The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-05-19, Page 5WEDNESDAY, MAY 19th, 1954s ___ ____ ___■ ■ 1 •......^.^...,1^,^.^........ I_ltl THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CHURCH NEWS * • . * * •• Zion WMLS, and W.A. , "’ The regular meeting of Zion W.M.S. was held at the home pf •• Mrs, Charlie Anderson with 17 : members and 3 visitors present, Jdrs. Frank Ritchie opened the meeting. Mrs. Gordon’Ritchie had the Christian Stewardship, Mrs^ McDonagh read the scripture, Mrs. / Swan took,the devotional and Mrs. Jim Hunter gave a reading. Mrs, Gordon Kirkland is to pre­ pare the program for the next » - meeting. A letter , of thanks was read from Mrs. Graydon Ritchie, The mite boxes are to be brought in at the nexjt meeting. The gar­ den party money is to be brought to the August meeting. Mrs. Frank Ritchie and Mrs. Jake Hunter gave reports from Preg­ byterial which had be^n held at Seaforth. A reading was- given by Mrs. Kirkland and the study book taken., by Mrs. Raynard. Mrs. Charlie Anderson gave a reading on temperance. Mrs. Gordon Ritchie presided for the W.A. meeting which fol­ lowed. The scripture was read by Mrs. Kirkland. There was a discussion regarding sewing and knitting [to ibe done , for the bazar... Mrs? Allan Ritchie and Mrs. Ray­ nard are to see about the date for the bazaar. Mrs. Ritchie clos-' ed with iprayer after which the hostess served a dainty lunch, assisted by Mrs. Allan Ritchie. * ■ 4k. 1 T I PAGE FIVE Group 2 of the W.A. The Cameron Group of the W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Steve Stothers , last Wednesday^ after­ noon. The meeting was opened with the Association hymn and prayer. Reports were heard from seve^l committees. The business was dealt with. .This being Home £nc* Family week through all the church the program was along this line. Mrs. MacKenzie was in charge. After the singing of hymn 393, the scripture and meditation, prayer was taken iby Mrs. George Andrew. There was a violin sel­ ection Iby Mrs. Campbell, accom- , panied by Mrs; Andrew and a reading by Mrs, Thompson, The guest speaker was Mrs. Baulch, who gave a very interesting talk on the Home and Family life. She dealt mostly with the child, Mrs. Jack MacKenzie favored with a solo accompanied by Mrs. Joynt. Hymn 394 and the repeating of the mizpah benediction closed the meeting. Mrs. Jas. Mathers con­ ducted a‘flower contest. A dainty lunch was served by the commit- 4 . tee in charge. United Church W.A., Group I Members of Group I journeyed ther“hbme jot Mrs. “Raynard Ackert by bus on Wednesday for their May meeting. .The meeting opened wit,h a. hymn, the W.A. motto and the Lord’s prayer. The scripture.reading, given by Mrs, Brooks, was taken from the 24th Psalm, and Mrs. . Scott offered- prayer. Piano solos by iMrs. Har­ vey, Houston and- June Ackert, and a piano duet by Mrs. Wm. Graham. and Olive, were very much enjoyed. Mrs; Wm. Eadie gave a very fine reading on “Your Mother and Mine”, Mrs. Allan ‘ ' Miller and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt- favored With a piano duet and /.Mrs. H^x-old Haldepby With a i ■ vocal solo.- Contests were con­ ducted by Mrs. Jack. Adkert and f. to close the meeting Mrs. Gaunt, . very fittingly,. sanjj .“My • Moth- i er’s Prayer”'. Mrs. Ernest Ackert, I. Mrs. Richard Elliott »_and.Mrs.- ’ yack Ackert wore the committee: 1 in charge and following the miz­ pah benediction, refreshments were served. „ • ' .. . , ' United Church W.M.S. .. The Afternoon Auxiliary of the W.M.S, of’'the United church • met at ’ Mrs; McDiarmid’s home on Wednesday, May 5th with the. I .president, Mrs. Robertson, in the ■ • ^air.. After the ■'opening hymn Pr_ayei^by--M^^Uoi^ i - . roll call was answered and the _J?usiness_ period- followed^ The [ Tuhe meeting will foe at the sum- ' jner home of, Mrs; ..Breckles. A temperance, reading was given by* I , Mrs. Alton. Mrs. N. j. MacKenzie, • *■' Save a fine report of the WM.S. . , PresbyteriM Wd/ht Port* Elgin April 13th and Mrs. R> H. I thPmpson gave'the Community frieiidship report from the same meetrng, Mrs. W. B. Anderson and Mrs. Hoag gave a synopsis of the Wednesday meeting , of the W.M.S. Presbyterial of the Ham­ ilton Conference held in Kincar­ dine on April 27, 28 and 29. Their reports were very interesting and informative. Hymn 280 was'sung, tho scripture read by Mrs. Roach and prayer offered by Mrs. Kil­ patrick, A . sold by Mrs. R; W. Andrew of ListoWel, “The Beaut­ iful Garden* of Prayer”, was much enjoyed. The study book was given by Mrs. Meiklejohn, and Mrs. Webster and Mrs. Col­ lins gave a. harmonica and auto harp selection: This was followed by as solo by Mrs, Bob Campbelf and a reading by Mrs. Ewart Taylor. .The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. N. J. MacKenzie and lunch was served. Blake W.M.S. The May meeting of Blake’s fWM.S. was held in the hall with 18 adults arid 10 children pres­ ent. Mrs. Cooke opened the meet-? ing with hymn 358, followed by prayer. The scripture reading was read by Mrs. R.. Johnston and prayer by Mrs. H. Curran. Hymn 390 was sung and the study chap­ ter taken by Mrs. E. Zinn. Mrs. _W. Irvin., is to take, the study chapter for the, June meeting. It being the Grandmothers’ meet­ ing, they are to supply the pro­ gram. Plans were made for’ a garden party iri June. Thet presi­ dent closed the meeting with prayer. There was a sale of plants, bulbs, etc., after the meet­ ing and ’lunch was served by several , of the ladies. • . • ' .'.I'. n South Kinloss W.M.S. The May meeting of the South Kinloss W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Harold Campbell with a good attendance. Mrs. Wm. MacIntyre opened the meeting- with prayer followed7by the Lord’s prayer in unison. Mrs. Harry Lavis was- appointed as delegate to the Presbyterial, which is to be held at Ethel on; May 31st. Mrs. Alex Sutherland; reported on the bale. Scripture and meditation, from St. John were .given by Mrs. Fraser Mac­ Kinnon followed by prayer .by Mrs. Ted Collyer. Report of. the Synodical, /which was- held in O^en Sound, ’was given rby Mrs. Douglas Graham and Mrs. G. S; Baulch. The offertory prayer was given iby Miss Dean MacLeod. . The topic from the study book was taken by Mrs.' Herb Buck ton. An interesting chapter from the study book “Where’er the Sun” on the North American Indian was giv'en by Mrs. Archie Mac­ Intyre. The vote of thgnks was given, by Mrs. W:. F. MacDonald .. ; i ...........•■• ; — - —- .■ — 3rd VICTORY LOAN BONDS have been v CALLED FOR PAYMENT JUNE 1st IF YOU HOLD Third Victory Loan 3% Bonds (issued November, 1942 to mature November, 1956) they should be presented for payment on or after June 1st through any branch bank in Canada. AFTER THIS DATE NO FURTHERv INTEREST WILL BE PAID. . The’-, interest* coupon dated . November 1st, 1954 and all coupons dated later than this must be attached to the bonds when they are presented for payment. Payment will be $101.26 for a $100 bond (and for other denominations accordingly). This payment includes a $1 premium as required by the terms of the bond—plus 26g which is interest at 3% from May 1st to June 1st—the period since the last coupon became payable. *,'.•' Government of Canada ' By: BANK OF CANADA, Fiscal Agent VB-3-54 -I itation on “Helping Neighbors in Need”. Mrs, Lloyd Moffat led in prayer. A review of the Glad Tidings was given by Mrs. ish Moffat and Mrs. John lock. The minutes' of the meeting were read by Mrs. McDonald. The offering was re­ ceived with prayer iby Mrs. D. Scott. The topic on “Who is your Neighbor” was taken* by Mrs. Bert Moffat. Hymns were sung, and. , the meeting, closed with the Lord’s prayer in unison. The next meeting will be in the evening at Mrs. J. Pollock’s. Far- Pol- last Neil Olivet W.M.S. The May meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the church on Thurs­ day, May 13th with Mrs. Melvin Colling’s group in charge. The roll call was answered by a fav­ orite book of the Bible. The ‘ loliowed by hymn 545? The meet­ ing closed with the mizpah bene­ diction. The next meeting be held on Wednesday. June Please note change ofs date. I Hunter-Kilpatrick Group j The May meeting of Group III of the W.A.. was held on Wed­ nesday evening, at the home of Mrs... -R£na McNab with twenty members and two visitors pres­ ent Mrs. Hunter presided for -the opening devotions. Mrs,. Hum-\ ph.rey read the scripture reading which was followed by thoughts on scripture for the month. The INDEXES roll call was answered- by “my I ■ ‘ — — favorite flower”. Thirty dollars I was .realized by the Group from the play put on 'by. Ashfield Young People. Plans.were made for entertaining the older people . the^cQiigregatiou-irL-theimeaiL future'; for catering to1 Institute •rally Sc for providing flowers for. the churdh’ for-May ,&‘ June. Mrs. .Humphrey acted as'charlady for7 the program. TWo pleasing in- strtimehtals • were /played on the guitars by the Wraith brothers.: Readings \ve,re given by Mrs. W. Anderson, .Mrs. A. ■ Little?, Miss Murdie, Mrs. Kilpatrick, and Mrs. MpNab.', Miss ’Cormack- 'gave. a. talk which' provevd' both-humor* ^us.^'a-rid'feimst,rAiic^t4aye<<.|.iAhiis.ii.,in..tereSrt.~7rr ing contest was held and lunch will 9th. charge. .; Langside ■ . The May meeting of the W.M-.S, was held' at the home .of Mrs. •Bert Moffat The meeting opened by the' pios'ideht •with' the •call to worship. The scripture les­ son was . -read by • Mrs. Currie. Mrs. Gordon Wall read the med*’ scripture was read by Mrs. Col­ ling; .readings were given by Mrs. D. Henry & Mrs. Norval Stewart. Marilyn" Finlayson sang a *'solb- and Mrs. Brydon gave an inter­ esting talk from the study book. Mrs. Alvin’ Hamilton closed the first part of the meeting with prayer. A committee, was ap­ pointed to look after some work in the church. Also a committee of ladies was appointed*to look after plans -for the bazaar in July. After the benediction there was a sale of bulbs and plants by the group in charge. KINTAIL CAMP FROM JUNE 28 TO SEPTEMBER 6 Camping dates for Kintail Presbyterian Camp on Lake Hur­ on, norfh of Goderich, have been set, the^Rey. D. J. Firth, Chalmers Chujrch, London, announced at the Presbytery of London meet­ ing last week. The camp will open Jupe 28 and close September 6, Periods and dates are: Inter­ mediate boys, -June. 28-July 5; j unior girls, July 6-13; intermed­ iate girls, July 15-24; junior boys, July 26-August 3: _senior girls. August 5-14; junior girls, August 16*25; Young People’s . Society, camp, August 27- Sept. 4; Y.P.S. week-end, September 4-6. ' The camp can handle 80 per­ sons ' at a tirne^ Mr. jFirth ’ said. st’ Accused: Judge, I don’t know what to do. -------- o Judge:Why,how’s that? ~ Accused: Iswore to tell, the _ ____, ___ ___,w.___ truth buLevery time I try, some j It is expected to be filled during lawyer objects. • V” the junior boys’ period. 173.9 175% 150% 125% 177.6 75% 25% ★ FARM WAGE RATH INDEX OF FARM WAGE RATES * ALE COMMODITIES TOTAL INDEX OF ALL COMMODITIES. 50% f * RAW MATERIALS INDEX OF TOTAL IRON PRODUCTS FARM IMPLEMENTS MASSEY-HARRIS RETAIL PRICES IN CANADA OF CANADIAN-MADE FARM IMPLEMENTS. FARM PRODUCTS A .INDEX OF CANADIAN FARM7 PRODUCTS. V Percentage of price increases in Canada since 1941 I AVERAGE HOURLY RATES AVERAGE HOURLY RATES OF PAY MASSEY-HARRIS CANADIAN PLANTS. . - w • < • / • •UR 'ZZ/KkR ■ |MW Fa r Ji»VfiS I' IMPLEMENT PRICES AT LOW LEVEL OF INCREASE That irnplerherit pricjes'hMve been kept at a . low level is clearly shown by the comparison of Pomiriion Bureau of Statistics index figures, which give an increase ipi' ’-all commodities” since 1941 of 82.1% as against an increase in a comparable index for. Masseyrflarris implements of only 66.9%. This low' percentage of « increase, too, is shown in the face of an increase in the index figure for materials of 94.7% and of Massey-Harris hourly rates of jpay of 173.9 % as' can be seen; by • , ? . referring to the chart shown ahrive.. Also, the indexes .show ihdt while farm implements have only increased 66.9% there has been an increase in the price of fatm products of 82*6% arid the scarcity of farrii labour has caused farm wage rates to increase by 177.6%. ■ u Jarmers-depend-upon-mechanization-to ofifset~thri^carcity~aiTd~high cost of labour and the indexes show that prices of such equipment have been maintained at a . . comparatively low level of increase; Farm equipmehr'wifH7"itsi time arid lahorir saving advantages offers exceptional v^lue for the money.' */• *i3oniimbij Bureau MASSEY-HARRIS-FERGUSON LIMITED Makers high-quality farm ihiplements $ince 1847 by arid high cost of labour 4 l' ' ■ "v *...