The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-07-07, Page 5,-v WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th, 1954 • I -.n ■•<."■' . * " < THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 0..ft- M$S. five 1 4 ,*';**’M ■ '*• /• Why Wait ?... go ahead with See your nearest Bank of Montreal manager I*- about a Farm Improvement Loan. FIL Kt BANK joemuioitauMn . w ■ KiiMj'll Bank of Montreal JU>14> T '• Lucknow Branch: MURRAY COUSE, Manager Xa—'■ " "■ KINLOUGH Congratulations are extended to two of the village girls who are students of the Lucknow Dis­ trict High School. The language proficiency award went to FlorT ence Fry and school citizenship to Nancy Needham. . «• • r Mr. Ralph HSldenby of Thot- old was home for a few days be­ fore going to Ailsa Craig where he is employed for the summer.. Congratulations to those who were successful in their entrance; S.S. No. 2: John Hodgins', Floyd Stahley and Join Sutton; S.S. No. 3, iGerald Murray and .Gary„ -_. Graharhf“Westford: Betty, Beat­ rice and * Alice Halderiby. (< . Mr. , and Mrs. Wesley Guest & Fred spent Sunday at London ’ with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley John­ ston, . • Mrs. Dorothy Thompson of Onion Lake is spending her vaca- tion with Mr1, and Mrs. Arthur Graham. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kraemer I-was “The Love of Christ Con* *straineth” followed by the scrip- , ture by Mrs. Bert Nicholson and prayer. Mrs. Howard Thompson gave the thought for the day. The evening was' spent in sewing and fancy work. The meeting closed with prayer and dainty refresh­ ments were served, : We extend heartiest congrats ulations to Mrs. John Cox who I celebrates her 100th birthday on j July 9th; Mr. Russell Barr of Rockwood spent the week-end at his home here,. Miss Winnie Percy, R.N., of Woodstock, is vacationing with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Percy. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Percy and family s^ent Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. John Currie, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. George Gilbert and Gerald, Mrs. John Schmidt of Stratford were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cox. h * 4 4 1 NEWLYWEDS TAKE NASSAU TRIP ■ h .—-—A— — TRAC Y—RINK ~------- Following a Nassau honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Tracy will reside on 9556 Montrose Ave., Detroit. , The couple exchanged marriage vows, in a double ring cererhony at Dun’s Scotus Chapel, on June ’12th/ . . ' :’ . . The bride, the former* Edolene B.“ Rinkr daughter of“ Margaret and the late Edward J. Rink, was given in marriage by her cousin, Harvey C. Siteple, The bride Wore a waltz length gown of imported lace and pleat­ ed nylon net. Her fingertip veil fellgracefullyfromaJuliet^ap. She carried a bouquet of white orchids. \ . ’■ ‘ Honor attendant* Mrs. Charles De Leorn, wore blush pink ny­ lon. She carried tinted carnations. Ushering for the bridegroom, who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Tracy of 9550 Forrer Ave., were Mr/ Joseph Bickwell and Mr. Harwood Smith., Mr. Gerald Harkins was best man. Ata reception at Botsford inn the bride’s mother received in .navy sheer, large hat and navy accessories. The groom’s mother ! chose dusty*' pink with matching Laccessories,*- . Both -wore orchid ' corsages. ; ~ . • The bride ' travelled in . pink linen witp matching .accessories, and matching? duster coat. The bride is a niece of. Mr. Robert Campbell,, Con. 2, Huron and. Mr. Albert Campbell, Loch- alsh: Ashfield Presbyterian W.M.S. h. jt »’ I 'I i ,4.' f’ / 1 I t’s /• <» 5 » * ftJ /■ 4. *’ i» • x ! in ii « » < i .er *» ■ * - '' •* ■. * ■-. ;? ■ © j *5 ‘ ? * 4t ’• u I ■ of Toronto visited during the I week with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Murray, • • Members^ of the L.O.L. attend­ ed the service of the Kincardine . Baptist church on Sunday.-------- ’Mrs. Arthur Breckles, Miss Laura Breckles, Mrs; Harold Hal- denby and daughter Sheila at­ tended. a..wedding in Toronto - during the week. Sharon Wall of London is holi­ daying with her, grandparents^ Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Wall.. , . T Fractures Collar Bone : We are sorry to report that Donna Haldenby had the misfor- tune to fall and fracture her col- sports at the school picnic at. Westford. On the closing day of school the teapher and pupils of S;S. -No,—l--jbined-with—S:S. No? 2“for • a ball game with a tie score. A program of sports was also en­ joyed. , . '■ .. ■ • The Sr. W. A. will meet this Thursday at the home of Mrs. Roy Graham. The word for the roll call is “Love”, . Mrs. J. Prest will read the scripture lesson. This will be a work meeting. Mrs. P. A. Murray was the July; hostess for the H.W.I. After the usu’al opening exercises, the minutes were read and business was dealt with. Mrs. Jim Boyle gave the Federated News report on Dr, Mary Rutman ;of Ceylon- Reports of the standing commit­ tees were given. Mrs. L. Sutton ’> and Mrs. R. McDonald judged the flour sack ' articles. Miss May Boyle an$, Mrs. P. A. Murray were prize winners. The Institute is honoring Mrs. Jdhin Cox who __ celebrates her 100_th_bir-thda-v—on- - Juiy 9th. It was decided not to have a garden party and to have a party in the hali very soon. Mrs. Don McCosh, district presi­ dent, was guest speaker and-talk­ ed On the aims of the W.I., and also recited two poems. Miss Erl- ma Percy gave a fine report on the Guelph Conference to which she was chosen from’the County. 4-H Clubs. Mrs. James’ Hodgins I read a poem and Edna Boyle and I Barbara Murray favored with a piano duet. The convener, Miss May Boyle, gave the closing re­ marks. After the Queen and grace lunch was served. ' . ' - ■ The Guild met on Wednesday, evening at. the home of Morsr Roy . Gf^harh with Mrs. Ronald Thack­ er presiding. The opening hymn ■Mrs. Dave McMurchy arid' Mrs.: Farrish spoke in favor^ofXhe-neg-J^- ~ alive? Mrs. McMurchy read a poem written by Pauline John­ ston, a famous writer and enter- • tairier. After • hynjn 4.48, Mrs. Duncan MacKenzie read- the am nual report of the Indian schools, • , Cecelia Jeffrey.at Kqnora and the, Pirtle School at,Birtle^ Manitoba. I Mrs. McMurchy read the .high- j - . lights, from 'the Glad .Tidings, j • The president, Mrs.- Wilson, took J charge -of the business.- The Mis-1. e XlQJi^Bjahd^.as^discussedXfuJiyr Letters- of sympathy were- sbnt| to Anng Mae McDonald and Mrs. | ■ Robert Sinibson. An invitation [from. Ethel Presbyterian Churchj was extended- to Ashfield W.M.SJ . to attend' their v70th anniversary j on June 22nd. The meeting c.los- od by singing the national’ an- , them and' repeating the’ Lord’s' prayer in Unison/There were 37 present, ... ; tune io rail and. fracture her cql- The June meeting of the Ash- I lar bone while taking part in the field W.M.S. was held at the I snorts at -■*- home of Miss Sadie Johnston. Mrs. Hugh Mackenzie was in charge of the program. Mrs. Alex Farrish. read the scripture lesson.- Mrs. D.R. MacKenzie read the meditation dealing with the char­ acter of Job and ending with a prayer of the faith’and patience -of Jdb, who endured “trials and troubles greater than any other man. The reading from the study 'book was in the form .of a .de­ bate, “Resolved''that it is. worth­ while to educate the Indian young people in residential schools”. Mrs. Hugh MacKenzie and Mrs. Stuart MacLenn'ah spoke in favor of the affirmative while ♦ •■ • ' ’OF COURSE I HAVE AN ESTATE" 4. ”My Dad is bpilding it for me right now, and it's going to be 'pretty important to me some day.” And a father knows how important’it is to have that . estate properly administered, no matter how small it may be at present. He may receive* advice;ahd assistance from experienced Trust Officers on the ■ disposition of his estate Without arty obligation. ^^Write for free/booklet ‘’Blueprint For Your Family”; “ . 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