The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-05-05, Page 5WEDNESDAY, MAY 5th, 1954
Thatjs what our customers say of the hew Alkyd Sani-Flat
Color Chart. And those who have used it spy "The finest
paint job I ever got y-its wonderful."
. • ' . . I — ;.... J .
Yes! — Benjamin Moore's Alkyd Sani-Flat is wonderful,
WONDERFUL in its simplicity of application— needs no
primer —apply with roller or brush* directly on new
plaster, oil paint, wallpaper or water paint.
WONDERFUL in its beautiful modern colorS and un
surpassed decorative fiat oil paint finish.,
WONDERFUL in its toughness — scrubable as well as
washable — may be used on wood trim as well as walls.
Come in and see the beautiful Alkyd Sani-Flat Color
Charts and ask us more about this wonder paint.
* ' ■ *
The wonder flat oil paint —
White and Tints.
Dulamel is very popular with our
customers. Its restful low gloss
; finish makes it ideal for walls of
kitchens and bathrooms, and the
woodwork of other rooms. Easily
applied with either brush or
roller. See the new, colors in this
populdi^low gloss enamel finish.
Do you want a gleaming white
enamel which stays white on
your kitchen walls and cup
boards? If so, use Extra White
Mooramel. This fine enamel
withstands wear and repeated
washing — there's nothing better!
Wedding bells are ringing.
’ and Mrs. Charles Wall of
J^^ardine- wisited Tucauay « *41
^mother; Mrs.' Mary Wall.
■“““ Mrr-aiid Mrs. Edmons, Kansasf
«pcnt a couple of days last Week
. Hanna’s. <
ahd Mrs. Stahley Galla-
£ Wroxeter, visited recently
wither, and Mrs. Alex Whytock,
W boys.
, Ws. Frank Brown spent Tues-
Mrs. Wesley
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wall en
tertained the members of the
Kum Dubl Klub Sunday evening.
Little Elaine Meyers celebrated
i!With i tertafoing her little girl friends.
-^Sunday ^v4sitoFs^wit-h—MFr--and-’
Mrs. .Grant Wall were Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Shewfelt and family,
Kincardine; Mr. anc^ Mrs. Hugh
Mckague and Brian and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry McKague, Teeswater.
* Don’t let. the future frighten
yuu; it’s just as shaky ,’as you
are. ■ S'
•. You are reminded of the open
meeting of the Women’s Institute’
to be held in the. Community Hall
this (Thursday) evening at 8.30
when Mr. Harold Baker; assistant
agricultural representative, will
give an illustrated lecture. Every
one is welcome. < •
Remember the regular meeting
of the Institute in the Hall on
Thursday afternoon. Roll call,
“Gardening, Hints”. 1
Mr. Harvey Sparling was assist*
zed at the Sunday morning ser-
s vice by Miss Daphne Siaib of
Woodstock. MissvStaib, who is a
past president of the London Con
ference Y.P.U., chose as her sub
ject ‘-The purpose of the Christ-
ion Church in the world today”.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Humphrey
and Mrs.’ George Webster are ill
with the jaundice.
Christian Family Day will be
observed in the United Church
next Sunday morning. A special
invitation is extended to all the
families in the community.
Mrs. John Miller returned on
Saturday from London where she
has been a visitor. She was ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. John
Sparkes and Donna who visited
with Mr. and Mrs.J?red McQuil-
lin. Other visitors at the'McQuil-
lin home
Miss Eileen Sparkes, student
nurse at Victoria Hospital, Lon
don, who is spending her vaca
tion working in Wingham General
Hospital, was a recent visitor
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQuil-
lin. ■ .
St. Helens Y.P.U.
The meeting of the St. Helens
Y.P.U. was held on May 2nd with
the vice-president, Murray Tay-
lorr in charge~of~admihTstratioiT.
Mr. and Mrs. Sparling", led in a
sing song. Marvin McDonald, con
vener of Faith and Evangelism,
was in charge of the worship/ser
vice. We joined in singing “Unto
the Hills”. Laura Barbour read
the scripture and Mrs. Sparling
sang a solo, ‘‘Breathe on Me
Breath of yGod” Marvin McDon
ald . had a prayer and everyone
sang “Saviour Breath an Evening
Blessing”. Donnie Gaunt asked
some questions on Faith and
Evangelism and J)onnie Taylor
gave the answers. Marvin Mc
Donald read the topic and was in
charge of Bible study. Mr. Sparl
ing closed, the meeting with pray-
were Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Mr; and Mrs. Carl
and children of Blue-
Rev, and Mrs, W. J. Watt at-
tended the anniversary services
at Long Branch United Church.
Rev. Geo. Watt of Dungannon
had the anniversary services in
the "Oakwood United Church at
Mr. and Mrs. E. Groskorth and
family attended - the Hollywood
Ice Follies at Toronto, starring
Barbara Ann Seott, on Friday ev
•Mr, and Mrs. Alf Wright and
family from Richmond Hill spent
the week-end with her sister, Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Chapman.
Mr. and Mrs. Cam Simmons
and Naricy of London spent the •,
week-end with relatives here. . |
tMr. and Mrs. Les Burnett and
family visited. with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gillespie and
-family— oLJW.ingham-_v4sited—.with-
. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Farrier. > . ■ / /
The International Harvester Co.
is sponsoring some films which
will be shown in the Memorial
Hall on Wednesday, May ,12th at
8.30. ‘ .
Mrs. Maclnnes,'Mrs. Evans and
Mrs.. Emerson were among the
ones tp attend the short course,:
“Aids to Effective Speaking”,
which was held in the^LucknOw
man of the Home Economics De-^^
tute. ,; : ; . ; ' ' ■ '■
The Rally Day and baptismal
service Will be held in the Un-
ited Church next Sunday, May
9th, at 2.30 D.S.T. All are weL
cbhie. ’■ < . '. s ' 1 ■ ' ’'
Miss Thelma Zurbrigg of
Kurtzville spent, the, week-end
with Mr./ and' Mrs./ Carl Weber.
Sunclay visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber were
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hossfeldt and
family of Walkerton, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Chambers and family of
Harriston and Mr. *and Mrs. Os
car Stuckey of Palmerston, - “ .
.. Misses Isabel and Marjorie El
liott of London spent the week
end at their home here.
Mr. apd Mrs. H. Tichborne of
Goderich visited on Sunday with
her mother, Mrs. D. Kennedy.
Heavy rains of .last week-end
have delayed seeding consider
ably in most areas in the County.
In some. areas, early seeding is
reported.up. Howeyer, warm air
is now fringing along high pas
tures and meadow? very quickly,,
Powder legume innoculants are'
not being distributed from this
office to as many farmers as it
is felt should purchase, them.
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