The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-07-07, Page 4- PAGE FOUR WANTED—a child..s play pen, Phone 37-w. Lucknow. %?‘FOR. SALE -r 9 Weanling pigs. John Emerson, phone Ripley 5-25. f FOR SALE — quantity of soft maple logs and wood. Apply rit Sentinel, Office. FOR SALE — man’s bicycle, in good condition, reasonable...Ap­ ply to Alex McIntosh. FOR SALE — ( 7 pigs ready'to^ wean. Apply to George Fisher, Whitechurch. F.OR SALE — forty small, York chunks, 35 good York weaners, grain blower in good condition. Jack Curran, R. 1, Dungannon, phone 78-3, Dungannon. FIVE-ROOM FRAME house for sale, South, of John St., opposite Lloyd’s factory. Also some furni­ ture. Apply to George Baird,; Wingjiam, R.R. 3, Wingham. FOR SALE — , Bowman garden tractors, See them on display at Forster’s Welding Shop, phone 206-r-l 1, • Lucknow: HOUSE FOR RENT—oh Have- lock St.; modern conveniences, available at once. Apply, to W. L. MacKenzie, phone 193, Lucknow. HOUSE .FOR SALE—residence of 'the late. John MacMillan, Camp-, bell. St., Lucknow: Contact J. L. MacMillan. . HOUSE FOR SALE—modern 8- room brick house ori Havelock St. Oil furnace, hardwood, floors. Apply to Dr. T. B. Cleland, Luck- now. |V house for sale-or rent— on .“Standpipe Hiil”. Possession at. once.;Apply:tq Lorne Farrisfi, R. 7, LucknoWi PHONE 41 for a price on meat by the quarter; also custom work and cutting. Welsh Meat Market, ' Lucknow. FOR SALE—a quantity of tools, saws, chisels, drills, etc., wood-r working electric? tools, lathe, sander, etc. and electric motors. ‘ Apply to Mrs. T. E. Anderson, R, 1, Lucknow. v AUCTION SALE of household ef­ fects at, the residence of Wallace Blakely, Tiverton, Saturday, July -—^bthr“7-r^om-^brid^-house_^itk modern conveniences will also be z offered, Wallace Blakely,: Prop.; Donald Blue, Auc. HOUSE FOR SALE—5-year-qld frame house in Lucknow, mod­ ern conveniences, has 3 bedrooms and recreational room. Apply to * Box K, Lucknow Sentinel.. FOR SALE — Checker-Inn Rest­ aurant next to Theatre in Mount >. Forest. Owner anxious to sell .quickly due to pressure of other business. Any reasonable offer -accepted. Terms may be arrarig- , ed Apply to above. ‘ - FOR SALE—No. 27 Massey-Har^ ris .12-fpOt self-propelled com­ bine, fully equipped; . like new condition; 12-fpot Massey*^-Harris swather used one week, like new. We have no further use for, these machines at preseht, so they are priced to sell.-Johnstoii"MacLeod & Sons* phone.Ripley 102^^20. Notice Tq Creditors In The, Estate Of Annie Mac- • Innes. L' 1 ■ ':, • ■ ■ ,■ . ■1 . ■ , . . < All persons having claims against the estate df. Annie Mac- innes,.. late Pf the Village pf Luck­ now, in' the Ceunty of Bruce, Widow, *yho died Pri or about the ■15th day of March, .1952, arh hereby notified to send in to the undersigned -Solicitor, on or be­ fore’ the • 24th day of July, 1&54j full particulars Of their, claims. J-mmediate-ly^afte^tbe^saidZw&tX frientiohed date, • the assets of ■ tho said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, .having regard Only to the claims of which, the under-- Caif’ as well as 3 dbor prizes open “ 4' ■ to .alt Tickets to He drawn at end of sale. Come'as buyer or visitor? Elton McLelland & Sons, Prop.; Donald Blue, Dome and Doris * Auctioneers. ’*V AUCTION SALE ■ of choice Dairy, and Beef Cattle . to be held at Bervie on No. 9 /' Highway, 6 miles east of Kiricar-' . dine, on Friday, July 9th at 8 O'clock: in the evening. 15- fresh ; arid springing Holstein cpWs arid ; heifers; 6 yearling .Holstein h^lf* ^^r^t^Wersey^ei-fe^s^ue^oORr 10 ’ Holstein heifer calves; 10 —■ Hereford bnd Durham calves; *20 choice Durham and *Hereford heifers rind riteers .(yearlingsj. Every buyer has chance on free PLUMBING. SUPPLIES For plumbing fixtures, rittings and supplies; including American kitchen units, call. T. M. Meeh, 1178 Francis St., London, phone 7-1170. Evenings 4-4689. LIVESTOCK WANTED Dead, disabled horses , or cows removed frep of charge. For prompt and efficient service call “STONES” collect Ingersoll 21, Wih’gham 561J or Ripley 182; ■ ' y ■ »>'•• 'i*'’, ■* ', • ^ -7’ ‘ • -*7 ; 1 • '.7 BRAY CHICKS. Various variet­ ies, prompt shipment. Pullets, day old, started. Broilers for Aug­ ust-September delivery should be ordered now.. Full particulars from ’ ? ■ ‘ D. R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow. UPHOLSTERED Furniture. Very large stock at, Mildmay Furniture Showrooms including good ches^ terfield, suites covered in nylon and other , coverings; davenport Suites (2 'pieces $129:00).; space­ savers .$59.00; studio couches, dropside couches, etc. Schuiett’s,- Mildmay.? 12 months to pay; PROPERTY FOR SALE—6-r’oom .house, barn and double igarage on large two-fifth acre lot. Im­ mediate possession. Property of W. Potter/ Enquire of Mrs. C. Shaddick, Lucknow. AUCTION SALE of household ef­ fects, .at Lot 18, Con.' 6, Huron Township, ¥2 mile west of Rip­ ley road on Saturday; ^Tuly 17th at 2.00 p.m. See bills for list. Terms cash. Absolutery- no ~re- serve. Harry Farnell, Prop.; Don­ ald B. Blue, Auc. 1PHILCO, Frigidaire, Norge, Ad- miral Refrigerators at Bargain Prices at Schuett’s iMildmay, Fur­ niture Showrooms. Also ranges, washers, television, homefreezers. Easy payment plan. Free deliv­ ery? J; F. Schuett & Sons, Mild- may, "" ' */. SEPTIC TANKS FOR SALE Steel reinforced cement peptic tanks, 6% ft. by 3 ¥2 ft., 5 feet deep. Capacity of 450 Imperial gallons. The design and construc­ tion Of these tanks has been ap­ proved by the Huron and Bruce County1 Health Units. We deliver any distance. Apply to Albert Porter’s Welding Service, Luck­ now.’: : “"^^NOTJCET-^— - NQTIUE RE WEEDS Notice is hereby given to own­ ers of subdivided portions of the Municipality of Bruce County that unless all noxious weeds thereon are destroyed before the 20th day of July, 19f>4, in accord­ ance with the Weed Control Act, the Inspector, ' under authority given in Sections 3, 7, 10 and 12 of the Act, will cause the noxious, weeds or weed seeds to be de- troyed, and the costs thereof Will be placed oil the Collector’s; Roll for collection in. the same manner as ^taxes under , the Ass­ essment Act. 7 / ■ Peter Grant; Teeswater R.R. 2, Weed Inspector, County of Bruce. signed ‘shall then have notice. . Dated at Mount Forest, Ontario this--24th day of . June, 1954. C. E.’ Fallis, Esq., Q.C., Mount Forest, Ontario, Solicitor for the,Administrator; THELUQKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO :WEDNESDAY, .JULY W 1954 4- Insure With The PALACE GARDENS; FORMOSA Sunday, July 11th from 2.30 to 5,00 p.m. entertainment at the Palace Gardens; Formosa, by the Ranch Boy Trio, Reg Bitton, Rossy Mann arid Ernie King. L O L, SERVICE AT ST. HELENS There .will be ah L.O.L. church service at St. Helens Church On Sunday morning, July 11th at 11 ajn. Members are requested meet at St. Helens Hall at 10.30 a.m. Visiting brethren welcome. PRESBYTERIAN PICNIC The annual Congregational and Sunday School picnic of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church will be held on Thursday,. July 8th at Kincardine.'. A Ibus- will leave the Church at T.30 p.m/ All thpse wishing transportation are asked, to leave their .-names‘with Innes MacSween, convener of Transportation, tenders TENDERS will be ■ received for th‘e>> painting of the interior of the scfibol7T?S?S77Nb7^7“KmiD^s7’ Tenders to' be in by July 1.5th. Lowest or any tender not nee- i essarily accepted. . Frank Murray, Secretary, R.R. 1, Holyrood, .Ont. ; ' . ■ V .. ' 7 . .. . ■ 1 i t TENDERS TENDERS FOR DRAINS SEALED TENDERS will be re7 ceived by(; the undersigned until 6.00 p.m., Monday, July-19th, for 'the supply of material and con- F.tructiori of the Hunter Munici­ pal Drain apd the Giibson 1 Muni- Cipa! Drain. - v -r—Marked~eheque-payable—to-the? treasurer of ^the Township, of Ashfield for. 10 percent of the ainount of the bid must accom> pahy tender. _ Lowest or any tender not nec­ essarily accepted. 7 Donald M. Simpson, Clerk- Treasurer? Township of Ashfield, Kintail, Ont. w FOR EVERY EVENT—PARTIES, WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES Our new sample album of per­ sonalized accessories for parties, anniversaries, weddings, an.d 'every Occasion is now on hand. New designs, new = colors, new items in personalized serviettes, coasters, matches, playing cards, wedding accessories, etc. Also a ! lovely line of personalized stat- | ionery and ihformals. And for _w_eddingJ-stationery, see our new thermo-engraved lines? A phone callwill bring these samples to your door, or drop in and see* them at The Septjriel Office.- ■ . DON THOMPSON, Phone 33 or 35 CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hamilton ap’d Mrs. J. C. McNab wish to acknowledge with sincere thanks and appreciation the kindness and sympathy. extended them in their bereavement. * Edward McQuillin wishes to sincerely thank all those who so kindly7and thoughtfully remem­ bered him with cards and treats while in the hospital. 7 . I collarbone broken‘ ' '' '...‘ z . “Andrew “Sfei^ Wingham, and formerly of Para­ mount, is- in Wingham General Hospital with a. broken collar^ bone- following a car accident Mr. Stein was a passenger in a car which rolled into a ditch be- tween Goderich and Wingham. ' ■i R. S. Hetherington, Q.G Barrister* Etc, / .7... IN LUCKNOW. Esich Monday arid Wednesday ? j Located bn the ground floor in the front of John Kilpatrick’s Building Tbone Wingham ,7. Office 48 Residence 97 ROY N. BENTLEY Public AccotaUhl 4 Britannia Rd. (corner South St.) GODERICH, ONTr Telephone 1011 ^staw-farm-mutuau-1 automobile INSURANCE ^Investigate Before Investing REUBEN WILSON R.R. 3; Goderich Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon. .. ... . I WINGHAM# MEMORIAL SHOP We Have Been Memorial' .... Craftsmen For Thirty-Five . Years, ’ Always Using THE BEST GRANITES Along With Expert Designing and. , Workmanship. 7 Prices Most Reasonable7 Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R. A. SPOTTON Phone 256, Wingham, Ontario INSURANCE 7 ^Co-Operative Life Insurance Co-Operative Automobile Insurance Mercantile &1 arm Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable. T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW ' Phone 70-jr-lO Dungannon Kenneth J. MacKenzie R.O. 7^Optometrist LISTO.WEL, ONT. at the former Wrona Jewelery store, Ripley. 10 a.m. to 9 p.mo WEDNESDAY, JULY 21 arid every Second; Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Fof appointment ’phone Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley, Agnews’ Agency Howard Agnew — Jos. Agnew MEMBER OF Ontario Insurance Agent^ Association GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago / Telephones: Business 39 Residence 138 MacLENNAN and MatKENZIE - : funeral feERYlGK—;— Services conducted accird- ihg to your wishes at your , Horne, Your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no' additional charge. ■ Ambulance service ■' ’Phone 181/ Lucknow. Day j, or Night Cul ross Mutual FIRE INSURANCE CO. .............* ’’■* X .- • *u‘" ?. for Reasonable rates, sound pro­ tection &. prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims/ FARISH MOFFAT Ypiir Local Agent R. 3, Teeswater. 7. : ’Phone Teeswater 57-r-41 F. T. ARMSTRONG ■ OPTOMETRIST //■/ .OOPERlCH FOR APPOINTMENT ' ’Phone 1100' ■7 For Appointment or Information See Wm. A, Schmid, 7 ’Phone l67-w Lucknow 1 I INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE . . AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH R. R. 3, /Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5», Dungannon R. W. ANbREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL* ONTARIO ^ INLUeKNOW^- Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon 7 Office in the Joynt BlOck Telephone: Office 135 Residence 31-J h Stuart Mackenzie Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO I IN LUCKNOW Each’ Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME ’Phone 76 Day. or Night Ambulance Service ' USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra /Uost Moderate Prices G. ALAN WILLI AMS Optometrist Office on Patrick St, just off, tbe Main St. in WINGHAM Frofessiorieil Eye, Examination Optical Services Evenings by appointment. Phone: Office 770; Iles. 5. . r - c../......-■-■•--<2- RAY ROBINSON Floors - LAID; SMiirth' and ■ < . / FINISHED, ' ’Phone Carlow 2105 - : R.R. ii Fbri Albert ’t