The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-05-05, Page 10THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 5th, 1954 HEADLINES are . PAGE TEN ► your loveliest always with a be- < < < •t •< •< .< Bailey’s Beauty Salon Modern Hair Stylists ':— Phone 115, Lucknow . ’ I SHORT COUTURES are easy-to-manage LOVELY'tO’LdOK-AT Sunday, May 9 th SUGGESTED GIFTS FOR MOTHER : i. . ','".'"1 'i ■■■■■!»! ■ .. ■ 1 1 \ . i1*'.! .. ......... .'--r- SLIPS—In nylon and crepe, lace trim and tailored ' HOSE—nyldn and real silk ■ GLOVES—assorted shades and fabrics BLOUSES—riylon,; crepe, cotton ■ SCARVES—Tariow wlora wlth printed patterns " COTTON DRESSES f ^“4 CHlibREN’S WEAR | Wocflens ■ ■ . ,f HACKETT YOUNG PEOPLE STAGED PLAIT FRIDAY •Xiook Out For Lizzie”, the pop- Blaf play »which the Hackett Young People have presented on Several occasions ’ was staged in the Fellowship Room of the Un­ tied Churchzdn Friday evening under the auspices of Group IH oftheWA. The cast of characters was in­ troduced by Arnold Alton as fol­ lows: Lome Hackett, Helen; Lit- tle, Frances Alton, Frank Alton, Joyce Littie, Doug Hackett, Bruce RaiahMud and /Lois Hackett. Between acts selections were reideredby—.the—High School Barber Shop Quartette composed of George Anderson, Kenneth MacHay> Dale Haldenby and John Helm with?; accompaniment t# Mr. Harvey Bride. '■ A welcome was extended; the gathering: by Mrs. Vernon Hun- tero on behalf of the sponsoring ithjvt Mr, John Btenry is cori­ group. THAT Miss Mary MacMillan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan of Kinloss and Miss ^Norina Sherwood, daughter of Mr.~ and Mrs. Jim Sherwood of Goderich, have been engaged as members of the Wingham Public School staff for the Sep­ tember term. Both young ladies are aRehdihg Teachers’ College at Stratford. THAT the week-end summer-like weather was followed by a cold snap that saw 'the mercury dip to below freezing early Tues- ' day morning and snow flurries during the day. It froze hard enough to form ice. THAT May 1st marked more than the opening of the trout season. In Walkerton the annual edict went into force requiring that : dogs be' prevented from run­ ning at large for the next three months.-, - ....., A .........■ THAT from early morning till late at night , bn Thursday of Young Canada t Week, 3.480 bottles of coke were given free to youngsters, players or not, by Cam Tweedie, .the Goderich district- bottler for- the Coca Cola Company. valescing from a heart condi­ tion. which has confined him to his home for several weeks.. THAT Mr, John England return­ ed. home from Toronto on Sat­ urday after. assisting Dr. and Mrs. Johnston ‘ in their new home/ for the past week. He was accompanied by his daugh­ ter, Mrs. Raymond Morrissey of Flora. THAT the Kairshea W.I. is in­ vited to be the guests of the - Teeswater W.I. at |heir regu­ lar meeting to be held in Tees- water Town Hall, on Tuesday, May flth at 2.30 p.m, THAT Kenneth J. MacKenzie, Listowel optometrist, and son of Mr; and Mrs. Roy MacKenzie of Ripley, .: has ibfcen elected president of the Listowel' Kins­ men Club. ■ —o—• THAT Norma Sherwood & Joyce Durican, students at’Teachers’ College, Stratford, were prac- , tice teaching last week at Purple Grove School. . THAT the Lucknow Pipe Band have setx the. .date for their 1 tattoo J for Wednesday, June .■ 23rd. "■ ;;?/ . THAT Dr/ W. J. Mumford has - resigned -' ' ‘. ‘ at Melville Church, Fergus, and is going to Simcoe. Rev. Mum­ ford reached the point of sup­ erannuation'while at Lucknow, but is reluctant to vacate the pulpit, lie continues to be a most forceful and inspiring minister as was evident recent­ ly at the preaching mission at Olivet when Dr. Mumford fill; ed the church nightly for a week. THAT a reception and dance, was held in the Town Hall on Fri­ day night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nicholson (nee Joyce Mowbray). Ray Stanley read an address arid . Mel Stahley presented the young couple : with a purse of money, •1 Cotton Marquisette Curtains with dainty frills w Rhd puffy , dots. Tailored tie-backs. Sizes 32x$L ' Price, pair $2.98 Ruffled Marquisette Curtains, the peak of perfection, size 44x81. Ivory color. Brice, pr. Ruffled .material, M" wide, color white only. Yard 39c < < < ... J"Spring lsr-Hair*©07^ta^. ’r-fcook -< . < ’ * ** — - - coining hair? style, as you like it , . . Make your appointments /'■■.early.- Unit and commenced her dut­ ies on Monday. \ THAT the banquet and presenta­ tion of jackets for the Bantam Hockey team will be held in : the Recreational Centre on Thursday , of this week. Tickets are still available to this “big do” for the champs. THAT Mr. and Mrs, Chester Fea- gari of Langside, have received word from, their son Hugh, who is with the R.C.M.P. in the Yukon, that he has been trans­ ferred from Mayo to While- horse. ■ ■ ' of th pmon'i weight canoaa a J or »your com; THAT Dr. R. G. MacKay of Thdmesford will be guest min­ ister at the Lucknow Presby­ terian Church anniversary ser- ices on Sunday. THAT Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Forster of Palmerston were in New York last Week attending a business conference of the Pru- dential Insurance Company. Because of increased new busi­ ness obtained, Mr. Forster was one of four out of 26 agents in the Stratford district to qualify for the trip. The con­ ference was held at the Hotel Commodore. THAT Bdbby Farrish, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Farrish of Ash­ field, received treatmept in Wingham Hospital, for a fract­ ured wrist' sustained in a fall Off a horse. Bobby Was dis/ charged after a cast was (piit on the arm. THAT Lome MacLennan, who has been ill fri Detroit, was brought by Johnstone's ambul­ ance to Wingham Hospital this week where he will be glad to . see friends from the commun- ity.---.......2-----................... ....... —O—. . ' THAT Mrs. X C.McNab has ..ac­ cepted a part-time position as clerk-stenographer at the local office of. the Bruce Co. Health ; JPoMtive, RgUai^t end Speedy jt/ilief The Finger Points to thb Ideation of the Anterior 'BraMveno Arch. When thio Arch weaken^ the tiny bones are de- proceed; uneven proeeure is jko- dncedUaiMthounoRran distribution of theperoon'a weight caussa",n. burning sensation, callouses. r9 tondecspots, contracted toes, and > severe crampJike pain. The foot wideusandepreadsovortheehoo^ the cuudl too and groat, too joints be<ynie^4rifleiTieii~vnii bedflyfotiguoand .....................wMwta* «ad oometiac Foot TraoblMh wffl ba hrid ft dur Stott oh Wednesday, May 12 • .'a :.. ... Ja'- ■ -■ _i. • 1 ar mV —mww.at agawo-iatK"""-''"'......... . ‘...—......~ -----— S. c. Rathwell & Son ■■. ■«■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■« 1 m- , Lovely sheer curtaining all ready S' BLOUSES \ to make. Hemmed rayon ma®- 'z ial 40’* Wide. Price, yd. . 59c T-SHIRTS Boys’ cotdrfui T-Shirts in various barrel stripe effects, knitted from napped dotton in nhort- sleeyed style. Small, medium and ? large. 75e LadxeF Blouses,, celanese acetate/: assorted colors, sizes 32 to 38, Price' SHORTS \ Sanforized cotton garbardine ■ Shorts for bOys. All-around elas­ tic waist. Colors brown,'blue and ,,..„winfe. Sizes 4,d & 6x ...........$1.49 . WORK SHIRTS ‘ Men's sanforized Work Shirts-—1 - ; made for comfortable fit & gdod service with strongly sewn seams —sizes 14^ to 17. /* <e) Blue dr green covert clbth at .....(b) Olive green Drill .......... $3.15 * (c) Plaid Cotton Denim $3.45 (d) Blue Cihanibfay