The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-11-03, Page 21 ____ ( ■ .* i ■ PAGE TWO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3rd, 1654 KINLOUCH t Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Lane, Mr? and Mrs.: Frank Maulden and Keith were recent visitors with iriends at Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Guest 8i /Fred visited on Sunday with Mr.> -and Mrs. Stanley Johnston,, Lon- **lbn. Ladies from Kincardine, Luck­ now, Bervie arid Kingarf W.A.’s ;and Kinlough WKS. were guests* .’Of the Anglican W.A. at the church on Thursday afternoon. Mfrs. Howard Thompson was in .’ charge. The hymn “Jesus shall and the Lord’s prayer was re- jjeated in unison. Mrs. Tom Hod- gins read the scripture. Miss May Boyle welcomed the guests, Mrs. John Emerson favored with - a ^olo with Miss Margaret Malcolm . at the organ. Mrs. (Rev,> -H. L, .. Parker of Wingham was the guest speaker. Mfrs. James Hod- giris thanked Mrs. Parker. Mrs? J. Prest gave a reading; Mfrs. Wm. White favored with a solo Accompanied by Mrs- Sam Moul- ! tpn. Mrs. Marshall of Lucknow xead an • interesting article on ^^inissiOns-in-the-West.-Rev.^H.-L. Jennings of Lucknow spoke brief­ ly. Mrs. Midford' Wall and Mrs. George Graham received the of^ ; ieririg. .The hymn “Go labrir on” and 4he closing prayers by Mrs. Milton Walsh closed the meeting. >.■ Mrs. J. W. polwell and Mrs. Jas. ? Hodgins received in the Sunday / School room where. a dainty 'f ■ lunch was served with Mrs? H. A. Graham and Mrs. Wm. Wall at the tea table. / Guest motored to St. Thomas on Thursday. Masquerade Prize Winners s , ' On Thursday evening a mas­ querade dance ,^as held in the liall under the auspices of the H.W.I. with music supplied by Carruther’s orchestra- s Prizes were awarded as- follows: fancy dressedc6uple,Mrs.JackAckert Jt Mrs. Morgan Johnston; fancy lady, Hrnest Ackert; fancy gent, Mrs, Jim O’Dbnnell; comic couple, Weir Eckenswiller arid / Mfrs. 3,. Mansfield; comic lady, Ronnie Thompson; comic gent, Barbara Murray; fancy children’s -couple, Corabelle Thompson and Madonna Graham; fancy dressed girl, Marjorie Thompson; fancy:1 dressed boy, June Ackert; child­ ren’s couble, Kenneth MacDonald and 'Alice Haldenby; comic gifl, Beatrice Haldenby; best Hallo­ we’en ,. costume . was S h a f o n O’Donnell.4Judges were Miss Isla Riddell, .Mrs, Perry Bushell, Mrs. Ross gummings and. Mr. Elliott Carrushers. A lunch counter was operated in the basement. Mr.j John McCormack and son Arthur visited on Thursday with' Mr. and. Mrs, Perry Hodgins? Mr. Maurice Hodgins held a very successful sale of livestock on Friday afternoon. Congratulations to Barbara Murray of S.S. No. 3 in receiving 2nd place in the public speaking contest for Kinloss Township? ' The, Anglican Guild met on Friday evening at the* home of the president; Mrs. Ronald Thaqk- er, who also had charge of the meeting which opehed with hymn “Stand up, stand up for Jesus” Which was followed by prayer. The scripture was read by Mrs. Milton Walsh. Mrs. ‘ Howard Thompson gave the thought for .the day. “Thanks” was the word for the roll call. The November hostess will: be Mrs; Harold Hal­ denby. Mrs, Maurice !Hodgins gave the closing remarks. Rev. J, Prest closed the meeting with -prayer-tand-lunch^-was-serv-ed-hyL the hostess. > The Anglican congregation is pacWg a bale for Korean relief. Those wishing to help with art­ icles of clothing, etc., are asked to leave t-heir donations at the church not later than Friday, November 5th. Mrs. Norman' Fry of Stratford spent the week-end With her son Rickey and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Haldenby. The Anglican service will be! withdrawn next Sunday owing to the Anniversary services in the Presbyterian church when the Rev. D. J. Lane of Clinton will be the gue9t speaker. On the following Sunday the service will be at 11 aim. View Museum Specimens 4MissCumminig,whoiscon- nected With the Natural Science Branch yof the Ontario Museum, was a 'guest al schools in this inspectorate and on Wednesday; Mrs, Arthur Graham and her pupils of Westford were privileg­ ed to •“ have Miss Cumming at their school where she taught a lesson on natural science and showed the pupils many speci­ mens from the museum. On Fri­ day, 'Mrs. Collins, our. teacher, LEST WE FORGET” I / Remembrance Day SERVICE IN ST. PETER’S CHURCH, LUCKNOW Thursday, Nov. 11 ■ v • at 10.00 aan. , -——— foUowedbyCenotaph-Ceremony™— ——■— and placing ofWreaths. Legion and Auxiliary members and, other Organizations joining the 'Parade are io meet at the Recreational Centre ■■ at 9.50 a.m. ' POPPY DAY Biiy a Poppy on Saturday in aid of disabled, needy or . POPPY BLITZ THURSDAY NIGHT, and her pupils,; attended n slm- iliar class st Kinloss school. ; On Sunday evening the Pres­ byterian W.M-S- held t.he.ifr Thankoffering meeting? Members were^ present from Lucknow, South Kinloss and Kinlough Ang­ lican church, Rev, G. S. Baulch was in charge and Mrs, John Emerson was at the organ. Three suitable hymns were sung, Mrs. Morgan Henderson read the scrip-' ture with the meditation by Miss Mary MabLeod and prayer by Mrs. Archie Mapintyre; Mrs. Wesley Guest gave the address of welcome!. Mrs. Baulch intro­ duced Miss Muriel Judd, a van worker in the Presbyterian Church in Canada, who spoke of her work in various places along the Alaskan /Highway and illustrated her talk with colored pictures. Mrs. Harold Haldenby. was the soloist. Mrs. F. iMauiden thanked Miss Judd for her won­ derful address and also. all who helped on the program. -Mrs! Perry Hbdgiris and Mrs. Ed Bush- ell received the offering. /Rev. Baulch closed the meeting with prayer. . • / ■.. / .• I ■ „ Mr., arid Mrs, Gibson Gillespie and Mrs. Charles Mprtin, White- _chureh,M^ lespie of hear Sarnia, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Bushell and family. Mr. arid Mrs, Walter Wilson bf Huron , wefre recent visitors •with Mr. ,and Mrs. James Hod­ gins. We extend sympathy to the famjly of the late,'Elizabeth Wall who passed away ^on Saturday. The fiineral was held on Tues­ day to Kincardine; Cemetery. 'Special music at the Presbyter-” ion service next Sunday will be Clark’s quartette at the morning service and the guest soloist for the evening will be Mrs. Harold Hsldenbyr^: ~ Remembrance Day Service The Holyrood Women’s Insti­ tute is arranging for the annual RemembranceDayserviceinthe Holyrood Hall on Thursday, No- vemiber 11th at 10.5(Z a.m. Rev. John PreSt of Bervie will be the speaker. SNOW TAKES OVER WHERE RAINFALL LEFT OFF • L'/; . ' - .'j ' , , ■' • ■ ' ' ' \ October made its exit on Sun­ day, and there’s little regretting the departure of a month that set a record for rainfall and then took off in a shower of snow. Early Saturday morning there was a heavy snowfall in the .Dungannon district, but very little in this vicinity. Here there were flurries during the day and evening, sufficient td make snow­ balling—-a—popular—Hallowe’en night diversion. . But, during the night “The Beautiful” came> dotyn' in earn­ est and by Sunday morning meas­ ured eight inches. There was an­ other couple of inches of meas­ urable snow during the day, and with a good deal of settling arid melting, the total fall would be close to a foot in depth.. , This climaxed a month that set an ail-time‘ record of 9.44 inches df rain. During September there was 5,39. inches, of close to 15 inches of raih ,in the two months, which adds up. to a very -wet fall, to say the .least. ' HIGH SCHOOL NEWS The High School Frpiic which was held on October 27th, was a success. Prizes Were given as .fol- Jows:!_.comic_ girlr .Ron--Thomp- sdn; comic boy, Allan McQuillan; fancy lady, Carol Helm; fancy man, Ross McDonagh; original gifl, Beatrice Haldenby; original, boy, Mike 'Dalton. Lunch which consisted of pumpkin pie, candy and .punch Was served by the Grade XIII boys. ■ '. . paramount Congratulations to. ;Miss Jean Ann Richards who won the pub­ lic speaking contest at Paisley and’ will again compete at Guelph on Wednesday. Jean Ann 4s the- daughter of Mr. & Mrs. O: Rich’ ard^ (nee Clara MacDonald of Lochalsh)/ Mr. David Elphick,* who has been' in the West for a couple of months, returned honTe on Fri- ■ day.1 - Mt and Mrs, Jack Henderson attended the baptismal service at St. Andrew’s Church, Goderich, - whentheseconddaughter-of-Mr. and Mrs. George Wraith was bap­ tized. Mr. Kelso MacNay and Angus Cline returned home from Wing­ ham. Hospital.-. We hope to see them up arid out soon. Mrs. Orland Richards spent the week-end in Detroit.! Visitors with Mr. and Mrsf Jack Henderson. were Mr. and Mrs. George Wraith, Patricia and Gail; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore, White­ church and Mrs. Irene Sparling and Marie.. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Cooke of -Waterloo—visited—withMr.and Mrs. Grant Farrish recently, i Mrs. Russ Needham and daugh­ ters Donna and Elna of Ripley visited with Mrs. Donald Hamil­ ton. ; ‘ '■< Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. K., Nicholson were Miss D. Nichol­ son, nurse at Seaforth Hospital, Mr; and Mrs. D, Gillespie of Recces Corners, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hunter and Wanda. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. E. Hackett on the. gift of a dau­ ghter. ■ MONUMENTS SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKERTON Wc are the only manufac­ turers iri this part of Ontario of high class monuments who import granite from the OldCountryintheroughby the carload and process from the tough to the finished monument. No middleman. When choosing a monument come and see. one of the largest selections in Ontarlq. ‘ Established over sixty years. Write, or phone Walkerton 8 and reverse charges. SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKERTON <4- THAT the new 'wide screen has been installed at The Play­ house and higher wattage blubs will be installed in the pro­ jection equipment to take full advantage of the larger:screen.* Is Your Subscription Paid? J ■' No matches needed! Al! you do is turn the dial; Electric SELF-Lighter : lights Vour hooter. . < ■ / 1a ■I ■'I. I 4^ -I ' i i; -b- i I I i I I I 1 i I i 1 1 OILHOMEHEATERS WITH EXCLUSIVE ELECTRIC ■1 ; i ■ i. i .' J ■. ' i'Ci i i i i i ■ i i - i-. i - i ■ . ii Members of the Legion will make '& house-to-house pop]>y eanvass of tlie Village THIS THURSDAY EVENING, NOV. 4th Buy And Wear A. Poppy In Remembrance • ED DONOVAN PASSES ’ . The death occurred in Bruce Thursday, t October 21st, of ’ EdT ward Donovan, in his- 86th year. Remains rested at the W.< G. Church funeral home, Teeswater, with requiem mass in . St. Aug­ ustine R. c. church oh Saturday morning. Interment was in .St Augustine. Cemetery, - Deceased’ was a resident of Lucknow for several years, and was unmarried, .Ho was a brother of Mrs: Dan King of Toes water/ ■t v >r UUOTHERM IMPERIAL” Available in 2 heating . capacities J i .ri i :4 | ^cfusiVe Duo-Therm fine furniture sfy/ing! i • More heat, Cleaner heat* from every drop of Oil—• | ■/■* with Duo-Therm’s exclusive Dual Chamber Burner* I a Fine furniture styling, beautiful mahogany finish. • Forced-heat circulation and fuel savings up to 25% with Duo-Therm’s exclusive Automatic: POWER- . AIR Blower. ' j humidifier. Special Waste Stopper. Hkndy*waist-high | '/ control. ■ *."■ ; ■ .... - - ... | Have matchless comfort this winter and years to coma i Webster 8 M; | Plumbing, Heating, Electric Wifring -