The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-05-19, Page 4e APARTMENT FOR ; RENT—ap­ ply Gammie Apartments, ' .THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 19th, 1954 ■■■■ 11.^......................... i insure With The I S. WANTED—can take in numtyer of grass cattle by the month. John Ri Gilnfore, R. 3, Lucknow. FOR SALE—a grey carriage, blue lining, like new. Apply tq Mrs. Alex Andrew, Phone .106, Luck­ now, : / FOR SALE—a vacant lot, drop- . leaf ’table, large Norge oil burn­ er! Mrs, C< Weatherhead, Luck­ now, .. FOR SALE—21 young pigs, wean­ ed three/weeks. Wm. Wareing, R. 7, Lucknow, phone 82-r^3 Dun­ gannon.0 ' • / ' CHROME PISTON R.INGS--these rings are giving. wonderful saL isfaction. Let me put. a set( in Winter HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT— oh “Standpipe . Hili’*. Possession June 4 st. Apply to Lottie Far- i^Sh,. R. 7, Lucknow. ' ■ GRASS FARM TO RENT — 150 acres, .good grass, abundance of water. John MacRae,' phone 61^w Lucknow. ’ FOR . SALE—^8-room, two-storey •brick house, 3 -piece bath, new . furnace, modern kitchen, 2 acres 4arid,' fargb stable, possession in June. S. W. Gibson. FOR SALE — Bowman garden tractors^Seethemondisplayat Forster’s Welding Shop, phone 206-r-ll,’ Lucknow. * ; HOUSE FOR SALE—modern 8- room brick house on Havelock- St., oil furnace, hardwood floors. Apply to Dr. T. B. Cleland, Luck­ now. PHONE 41 for. a price on meat by the quarter; also custom work and Cutting. Welsh Meat Market, Lucknow. * A SEED FOR SALE—full line of clover seeds,. grass seeds and'pas­ ture mixtures at reasonable • prices. Harvey. Hagedorn, Kintail, phone Dungannon 66-17. SALESMAN WANTED Rawleigh business now open in Bruce Co, Trade well established. Excellent; opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh’s Dept. E-271-T89rMontreal^—————— LAWN MOWERS repaired and sharpened. Power mowers a specialty. For. prompt and efficient service, see . or call E. W. RICE, ST. HELENS R.2, Lucknow — Phone 211rr-31 MEAT FOR SALE Good beef for sale by the quar­ ter. Beef killed under license from the Department of Health, Highest- quality? Raynard Ackert, Holyrood, Phone 24-30 Ripley. AUCTION SALE of livestock and implements at the farm ‘Of ThOs. ’ Wilson, Lot. 24, Con. 4, Huron /Township/ on , Friday, May 21st at LOO p.m. ^ee?bills for list and terpls. Th os. Wilson,! Prop;; Don­ ald B,. Blue, Auc. - HEKEFOKDSAEE------ ' Grey-Bruce' Hereford Breeders’ . Association sale of 15 bulls, 21 females.' is .being held'- at the . Markdale /Salest.mArena . on; Wed- . nesday. May- 26 th. W?, S. O’Neil,. ■ Auctioneer,, arid ■ Donald Blue. * Ring Master, . Catalogues on<f e- quest. ”. < , ■ /. ■ ,/•' : / . > T. Stewar.t Cooper, Markdale, Secretary. < ; ■ FOR SALE—16 weanling pigs, 2 litters;, or will trade on heifer due to freshen soon. Carmen Mc- Quillin, HR. 6, Lucknow. PERMANENT PASTURE for 20 heavy cattle or 30 light stbekers; will handle on rental or /gain, baajs. Dave Anderson, Lucknow. NEWLYWEDS should select from the large stock pf furniturp and furnishings art the Mildihay Fur-; riiture Showrooms. Reasonable prices. Easy terms: J. F. JSchuett & Sons, Mildmay. FOR SALE^brick building, 22 x 50, upstairs modern apartment, steam heat, bottom floor suitable for shop or store, full dry base­ ment. . N. W. Winterstein, AUCTION SALE of household effects at the farm of Ed Mac- "KenzieACon- ^“Kinloss^on-rTues- day, June 1st at 21)0 p.m. .See bills. Terms cash. Ed MacKenzie, Prop.; Well. Henderson, Auc» PIANOS new and used at Schuett’s .Mildmay. Also 60 cycle Philco and Frigidaire and Norge refrigerators; Admiral, Electro­ home 'ielevisipri. Free delivery? J. F. Schuett & Sons, Mildmay. PLUMBING SUPPLIES For plumbing fixtures,; fittings “and supplies, including American kitchen units, call T; M. Meen, 1178 Francis St., London, phone 7-1170. Evenings 4-4689. ;•. . 1 •' ’ ; • . ■ . ‘.v. . •■ ., * • LIVESTOCK WANTED Dead, disabled horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt' and efficient service call “STONES” collect Ingersoll 21, Wingham 561J or Ripley 182. HOUSE FOR SALE—fully mod; erh home on two lots, forced air heating, ground floor has kitchen, dining,.sitting, bath and two.bed­ rooms; room for two more rooms upstairs, one partly finished. Possession June , ‘1st. Nominal down payment. Apply at Sentinel Office. • BRAY PULLETS. Started, as well as dayold. Still a wide choice. Mixed chicks also. Ask us (for present early summer prices.' Highly profitaible on the fall mar­ kets. July cockerels .should Ibe ordered now. Full , particulars, -q.gpn-f. ..... d7’R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION For artificial insemination at its best for all breeds, call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ­ ation between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. cn week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. Phone, collect Kincardine 460 > o r Mildmay 130-V-12. BARB WIRE Arriving Tuesday, May 25th No. 1 Heavy Canadian Barb Wife 80 ROD (frQ QE . ROLL ;.................. LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OP Phone 71, Lucknow NOTict Auxiliary Members , re Joint Meeting Members of the Ladies’ Auxil­ iary'to the Canadian Legion, are reininded of the joint meeting to be held on -the latter’s regular meeting night,' Tuesday, May ,25th at 8.30. ' ' j COMING EVENTS | GARDEN PARTY There will be a garden party in Hackett United Church ibase- Inent on Tuesday, May 25th. A variety program will follow the supper. Adults $1.00, children 50c. A GUIDE COOKIE DAY The Lucknow Girl Guides an­ nual Cookie Day will be held on Saturday of this week, May 22nd* They’ll appreciate your support when they call. ■ -UiF.f ^ DANPE FRIDAY The . Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion annual spring dance in the Town. Hall, Luck­ now, Friday, May 21st,, featuring the choosing of the “Queen of the Ball” and a (floor show by the “Kintail Fashion Parade”: Carruthers orchestra, lunch coun^ ter, admission 75c. • BINGO THURSDAY The Clansmen are sponsoring another cash Bingo in the Re­ creational Centre on Thursday evening of this week, May 20th. at_9.00 o’clock (for , sure). T4 ’ games for $1.00 for $5 cash, prizes with four big share-the-wealth specials. ■ SOCIAL & TRAVELTALK Social evening and: illustrated trayeltalk in Holyrood Hall on Tuesday, May 25th at 8.45 p'ni;, when the Rev. G. B, Cox will show his South American ,pict­ ures, sponsored by the Kinlough. A.Y.P.A. A. variety ‘program will also* be given. Refreshments will be served.'Admission: adults 35c; children 15 c, : ANNIVERSARY SERVICES -Anniversary—serv-ices-.at—Hack4 ett United Church, on Sunday, May 23rd with services at 11.00 a'.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. J. R; MacDonald of Ripiey, guest speaker. Male quartette from Au­ burn at morning: service and male quartette from Victoria St. Church, Goderich, in the evening. NOTICE The regular’ meeting of the Lucknow Branch of the Canadian Legion twill be held on Tuesday, May 25th at 8.00 p.m. All mem­ bers are requested to attend. notice; Orders taken for plain sewing. Aprons a specialty; also; infant’s knitted outfits. Eva Greer, Phone 145-w. Township of West Wawanosh TENDERS will be received foy the undersigned until 6.00 p.m., Saturday, May 29 th, 1954, for, spraying , weeds on roadsides, by the hour. Applicants must have a suitable outfit. Township will supply chemical. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accented. Lorne Ivers, Road Supt.,.. - , Dungannon, Ontario, . (Additional Classified on Page 7) ■l co-op Auto INSURANCE ■ Can Now'Accept. TOWN RESIDENTS as well as the. farm business. •For information consult" TL A, CAMERON, LUCKNOW, Phone Dungannon 70-r-l.O JOHN McMURCHIE, RIPLEY* Phone 2,0-r*23 TENDERS WWI,,y..yi a_lljl|inl |l|U.lTljlt J| , t tl, ■ >L, ywjl. , ,, ,„p „j, ,|, ,J„ ,, L .Z, tjpf , u L LL , , L„ . TBNDDRS^Marked. sealed ten- ■ .7, k 1954, for . transportation of I ■' •' -pupils of S.S. 3. (Kintail) to S.S. 15. (Hemlock City); U.S/S.,- H. (Sheppardton) to - S.S,- 1 (Fort Albert), also for S.S. 12 to U.S.S. 4 (Lochalsh) for the schooT'year • .1954-5., Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ' . ' R. T. Kilpatrick, Sec.-Treas., ‘ R.R. 7, Lucknow, Ontario. TEACHER WANTED For S.S. No., 17, West Wawa* ,’ndsh Public' School Area, < Pro- ;testahtr approximately 15 pupils., surroundings^.,modern school,. *2 mile off Highway, two furnace and inside toilets;; State former, Inspector, qualifications and salary expected-. Duties to commence 1st. oi September, ■ Also a Music. Supervisor want­ ed for West WaW'ariosh School Area;, five classrooms, State sal- ary-expected/' Apply to W. A, Stewart, Sec,- Treas.; Dungannon, Ontario, . . ■ «> ' ft ' , " • ‘ * 4 ' R.S. Hetherington, QG ^-BarristeFr-EtCT-^--— Winghanx ajid Lucknow EachMonday and Wednesday/ Located on the ground floor ip the front of John Kilpatricjk’s Building . ’Phone Wingham Office 48 ' ' Residence 91 4. MW */ ROY N. BENTLEY Public Accountant 4 Britannia Rd, (comer South St.) GODERICH, ONT. Telephone 1011 CulrossMutual FIRE INSURANCE CO, 1 ; for ■ ■ / . Reasonable rates, sound pro­ tection & prompt, satisfactory ■ settlement of claims. PARISH MOFFAT Your Local Agent ■ R. 3., Teeawater. ' ’Phone Teeawater 57-r-41 T" STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE insurance Investigate Before Investing REUBEN WILSON R.R. 3, Goderich Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon / WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP We Have Been Memorial .. Craftsmen For Thirty-Five ; Years, Always Using '. THE BEST GRANITES ’ Along With .. Expert Designing and .. Workmanship. Prices Most' Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R.A.SPOTTON ,v Phone 256, Wingham, Ontario INSURANCE Co-Operative Life Insurance Co-Operative Automobile Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance , . Economical and Reliable. ■; -See .... T. A. CAMERON . . LUCKNOW Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon Kenneth J. MacKenzie —... R.O, . ■ Optometrist ' LISTOWEL, ONT. at the former Wrona Jewelery store, Ripley, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m;, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26th and every Second Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appointment ’phone Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley. I * r F. T? ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT ’Phone 1100 •For ■■ Appointment or Information See Wm« A. Schmid, ’Phone 167-.W Lucknow ’ INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE , / •, : ■ -I. , To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH R. R. 3; Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61 -5,: Dungannon ’ I R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LlSTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every • Wednesday and Saturday / Afternoon t Office in the Joynt Block / Telephone: Office 135 Residence 31-J P. Stuart Mackenzie Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK / ' Agnews* Agency Howard Agnew — Jos. Agnew MEMBER OF Ontario, insurance ' Agents’ Association GENERAL INSURANCE ■/ Established Qver 30 Years Ago Telephone^: , Business 39 Residence 138 MacLENHAN and MyKEHZIE ' FUNtaAL' SERVICE- BetvicesQ conducted, accord­ ing to your wishes at your Home, Your, Church, br. our: Memorial Chapel at no' additional charge. AMBULANCE SERVICE ’ ‘ ’Phohe 181* Lucknow/ Day or Night " it V JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME 'Phone 76 Day or Night Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost Moderate Prices 6. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office on Patrick St., just off , the Main St. in WINGHAM Professional Eye ■ Examfixation Optical Services Evenings by appointment. Phone: Office 770; Iles. 5. RAY ROBINSON -Floors LAID, SANDED AND . FINISHED. ■' ’Phone Carlow2105 R.R. 1, Pori AlbeH If