The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-05-05, Page 6THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,MAY 5th, IBS? K1NVOUGH Miss Winnie Percy, R.N., Wood- stock, visited during the week with heir mother, Mrs, Wm. Percy. , Mr. apd- Mrs. . Perry Hodgins visited Monday with Mrs.’Ethel james at Wingham. Miss «*eap Guest returned home from Wingham Hospital where she had been a patient. Her many friends wish her improved health. Mr. and Mrs. George Haldenby ^entertained friends at a1 dinner -on—Friday— evening.--......... The Evening Guild met on Wednesday ^evening at the home of Mrs. Tom Hodgins with Mrs. Ronald Thacker presiding. The hymn “Go labor on” opened the meeting followed by prayer. Mrs., Hodgins read the scripture and the thought for the day was read by Mrs. Allan Colling. The even­ ing was spent on work for the Fall bazaar. Mrs. Maurice iHodi gins Vgave. 'the closing remarks and Rev. John ’ Prest closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by the .hostess. The host­ ess, for the May meeting is Mrs. Bert Nicholson. u . Mr. Geoi-geHaldenby return­ ed this week to Toronto where he will be employed lor the sum­ mer with the Standard Paving ’ The girls #of .the 4-H dub par­ ticipated in the Achievement Day at Walkerton on Saturday, which completed the course “What shall I wear”, under the leadership of Mrs, Perry Hodgins and Mi’s-/ Ernie Harina. ™ ~™-~~ Mr. Russell Barr, who has corp,- “pleted his first year at the Uni^ versity of Toronto, was home for ,a' few days' before returning to Toronto where he is employed for the summer Members of the Percy families attended the' funeral of their copsin, the late James White,, on Friday from-the Linklatet fun­ eral home. ’ ■■■'' Friends of Mr. /James' Hodge \ T • ; ' are sorry; 'ip.- report that he ha§ been under the doctor’s care. We wish Him a speedy recovery, Please Note Change of Date ' and Time of Meeting *’ The May meeting of the H.W.L will he iield on Thursday, May 13th.' This will be- an evening meeting and, the hostess will be Mrs. Raynard Ackert. Roll call,, Kitchen do’s -and parlor dont’s. Smith. Roll call, a Bible acter. The Columbia Coast offer- jpg will be, taken at, this meet­ ing.. • ,Misses Marlene, Lowry and Joan Courtney of the Stratford Teachers’ College have been prac­ tice teaching under the super­ vision of Mrs. Burton Collins,... Services 'in the Preabytepap Church next : Sunday,Kitchen ao s ana p«umi 9- , ,n.cor,,iPP o 30Conveners, Mrs. Perry Hbdgins , Sunday School L30, service_ 2^30 and Mrs. Morley Hobbs. Demon- pm- Sunday tolWing the ear y ■ • morning service for the summer months will be at 9.45 a.m, fol- lnwed by Sunday School. __ Mrs, Ogle Russell of Kingarf visited on Sunday - with Mr» and Mrs, E^ra Stanley and family, / Mr, and. Mrs. Levi Eckenswil- ler of Tees water spent '• Sunday with Mr. anj Mrs. H. A. Graham. Mr. Harvey Hodgins motored to Detroit last week-end; Mrs’. Hodgins and Miss Beverley Stah­ ley returned home with him. Rev, G, B. Cox called on friends; •on the Line op,.Friday. stration, 4-H Club girls in charge of the leaders, Mrs. Perry Hod- -ginsandMrs;Ernie~Hanna.Mot- to, Punctuality is the politeness of kings.Women’s Institute-proced­ ure will be given by Mrs. Ray- jiard Ackert.Lunch, Mrs. Win, Eadie and. Mrs.. Wm. Wall (s), Mrs. Alex Percy aridMrs. Don McEwan (c). Mrs. George Graham will, en­ tertain the Women’s Auxiliary at lier home on Thursday afternoon^ May 13th, at a quilting. The scrip­ ture is in charge of Mrs. James morning service for the summer WEIBJHGS..- nicholson—mowbray ■ Joyce Marylyn Mewbray chose ' a. whit£ orgapza street-length dress with navy and white ac- cessories and corsage of ,red'roses for. here wedding; on Saturday, April 24th, when she became the. bride of Kenneth Nelson Nichol/ son.rThe ceremony was solemn* ized in the Presbyterian Manse at Ripley with Rev." J. R. Mac­ Donald Officiating. The bride is th0 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken MoWbray, of Lucknow and the groom is the__- son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan” Nichol­ son; R.R. .3, Lucknow; ” Mr^. Don Gillespie, sister of the groom, attended the bride. Her dress was pink nylon and she wore black accessories and. cor-. ■r. sage of yellow; mws* ‘ . Don Gillespie was groomsman. ', v After the ceremony a recep- ' tion was held at the home of the bride’s parepts. , Following a jedding trip to Niagara Falls tbe couple /will re­ sideat R.R. 3, Lucknow.. V' ’4 WHITECHURCH t » r ' /I r •■ .■ 1 4 I J . .. K.’J WT5TT ♦ =~=Y 'j/l/l/i/l >>< $ *•**_-, T.v^rrvvrnrvvvvv, iiiXBii S‘ tHSFfcACENUlNT rs: 317 CO. IN. 286 FT> x<MB 152-Hp :¥ \ • v s HSAVV mu 138 CUIM xil :W A OSO 130-Hp. ,2®"Hp' IMFT-WB. POWER STEERING ■ . now available on all Extra-Heavy-Dvty "BIG JOBS" with 170-Hp. and 152-Hp.engines Now—giant ”big jobs’* handle like pickups, with famous "Master-Guide" Power Steering to provide up to 75% . of the energy you need to make the narrow lanes and manoeuvring , in tight places all come easy with Power Steering . . yet you never lose the fapiiliar "feel” that means absolute joad-control. (Optional at Extra Cost} I 1 __________ ________f ' trickiest moves. Parking, backing into M ______ ...----------H ; 1 tunic easy wiiu rvwci" •. g:s yet you never lose the•• • • ■ I $<i; K:gg: g:$:§ ■ y‘S::•SS MVi :$>• & .'■•■;< fj/r; KSJ0&J Mi •**>!< .V£‘ ft $ 5<x I :g / The- Ladies’ Auxilary of (he Presbyterian Church held their i—i monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Gordon Elliott with Mrs. George Fisher presiding. The meeting opened with a hymn fol­ lowed by prayer by Mrs. Russell Ross. Mrs. Jack Craig: read the scripture lesson, and the medita- i >,i tion was taken by Mrs. .A. Mc- Quillin and Mrs. James Mcllrath., Seventeen ladies ariswered the roll call. The minutes of the March meeting were read by Mrs. W. Corin and the treasurer’s re­ port givdn by Mrs. J. Wilson. $279.00 was reported in the treas- ury. It was decided to give the ^oard of Managers $200 toward the re-decorating of the church. Plans were made to have the vestry decorated and Mrs. J. Wib son and Mrs. R.’Ross were asked to see about buying a new rug for it. Plans were also made to hold a social evening after the anniversary on the night of June 2nd. A committee of Mrs. A. Me- . Quilliri, Mrs. G, Elliott, Mrs. Rus­ sel Ross' arid Mrs. J. Mcllrath v^ere appointed to look after the < program. This is the 90th anni­ versary of the church. Mr. arid Mrs. Ewart Macpher­son, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ^Evaris and Teddy, Miss Mary Foster of Mitchell and Bill Fisher of Mil­ ton were, Sunday guests at Ge.o, Fisher’s. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Galbraith of Wingham spent Sunday at the Jiome__of_J^^and_Mi^J3-Qnioii_— Elliott. SIXTH AND NINTH Mr. and Mrs. GuszKinahan vis? ited’on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. . Norman O’Connor of Ashfield. We are sorry to report Mrs. - Mark Armstrong underwent an • emergency appendicitis operation Saturday evening in Wingham Hospital. Her many firends wish her a rapid, recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Cameron and children' were Sunday visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pur- • don. ‘ Messrs. Michael Kinahan, Lon- ■ don and Jim Cummins of Bramp­ ton were week-end visitors at their parental hoines. s FarambunrwrTT^ '>......^“1 Paramount Women’s Institute meeting was held at. the home j of Mrs. Dave Anderson on (April 28th, Mrs. J. Ketchabaw presided. The ,roli call was answered by . “Do’s,.and Ddn’ts ^of tjie Traffic Laws’'. Communications and the last meetings minutes wer.e read by the secretary, Mrs. F., Martin. Mrs, R, Reid took the chair for the election of officers, who were ■■■alL-re-electedT^LrsT- gave the currerit events. Mrs. E- -MaeLennan-gave-a-readingT^-Joy-™ Time”, Mrs* M. Webster and Mrs. H: Collins provided lovely music’. Mrs. E. Hackett and Mrs. R- Rbid gave readings and Mrs. Dexter conducted a contest. Mrs, 0. Richards gave the topic ori ‘AgJ griculture and Conservation . The meeting, closed with The Queen and a dainty lunch was w served. f m for eveiy hauling job! Greatest power range in Font Truck history means the right track for every need! Ford Triple-Economy Trucks for ’54, product of-the experience gained in offer power for every hauling job— building more V-8’s than all other G.V.W. six-wheel giants! The seven great V-8 engines available in *54 Ford Trucks include Tour ali-new high- compression, overhead-valve V-8’s. fl .’ half-ton P*. UPS lb* manufacturers combined. With over Vri5C-IFO Hly-rflvl UQ 1-Dg- r— new conventionals, new Cab forwards, new six-wheel tandems, new parcel . cuts friction as much aT 3.3%,'4 right’ truck for jour job— with power £rery Ford Truck V-8 is the made to measure1, Jill j/1 VOjiUIJj U»vl Ilv4*U’V01 »V V •€> 3p * with new short-stroke design that deliveries—you're sure of ,exactly the ?> •a £ X ■f: I i I f •x’l 1 << F.750 "BIG JOB" TRACTOR-TR^HER ■ / « sswaa •<i? £ i :i?: !; 3 Rj SEE YOUR FORD TRUCK DEALER irram FORD - MONARCH DEALER ' . • fl * . • LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF VALUE WHEN YOU BUY A USED TRUCK-SEE YOUR FORD TRUCK DEALER V- 1 »