The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-05-05, Page 7V w I 4 7 ■; a * .♦< WEDNESDAY, MAY 5th, 1954 U- . • • • . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN •I '4> 3 4 /A I 4 01 r* LyceumTheatre WINGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 Wednesday, Thurs., May 5, 6 LUCILLE: BALL, 'DESI ARNAZ — in •— The Long Long Trailer Friday, Saturday, May 7, 8. JOHN HODIAK, ROBERT STACK in ‘’ Conquest of Cochise Matinee Saturday Afternoon f . , ■ . ’ • •. ■ • ■ . Monday, Tuesday, May 10,11 Jeanne Crain, Jean Peters i in VICKI and Mark Stevens, Dorothy Malone . — • in — - TORPEDO ALLEY Last complete show starts — at 8.30 . ■——— ________f_ Wednesday, Thurs., May 12,13 Rosemary Cluny, Jack Carson '■ in' RED GARTERS / r.J •» ♦’ * 'I' 11 LI ■1* • >• * H * •> f, > **f r' *■.> i ZION DUNGANNON Dungannon W. I. Meeting _The April meeting of Dungan- nonTWqmei?s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. R. Kilpatrick on Thursday evening, April 29th. The .president, Mrs. C. Blake, op­ ened the meeting in the usual way and the roll call “Our re­ sponsibility toward education” was answered Sy1 sixteen mem-, bers. Four visitors were also pre­ sent. During the business period a donation of -$5 was. voted to the cancer fund.. Delegates were appointed to attend the district annual to be held. iri Belgrave in May. A discussion Was held re­ garding dressing dolls, for the C.N.E. but no. action is being tak­ en. A meeting .of. the executive is being, held: git the president’s home to plan the programs for the coming year. Rev. Watt gave a splendid addrbss on education. A. demonstration was given by Mrs. C. Crozier on how to iron a tablecloth and Mrs. J. Finnigan conducted two contests. iCommun-. ity singing and the National An­ them brought the meeting to a close after which the lunch com­ mittee served refreshments. •' ■■ ■_____________.. '■, • 4- .M . ... w<'4 LANGSIDE NEWS Ladies Add was held in the siding. Mrs. John Crowston read the scripture and Mrs. Lloyd Mof- fbt gave the meditation and pray­ er; .Business was discussed. Roll call, was given by a" current event. Readings were'given by Mrs. Parish Moffat, Mrs. Feagan, Mrs; Frank Miller and Mrs. Wm. Scott. Mrs. Peter Moffat prepared the program. Myirtle and Cecillia Crowston enjoyed a visit recently with their aunts, Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, Wingham and Mrs. Wm. -Emmer- ton, Kincardine. « Miss Gretta Hudson, Lucknow, visited with Mrs. John Purvis & Mrs. Huntley Dawson last Wed­ nesday. _L • - Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. Evans and Teddy visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher and family, White­ church, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ritchie of Lucknow visited with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie on Sunday. Mr. Ken McAllister has been re-engaged as teacher at No. 10, and Miss Lois Hunter at Nd. 9. Mission Band wiill be held in the church on Saturday, May 15 at 2.30 p.m. Hope as many of the boys and girls as possible can attend.' : , '/■ 4 . Mother’s Day will be observed next Sunday. , Communion wilF be observed on May> 16th; Preparatory service on Thursday evening, May 13th. Slides were enjoyed at No. 9 on Monday.. night. They will be shown at No. 8 on Thursday ev­ ening. A draw will be madeTon a cushion that night for which tick­ ets have been sdld iby the .child­ ren io help finance their bus trip to Niagara Falls next Tuesday. Chester Feagan’s brother-in- law, John R. Middleton of. God­ erich Township, passed away on Sunday, April 25th. Interment was in Bayfield Cemetery. *SI 4 > ^|L - — ____ 1st show 7.30; 2nd 9.15—Adults 50c, students 35c, children 2Se Wednesday, Thursday, May Sik 6th LORETTA YOUNG and DAVID NIVINS. in Eternally Yours 4’,^ -’• < •• ST i ■ « 44 ? -p.'1 , y .... ■ ¥ i' .■ '•r u, ‘ V i Friday, Saturday, May 7th, 8th THE BOWERY BOYS, in ’ GHOST CHASERS Matinee Saturday at 2 30 — Children 10c, Students 20c Wednesday, Thursday, May 12th, 13th WILLIAM GARG AN and NANCY KELLY, in Fallow That WOman £> .♦ H >1 I v I ’ /■ «... ,»■ A cr 1 (j •J- .;• I/-’ u ■f‘ k. .. I ij.*Vher father, Mr. Howard Halden- iby and family. The members of the Girls Sew­ ing Club met Saturday nighWt the home of Mrs. Ernie Hanna. Miss Beverley Wall had her tonsils removed last Tuesday in Wingham Hospital. Hope you’re sobn feeling better Beverley. Mr. and Mrs. Everett White- head and babe, Teeswater, spent Sunday evening with Mr. arid Mrs. Morley Wall. We are sorry , to report /Mr. Harold Stewart to be confined to his bed and wish him a speedy recovery. ■■ t ., VzaXVAJfll JLVJL CX u 115^1 O CXX1 XJLI* Teachers and pupils in the com- strumental. This was followed iby munity returned to their desks a game. Mission Band was closed Monday morriing for the f<ial with a prayer by Marguerite Mcr‘ United Church Mission Band The Mission Band was opened by the singing of the Mission. Band hymn. PYanklin Murdie read the scripture; The program, committee for the next Mission 14__;____T______51_ ___ _______ _I______:-----------— Band meeting is Lyn Couse, Judy Webster and Leona Collins. The offering' was . taken by Murray Hunter. Patricia Thompson and Margaret Ann- Rees—gave read­ ings. A1 group of girls sang at hymn “My Mother’s Bible”. The hymn “Jesus Bids Us Shine” was sung, Miss H. Thompson gave an­ other story from the lesson book. Carolyn Mathers played an in- »u whiteIhurch Mr. Geo. Ross of Owen Sound visited on Sunday with ,his par- ente,—Mr^and—Mrs. Robt—Ross- ■ BORN—in Detroit on April 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Scott Paterson,, a son, Jeffray Allan; a brother for Judy and Randy. : Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Farrier and family are visitng a few days with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Carman Farrier at Mimico. Mr? Jas. Falconer accompanied them as far at Caledon to visit his mother We are sorry to. hear that Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Sr., has been sick for over a week. . Mr. and Mrs; Wallace Conn vis-. /ited on ; Sunday with her grand­ father; Mr. Tom Hili in Ripley at the home bf Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott. • ., /* 1 r. • 1 ‘ A * p < X < *< Mrs. Will Gardner spent a week with'her motherj Mrs. Alton and Mn and Mrs. Bill Reid of Rapid ' City. . \ Mr. .Mark Gardner, Mr." and Mrs. Lome Gardner, Paul and Terry and Miss Yvonne Gardner and Mr; Roy of5 Wingham visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter. \ Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Alex Hackett. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Raynard • and boys . visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton and boys. ‘ : Sunday School will be at 10.30 • next Sunday. It is to be followed < by. a Mother’s Day program.- Eyerone is invited. Church will \ be at 8.00 in the evening. CURRIE’S CORNERS ,1 GAVE TALK ON SPEAKING —M-iss—Ethel—Chapman—address^.. ed a gathering of. Women Insti­ tute members in the Town Hall­ last Wednesday . on the subject, “Aids to Effective Sneaking”. The meeting was sponsored by the Lucknow institute with Mrs. Clips. Cook presiding and thank­ ing the speaker. Ladies were present $ from Holyrood, Kairshea and Whitechurch branches. as well as the local branch. ■ ------ -:••• ; 1 ■■■•_—■ '■ ——r — ! | ; AutomobileInsurance? | We Have For Others . . Why . Not You! I No Extra Premium for cars used in business I NO CAN WE SAVE YOU MONEY On Your term before summer holidays.Kenzie.« •I if W • . if I 4 i ■ I I i 1 4 4 I 4 No No - t. Extra Premium if you have drivers under 25 years of age (in your family) . Extra Premium for married men under 25 years .of age Extra Premium for Pickup or Panel Trucks used, for . Transportation and pleasure purposes. (Electricians, Plumbers, Carpenters, Painters, Tinsmiths, > Etc.) ! I I i i i I 4 j_i i ••I. i i 4 i i iSTATE FARM IS DIFFERENT ■ ^njoy premiums, payable every Six rnonths---a convenience | protecti.dn^ low r17 niariy people appreciate . Ehjoy sound protection at a to\v I - I premium cost ... Over 3,000,000* aut0'insurance policyh.bla- 4 , erg eh joy personalized claims service .. Enjoy The many j - benefits offered by State Farm. " ” | State (farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. | • 1 Reuben Wilson RJU 3, Goderich — Thone 80-r-8 Dungaiiii<m r'f Miss Barbara Ann Wareing was operated on in Wingham Hospital last Friday for appendicitis. Mr- and Mrs. Frank McCreight “from^HuTOn-visitedw’ith-Mrrand Mrs. Keith Johnston., A .Miss Winnifred Farrish pf God­ erich visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorrie Farrish. Master Leonard Wareing had the misfortune to have his lip cut open and" had. to have stitchps. Miss Frances Dalton spent week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Courtney. ' , MV. and Mrs. John Blake of Wingham visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston. , Visitors with Mr.. & Mrs. Robt. Scott: on Sunday were Mrs. Vin­ cent Austin, Mrs. Robt. Howard, Mrs/ Jas. Hamilton and ,'Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack, Cole of God­ erich. Mrs. Thomson is. spending a few days with Mrs, Scott. Mr, and~Mrs^”Leo Courtney vis”-’ ited in Goderich with friends. . . Mf. John O’Connor is conval­ escing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Courtney from a relapse of the ’flu. 4 We extend our .sincere sym­ pathy to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hogan and family on the death of’their 5-year-old boy, Who had been a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- dori, foT some tithe; • . two the Leo I >/ .1 CULROSSCORNERS .4 . • ' - . > ■ ■■■_- - * W - . •- . ... , Mrs. Frank Brown spent Wed­ nesday afternoon with Mrs. Wrn. Haldenby, ICinldugh. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher and Helen visited Sunday with Mr. apd Mrs., Melvih Zettel and Jeanie, Walkerton. ’ ,, Miss Helen Haldenbyr Wing- ham. spent the week-end with P' Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association “WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED” We can furnish Artificial Breeding for All Breeds of Cattle AT A MODERATE COST We have nothing to sell except service. When better bulls are bred, Waterloo will be using them Efficient production, dairy or beef, is our aim in the progeny of our bulls.' Ouir Constant Growth Speaks For Itself The number of first services each year has lysen as follows: 1948 1949 4406 1950 —4— 7200 1951 1952 1953 ¥-i A 0 vj u- z t l ’! »♦ o «• «T < 136012200 -1954 Increase for first 3 months over 1953 31224 35389 13.87%.* H < ,r */* I .< 4 * r 0 ¥ Co-operative, member owned and controlled. Help your- •self to the best available by using our service. i ' ■',!. .... ........... . .....- ’ , . . PHONE COLLECT TO CLINTON 242 between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m week days 7.30 ax>d 9.30 a.m. Sundays and Hoilidays. Cows noticed in heat later in the day should be insem- & —inated on the following '.day.--—■-—--4......— — •» <1 I 4 • O’ ? Life membership $5.00. $5.00 per cow for members. $6.00 per cow for non-members. / Keep your Organization strong by its constant usfe. It is of benefit to both you and the Organization. , ' ' 1 ’ 1 •. \ ,, . . fl . . A i A i: ,\>■ * 'i I ! » '•> »'• 1 9 ** *\ V. ;*r i4e»’ it r