The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-07-28, Page 6WEDNESDAY, JULY 28th, 1954 '• I i ■ V If I: 3 ’V 93 had Wingham . vlij I I ‘I tl A AFTERNOON - 2.30 I Thrills and Spills >• z t tZ5 1 I I Lucknow Clinton . h 2 4 e 2 3 in a win part. Helen Malcolm ’closed with” prayer. and tea was served. fine inn- IDES CHISHOLM SHUTS OUT z FORMER TEAMMATES 3-0 INTERMEDIATE THURSDAY, JULY 29th Blyth at Lucknow SWIFT S FEEDS FOR POULTRY FOR DAIRY CATTLE FOR, BEEF CATTLE FOR HOGS FOR TURKEYS Lucknow .......020. 001 OOx—-3 Port Albert .,..000 000 000—0 ♦ ■■ ... / ■ '*• - r he ■ Wingham .......1030 001 50x—9 8 5 Lucknow ........020 000 121—6 8 7 A' 1 gigrihtiC ■ d ispl ay ; _ dazzlin gLcoIftrs,__^^ DANCING ■ . ■ "in' the , 1 _ ! CEDAH CRKSCENT ., CASINO No;Admission To •. Carnival Qrotthtfe. "'K , t i ', / J There’s Plenty of Fun and Entertainment for All at PAGE SIX • . KINLOUGH Mrs. Dorothy Thompson is vis­ iting friends in Port Colborrie jzand Stratford, Friends of Mrs. Harvey Hod­ gins are sorry to know that . §He is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, where she underwent a major operation on Thursday of last week. Miss Sheila Haldenby is holi­ daying with relatives at Toronto. Mrs; E. Hedley and daughter Helen Ruth of Kincardine visited on Friday with her sister, Mrs. Bert Nicholson.Miss Nancy7 Irwin was holiday- irig with her cousins, Marion and Sandra Percy last week. Miss ' Sandra Percy returned home- after visiting with Nancy Irwin,, '■ Miss Karen Nicholson visited wi th/her cousins, Judy and Ron­ nieNicholson, Con. .4, Huron. : Mrs. J. W. Colwell, also Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Colwell of Ber- vie were recent visitors . with Mr; and Mrs, Currie Colwell & fam-’ ily. Miss Lenore Slessor of Glamis is . holidaying with her. friend, Evelyn1 Nicholson. . , Mr.- and -Mrs-LJ\rth.u^Gxaham land Mrs. Dorothy Thompson mot­ ored to Manitoulin arid Espanola where they visited over the. past week-end. ' -■ Ladies in . this community at­ tended the shower in Westford School on Monday evening for Miss Helen Haldenby, bride of the week. Caledonian Park, Lucknow ' JUVENILE FRIDAY, JULY 30th Wingham atLucknow , • 1 » ■ • . . ; ‘ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL) UUUXNGW, ONTARIO Mrs. Geo. Haldenby is spend­ ing this week at Toronto. The Dainty Diggers 4\H Cluib held, their meeting vat the home of Donna Nicholson with eight present. “The mor$ we dig to­ gether” opened, the meeting. Mrs. Perry Hodgins prepared ' peas, carrots and tomatoes for cann­ ing ,in the pressure canner and hot water method. Mrs. P.. A; Murray gave notes pn canning and home freezing. Lunch was served. The next meeting will be at the . home-of Joyce, Betty - and Beatty Haldenby, Mr. and Mrs, Allan Wall, Wen­ dy McMaster and Sylvia Lud- gate .of London, Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Schumacher arid Helen and Miss Marion Shanfcz visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Wall.' 1 The H.W.I.will meet on Thurs­ day, August 5th at the home of Mrs. Frank Thompson. Conven­ ers, Mrs. Ed Thompson and Mrs. Jim Boyle; topic, Mental Health; guest 'speaker, Mrs. A.; Hughes; Lunch, Mrs.. Lorne, Eadie & Mrs. Jack Ackert (s), Mrs. Jim Smith and Mrs. Wesley Guest . (c); Roll call, 'A health rule to practice every day; current events, Mrs. Ernest Apkert; motto, Cheerful­ ness adds" to health and happi-. ness; demonstration, Health, of the hair and how, to pin curl it, Mrs, Morley; BushelL and /Miss May Boyle. ■’ Mr. Harvey Hodgins spent the past. Week at,London. ■ • 1 On Wednesday afternoon, July 21st, Mrs. John Einerson-was hosr fess to the Kinlough Auxiliary of the W.M.S. Mrs.. W. Guest prer. sided fOjr the opening exercises. Scripture and meditation Was in charge of the president and pray­ er was offered by Mrs. M. John- ston The secretary gave the min- utes of last meeting. T’wenty-twp ladies answered the roll call with a verse of scripture. Mrs. Mauld* en had charge of the study from “Where’ere^the^uh’’, which des­ cribed and airplane trip from Tokyo to Hong Kong and an in­ terview with Dr. Heunig on how .Communism took possession of China. Mrs Baulch,. Mrs. Sutton and .Mrs. Hodigins took part in this and Mrs. M.. Bushgll and Mrs, H, Percy read of Jimriay Yen’s work in agriculture, lit­ eracy and health clinics among the Chinese. Mrs. Scott told Kow the church in China has survived. Misses Helen . and Margaret Mal­ colm flayed a piano duet. Mrs., Barr gave a report of the anni- versary in-Teeswater. !Mrs. Guest read “The Sweet Story of Old". A vote. of thanks was extended’ the hostess -and those who took SPORT... (By Don Pjayoff arrangements have b e e ,n completed . between Lucknow and Wingham Juv* eniles with the first home game in Lucknow qn Friday of this week. ' ' GamQs have been set as foljows; Luckpow at Wing­ ham on July 27 and August 3; Wingham at Lucknow on July 30 and August 6. It will . be. a. best-of-seven series and ~ promises to be a real hard- fought battle before a dinner , is declared,- LEGION INTERMEDIATES BEAT CLINTON 12-5 •See ybur Authorized Swift Feed Dealer. He carries the complete line of Swift Feed^or every cUss^of livestock ^3 Pburtry.^^ plan a balanced feeding program^bne^ that’s bound to help boost your profits!// Lucknow and . Clinton Inter­ mediates hooked' up in Caledon­ ian Park on Monday night game that .saw Lucknow 12-5.. :'/• ■ ...: ' ■■■, ■ ■. LUcknow started off in fashion and at the end of 3 ings were leading the Clinton nine 9-1. Chisholm.. ■ went’ ’ the- roilte~ for the locals, striking out 14 men, I walking. 10, and giving lip, nine .1 hits. Cossette and Moritamura divided the'pitching ior Clinton, Monday’s game was dusty and dragged out; with every batter taking a long count at the plate. • Lucknow: MacIntyre, rf; Thompson, 1st; Chin, 2nd; West­ lake, ^;~MacDunKl;dr^rGAt-t-ridigei; cf; Haldenby, rf;.. Hedley, 3rd; Chisholm, p. ... . Clinton: Gagner, 2nd; Tucker* If; Munroe, ,3rd; Bird, cf;,Petrow, rf; Olean, rf; Gairns, c; Lomax, 1st; -Cosette, p; Montamura,. ,p. ' ... ■■ •.__ _. r h..e 432 111 QOx—12 10 2 .100 111 010—■ 5 TR ELEAVEN MILLING COMPANY -- ■ phone ' 9, LUCKNOW —- ROOFING ■ • , -f ■ . . B.C. Red Cedar 5X Shingles 210 Ib> Asphalt Shingles in all colors Galvanized Roofing Floor Underlay y4” Thick HARDBOARD Makes the perfect Underlay ECONOMICAL SOLID . Use it under any. floor covering . Ask About The SPECIAL PRICE ■■ ...I. . . . ... .. ; ...................................„............... -------------------■.-------------------------------------------------------------------- COMBINATION ^>OOR$ ; CLEAR CEDAR 13-8” THICK WIDE STYLES All Standard Sizes . .,5 In $tbCk . . S>* fi” . v R’ Rri MACHINERY enamel in Colors to Match any of your Machinery ' .v' ■. • 2’ 8” x 6’ 8„ _ 210” X -610” _ . . * 3’ 0” X 7’ 0” . *'...1',.......... ' . ■■ ' -I- I i . 4 ■i ■ i i -4, i “f J i ie .1 ■ I" I j Lucknow■ ' • • I I The skirl of the pipes scarcely died on Saturday in the Caledonian Park, when the Luckr how and Port Albert teams clash­ ed (to speak mildly), in an ex­ hibition softball game that feat; ured Grant Chisholm versus his former teamrndtes, A ■ Although only an exhibition game, this. contest meant more to fans and players alike' than some playoff games; Port Albert were out in full force and had the first base .bleafchers .filled to capacity with rabid ropters "who spared nd" mercy for Grant Chis'-' holm on the Lucknow mound. ■ Ignoring the persistent “tans, Chisholm went on to pitch a ndat 4-hit, no-run ball game to shade the visitors 3-0. Stan Doherty on the mound for Port Albert was pitching fine ball and gave , up, only two hits, to Westlake in the 6th and Tlidmp- son in the 8th; Lack of support in the field gave Lucknow two of their three runs. , ■Grant Chisholm struck^ouit 17 ‘ merrand issued one base on balls. .Stan Doherty for Port. Albert 'struck' out 12 arid walked 5 bat?, ters. ■■ L ii c k n oAv : MacIntyre, 2nd; Thompson, 1st; Attridge, cf; West­ lake, c; Halderiby, ss; Hedley,. 3rd; Chisholm, p; Cooke, If; Rose,' rf; Greer, rf.' ’ x Port Albert; Spivey, ss; F. Do­ herty, 3rd; B. Taggart, c; S, Do< Aerty^px.lE,iTaggartf cf: Martin., If; Stothers, ,rf; Petrie, 1st; BoWr. er,. 2ftd.. JUVENILE RHUBARB The playoffs between Lucknow •and Wingham- Juveniles has de­ veloped into more'than a battle \ on the diamond! Wingham has ; ■ been' granted -the use oh several—- players from Belmore and Blue­ vale Intermediates that • have . played, with these1 Intermediate tearris all year. It all started at the grouping / it was stated that Belmore and - , Bluevale would not be able to Iie field Intermediate teams without . Wingl.am got 8 of tlu-.r 9 -^ntioned Loughlean, the two Juvenile , coaches, were asked to leave, the room while the Intermediate teams voted 5-0 to have these players sign Wingham Ju-venih . certificates, and play with Bel • niore arid Bluevale for the sche? dule. Of course the Intermediate, games, were very conveniently classed as “exhibition”, because these teams didn’t sign certifi-• cates and therefore didn’t enter , the playoffs. ' WINGHAM JU VS WIN FIRST GAME 9-6 Wingham ' arid Lucknow. Juv­ eniles’ hoked . up in the firtt game of.a best-Cx-Se ven series in the Wing’ham Town .Park.■.on Tuesday night, and' the Wing­ ham boys defeated: Lucknow 9-6. Ken MacNay was the, power1 hitter for. the Lucknow team, smashing out 3 hits for 4 times at bat. Altogether the Lucknow team collected 8 hits off Keith Lancaster on the"mound~for~ Wingham. Kent Hedley gave up an equal 8 hits to the Wingham’ nin.e. ’ ■ in. two-; innings. In the third, 3 runs were scored, -and in, the 7th inning Wingham got five runs because of 2 walks and/5 errors by the Lucknow boys. Hedley for, Lucknow gave up 8 Hits, struck out 4 and walked 2. Laricaster ' on the Wingham mound gave up 8 hits, struck out 3? and walked 2. - Wingham: Campbell, 2nd; Lott,' ss; Hodgkinson, c; Murray;, cf; Lancaster, p; Robinson, rf; Bain, 3rd; Storey, 1st; Eddy, If,. Lucknow: B^ker, 2nd; J. Chin, ss; Stanley, c; Hedley, p; Hack­ ett,. 1st; C. Chin, cf; MacMillan* 3rd; MacNay, If;. Couse, rf. . Port Elgin on Monday, August 2nd CIVIC HOLIDAY AFTERNOON and EVENING STOCKCAR RACES EVENING at 8:00 * i . . . . Fun For All At',. PORT ELGIN Beach JOHN W. HENDERSON ' LUMBER LIMITED I ' Phone ISO : *“* . Ontario | ’ I SMITH TO AIRWAYS? ■ Tkp Parsley ’Advocate reported last week that there was a per- 1 sistent rumor afloat that “Hank” . i ■Smith was ■ uoiitempiatfii;g' putliii;g“?rsT away- the typewriter, ’til' favor of ^fRe^iriicrophonb^drV'bthe^ that. the Port ■ Elgin' Times sport’ ’ ■ scribe’was a possible successor; ( to Tonr Rafferty; sportscaster for CKNk, *■..'■ * ■. \ • If there’s anything to it, “Hank’’’ j hasn’t seen fit tri; scoop the dis*. ' , - trict With the story. No one keeps His W" driser to the spof.ts ground' ’ than the same Smith, and he’d i be a: capable guy for the job; ' q . at ■ Bluewater Speedway Mid-summer r 20-Lap Feature CARNIVAL Bingo ■ — Cake Booth Wheels of Fortune MIDWAY RWI FIREWORKS .• / , PLUS . . * Extra Special Events A Lucky Draw for a # $500...CASH PRIZE’ • and 4ther lucky prizes, Af| For Regular Admission < ' ■ 1 ■