The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-07-21, Page 24 * THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LVCKNQW, QNTOIQ I , . .. :A-?V* -r- ► ' —: JPAGE TWO . ? . ; ■ : DUNGANNON Ywng People Conduct Service The Dungannon United Church *day services at the. three-point charge of Dungannon, Nil® and Port Albert and the order of ser- 'vice was , conducted in a similar manner to the previous Sunday whbn the Nile Y.P-U. was in . charge. Rev. G. D. Watt and fam­ ily, who. are holidaying at Point Clark beach for the month of July gave two Sundays for young people of the congregations to ex­ ercise their : talents, which they -did inTa creditable manner. The call to worship was given by Marylin Anderson and Carleton , Stingel read the, scripture les­ son. The Lord’s prayer was fiiv®0. by Ronald Alton. Lois Webster told the children’s story and Lil­ lian Popp presided at the piano fbir the hymns and hccompani- • ments, for the Young Peoples ’Choir and quartette of Tom. Fow- .ler, Wilmer Errington, Marlene Maize and Lois Webster. The next two Sundays will be. church , hoL Jdays for visiting other churches. On August Sth,1 Rev. Watt will resume his duties and on that' Sunday ait Dungannon there will DUNGANNON 'fe ‘ v Young People’s Union held Sun- 1 be a dedication of a baptismal font in memory of Dr. and Mrs. Case, followed by sacrament of baptism. * ' : Miss Clara Sproul of Stratford has returned after a two weeks’ vacation spent here ‘ with xrela? tives, : ' ' • • , * Mrs. Rebecca Caldwell, who broke her right leg in a fall a- month ago, and. Las been a pat­ ient in Wingham Hospital since, was able to .return home on Sun­ day evening, Her daughter, Miss Fearl Caldwell, who is home for the summer months, is caring for her during her convalescence. Mr. Ken Edwards, who is-at­ tending Toronto. summer school; accompanied home his friend Ken McAllister for the week-end, who is also studying’ a university 'course., ' St. Paul’s Anglican church will have Mr. Kepneth.Somerton of Sarnia, a Huron College student; take" charge of. the service on. Sunday, July 25th and the fol-, lowing two Sundays, while Rev. H. L. Jennings is on holidays. •/The 4-H Garden Club at Dun­ gannon held. the second meeting of the year ait the' home of Mfs.. John Finnigan with eight girls present" The74blTTcallTwas' ansT 1 SALE OF Summer Footwear Women’s and Children’s Sandals and Casuals CHILD’S SANDALS White, Red, Multi Color ” WOMEN’S CASUALS and SANDALS ' Whitey Red, Multi Color, Lbw and Medium Heels Clearing at $2-49. $s-m / .• SAVE ON SUMMER FOOTWEAR S C. R ATH WELL & SON > Phone 149, Lucknow J wered by “How my garden, is growing”. A demonstration on [how to freeze spinach and straw­ berries was given. Mrs. Finnigan showed the. girls her gardens, «. The Dungannon L.O.L. No, 3.24 attending the Orange celebration On the “Twelfth” at Kincardine, were judged to be the best-dress­ ed lodge in the “Walk”. - Sympathy always , runs ; High? when a, child is sick, and* every­ one 4s glad to see Robert Sher­ woodaround home again as usual, after a very serious .bowel oper­ ation at Goderich Hospital, that necessitated immediate surgery -and- special -nursing.. '■ Ben Caldwell. of Windsor was a recent visitor to ,see his moth­ er, iMrs. Rebecca Caldwell, when she* was at WinghamyHospital. " ’. Mrs. Wallace Wilson was hos­ tess at her home for the. Erskine Presbyterian Cjhurch W.M.S, on Thursday afternoon. After the op­ ening hymn, Mrs. S. H. Stothers, the president, took oyer for the1 devotional period. “The Comfort­ er”, a topic taken from the scrip­ tures, St. John 14th chapter and prepared by Miss Josephine Mc­ Allister was read by Mrs, James WHson. The Glad Tidings .prayer was given by Mrs. Mason McAl­ lister. The roll call was answer­ ed by 19 adults and 9 children. Mrs. Hugh Bennett read a chap­ ter rfrbm the study book, “Com­ munists in China”, Mrs. Will Ste­ wart read an article, “Along the Way”. After "singing a hymn Mrs, John Benhett closed with prayer. Lunch was served and a social half hour enjoyed. 5 Colwan^ish Church Service Colwanash Junior Farmers held .the annual church service at. Er­ skine Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening at 8.00 o’clock. Mr.. Harvey Sparling, student minister at St. Helens, gave a splendid address on “Co-workers with Jesus”. He challenged the members of the Jr. Farmers, and Jr. Institute to prepare themsel­ ves as useful homemakers and responsible future parents. He said living now with high ideals and practising clean habits; they would do mUch good for the com­ ing-. generation and generations. Others who assisted with the service were Chester Hackett with the calf on Worship; DorOen Lamb' read the scripture • lesson. Arhold Alton gave the prayer. Barbara Wilson presided at the organ for the hymns and accom­ panied for SOlos by John Helm and a solo by Margaret Black. June Nivins led . in "the respon­ sive reading. The ushers were Douglas Raynard, *and Melvin BOgie. ; WEDNESDAY, 1954 M)tDENCOR! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BRUCE CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES ■ is now planning to provide protection against the Catastrophic Illness which you most fear. Nearly everyone agrees that a serious illness, where expenses exceed $1000.00, a financial catastrophe. Yet, where can we get protection against such a would be ■ calamity?! ■ The director^ of Briice Co-operative Medical Services ^6 ihsdnHg p ,t introduce i ■ • • •■</ ■ • ... .■ A ... y, _• ■, . I >? I CATASTROPHE PROTECTION PLAN fi ■ S the extra cost Would be 12.00 a year for family and $1.00 a year for single members. Join the Bruce Co-operative Medical Services, and as a member of your local. Group, learn', a more about the amazing programme of preventive health care which the plan, is providing. ;b Contact your local Community Group Secretary, or write direct to this office* fc^ more 2 information about the plan under way to protect members against catastrophic illnesses which the great majority of health insurance plans now ignore. . / ; / 1 , ' , . - ' . r *' ,'•/•*' : . ' ' 1 . ' 1 ’ ■ . * • , , » ■ \' , ' , A . ■■■■ -„aslasupplementtotheifpresentprepaid HospitaIand.SurgicaliPlans.B B T For full information Attached Coupon. LORNEB, EVANS,Secretary-Treasurer, Manager, Paisley, Ontario. ' ■■ / I. ' v... ' - With no obligation to me, please provide me with full • particu-> ■ lars of the Bruce Co-operative, Medical Services Plans.; NAME J...u ADDRESS t B /■ .* iI i J■■ I ii i■ ! • I With Purchases made at our store ... . including a selection of CANADA PACKERS PRODUCTS <? i L V iwe wil| give you entirely f 1*©© any one piece of Wm. ROGERSDu Barry Sil ver plate you wish j FUU INFORMATION AVAIIABIE AT-XJUR^TORE I ■ i I i I ■ i Henry’s Fruit Market: Fresh Fruit/Vegetables and Groceries x Froa Ooliv^fv —— PFinr»#> R2. I .lirlrnnwFree Delivery — Phone 82, Lucknow I ❖ Murray Neill, Of, Toronto, who bought the 100-acre farm of Mr. and’ Mrs. Will Smith, now of Goderich. Mrs. Neill is a daugh­ ter of Mr. and * Mrs. Lawrence Smith. . The Neills have .three Last Friday some Lucknow lad­ ies called on Mrs; R- Fitzgerald and Mrs. R. Gardner and also visited others around the vill­ age. They were Mrs. Tom Ander­ son, Mrs. George Andrew, Miss Jolive- Webster^MissT Flora -Web- .~childrenr~.Mur.ray.. Jr.,^Dan_and._. ster and Miss B. Parker. Joan. Mr. and. Mrs. Chas. Morris of: The, Kbviak property had sat Detroit visited the former’s moth- idle* with a “For Sale” sign since er, Mrs. Abner Morris over the the “Club” was closed two years i ago.' The new ^families, who are complete strangers, are busily en­ gaged in carpentry this week and villagers aie awaiting: to know more about the latest project, a* “horseshoe club”, Carriage, of the Late Wm, Sproul Goes to. Huron Museum Among interesting relics dis­ posed of at a private sale last week was a once-handsome car­ riage, complete with fancy lamps, which was Obtained for the Hur­ on County Museum by its cura­ tor, Herbert Neill. ' The sale followed the death, a feiw weeks ago rof Mrs William Sproul, whose husband died 27 yeaK^agbr-MivBprouVwhoJiad..^ furniture and Undertaking busi-x ness here for .over 40 years, had | learned the trade of wood-turn- I ing and cabinet-making from his i father, who had also lived in.: Dungannon. Many articles of fine workmanship stood for years un.- touChed in shop, attics and barns, . Mrs. Sproul being unwilling that Anything should be . Last week * saw a great rum,- maging—and, reportedly, a »i*eat 'manyrbargainspasbuyersh tinted^ week-end; ; • Dr. H. A. S. Vokes. and Mrs. Vokes, \ Toronto, were week-end visitors to the village land their summer home. ■. Mrs. R. McDonald is' spending a. Week with her sister, Mrs-. Gor­ don Ritchie in Ashfield. Mr. Harry Marsh of Ferndale, Mich., and. Mrs. B. F. Rice and grandson Tim of Detroit are vis­ iting Mrs, Minnie Jones arid iMel this week, ■ / C- ’ Mr. and Mrs.,Omar Brooks & family pnjbyed last week with Mrs, Brooks’ parents at; the At­ kinson cottage, Midland. Mrs. W., R. Andrew was ad­ mitted to Wingham Hospital a^am“iast^ lapse from an eczema* condition. Mrs. R. Fitzgerald and Mrs. R; Gardner visited Misses Hazel & Ada Webster ori Sunday. We are glad to know Miss Ada Webster, who has been ill with a rheum­ atic condition since early spring, is quite . a lot improved. •, •' : Little Hea.th^r Whitlam of Tor­ onto is visiting her cousins, Kathy and Jeannie. Stothers. PurchaseProperties , ■ ' .' * , Two new families have’ moved I into Dungannon community re- e^gerly for antiques;*.The.sale, centTy. They “are Mr. and Mrs. on “Tuesday, Wednesday & Thurs- Lawrehce Smith, Toronto, who da^» was to charge of Mrs. H|c- have bodght -the T. Kodiak build- I tor King,. Teeswater, and Miss ing on Main Street. Their sons,' Mary, Sommerville of Dauphin, Henry and Alvin of Toronto, are Manitoba, nieces of the late Mrs. fitting up the store for a “horse- Sproul. ^hde dub*’ .to fheix father. The Among the articles to purchase was made through a'posed of were caskets ana distant realtor. They are related shrouds, some quaint by thdr to the family of land Mrk. tiWy. “ " Among the article to M disj L were caskets ana