The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-04-28, Page 7. WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 1954
We theonly manufac
turers in this part of Ontario
“of high class- monuments-
who ^import granite from the
the carload and process from
the rough to the finished
monument. No middleman.
When choosing a monument
come and see one of the
largest selections in Ontario.
Established over sixty years.,
Write or phone Walkerton 8
and reverse Charges.
The death of Josephine ■ Colliris,
beloved/ wife of James H. Need
hum, occurred in Kincardine Hos
pital on Monday, April 12th after
a lengthy illness. She was 8L
Mrs; Needham, was trie eldest
of a family of seven children of
the late Henry and Agnes Colliris
and was born at Purple Gr(ove
in Huron Township on May 16th,
1873. She married James \Need-
ham in January 1897, * :
—The funeral—service“was“Held‘
at the McLennan Fyneral Homej
Ripley, on. Wednesday,, April ' 14,
conducted by Rev./D. A. Brydon
of Ripley United Church. During
the service David H. Carruthers
sgng “Face To Face”.^Interment
was ip Kincardine Cemetery with
her six sons acting as pallbearers,
Many lovely , floral tributes were
.borne by nephews and,neighbors.
Mrs; Needham is survived by
her husband, six sons, Ira arid
Walter Needham of Ripley, Ste
wart and 'Russell' Needham, Con.
10, Huron, 'Albert of Niagara and
Clarke of KinlOugh;- and one
daughter, Mrs. Peter l^ason.
(Agnes)., Two sons predeceased
her, George ■ Henry -in 1906 and,
Charles in 1936.
There are seven grandchildren
and three great grandchildren.
Mrs. John Carruthers (Margaret
E.) is a sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Graham MacDon
ald of London spent a few. days
at the home of his parents, Mr.
arid Mrs. W; F. MacDonald. •
Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall, Allan
and Grace spent part of the East
er vacation in Toronto.
Mrs. Donald Madver and three
boys and Miss Olive. Blake of
London and Mrs. T. Blake, Ash-
field, visited Monday at Mr, and-
Mrs. R, Martin’s and Mr. and
Mrs. Ira pickie’s. ;
~~Mr/ Wm. MacIntyre has pur-
chased the former John Gollan
farm, 2nd Con., and Mr,, and Mrs.
Donald MacIntyre and family are
moving “there in the near future.
Tractors w'ere humming last
week and .a number of farmers
on the Fourth East- got a good
start with their spring seeding.
her home for the April meeting
p£ the Women’s Association on
Friday night. Mrs. Everett, Fin
nigan presided. Mrs. Jack Rivett
read the scripture. Mrs. Hugh
thought and
prayer, The
wered by 20
visitors. Reports of the congrega
tional supper and the father and
son banquet were given. Letters
from the. sick were read. Mrs.
took the lesson
concluded with a
roll call was ans-.
members and two
Geo. Hodges was appointed deU
agate tothe W.A. Presbyter.ial at
Walton, May 5 th. It ‘was decided
to. hold a*> garden‘ .party on JtynC
23rd. The program committee is
Mrs. R. Stothers, Mrs. D. Phil
lips, Mrs. L. Stingel and Mrs. K.
Dawson; Mrs. Geo. Hodges gave
the topic. Mrs. J, Rivett conduct
ed a contest. The hostesses were
Mrs. J."*Rivett, Mrs. ,'K.- Finni
gan, Mrs. Arthur Elliott & Mrs.
Lorpe Jyers,
dedicated to the church by the
W.M.S. Home Helpers. Hymns
closed the meeting with prayer.
So delicious you shop7;«so convenient to take home
. ? Aulhorlxad botlltf Coc<»?Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd, '•/
Goderich, Ont. Phone: . 489
■■ . , «. . .
'* A r^piifireJ trade-mark
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDoug- given by Arleata' arid Elizabeth
all and family Visited on Sunday Pollock. Mrs. Bert Moffat gave a
with Mr. and-Mrs. Wilfred Far- reading on Easter.
Mrs. Bill Wareing and Kenneth
& Robt, Scott and'Frank .motored,
to Pt. Edward last week. Mrs.
Robt. Scott returned with them
after convalescing for the past
three weeks at the 'home of her
daughter, Mrs. Harvey McQuil-
lin. Mrs. Scott is confined to her
bed most of the time due to ai
"/KeaTf^conditibn. 1
Langside W.M.S. .
The Langside W.M.S. held their
Easter Thankoffering meeting in
the church on April 19th‘. The
meeting opened with the call to
worship by the president. The
scripture reading was by Mrs.
Qr^i. Mrs. John Pollock gave the
-meditation .^iss-Emma-Riehard^
son led in prayer. Ak number was
• Erskine' Presbyterian Church
W.M.S. held the Easter, Thank-
offering meeting in the church on
Thursday afternoon ’with Mrs...
Herb Stothers, president, in the
chair. Mrs. Arthur Stewart read
the scripture. Mrs. Will Stewart
and Mrs. Jas. Wilson read an
Easter' story. Mrs. Robt; McAlli
ster took over the devotional p^rt
of the meeting. The roll call Was
answered by 20 members repeat
ing an Easter verse. Miss McMil
lan offered prayer. Mrs. Richard'
McWhinh’ey gave the Easter mes
sage. Mrs. John Bennett closed
with prayer. The ladies retired
to the basement for lunch and a
social a time. 6
Mr. Arthur Thompson and his
sister, Miss Mabel Thompson, vis
ited Easter Sunday with their
sister, Mrs. George Kitspn, Kin-
Color films
were also shbwn on Easter. A
* Mr. and Mrs. Adam Johnston 1 life. memoriam certificate in
of Goderich visited with friends memory of Grace Richardson was
in Ashfield on Sunday.
Mr. Bill Wareing, who is em-
J“**4 J-JAAJL 'VV ui W 41U IO till • • v
ployed at Streetsville, spent the were sung and .Rev Mr. Currie
week-end at his home here.
You’ll shop
There’s a good reason for the
familiar red coolers in food stores.
A pause for an ice-cold Coca-Cola
. lifts the spirit-makes shopping easier.
So the next time you shop look for
the red cooler and have a Coke.
And take a carton or two home
young folks love it.
Master Jimrriy Blake. visited a
few days Easter week with his
cousin Douglas Kilpatrick, Crewe,
who returned the visit for a fgvw.
days with Jimmy. , 7
Misses - Rebiria & Nettie Sproul
and other relatives here learned
this week of the death of their
cousin, Mrs. Etta Mason, of St.
Thomas, formerly Bowers, born
on the farm now owned by. Mr.
i Albert Brown here/
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Treleaven
and Li nd a/of Kitchener called on
Mrs. S. J. jplpatrick on Wednes
day of last week.
Mrs. Jos. Hamilton, Mr. & Mrs.
David McDiarrriid and family and
Mrs. Violet Farrish spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. George Ham
ilton, Goderich, and observed the
birthdays of Mrs. J. Hamilton'&
granddaughter Michele Hamilton
whose birthdays fall on the same
day. April 25th. .
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eedy, Stoney
Creek, spent a few days at East
er with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. L. Eedy.
Mrs./David Errington, returned
home after spending two weeks h
with Mr a arid Mrs. J. Daer of
The Dungannon Trail Rangers
held the weekly meeting Monday,
night in the United church base-1
merit. Chief Ranger J. C; Durniri
led with the opening ceremony.
Rev. G. D. Watt read the. Ten
Commandments, and told a story.
After the roll call games were;
enjoyed. ; !
- The 4-H Garden Club held j
their first meeting of the season
oh April 23rd at the home of Mrs.
Harvey Mole with Mrs. John Fin-
nigan,. leader and Mrs. H. Mole,
assistant, Nine ’ girls were pres
ent. The officers were named as
follows: pres., Shirley 'Finnigan
Vice pres., Doreen Clark; sec.
treas:, Lois. Webster;., press sec.,
Helen Rutledge.. Instriictioh on
how to plant a garden and make
a record book was given/ ? *
Visitors ..Sunday with Mr, arid
Mrs. Harvey Alton were Mr. and
Mrs. Westlake; Janice and Betty
arid Mrs. Will Westlake of Salt-
" Mr/a'nd Mrs. Roy Alton visited
on 'Sunday With Mr, and Mrs.
Victor Errnigtorif ——- - ;
Miss Jean Erringtoh, a patient
at Goderich Hospital for. 2 Weeks
cariie to her. parental, home on
Sunday. . . ’ '
Tr^hkiiri Stingel returned home
Sunday after spending the rioli*
days with his sister, Mrs. John
Fennell, Bradford. : ?-
Mrs: Wm. Petrie? was hostess at.
■ Q