The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-04-28, Page 4, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1954 • - A Telephone 1011 /] V 1 ’X*" I- X _--Is^Your-ISubscription^aid-?- Insure With The './ /. GODERICH, ONT. 4Bi?tannia Rd, (corner South St.) GRASSAAVAiLABLfcfQE^abput 10 or 12 head of yearling cattle; Ed Moore, Whitechurch. . 50 ACRES FOR SALE—East half lot 18, Concession 6, Kinloss, suit­ able for hay or pasture, 3 acres bushnever failing water supply. D. J; Kenney, R.R. 3, Holyrood. MEMBEROF Ontario insurance Agents’ Association We wish to express our heart­ felt thanks to our neighbors and friends for their kind acts and words of our CARPENTER WORK—new and repairs; kitchen cupboards, etc., made to order. No fob too small. Leo Beauchamp, Phone 97-w, Lucknow. of sympathy at the time bereavement. The Mustard Family. C. A. Thomson wishes to FOUND — license plate 32872-B. Apply at Sentinel Office. . HOUSE FOR SALE — in Luck- . now, 6 rooms, all modern con- veniences/ingoodrepair. Apply at The Sentinel Office: . Clover seeds, .grass seeds and pas­ ture mixtures . at reasonable: prices. Harvey Hagedorn, Kintail, phons Dungannon 66-17. , • FOR RENT — good grass farm with running water. Bob Purves. PHONE 41 for a price on meat by the quarter; also custom work and cutting. Welsh Meat, Market, Lucknow. . ; REUBEN WILSON • R. R. 3, Goderich \ Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon DR. f. B. CtELAHD VETERINARIAN Havelock St-, south.of Supertest Garage P. Stuart MacKenzie Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO GRASS FOR RENT—-permanent pasture. Mrs.Torraho* Anderson, phohe64-r-31,Lucknow. ----- —GENERALINSURANeE— Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: Business 39 Residence 138 Agnews’Agency Howard Agnew — Jos. Agnew. STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Investigate Before Investing • i ■ ’.. ' ' . IN LUCKNOW ■. ” EachWednesday ‘ ■V, office in . HENDERSON BLOCK ROY N. BENTLEY ... ./.... Public Accountant ; . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO FOR §ALE „— silver «grey baby stroller in , good condition. John •Pritchard, R. 1, Lucknow, phone 64-r-2.‘ . ' \ GRASS FARM TO RENT — 150 acres, good grass, abundance, of water. John MacRae, phone 61yw Lucknow. k '■ ■; , ■ <’ yyj--'...r_ FOR <SALE^4 bulls, 2 heifers, all registered Herbfords. Apply to Mrs. Jessie; Webster, Glafnis, phphe 114-16 Paisley. HOUSE FOR SALE—residence/ of the late John MacMillan, Camp­ bell St,, Lucknow. Contact J. L. MacMiilan.. —. ‘ ’ " ' - • rf.'. .' . CAR FOR SALE — 1,941 Ford coach; ’ new., rubber, fair motor, in reasonably. good condition, $250. Alvin B. Hamilton, Second Concession, phone Ripley 11 -r-7? / FOR SALE Bowman garden^ tractors. See them on display at Forster’s -.Welding Shop, phone 206-r-ll, Lucknow. , TOR RENT—houseron corner of Willoughby and Havelock Sts,, 6 —rooms/^and-r-bathr—AvailAbleL-/^ once. Apply E. J, Farrish, Gorrie. FEMALE HELP WANTED Avon Products h^ opening for capable woman as/representative for the. town of 'Lucknow. Write for Information totMi’s. M. Stock, 78 Duchess AVe., itchener, Ont. SEED FOR SAL ull line of WORK WANTED — plastering, cement (block laying, chimneys, all kinds of cement work, con: crete silos and carpenter work. Roy C. Schneller, General Con­ tractor, Kinlough, ,phone Ripley 18-r-4, LAWN MOWERS repaired and /sharpened. Power mowers a specialty. For prompt and efficient service, see or call , E. W. RICE, ST. HELENS R.2, LucknoW Phone 211-r-31 CHAIN SAWS, ETC. Agent for a complete line of Mail chain saws, available with Oregon chipper chains. Sorrie used ; trie, hand ' saws, drills, ganders, No. .40 Castrol outboar^oil. Jack Barr, R. 1, Holyrood : Phone 18-29 'Ripley, FOR SALE—dining room buffet with glass door; book case with writing desk; bedroom s’uite; steed *' kitchen range with copper .reset® .... voir and"warming closet; l^.dd& cane-bottom-/.chairs; davenport, ': - nearly new. Mrs. C. Weatherhead, ..... .... MEAT FOR SALE Good beef for sale by the .quar­ ter. Beef. killed under license from the Department of Health. Highest quality Front quarters 21c; hind quarters. 30c. Ray hard Ackert,Holyrood, „ Phone 24-30 Ripley. CEMENT WORK — for concrete foundations, floors, sidewalks, etc?, contact Ira, Wall, R. R. 3, ^inghana or phone 747-J-I. PLUMBING SUPPLIES . For. pluriibing fixtures, fittings and supplies, including American kitchen units,, call T. M? Meen, 1178 Francis St., London, phone 7?117d^ Evenings 4?4689? ■■ ." '■ SALESMAN WANTED Rawleigh business how open in Bruce Co. Trade well establishr ed. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh’s Dept. D-271-189, Montreal. FARM FOR SALE—50 acres. Lot 11, Con. 6; close to. highway; good buildings, pressure system. and hydro; also 50-acre grass farm. Apply to John Chadiwick, R.1 3, HblyroOd. LIVESTOCK WANTED Dead* disabled horses ot cows removed free of .charge. For prompt and efficient service call “STONES” collect Ingersoll 21, Wingham 561J or Ripley 1$2. ASK. FOR early summer prices on Bray chicks? They have start­ ed pullets, pretty prompt ship­ ment. Also mixed. Wide choice brqeds, crosses: Your cockerels should be/ordered in advance of date desired. Agent—. D. R., FINLAYSON/Xiucknow. TEACHERS WANTED HURON COUNTY —.Ashfield Township School-Area Board in- vdtes applications from qualified Protestant teachers for one-room rural schools with hydro, located oh plowed roads. Give name of last Inspector and salary expect­ ed; Duties to commence in Sept. Applications to be in by April 30. •R. T. Kilpatrick, Sec>Treas., R.R. 7, Lucknow, Ontario. SEED FOR SALE Per bushel, French alfalfa $17.00; Ontario dr Grimm alfalfa $21.00; red Clover $17,00; white sweet $8.00; yellow, sweet $7.50; timo­ thy $7.70; Ajax and Beaver oats $1.25 bus.; Montcalm barley $1.75 bus. . Cleaned and . treated. Very reasonable prices on all pasture -graSses^?Earmers^bjHngiJbn-_yQUJL clover seed and have ■ the weeds, removed. ROY CRAMM & SON Seedsmen — Pinkerton, Ont. Phone Cargill 68-wr3 Notice T<> Creditors In The Matter of the Estate of ■ MAry Ross, late of the Village 61 Lucknow in the County of Bruce, Widow, deceased. Notice is hereby given that all perSons having claims against, the late May Ross, who died on the 19th day of February, A.D. 19§& at the .Township , of. Kincardine in the County of Bruce, are not­ ified . to s^nd fheiF~claims, duly verified?, to the undersigned Sol­ icitor,,; ibefbre the < 18th day of" May, A.D. 1954.. After that, date, the estate will be distributed arid for claims of which, he has k re­ ceived notice. DATED at Walkerton this. 26th day qf April? A.D. ,1954. Fred Jackson, Executor of the Estate of MARY ROSS, deceased; by. his Solicitor,. CAMPBELL GRANT, QG., Walkerton, Ont > CARD OF THANKS 1/ Mr. and Mrs. Cliff. Menary wish to sincerely thank all those who ; were so kind and "helpful when they had theft fire. It was all so ‘deeply appreciated. Mrs, .Annie Jewitt wishes1 to sincerely thank all those who so with while kin dly remenrtb ei’ed •Cards, flewefs/ fruit, in the hospital. j COMING. EVENTS j .RECEPTION DANCE *A reception and dance will bo held for ML and Mrs. Ken Nich­ olson (nee Joyce Mowbray) in; the Town Hall, Lucknoyr, on Fri­ day. April 3Qth.. Dancing from 0.30 to 1.00 to music by Carruth- er’s orchestra. Everyone wel­ come. • .. . ■’ SLIDES AND PROGRAM In St. Helens Hall, Thursday evening,, May 4th* at 8.30. Slides shown by Mr. tBaker, assistant "agricultu^L^eprcsentative*—The Women’s Institute extends a cord- iaT" welcome. to all: ’ - ; < —— PLAY AT ST. HELENS / The. play “Deacon Dubbs” will, be presented by Bayfield Y-P-U. in St. Helens Community Hall on Friday, April 30th at 8.30. Adults 50c, children 25c. AUXILIARY MEETING Mefnbers of ’the Ladies’ Auxilr iary to the Canadian Legion are notified oL and their attendance requested at, the regular meet-, ing next Tuesday, May 4th. Anyone wishing Jq rent the Auxiliary Rooms should contact Mrs. Bab MacKenzie.. • ■ • PLAY AT UNITED CHURCH Group III of the W-A, of the United Church is sponsoring the play, “Look Out For Lizzie”' by Hacketts,. Young Peoples/Union, in Lucknow United Church base­ merit on Friday evening: April 30th, at 8,15 p.m. Selections be­ tween acts (by High School Quar­ tette;.. Admission 50c and 25c. Evei’yone Welcome. 'i ■ 1 1 \ 7 A FILM A motion picture “For. Every Child: a Faith in God” will be shown in the Lucknow United Church Sunday evening, May 2nd at 7.00 p.m. This? tis a. stirring film for all adults who are/con­ cerned about the faith and char­ acter of our children and young people. The public-is -cordially in­ vited to# come.. . . CARD OF THANKS Brothers and Sisters of the late Levi Hodgkinson wish to ack­ nowledge iWith sincere thariks and appreciation the kindness and sympathy extended them in their recent bereavement. 'Mrs. ^publicly—thank—alL-the—friends- who so generously remembered her with cards, flowers and treats while in hospital. They were all greatly appreciated., - It is difficult to find words to express miy thanks and. apprecia-' tion to the many friends who so kindly remembered us in various Ways since Sid’s accident; to Zion Orange Lodge and all who had a part in the benefit dance, to CarrUther’s orchestra, The Vill­ age . Council, Cam Thompson, Webster and' McKinnon ' Hard-' ware; to the Lucknow Communr ity Sale; the Shoot Club, the Aux­ iliary, .the Legibn, 2ibn W:A., Lucknow Institute, The. Clahs- men—to. every one, thanks indeed. Mfs. Sidney Gardner and Fam- ily. . ;;' PREVENTEX Tablet^ PROTECT YOUR CALVES Against Deficiencies Causing Scours, Pneumonia ' and Other Dis’eases. Preventex Tablets contain the ^itairifiris/'mirierials"' and '-Irate elements needed by riew-<born ......:......................................................................................■- Avoid Calf Problems Get Nixon’s Prevehlex At: ‘ UMbAcH DRUG STORE Phorie 13-w, Lucknow A WINGHAM memorial SHOP We, Have Been Memorial Craftsmen For Thifty-Five Years/ Always Using THE BEST GRANITES Aidrig With “ Expert Designing and . Workmanship, Prices Most Reasonable Cprrietery Lettering a Specialty R. A. SPOTTON Phone 256, Wingham, Ontario INSURANCE Co-Operative Life Insurance Co-Operative Automobile Insurance 4 • A .?. ’’A' ’ .■" • * Mercantile & Farm /Fire Insurance■ : .. r® t Economical and; Reliable. .' See . ■•./■' T A. CAMERON LUCKNOW ' Phone 70rr-10 Dungannon Kenneth J. Mackenzie R.0. Optometrist —-^ISTOWELy^^ Will be at Wrona’s Jewellery store, Ripley4, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., WEDNESDAY, MAY 5th and every Secohd Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appointment ’phone Roy MacKenzie, . 96-r->24 Ripley. MacLEHNAN and MacKENZIE Services conducted accord- • ing-ttry^tuyvishes^ Home/ Your Church, or at , our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. ambulance service ’Phene 181, Lucknow, Day or Night BUSINESS and | — TAXSERVICE— MONTHLYAUDITS For The Small Merchant, Professional man and the Farmer. S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74 - Luckii0w, OnL Office in Kilpatrick Block ’Phone 23-w F. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT 'Phone 1100 For •„ ' ■ Appointment or Information See Wm. A. Schmid, 'Phone 167-w Lucknow INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack TToday. J.A. McDONAGH R. iL 3, Lucknow, Ont ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every, ■ Wednesday and Saturday .- Afternoon Qffice in the Joy nt Block Telephone: Office 135 Residence 31-J R. S, Hetherington, Q.C . ...Itarrister, Etc. ■. ' Wlngham and Lucknow IN LUCKNOW Each Monday ^^ndLWedttCsdayl-L^ Located on the ground floor in the front, of . John Kilpatrick’s . Building ’Phone Wingham Office 48 ( Residence 17 Culross Mutual FIRE INSURANCE CO. Reasonable rates, sound pro* tection & prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims. FARISH MOFFAT Four Local Agent R. M Toes water* . ‘Phone Teeswater 57-r-41