The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-06-16, Page 9WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16th, 1954 T THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ............■■ 1 ■ ■ ■lj- ■■1 r v. ■ •••. u-—,""" shower on Saturday in the Kin- lough school when relatives and friends gathered to extend best wishes .and spend a social time. f PAGE NINE Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and family visited Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nicholson at Molesworth. Mr. and Mrs. Freemont Muecke of Hilton, Iowa, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cox during the week. The Mueckes were shipmates of the! Rev. Benson Cox on two recent ocean cruises, - | a v ¥ wvvaxxv, - Sp?vnt | Area^field day was held on Tues­ day, June 8th at S.S. No; 1, St. Augustine, with six schools tak- The H.W.I. met on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Per­ ry Hodgins. After the regular opening exercises an Invitation from the Kairshea Institute was ©ccepted when the meeting will be held in the hall on June 17th, A letter is to bo sent to Mrs. McKellar. A garden party was voted on and is to be held the 24th of June with a committee, meeting to be held on Monday evening to make further plans. Mrs. Ri Porter and Mrs. S. Farm- -er-^yere^jUdges^or-^the~_butteF tart contest which was won by Mrs.-vFrank ■ ThompsQn-/and--Miss Edna Boyle; Report^ were given from the -Presidents Conference; The District Annual, also a paper on institute procedure. Reports were heard from the standing comriiittees and’v the Federated News convener, Mrs. Jim Boyle, A china cup and saucer was raf­ fled off with Mrs. Frank Brown holding the lucky ticket. The roll call, “A Cabinet Minister and his portfolio. , The convener,. Mrs. Tom Hodgins, was in the .chair for the program which consisted of community singing arid the motto which wias prepared^ by, Mrs. Art Grahairi and read by Mrs. Frank Maulden. Mrs. Perry Hodgins spoke briefly on the trip that . the Club Girls had recently when they went to Guelph. After the closing remarks refreshments were served. Russell Barr, who has been at Clarkson, spent last week-end at his home here. Congratulations to Russell, wiho is a student in civil engineering ;at the U, of T. and has passed his first year exam­ inations, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Webster apd Brian of London visited on Sun­ day with Mrs. J; W. Colwell. ~ family"reunidn was “field on Sunday at the home of Mr; and Mrs. Roy Graham. Those present were Rennie Graham of the S.S. -Britamoil and his friend, Ralph Haines of Port Coliborqe; Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Graham (this being their 53rd wedding anniversary Mr. arid Mrs. M. Johnstone of Listowel, Mr/and Mrs. Jack Gra-( auu tham of Ann Arbor, Mr. and Mrs. \ Cox, who is bedfast and a special; Tuan Levi Eckenswiller and Douglas, [prayer offered for her. The hymn wns and Eefie Bakker ’ Jir;J?nd ^rs; J?e>eassidy and)‘‘The love .of.Christ constraineth" | Three-Legged Riace-Kathlene { ham of/Westford, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Graham of Kinlough.. The Senior pupils from this school enjoyed a bus trip to De­ troit on Friday. • SIX SCHOOLS AT AREA FIELD DAY (SIXTH & NINTH NEWS) I The West Wawanosh School M$tlene Martin and Helen Mc^ Nee (tied)., . , . Boys’ champions: jSr., Allen Webster; lilt., Jim Mills’;'Jr,, Gary Sproul., whTFechurch ? few days with Mr, and Mrs, How­ ard McGuire at Olivet. . , ~ ¥xvi> Mrs. Clare Sparling and Allan ing-part r S.S. No. 1, St, August- of Walkerton visited on Satur-_Tjjie.^-Mrs—Bill-Kinahan^-teaehert- Uay with; her mother, Mrs. Geo. | S/S. No. 2, Prosperity, Mrs. Kit- Haldenby. . ■ . . 4 - ^ “Misses Edna and May Boyle & Iona Terry visited over the week­ end at London. TThe Anglican W.A, was held on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wm; Cox with Mrs. Maurice Hodgins presiding. The hymn, “We’ve a story to tell to the Nation” and prayers opened the meeting. Mrs. James Hodgins read the scripture. The secretary, Mrs. George Graham, read the iVltllJLClie minutes of the previous meeting' and called the roll. Each member1 . OOItD. answered by repeating a Beati-1 nnnalf1‘ tude. A letter of thanks fromj ’ -Gbu on—Allab™Gre^rT pf “tHe""Cbi - umbia Coast Mission was read for a donation which the W.A. * had given earlier this year. Plans j were made for a home-made bake sale to be held at Kincardine on Friday, July 2nd. Mrs. Geo. Hal-1 denby^ gave the report of the A vote of thanks was given to the ladies Who came out to the quilting at the church. Mrs. Jas. Hodgins and Mrs. J. W. Colwell 1 -chfener Finniganteacher;. L S .S,/ TNo. 3, Township Hall, Don Cam­ eron, . teacher; S.S. No. 4, St. Helens, Miss Beatrice McQuillip^ teacher;, S.S. No. 12, Fordyce, Ross Errington, teacher; S.S. No.: 17, Sproul’s, Miss Shirley Bur­ den, teacher. ' z- - Girls’; Events Dash—Sr., Gail Godfrey,’ Phyl­ lis Barbour, Marilyn McTavish; Int., Patsy . Foran, Jean Martin, June Mills,; • Jr., Helen McNee, Marlene Martin, Barbara Ann ! Softball Throw—Sr., Joyce Mc- ‘Gail Godfrey, Phyllis ^Barbour^Int—Jean-MartmrJune- Mills, Patsy Foran; Jr./Marlene Martin, Nancy Curran, Helen Me- i Nee. ■. ;'.' - /(‘ Sack Race—Patsy Foran, Phyl­ lis Barbour, Joyce McDonald. Standing Broad Jump — Sr., Gail Godfrey, Marilyn McTavish, Joan Mills; Int;, Pauline Anderr Jr., Marlene Martin, Helen Me-, Nee, Zita Redjnond. Running Broad Jump —- Sr., ,. , _ Gail Godfrey, Phyllis Barbour,gave readings and then Rev. G. I Kathlene gmyth; Int, Aantje, B. Cox showed someJSouth Am- Bakk Mary fc. Purdon Gladys encan picture-1 and later congrat- McDonal(J; jr Helen McNee, ula‘ed,.^ev-John,IPre?‘.°n. hls Marlene Martin... Barbara Ann, ordination.Mrs.Mabel—Honour^p^P^QH ——-■------------------------------------- who is a member of the Church High Jump-Sr., Gail Godfrey, Army Auxiliary in Toronto, then : Kathiene Smith, Eefje Bakker; spoke of the splendid work done Int ; patsy Foran, Gladys McDon- and .the need for aldi Kathleen O’Malley; Jt, Hel-~ quilts to add comfort for these en jjcNge, Marlene Martin, Bar- fine young men who do so much bara Ann Purdon. to help the spiritual need of so Slipper Kick—Joyce McDonald, wny. The W A. offered .2 quilts Betty Durnin> Elnrn Nivins. for this work. Some familiar Wheelbarrow Race—Elma Niw- , hymns were^sung for Mrs. John|ins and Gail Godfrey, Pasty For- Deanery meeting held at Paisley. son Monica Leddy, Jean Martin I ; “ ‘ ‘w ™ ' ahd and Kathlene Smyth, JoanLevi Eckenswiller and Douglas, [prayer offered for her. The hymn Mills and Eefje Bakker , „ , , „ Three-Legged Race—Kathlenewas sung and Rev. John Prest an(j Marilyn McTavish, closed thb meeting with the lit- joan Mills and Eefje Bakker, any. Refreshments were served Joyce McDonaid4and Dawna Ait- and a social time enjoyed. !chison 1 \ Miss Jean Guest,, bride-elect,' . : Boys’ Events , was honored at a miscellaneous Dash—Sr., Dick Curran, Don­ ald Taylor, Allan Webster; Int., Jim Mills, Michael Moore, Peter Moore; Jr.' Gary Sproul, George Finnigan, Lynn Firinigan. J -^SGftball^hroW“=^Srr"Donaldr Taylor, Allan McNee, Allen Web­ ster; Int., Jim Mills, Perry White,' Delmar Sproul; Jr., Gary Sproul, Georgd Finnigan, Cecil Cranston. Sack Race—JDick Curran, Al­ lan McNee, Allen Webster. Standing Broad Jump-—Sr., Al­ lan Webster, Donald Taylor, Al­ lan 'McNee;., Int., Eddie Gaunt, Terry .Wilson, Delmar Sproul; Jr., Gary Sproul, Wayne Todd, Lyrin Finnigan. ■ ’ ' ; Running Broad Jump — Sr., Donald Taylor, Donald Youngs Ellwin Good; Int., Delmar Sproul, Terry Wilson, Jim Mills; Jr. Gary Sproul, Ken Taylor, Wayne ] Durnin. a ’ • High ' Jump—Sr., Allen Web­ ster, Allan McNee, Donald Tay­ lor; Int., Peter Moore,%Terry.Wil- sdn, Delmar-Sproul; Junior, Gary Sproul, Billy Robinson, Lynn ^Fin- the genuine^ ■ Gold Seal ♦ , « U^NGOlBMll A oaiwtNOMVMtx JK’f - IM the right width.... in the right color and design trademark® Ity-1 lie-Yard . . for your home Nothing like genuine Gold Seal Congofeum for gleam- ihg beauty that lasts and lasts. That’s because the extra­ heavy baked enamel makes it extra durable, extra easy —^o-eareTorr€iweFyour'fldbFWa^^ width you need. The lovely patterns work decorating;. / j wonders—the down-to-earth price works wonders with your budget, tod! J &McLennan *PHONE 181, LUCKNOW Cecil, also Mrs. Elmer Foran and Patsy were among those in at­ tendance at the Kennedy picnic a^eaforth on Saturday. Mr. Andrew Stein of Wingham spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Purdon. Mr. iand Mrs. Cliff Hackett, Chester and Lorne, Marjorie and Betty Alton and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Taylor and family attend­ ed the Harrison’picnic held at Seaforth on Saturday. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs/ Gus Kinahan .were-Mr.- and. Mrs. Norman O’Connor, Pad­ dy and Mr. Leo Courtney of Ash­ field ’ and“ Michael Kinahan of Ashfield: Mis§ Tilly Alexander of White- Church is spending/ a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Arm­ strong. Visitors on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, Mel Craig arid children of/Blueyale and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McTavish, Marilyn and Donald and other relatives were visitors on Sunday at Grand Bend with members of the Scott family at their sum­ mer cottages. •Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy of Sea- .l°£tri_w^e_jyisitors^ during^.-the- week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kinahan, Whitechurch W.I. Members' of' Lucknow and St. Helens Institutes were' guests at the Whitechurch W.I. m'eeting’ in the Community Memorial Hall on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Jas. Mc- Innes presided and the meeting was opened by singing the In­ stitute Ode and repeating the Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs. Ernie Casemore read the minutes of the last meeting “ and gave the fin­ ancial report. The roll call was answered by naming a favorite summer dish. Mrs. Ernie Bee­ croft gave the current events. The topic, “A'backward glance may encourage a forward stride” was given, by Mrs. JRobert Pur- don, A solo, “When the Pipes are Calling” was sung by Miss Mar­ garet sRae with Mrs. J. W. Joynt of Lucknow, accompanist. Mrs^ Burt Roach of Lucknow read a j paper on “Cultivating Friends”: The numbers, jfrom _the- St. Hel­ ens branch were piano instru-r mentals by Mrs. Chester Taylor, Mrs. Albert. McQuillin recited “Over the hills- to the Poorhouse” and Mrs. Gordon McBurney gave a paper and demonstration on flower arrangement. A duet, “All thru’ the Night” was sung by Mrs. Bob and Mrs. Dawson Craig of Whitechurch. The nationaLan- them concluded/'the program after which a penny auction was held at which many received useful and varied articles. It realized $13.95. Lunch was then served by j the ladies in charge. A bus trip. is being arranged fora^tourofTorontdtakmg^in many interesting places on June 25th. Anyone wishing to go is. to leave fheir name with Mrs. Chas. Shiell. - ’ - SIXTH AND NINTH Visitors last week with Mr. & "Mrs. George Stuart included Mr..i Herb Stothers and Mrs/Allan iand Mrs.'Fred McGregor of Kin-; Reed of Dungannon.. Mrs. T; C. tail, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bailey t Anderson of Dungannon gave a and Brent and Miss Catherine very interesting address on ■ her McGregor pf Lucknow. . . {trip to her former hbme country Mr., and Mrs. Tom Armstrong of Turkey, as.well as other coun- and baby Marion were visitors in tries she visited, which was x^ry London on' Sunday. I interesting. - She also showed. (Mrs. Gordon' McTavish is wear-' many souvenirs which she had ing a cast on her left arm these brought back. A vote of thanks days as the result of falling from was given those taking part also a step ladder last week when she to others who came to the meet- had the misfortune to fracture ing. A dainty lunch was served her wrist. / ; and the meeting closed with the -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cranston & mizpah benediction. NATIVE OF TURKEY TELLS OF VISIT TO HER HOMELAND The June meeting of Group 3 of the W.A.—the Hunter-Kilpat­ rick Group—was held; in, the basement of the church on Wed­ nesday evening with Mrs. Kil­ patrick presiding for the opening exercises. The motto was repeat­ ed in unison and the scripture reading was given by Mrs. Dren­ nan. After the paying of fees the roll .call was answered by “Where T~ spent my honeymoon”, which proved interesting. Mrs. A. Cam­ eron presided for the following program': reading by Mrs. W. .Humphrey, violin selection\ by Miss Eleanor Reed of Dungannon with an encore, reading by Mrs.; Melvin Morrison which was fol- : lowed by a vocal duet by Mrs. CHANNEL MASTER'S CHAMPION / I i I. -—-jniganr-—-—•—-—----!—- ' Wheelbarrow Race •— Allan Webster and Ellwin 'Good Peter > Moore and Billy .Robinson. Rooster Fight—Alien McNee, Alten Webster, 'Dick C.urran. | Stilt Walking—Donald Taylor,' Allan McNee, Crawford McNeil. • Pole Vault—Sr.-, Dick Curran^ ' Allert Webster, Tommy Robinson; ' ! Int, Jim Mills; Eddie Gaunt, Bil- . Uy Robinson. j SLegged Race—Allen Webster, Tommy Robinson.,' / Relay••v-Race—l st- S.S; - No; 12r Donald Taylor, Crdwford McNeil, (Tommy Robinson, Ronnie Jamie- j son; 2nd; S.S. No, 17 — Donald • . j Young, Gail Godfrey; Delmar ft Sproul, Allan McNee; 3rd:’ S.SJ fj No, 2 — Allen Webster, Bob Ha 1- lam, Elhvin Good, Joan Mills, . < - Girls* champions: * Sr., Gail — Makes a really BIG difference • In TV reception! * $ . It’s /true! This' amazing hew kind of TV antenna will „giye you.theclear-- est pictures you’ve ever seen. Channel Master’s CHAM-= 1 PION will add to your TV enjoyment wherever you may live channel tfroiri" 2 to 13. It’S ■ the . most powerfill VHF6 an- Godfrey; Intf Patsy Feran? Jr., ■ t on every , All-Channel VHP Antenna 4 A4Cr re^rdleSs of th ^our ' ,s On>y as 'b0ZV P,cture antenna! s°°d as youf . Channel Master —tenna fever -made!—■ the world's largest ma»u- Come in today. fdcturer of TV. antennas. GREER RADIO and TELEVISION . LUCKNOW ■ . \ DON MASON RIPLEY SILLICK HARDWARE ... TEESWATER .