAYHOUSE First Show at 7.30; Second, 9.15 Matinee Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November 18, 19, 20 GUY MADISON and FRANK LOVEJOY, in The Charge at Feather • ’ • . . ■ ’ / - •Coming — Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November 25, 2G» 27 - Humphrey Bogart and Eleanor Parker, in a.___- -‘‘CHAIN LIGHTNING’’^ “ The C.G.I.T. of the Presbyter­ ian Church met for the election of officersjllpfjes.,. Joan Sutton sec., Esther MacDonald; treas., Frances Scott, press reporter, Marion , Percy. The hymn. Tell me the Stories of Jesus” opened the meeting. The purpose was repeated. The 93rd v psalm was read by Marion Percy. Games were conducted by Erlma Percy, who also read “Meet my friend”. The hymn “Standing by his pur­ pose true” and the taps closed the meeting. • The W.A. met on Thursday with Mrs. Tom Hodgins in' charge. Following the hymn and prayers arid scripture reading, a bale Was piacked for the Moos- onee School. The WiA.. litany closed the meeting and the hos­ tess, Mrs. Wm. Wall, served re- * freshments. A Remembrance Day service was held at the hall with Mr. Ernest Ackert in charge. Follow- OBITUARY MRS. JOHN RICHARDSON Following a short illness the death occurred suddenly at the home of her son, James Rich- i ardson, Kinloss / Township, of "Mrs. John Richardson, on. Nov­ ember' 5th.' ' , Janet born in October to Galt, married they took up farming in Kinloss, where they resided until moving to Teeswater some four years ago. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church ^and- of Langside 'W.M.S. Surviving are her husband and two sons, James of Kinloss and Robert of Teeswater. A daughter Grace, predeceased her. The funeral was held on Tues­ day afternoon from the W. G. Church Funeral Home, Teeswat- FLOOR SANDING REFINISHING ALL TYPES OF TILE LAYING PHONE 4X9-W, KINCARDINE "BILL" SPLAN ~ Consult us for Estimates, Samples, Etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED er. Rev. R. D. A. Currie of Wat­ erdown, officiated. Interment took place in Tees- water^pemetery. Palbeaiers were Messrs. Bob, Bill and.John Hun­ ter, R. J, Armstrong, Chas. Tif­ fin and Wendell Taylor. BLESS ME/ IF YOU’D GET CO-OP ANTI-FREEZE THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN abeth. of England”. . Mrs.^Tom Hodgins read a suitable poem and Mrs. Harold Haldenby sang a lovely solo. Mrs. Allister Hughes placed the wreath. Rev. J. Prest .gave the address- which was enjoyed by all. The hymn,. “O God Our Help” was sung. MrSn Frank Thompson thanked- all whoJhad helped and the Nat­ ional Anthem closed the service, Mrs. Frank Johnsto.he has been laid up owing to .injuries which she received in. a fall. We wish her a speedy recovery. Friends of Mrs. Archie Bonnett were sorry to learn that she also received a fall which resulted in a broken arm. - ; . Mrs. J. W. Colwell attended an anniversary dinnet at the home of Mr; and Mrs. George ' Colwell r-on-T-hur-sday-dvening;—-------'—- Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Hodgins and Miss Mhy Boyle spent a few days with Mrs. A. Hodgins and /Mi’, and Mrs. Rudy Sieloff at De-1 troi.t. ,' ----- . ■ i Mr. TOm Hodgins has sold his farm On Con. 10 to Mr. Stewart MacDonald, who takes possession immediately..- • / . Mr. Dori Haldenby has been a patient -in Kincardine Hospital. We wish him1 a speedy/recover^ t bur' spent the week-end at her home here. ' • - Mrs, J. W._ Colwell. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Don McCosh, Purple Grove. / Mr, and Mrs,. Glen, Campbell, Jack & Glenna of Amberley vis­ ited Sunday wither- and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and family. . Mrs. Geftrude Walsh spent the past two weeks with Miss Annie ■ Wail, Hufohi .... YOU CAN PAY MORE YOf CAW. bBUY BETTER I ’ • 1 ’ I than ETHYLENE GLY SOLD ONLY AT YOUR COOP ’PHONE 71, LUCKNOW