The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-04-28, Page 39
KINLOUGH.yj'1 —*11—11
Minister: ■ , . . j
Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, ,
11 a,m.: Mr. E.■&. Paterson
on Cape Croker Indian
Mission. , t
12,15 p.m.: Sunday School.
7 pin.: Motion Picture, 'tfor
Every Child a Faith in
God* .'
T ' Lucknow
I Presbyterian Chtrrch
slNDAY, MAY 2nd, 1954
' j 10 a.m.i Sunday School.
| H a......
I Rev. R. A. Macconnell.
I 3
| 3
a m.: Morning Worship,
p.m.: Erskine, Dungannon, I
Rev. Macconnell. I
Evening Service Withdrawn I
A 'very - pretty wedding was
solemnized before an . arch of
green boughs and beautiful spring
flowers at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, Orr of Langside, when
their daughter, Mary Dollena,
was united in marriage to Oswald
Rudi of London, only son of Mr.
and Mrs. Alexander Rudie of Es
tonia. r, The ceremony was per
formed by the Rev. R. D. A. Cur
rie of Whitechurch.
The bride, given in inarriage
~ by her“ brother James, entered
the room to the strains of the
“Wedding March” played by. her
cousin, Ariria Orr of Parkhill. The bride iooked~charming in a waltz
length dre?S of ice blue nylon" net
over taffeta with a jacket of
French lace with Peter Pan coL
-1 ar. She, wore a -flower hat with
matching accessories arid carried
a bouquet of pink carnations..
Matron of honor was the bride’s
sister Jessie (Mrs, W. T. Lapp)
of Wingham, wearing a waltz
length dress of pink nylon net
over taffeta with matching acces
sories. She carried a bouquet of
red carnations.
Mr. George Chessie- of Londori
was best man. . .
During the signing of the reg-
V^ister Mr. James Orr of Parkhill
played “I Love You Truly” on
the violin.
A buffet luncheon was. served
to the imiriediate family and thd
happy couple left amid showers'
of confetti for points in North-.
in a teal blue suit with navy ac
cessories.^ On their return
will reside in Landon,
Zion Sunday School officers
and teachers were appointed at
a meeting at the church on Mon
day evening. Sunday School .will
resume this Sunday at 10.15 a.m.
Superintendents, who alternate
monthly,.are John Ritchie, James
Hunter and Wm. Hunter; secret
ary-treasurer, Marlene -Hunter;
assistant,Carol Helm; organists,
Marlene Huhter, Roberta Helm,
Carol Gardner;. nursery , teacher,
Frank Ritchie; assistant,
Harvey Ritchie; primary
Mrs. Lloyd Hunter; Junior
Mrs. James Hunter, assists
, Mrs. ‘ ' Mrs/*
. Class, ________ ___f
ant, Gofdon Barger; Intermediate
girls, Mrs. Peter Cook, assistant,
Mrs. Wesley Ritchie; young men’s
class, , Mrs. Earl Swan, assistant
• ' Jim .Hunter; ' adult class, - John
Ritcliie; assistant, Wm. Hui iter.’
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hildred and
fqmily of Kirkland Lake vjsited
on Monday with Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Nicholson, .
Note Change Of Date
The H.W.I. wilt meet on Thurs
day, May 13th instead of May
6th. This will be an evening
meeting and Mrs. Raynard Ackz-
ert will be the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Baas Van Der
Hoeck,\Cathy and Keith of Rip
ley visited Sunday .with Mrs. J.
W. Colwell.
Misses Mary McCosh and Caro
lyn Forster spent a i few days
with their grandmother, Mrs. J.
'W^eoltyellT"— - ■——~
Mrs. Gertrude Walsh spent the
past week at her home here. ;
We' are pleased to report that
Gary Suttori, who was so crit
ically ill, is thaking; a good re
Mr. Ralpji Haldenby returned
to.Thor.old where he will resume
his teaching duties.
Mr. Wm. Wall is visiting rel
atives in London.
Mrs. .Wm. Wall, Mrs. Allan
Wall and. Sharon spent a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Johnston. . • ; .'.
Mrs. Don Gillespie, Mrs. Bert
Nicholson and girls attended a
shower for Miss Joyce Mowbray,
bride-eleci;. at the home of Mrs.
James Hunter.
Mrs. Phil Smith returned home,
after spending awhile with her
daughter, Mrs, Neil Murdoch at
Hanover. , .
Mrs. Allan. Wall and Sharon
returned to. London after spend
ing the past week with Mrs. Wm.'
Delegates from the Anglican W.
A. and Evening Guild are in Lon
don this week attending the Dio-'
cesan annual meeting.:
• Miss Sheila Haldenby spent a
few days of the. holidays in Luck
now; .■
;O n Sunday nextrMay~2nd, the
Anglican service will' begin in
the afternoon at 2.30 o’clock. The
Sunday School will re-open for.
I the summer, months fallowing .'the.
church service.
Mr. arid Mrs. : Glen Campbell;
Jackie and. Glenna of Amberley
visited on Sunday with Mr: arid
Mrs. Bert Nicpol^on and family.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Moore of
week with relatives 'here.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gillespie
were guests atthe Nicholson-
Mowbray wedding at Lucknow
on Saturday. *
Mr, and Mrs; John Lockhart of
Burlington were week-end guests
of Mr .and Mrs. Bob Porter and
otlter, relatives in the' commun
v Mrs. Perry Hodgins ■ entertain-
. ed the W-M.S. on Wednesday af-
----- - ----—------- -----................
Marion Percy Heads Garden Club
The first meeting of the Holy
rood 4-H Dainty Diggers was held
at the home of the assistant lead
er, Mrs. R. A. Murray oh April.
20th. Eight members ’ answered
the roll call,. .“Why I plan to
grow a garden”. Offipers; elected
were as follows: pres,,. Marion
Percy; . sec., Barbara Murray;
press reporter. Donna Nicholsoh..
Instructions were read and hand
ed out by the leader, Mrs. P..
Hodgiris. The next meeting is to
be held at the' home, .of Erlma
■' and Marion Percy on May 20th.
A lovely lunch was enjoyed by
all. Members of the Club are;:
Shifiey Congram^rlriia" Percy,
Ma'rion Percy,- Barbara . Murray,
Betty Haldenby., Beatty Halden-
by Mary -Lou McDonald, Donna
’ On Wednesday aHTr™WrAprfl-
21st, the Easter Thanko'ffering
meeting of the Kinlo.ugh Auxil
iary of the Presbyterian Church
was held in/.the home qf Mrs;
Perry Hodgiris, with an -gttend-
ance Of 19: Mrs. Emerson was in
the chair. The •scripture was- reap
by Erlma and, Mapon Percy and
.prayer was offered by N. Mal
colm. The roll call was answered
by a-verse'of scripture with the
■word Redeemer. Mrs. Ba,ulch took
visited ; during the
Don Gillespie
Huron co. crop report
T^e weather although not. ideal
for seeding has. been suitable forr
'many farmers to start their pre-
* Oration . for spring'seeding. It is
r.oporte.d that the land.’ has firm-
mblsture conditions are. not as
. Fall wheat is' reported to have
■ come through the .winter in an
excellent condition; The higher
Pastures are. greening Up .very
f'apiidly- and .it is expected .that
’ ^me livestock wilt, sport be , out
. gazing; Late (inquiries for cer-
seed grain are quite frequent.
leaven and children.
.■ I
I %
W. B. McCann,
Carol, and Mrs.
of Skokie, Ill.,
* " 3$
Charles Thomson has're-
frorn Wingham Hospital
convalescing at the home
and Mrs. Elmo Pritchard.
•. i
materials with new
—-----——— TELEPHONE 85
. for men and boys in gabardine,
Sizes 30 to 46. All colors.
nev shipment,, gay colors7 and
stylings for popular wear.
SUITS' . . ,
new shipment in youths’ and 'boys’ suits . . . Popular
/0KK.go Fft.
Discuss a.Farm Improvement Loan with your
I* nearest Bank of Montreal manager.
■ ' ! ' ■' :.. . ■'<'■■■•■
►. v
> '
► '
. L—
k'- .
► •
' ►
k' ■
► ..
.... ■ .....L-----------------------------
Local & General
Charlie and Jack Chin pf Tor-r
onto were Easter iholiday visitbrs
here, r
Mrs. Alex Andrew and Bobby
were Raster week visitors in Tor^
onto. . ..
Mrs. Mary Sanderson' Of God
erich is spending the week with
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sanderson...
Mrs. Chas. Webster and Judy
and Mrs. Donald McKinnon, Don
nie and Douglas, were* Easter
hpliday visitors et: Oshawa.
Mrs. Annie, Jewitt returned
home the first of the week from
been a patient due to a heart
condition. <
Miss Sandra Walker, of Tor
onto was an Easter week visitor
with herjfriend, Miss Ruth John
and is
of Mr.
Percy Webster of Hensall and
Flora Webster of .Kitchener spent
the week-end at the home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Webster. . .
Misses Sally and Rebecca Mc-
Quaig visited a couple of days
last week with their sister Agnes
who is a patient, in Westminster
Hospital; London, and who is
showing slight improvement *
Miss Helen ’McCreight, R.N.,
daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
McCreight, formerly of Lucknow,
who has been nursing in Tor-
.onto, has* gone to Watrous^ Sask.
. Janet Finlayson visited iri Tor
onto during the Easter holidays,
having accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. E. D. Harton on their re
turn to the city after spending,
the week-end here.
. Mr. ’and Mrs, Cecil Webster of
London spent the week-end with
relatives in the Amberley district
and were accompanied home by
their .children; Kathleen and
Kenny, who, had been Easter
week visitors.
Mr. nd Mrs.. John Lockhart of
Burlington Were Easter visitors
with • ■ his mother, Mrs. . Grade
Lockhart and other relatives here
and also visited at Kihloughi with
Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Porter.
Mr. and Mrs.: John Cowan of
Toronto arid former guests at
Rest-A-While, Bruce* Beach, spent
the • week-erid. as. the guests of
Elizaibeth Henderson. Mr. Gowan
is editor of the magazine “Tor
onto Calling”.
Mr. and Mrs.
Billy, Neil arid
Martha Bender
were recent week-end visitors
with Mrs. Bender’s niece, Mrs.
field Township.
■ Easter visitors wiUi Mr. and
Mrs. Sandy Purdon were: Mr. and
Mrs. Hector Purdon, June, Bruce
and Cheryl of Sarnia; Mr. and
Mrs. Athol Purdon, Betty and
Marilyn; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fal
coner ;$nd Allan; Mr. and Mrs.
Relison Falconer of Wingham. »
Mr. and Mrs.. Saridy Purdon
visited last week with Mr., and
Mrs. W. R. Farrier a J White
church and attended the Thank-
offering in the Presbyterian
Church that evening when. Miss
Winnifred Farrier, showed inter
esting slides of her trip last sum
mer to Manitoba and Saskatche
wan. ' > • ' ’
Mrs. Kingsbury, who has been
pneumonia, is somewhat better.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Fair of
Ripley visited at the .Richards
Mrs, j. Brayford, Mrs. Roy Mc
Gregor of Toronto and Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Moore of Whitechurch-
Visited .with Mr', and Mrs. J. Hen-'
dersori; ' , v '
Mrs.' R,' McIntosh was. in Sea
forth on. Saturday to take over
Miss D.~ Nicholson’s’duties at the
of the • progi’am ":\vhich.j4.ib&|)rtal-rwhHc,-.-sIie--u4a-s--atteftding-
eonsLted ofZ'dings by Mrs. E.l beybrother’s wedding, ...
son, Mi’S. P Hoggins arid piano
solos by Sandra Percy and. Shar
on Hodgins. Mrs. Maulden gave
a paper on Miss -Ida White, mis
sionary, in Jhansi, India. Mrs,.
Baulch showed a filth on Ire"
rtiissidnary work among the In-
Mi’S. P1. Hodgins *and piaridp 1 dians in Canada. and other new
Canadians. Mrs. Baulch thanked
those who had taken part, .also
the hostess. After the closing
hymn arid the mizpah benedic
tion, . grace was sung and all en
joyed a social hour and tea.
checks, ^velvets, etc,
4 , . .
ors ana materials witn new < t
r. Altered free of charge. *|
to wear on that new sport shirt
SPORT SHIRTS . . . z .
checks, plains, blocks, pics,T plaids, etc. Wide variety
v in styles, colors and sizes.
Anyone wishing a fitting on corselette, girdle or corset,
please phone-for a Corsetierre Appointment.
dk, A'utuA A A A 1*-
Make Farming More Profitable!
Bank of Montreal
in every walk pf life
Mrs. Harold Treleaven flew to Gary Johnston accompanied
Beaver, Pa., to spend Easter with Mr. arid Mrs. Elliott Fells and
her son William and Mrs. Tre- Roy on their return to their home
leaven and children. at Smooth Rock Falls.
Canadian Builders
This man fights the sea
His home could be Crancz. Or Scott Or Le Blanc. What is
important is that this man, and the men in stetel; paper, mining
and,construction, are building a greater Canada. - ,
It is to serve these men and their families that the'modern con
sumer finance company exists. Emergencies do not respect a
mbn’s "wages, nor do opportunities wait. Ip these times an,,
gdditiohaI.source of. money is essential if they are tb continue
the healthy growth of their families and thdir nation.
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thousands of people. •:...................