The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-05-19, Page 7PAGE'SEVEN......THE LUCKNQW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ’ 7’------------------------------------ ... . ........ .........'-v-- WEDNESDAY, MA.Y 19th, 1954 POULTRY FARM, R.R. 3, GODERICH or FEED STORE, LUCKNOW ■ J* ■ • • 4 • . • • ' / K‘ • * ♦ < _ . • Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM .. Two Showr Each Night FIRST; SHOW AT 7,15 Wednesday, Thurs., May 19, 20 RICHARD WIDMARK, KARL MALDEN" , . _; m ■— ■. Take the High Ground Friday, Saturday, May 21, 22 'VICTOR MATURE . —• in —’ . 7 The Glory Brigade . Matinee Saturday Afternoon Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. MAY 24, 25, 26, 27 RITA HAYWORTH’ - JOSE FERRER _ ,fc.' ' ■ in r ’ ’ Miss Sadie Thompson . In technicolor . Adult Entertainment Friday, Saturday, May 28, 29 Richard Conte, Linda Christian ^SLAVES^OE^B1XON^_ MECHANICAL KIDNEY AIDED INJURED LAD Douglas Remington of Ripley, who was seriously injured when crushed under a log pile, has been receiving treatment in Lon­ don, where a mechanical kidney was used to good effect in aiding the lad, who suffered critical in­ ternal. injuries. , WANT ADS Notice To Creditors , All persons haymg claims ;aS?irist.lthe esta^fe of -John—D. MacLeod, late of the Township of Kinloss, in the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 9th day of April; A.D, 1954, are notified to sehd to the undersigned on or before the fifth day of June, A.D. "1954, full particulars’ of their claims in writing. Immediately ;ifter the said fifth day of June the assets of the’ said Testator Will be dis­ tributed amongst the ’ parties en­ titled., thereto/ having regard only to claims of which .the Exe­ cutors shall then have notice, DATED .this 14th day of May, A.D; T954v-^- ■ . .. _ - ib Crawford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario’ ... Solicitors for the Executors. CARD OF THANKS” Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dexter wish to, acknowledge with sincere thanks and appreciation all the kind remembrances on the oc- •casiion of their 55th:wedding: an­ niversary. Mrs. J. 1VT. .Greer * Wishes to sincerely ,thank all those'who so kindly remembered her in vari­ ous ways while in the hospital -an-d^incB^etUYnin?g"homeTThese kindnesses were indeed appreci- ated. . ; L ; & J- ^ockridge and family, a!sd"”tMrs.- Janet MacDonald., and •family wish to express th^ir sin­ cere appreciation to all those who assisted' in any way during the illness and death of Mrs. Lock­ ridge. Special, thanks-, to Dr. W. A. Mckiblbon, Mrs. Mohrey and the staff of the' Wingham General Hospital and to all those who sent messages of sympathy. . KINLOUGH Mr, and Mrs. Tom - Hodgins were guests at the Kibbler-Esplin . wedding at Burgoyne on Satur- ’day afternoon/ Mrs: Arthur Graham is supply teaching at Westford during the absence of the teacher* ‘ Little Barbara Forster returned home after visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Colwell. Mrs. Alex. Percy will ibe hos­ tess for the Presbyterian W.M.S. meeting on Thursday of this week. • Mrs. R’aynard Ackert was hos­ tess to the H.W.I. on Thursday I evening with Mrs. Frank Thomp- | ton presiding. After the regular j opening, communications,.'bills & I thank you note^ were read and reports were given by the stand­ ing committees; Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Jim Smith; Home Economics and Health, Mrs. Frank Maulden and Mrs. Ed Thompson; Community Activities and Public Relations, Miss May Boyle;, Citizenship and Education, Mrs. PS A. Murray; Historical Research, Mrs.. Tom* Hodgins. Postage and stationery is to be supplied to the press reporter. Delegates to the Dis­ trict Annua! are Mrs. James Hod-, gins and Mrs; Erngst Ackert. Miss Edna Boyle is to report on the meeting-to—be-held—at-Lucknow-r Jtine 2nd. A donation was made to assist the 4-H Club and leaders to attend the rally at Guelph. Seven members were each pre^ sented with a china cup and saucer for having perfect atten­ dance: Mrs. Ed Thompson, Mrs. Tom Hodgins, Mrs. Perry Hod­ gins, Mrs. JiiA Smith{ Mrs. How­ ard Harris, Mrs. Raynard..Ackert and Mrs. W. S. Eadie. Mrs. Per­ ry Hodgins, convener, presided arid gave a reading and also spoke of the pleasure it had been to, her to be the leader of, the 4-H and at this point Beatrice Haldeniby read an address to the leaders and Alice Haldenby made the presentation of a cup and saucer in appreciation. Following . is the address: 1 Dear: Local Leaders; / We the igirls of. the “What shall I Wear” bourse are happy on this occasion to show our appreciation for4 the patience and splendid leadership you have, given ius. We know that -not only now will we enjoy sewing (but in the years to Come all that we have learned will, be a great help to us and we shall always Cherish the days spent as Club girls. ' Whether it’s making our wedding gown . / ’ ■ ’ Or hemming a plain tea towel; / We shall never .worry or frown Because you have taught us how, We’know we’ll’ hate patching overa'lls ' . ’ ' Or darnihg a'woolly, sock, ■" I But we’ll recall .our Club days /And all that you have taught..- i A ski.t was announced by Bar: •\bara Murray and presented ' by ! Erlma and Marion' Percy and Donna Nicholson,. Each girl nrod^. ■ i elled - her new biduse. The motto ‘ Was rea.d, by MfS; Frank Maul- : deh. The roll call was. “Kitthen ‘‘■'do’s, ail'd parlor dont’s”. -The ; meeting closed with the 'Queen ■ .; hhd Grace; Refreshments were ■ ierved. Mrs.: Perry Hodgins will be the. June hostess. This Wil!- ! be held one.week later, June‘10th j and will be an .evening meeting. The W.A. met at the home. of. Mrs. ' George* Graham with, th£ ■ .Resident,■ Mrs. Maurice Hodgin.s,, opffling Juunn. <(.m u j . , I t , j . was “In Christ there is no Edstwhy we put-up exclrnngr^antLonirnHi» . j _pr WeSt". followed by prayers. to keep costs (Town and life. . .Mrs, J. W. Colwell gave the pray- The PLAYHOUSE " 1st show 7.30; 2nd 9.15—Adults 50t, students 35c, children 25c Wednesday, Thursday, May 19th, 20th NORMAN WISDOM and MARY RUTHERFORD, in “Trouble In Store” ft Friday, Saturday, May 21st, 22nd BOB HOPE, BING CROSBY,1 DOROTHY LAMOUR, in ROAD TO BALI Matinee Saturday at_ 2.30 — Children.l0c,-Students20c— r, in. Wednesday, Thursday, May 26th, 27th Anthony Steel, Harold Warrender, Dinah Sheridan, in “Ivory Hunters” A Story of Jungle Life in East Africa * * o’ she attended at London’ Readings on missions in the North were given by Mrs. Jv W. Colwell and Misj> May Boyle. Plans were made for a quilting to be held next Thursday, May 20th, at the church. The hymn “OMaster„_leL me. walk with Thee’ and the lit­ any closed the meeting. Refresh­ ments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Currie Colwell, Bruce and Betty, Con. 2, visited on Tuesday with Mrs. J. W. Col­ well. Tuesday,evening Was film night at Kinlough school when the tea- 'cher, Mrs. Burton Collins, show­ ed a number of interesting films including the Royal Tour. Mr. and l^rs. Arthur Breckles have moved ‘from Lucknow to their summer home here and will again operate their Clam Lake summer resort. Mrs. j. W: Colwell visited, with Lucknow relatives during the week. ’. J Mr. and Mrs. Neil; Murdoch and little daughter of Hanover visit- ed Sunday With Mr. and.._MLS- tt (ArfrulU S(W€ tot/?** <fT sec you* telephone people always use wood preservative op' . Vour poh*s. Tlyiik I should *do\ the sainc thing.* when 1 build . piv fence?”- .■» * "Yes, itV a good idea. We’ve found at Bell that it saves U.S plenty on repair jHnd replacement .costs. That’s why we treat1' in good rdpair; only common sense; if we arc price of yotrr tde^ilioHirscrx iwHow/' - . ’ ’ I,f von li'ould like io flf't iusoful .information' Oit the pretoi'i'atire^ irealiiieiti of toped ire yeti U'lf'itf* kaberatoriei^, 0/Cdnac/fl, Dcfjudrihi^hi \ori'hei'it Affairs arid •; Natiefi&l IhsoittWi, Wfarre, I) THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA . ....... J ■ ■ / ; ’er / partners prayer: Mrs. Jim ’ ] Smith read the’scripture, A spe- . i cial offering wad .received' for the’ ? ' ? Columbia Coast Mission, also do- ? nation's to the deanery meeting ■ which’will be held in Paisley on ; / June. 1st,. Mrs. Howard Thompson ! gave a splendid report p£ the mb Diocesan Annual meeting which1 Phil Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDonald of Winnipeg arid their son Keith of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ lace [Hewitt and Shirley of Wat­ erford, spent the week-end here visiting with Mr. arid Mrs. Geo. Graham. Mr...and Mrs. McDonald left Tuesday, to attend their son Keith£ graduation in Toronto. - r...........T-— --........- - HEREFORD SALE AVERAGE SHOWS SLIGHT INCREASE Huron Hereford Association moved 33 head of white-faced cattle across the auction block at Clinton.J,ast ^Tuesday-for— a—total price of $9,230, or, a^h. average of $280. The price compared with 44 head selling for $12,225 or an. erage of $278 a year ago. Attendance and bidding was good. All cattle were consigned by members of the association with the top consignor, James R. Coultes of Belgrave, sales mana­ ger., His bred heifer, Belgrave Lady, sold for $500 to Clarence Down, R.R. 1, Hensail. . j rf ■ . ’ Two other top price animals were also bred heifers from the Coultes herd, selling for $430 to Edward M. Schill, R.R. 1, Tees- water, and for $375 to Wilbert Grainger, Wroxeter. Top priced bull consigned by Bert Holmes & Son, Wingham, went for $330 to Samson MeFalls, Exeter. Eleven bulls sold for I J..J______________________ _:-------------------------------r-~----- | $2,88Q, an average of $261, while 13 bred heifers brought $3,775 or an average of $290. Top priced, cow with calf sold’- for $425 to Rochus Faker & Sons, Kipperi, from the herd of Ri G. c Thompson’, Clinton. ' In all, six cows sold for $2,045, averaging $340. Three open heifers totalled $530 an average of»?$176. fI | SEED CQRN^ r:Nov/ t | BUY THE BEST buy■| : ■ | CO-OP BRAND ......'..........................'........■.........■: z’d: