The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-05-26, Page 8I PAGE EIGHT -ff fl |I ...-j” .... '* ‘‘ ' ' ■ y ' ' . .. . • . ’ A' ■ ! • ' • ' ’ Rummage Sale THE LUCKNOW BOY SCOUTS • will hold a ■ RUMMAGE SALE on SATURDAY, JUNE SS* On the Street Between the Post Office and. Co-op Store The Sriouts will canvass the iurnies and stores on 1 Saturday afternoon. Auy article, or articles you inay ivish to donatri will be picked, up at Jour ALL ARTICLES TO BE AUCTIONED OFF and proceeds to gp toward raising funds frir Scouts this Summer. Space for: this advt donated by ' \ \ ASHTON’S MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR Piece Goods and Woollens M'/ <7 "FACE OF CLOCK” ON . ODD HEN’S EGG ' Mr. Wm. G. Arrristrong of town has a .hen in his flofck that laid a.. real oddity ^a- few days ago, The “face of a clock’’ is very ap­ parent on the shell of the egg, with a series of strokes and crosses that . resemble Roman numerals. The. XII is in the 12 o'clock position on the face; but Mrs. Hen neglected the "hands and the winding stem to Oonv plete her dock-like reproduction. V ’THE; LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW< ONTARIO "T ■ |t| L L - 41-1 L'-W- ....- WEDNESDAY, MAY 26th, 1954. II ECONOMY THAT Inspector Innes MacS*ween of Lucknow wafc airiong the speakersatthespringmeeting . of, Huron - Perth - Wellington Beekeepers ’ , Association, held last week at Blyth. THATamongthe St. Joseph Hos­ pital graduates last week was Winnifred Raynard, daughter Mr. arid Mrs. Melvin C< Raynard of Goderich and for­ merly of Paramount,; and Mar­ ion Bogie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Bogie. oz. 6 8 38 6 8 / Ontario Grown Radish, ' *Green Onions, Leaf Lettuce, Florida Grapefruit, 96’s, 10 for 49c Advertised In Our Strife -^—*7.■'.............■ Come ln And Look-T’hem Over^-^. ....*...' ■ SMITWS FOOD MARKET A. . LOOK UJHBT $ HULL buvlmO;® $1. $1. $1. $1. $1. $1. Dollar Days at I.G.A*—Stock Up How At These Low SStpckley’s 20 TOMATO JUICE .... Aylmer 20 oz.’ PQRK & BEANS .. I.G.A. .20 oz. DICED BEETS ..... I.G.A. 20 oz. DICED CARROTS Stockley’s 14 oz. KERNEL CORN ... 6 I.GA.-28 oz. PUMPKIN ...... 3 Breakfast Club 24 oz. dj *| Raspberry JAM ...... X • 3 Tins Cl KAM .............................• Many More $ Day Bargains 3I.G.A. PEANUT BUTTER 8 White Swan TOILET TISSUE .. 1 O Brunswick A“ SARDINES ........ Challenger Sockeye SALMON Evaporated LG.A. MILK ....4... $1. $1. $1. $1. $1. THAT Misses Mary MacMillan and Norma Sherwood, 'grad­ uates of Lucknow ^District pigh School a nd Marlene Lowry of Ripley, received v their teacher’s certificate on their year’s work at Teachers’ College, Stratford, and completed the term on Fri- day. ■ • THAT donations totalliing $17.00 have trickled in since the*Sid Gardner fund was. closed so far as any further public appeal, was concerned. Donations came from as far South as Florida / and east to Ottawa., ’ —o— '■ THAT • the Lticknow Girl Guides rstagedaverysuccessfuTcookie day on Saturday, when they .sold 360 boxes of neatly pack- . aged cookies, especially* made . up for this annual event. ’ ; . ■ • r-O—— ' . THAT Mrs. James MacTavish has been engaged as teacher at S.S. No. 5, Kinloss, 6th Concession, succeeding Mrs.''Elwood Irwin. ‘ Mrs. MacTavish has been tear ching at Hemlock City school in Ashfield Township. THAT Wilfred Black, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Black, has suc­ cessfully . completed his third; has: two years remaining in,his dental course. \ THAT students of Zion School; under the supervision of their teacher/ Mrs. Lorne Johnston, and accompanied by a number r of adults from ■; the Section, were taken to Detroit on Wed­ nesday in Allan v Reed’s bus. Among points of interest to be visited were Ford’s Greenfield ’.Village and the Zoo. • —T----O— THAT W. R. Hamilton of the 2nd - Concession, Huron Township, •' returned home from Hamilton on Friday where he had been convalescing following a recent operation. THAT special interest is focused on Flower Sunday services at 1 St, Helens United Church on Sunday when a Korean theo­ logical professor;, Rev. Chung Choon Kim, will ibe the guest speaker at both services..' DON’T FORGET SHORTS /Ll, Girls’. Drill Shorts, size 7 to 12, Assorted colors,. price $1.49 Giris’ Corduroy Shorts, size 7 .to ' 12. Colors blue, red., green, Wine ...... $2.49 Girls’ Novelty Shorts, size 2, 4, . 6. Price ................... . $1.09 Ladies’; Corduroy Shorts, colors ' ......blue, red, green : and wine. Size 14 to 20, only .......$2.89 , i I I I With Purchases made at our store ... including a selection of CANADA PACKERS PRODUCTS iI T we will give you entirely free any one. piece ofWm,ROGERS Dn BarrySi I ver plate •you wish FUU INFORMATION AVAIIABU AT OUR STORE- / ^HTnrvrnrT f 1—1111 , * 1L PEANUT ^BUTTER j i i I I Henry’s Fruit Marh I Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and Groceries | Free Delivery — Phone 82, Lucknow Western University picture was taken at ium. • a group the stad- who suf- THAT cool weather arid frost re­ turned on Tuesday after a pleasantly, warm holiday week­ end. At ten o’clock Wednesday morning Alex MacNay report-. . ed ice still a quarter of an inch thick , as a result of Tuesday night’s temperature. THAT Mr. Sam Reid of town observed his 80th birthday on Wednesday. To cel'ebrate the occasion a ^family dinner was held on Sunday. THAT George Anderson ,6f Luck­ now arid Ken McLennan of —Ripley-Lwere_amonga-group-of over sixty members of the . Leaders’ Club that was enter­ tained by the London Free Press last week. While touring THAT Mrs. Mae Irwin, fered a fractured vertebrae in her back a few weeks ago, was able to return home from Wingham Hospital last week^ THAT John Crispin, who has I been studying medicine .in Win­ nipeg and is entering Winnipeg General Hospital as an interne, was a caller in town the first of the week. John flew East and was driving back a new car. THAT Bill Ritchie’s gopher brought him quite, some-pub­ licity, including his picture in The Free Press and the opin­ ion of University of Western / Ontario Zoological experts that the animal should be inspect- ed. That won’t ■ be necessary— . the rodent is dead. M ~iNFANTS...T-SHIRTS, ce^'nese, sizes 1, 2, 3, colors yellow, blue - and white, only »»u....,..;...»«»....T49c“/•'“I>w‘i INFANTS’ TODDLERS, cotdu-* •uroy;- novelty trim, sizes 1, 2. Price. .........................$2.19 TABLE CLOTH, plastic scallop- I ed, -vill not crack or peel. &ize I 54x72, Price ....$1.69 ’ I . ...>, ■ r I ——Q— THAT Lloyd Henderson was re­ moved to Sunnybrook Hospital the latter part of the week. Lloyd underwent an append­ ectomy r in Wingham Hospital while visiting with, his parents here. We understand that per­ itonitis developed and Lloycl was critically ill for a time. THAT there was a .large-attend-. ——anee—at—th e:r egula rLegion meeting on Tuesday night, when the members played host to, their Wives and. .members of the Ladies* Auxiliary. THAT Mr. Wm. M. MacDonald of the High School teaching '• staff, returned home on Satur­ day. from St. Michael’s Hospi-, tai, Toronto, where he had un­ dergone surgery. Mr. MacDon­ ald is rapidly recovering and able to be "about, but whether or not he will resume his teach­ ing duties this term, is uncer­ tain. r ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Alex Leaver of Wingham, Ontario, wish to an­ nounce the engagement of they daughter, Evelyn Marguerite, to David Andrew Hackett, , son oi -Mr.- arid—Mrs.--Harry™_Hacl<ett, Lucknow, 'Ontario. The marriage will take place Saturday, 5th, 1954, in the Brick United Church. PLOYS’ STRAW HATS, Cowboy ' . style,. .5mall,„medium_and~large.-^ Price .....................69c 89c I..D i.,; • —....-.I ■■■.’.•. L.-—.: : .. - ■' ■ I * . .1 . ftBEN’S TOPS & SHORTS Knit of fine cotton- yarns, Brevets ' have elastic web waistband. : Small, medium & large .. 86c each L........■ ...................y*.fe* SPORT SHIRTS f ........ Made.,. oOight refreshingly. c<»ol ; _ . seersucker, sanforized. Collar irnay either be worn open or buttoned. Long sleeves. Blue, tan, yellow and green. Small, medium and large. .....$2,98 CLEARANCE of Men’s DrC^ • Shirts, assorted ' colors, mostly stripes, sizes 14*6 to’ 18*6 .. $L89 * ’ » V ..........., „y. ■