The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-05-26, Page 6I 1 1 .RAW SD£THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO * ■ ' *' ' ' '.;,t1 lk i------------------- - ■--------------- WEDNESDAY, MAY 26tH. 1954 7 Plumbing and Heating Service A . and repairs ’Oil Burners Serviced—Units Converted Complete Repairs for Deep and Shallow Well Pumps / Automatic Hot Water Tanks Installed For a free estimate call or. see . ART GILMORE R. R. 3, Luckhow ’ — . . ' 61-r-13 Dungannon I WHITECHURCH Mrs. J. Flannagan of Toronto Spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. ‘and Mrs. Thos.. Inglis, Mr. Basil Thompson, Jpan^arid Glen, Mr. and Mi’s. Russel. Moore and family, all' of Preston, spent 0 " the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Moore. ; ‘ Mr. and Mrs. H. Tichborne of Goderich and Mrs. '■ Lottie Ken­ nedy of Wingham spent Sunday with tlieir mother, Mrs. Kennedy. Mrs., Tichborne stayed for a day Mrs. Lottie Kennedy is leaving for a trip to England on Satur- v. _day, /May 29th._ ________, _ _ Mr. and iMrs. J. D. . Ross, June and Marian of Cayuga, visited with -Mr. and Mrs. H. Laidlaw over the week-end. . / “ Misses Winniffed • Farrier, Gladys -Sage, Thelma Hayes and Edith Carscadden, all of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. & Mrs: . W, ’R. Farrier., j Mr. and Mrs. Carman Farrier and family of Mimico were week­ end guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Farrier. Mr. and Mrs. Cam Simmons OBITUARY MRS. WM. SPROUL The death occurred Saturday, May 15th “at Goderich T Hospital of one of .Dungannon's oldest res­ idents, Mrs. William. Sproul. She was the widow of the late Wm; Sproul, who for" many years was an. undertaker and furniture dealer. Her husband died 27 years ago and she had lived alone since. Before her marriage, she was Marion Rhoda Hiscox, a dau­ ghter of the, late Mr. and Mrs. . Robert Hiscox of Teeswater, her father being a .shoemaker. She and her husband were prominent- "inUnitedChurchworkandMrs.- Sproul, as long as she was able, was in charge of the Sacramental Service. The remains rested' at McLennan - MacKenzie Funeral Home, Lucknow, Until 10.30 a.m., Monday, and were taken to Dun­ gannon United Church for friends to pay last respects. The funeral service was conducted by the pas­ tor, ReV. George D. Watt, Her closest relatives. are Mrs. Hector King, Teeswater, Miss May Somerville, Winnipeg, who I Lucknow . Iriterniediates will .have lots of variety in their re- turn this season to. Class B soft­ ball after four years in the Major Fastball loop, that to say the least had ’its up-and-downs for fans, management and last but not least—the‘•backers. This season the Legion is con^ tent to get out of the “’big time’ and is sponsoring a juvenile squad and a’ homebrew inter­ mediate club/ The senior squad is grouped , in a . teri-team loop composed pi. Biyth, Hensall, Clin­ ton, R.C.A.F. and Lucknow in the “B” category, and with “C-’ and “Dw teams including Port Albert, Londesboro, Holmesville, Ben- miller, Collborne Township and Colborrie Juveniles. . Looks like a pretty safe bet that George Westlake will be in Sepoy uniform, and that will be a big boost for the local entry any way you look at it. : Doug Thorndyke of Clinton is convener of the Intermediate group. • • Juyenile Loop —-The-Ju-veniles--will--have^a\_ha dozen teams, or so, in ,their group, including a variety of intermed­ iate category teams. A tentative draft includes Wingham Juven­ iles, Wroxeter, Stone School, Blue vale, Belgrave,, all “C” or “D” te^ams •, and Wingham Bat­tery “A?’ team. /‘ . .-------r-O-O-Qr— LOCAL DUO STARTED UMPIRING SEASON FRIDAY SPORT... LUCKNOW INTERMEDIATES IN TEN-TEAM GROUP 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN L 1949 DODGE SEDAN 1953 CHEV. STANDARD SEDAN 1953 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN 1952 CHEV, SEDAN 1950 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN 1950 CHEV. COACH ^194g€HE^FT^ETLIN^GOACH 1949 1947 1947 1946 1940 CHEV. SEDAN FORD 5-PASSENGER COUPE PONTIAC COACH PONTIAC SEDAN PONTIAC SEDAN trucks CHEV. ’/s-TON PICK-UP CHEV. STATION WAGON CHEV. 2-TON STAKE ARMY TRUCKS, 2-TON ST^KE SPECIAL NEW COCKSHUTT TRACTOR, NO; 20 1951 1950 1946 TWO ) ♦ 4 $1,250.00 i Brussels Motors IL _____Hiirnn—County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers § Gash, Trade, Terms — Open Evenings Until TO | Cities Service Dealer . — Phone 73x, Brussels and Nancy of London spent the" are nieces, and were present at « ■ - 1 • . « « 4-V> "Pi 1 1 • ar> l*i mire nlon 4-week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ghas. Martin. —Mrr/and Mrs—Charles Falconer and John of Glamis visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer. . Mr. .and Mrs. Frank. Schiestal and family and Mrs. Alf Troupe and family, all of Teeswater, vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henry. Mr. and. . Mrs. Sandy Murray and Kathleen spent the week-end at their Langside home. Mrs. V. Emerson and Mrs. Geo, - “Fisher attended the District An­ nual of the Women’s Institute that was held in Belgrave on Wednesday last.. _ Mrs. V. Emerson attended an executive, meeting of South and ' East Bruce at Paisley on Thurs­ day last to discuss the forming of a museum. % . . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mack of Lis- towel' visited on Sunday with Mr. — and-.'Mrs...CarL.AVeber / the funeral; nephews also present wer^ Harry Hiscox, Collingwood andWill Hiscox. Toronto J-Other relatives are the family of her husband’s brother, the late David Sproul, arid coming from a dis­ tance to the funeral were Miss Cla^a Sproul, Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hesson. Pallbear-. 0rs were Leslie Schultz, W. H. McClure, Harold Elliott, Thorn- ' ton Eedy, Barney Benriinger dnd Herb Finnigan. Interment was in Dungannon cemetery. Turvey Drives For McGee There is action galore at Goderich track as the race season approaches. Among the horses in training are Lena-’s-Boy, the sen­ sational 1953 winner and G Boy, a 3-year-old gelding pacer. Lloyd Turvey will train and dfive both horses. Lloyd also has a pair of) his own horses at the Goderich track, Mae Lookout and Mocha Lookout. the i • * ONE CARLOAD ■ of, QUARTER INCH > THE LOW COST INTERIOR PANEL '■ ‘ • • ’’ and ' FLOOR UNDERLAY BOARDS V The .local twosome oF Hugh Cuming and: George Westlake, opened the umpiring season in the Major Fastball looji on Fri­ day night when they handled the /Kincardine at Gbderich game. Out bet is that this combina­ tion—Cuming behind the plate; Westlake on the bases—-will be a pretty; popular pair of arbitra­ tors and will likely have a^busy seasori ahead on the 5-team cir-' cuit, playing a quadruplet sched­ ule. " ---------0-0-0------— Off To Poor Start Local fans who saw the God- erch-Kincardine opener on Fri­ day weren’t overly impressed and came away with the idea that both clulbs need strengthen­ ing in the catching department to handle the offerings of Cotton and Bagnall. The former had 22 strikeouts and the latter 18 with Bagnall’s Kincardine nine chalk­ ing up a 3-1 decision, with every last run scored on’ passed balls. , -----o-o-p—T- ---"I-t-was-repoFted-last-^weekthat Port Elgin had been angling un­ successfully for the services of the speedy power ^hitter, Shelley Miley, who is working on the railroad in Detroit. Miley would likelyv have been Used in an out­ field spot* as Port has. about the best catcher in the loop in the. person of Alex McNeil:, , * , • *-***0".""" Tommy Wilson. is lining up ; with Port Elgin. A little matter of “unfinished, business” wit.h his home town cluib seems-: to -have been straightened out; It threat­ ened to prevent.. Wilson from go­ ing to Port Elgin,-.even though’ .it didn’t figure last winter when Wingham picked him off for Jr. “B” hockey. ■' • ■ '/ —o— At a cost of $4,500, a concrete, floor is -being .laid in .Millm-a’y “Arena; ’pyur~^lte“-^aT^ piping. . ■ -—-0*0-0-*— WALDEN CAR WON MAIN EVENT AT PORT ELGIN Walden Bros, entry, in the stock car races at Port'Elgin on'.'Moil­ 'd,ay ' carried'off top money — in excessive of $800—in- the. feature event With fourteen contestant^., Ritsty Steadman was at the wheel and did. some neat driving to take ,^QVei^.t.he- lead in the' late stngpg b.f the- 20-lap. race. ■ $&I 4I § I JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED Lucknow —, . ■' Phone 150 —r • Ontario Y > &■ 4 »♦ SIXTH AND NINTH ■ ...■• —■ Misses Anna Stuart of Toronto and Marjorie Stuart of Goderich, spent the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart, 'Marilyn and Donald McTax$sh, Keith Finnigan and Patsy Foran, along with pupils from Fordyce school; enjoyed a trip to Niagara in Mr. Reed’s bus on| Friday of last week. —Visitors on -Sunday- with—Mr.- and Mrs. Mark Armstrong were Mrs. Mary Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith and fanMly of Brussels.. Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Cronin and Mr. and Mrs. Don McGee pf Tor-" onto were visitors during the week-end with their uncle, Thos. Foran. -Barbara Ann Purdon, Anne & Donna Rintoul took part . in' a hike and wiener roast on May 24ih as guests of Mrs. Jim Wil­ son, Whitechurch, leader of the Whitechurch Presbyterian Mis­ sion Band. ; ... * Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawrence and son Ernie of Kenova, Qnt., visit­ ed Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, the latter’s sister and brother.. DONNYBROOK We are pleased to report that Mr. Ed,Robinson, who is in Wingham Hospital following , an emergent operation for appenli- citis last Thursday evening; .is making favorable progress. Miss Lucy Thompson of Onon- c’ago spent the holiday week-end at her home here. Visitors : during the week-end at the home’ of Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney included: Mr. Bob Lem­ mon, Miss Arlene Gunderson, Mr. and Mjjs. Bill'Chamney and son Danny of Windsor, Miss Joan Doerr, of Niagara Falls and Mr. arid Mrs. Gordon Chamripy. and Larry of Auburn. I I \\ by Max AijmstrOng of Brussel.;, finished in second place, .after' plunging off the south-end turn on the first lap,, - • The trim Brussels Motors car won the ,pursuit race -and Wald­ en’s entry finished third/' ... Official attendance--was listed at over 2,500. • OF COURSE I HAVE AN ESTATE" * "My Dad is building it for me right now, and it’s going to be pretty important to me some day/’ And. a father knows how important jt is to have that estate properly administered, nQ matter how small‘it may. be: at present.. He may receive' advice and assistance from experienced-Trust-Officers bn the dispQSitiorvof his estate without any obligation. Write for free booklet "Blueprint For Your Fanlily’*. X 'r ■ ■ ■ / ■' /' •. THE " . STERLING TRUSTS CO R P O R A T I ON HEAD OFFFIGE BRANCH OFFICE 172 Bay St, Toronto ..... - -V3 Ouniop St'/-'8^*’*- • ■ ' ’ ■ • 5-1 ■ 1 J