The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-04-28, Page 2r the luckj^ow sentinel,lucknow, qntakio . WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1954„ H5 ALEXANDER MUSTARD The death of Mrs. Alexander Mustard occurred at her home in .Lucknow on Sunday, April JSth, from a paralytic stroke. She was 69 years of jagd.' . Mustard was fprmei;ly Florence Maud Martin. She was a daughter of the > late Walter I Martin and Marianne Drake and WRs born in London, England* <m August 20th, . 1885. ^ She was married in 1912 to vale and they farmed in that xxmimunity until7 r Mr; Mustard’s death in 1942. The family later moved to Lucknow where they have since resided. > s A private funer^rseryice was held , at the McLennan-MacKen- zie Memorial Chapel on Tuesday* April 20th, conducted by Rev. J. ■ R. MacDonald of Ashfield'’Pres­ byterian Church. Jntermerit was in Brussels Cemetery with Cameron 1 Mus* lard, Fraser Mustard, Roy ’ Sell­ ers, Ross Turvey, James Turvey and Wallace Agar acting as pall­ bearers, \ ' Mrs; Mustard is .suryiyed ‘ by / three daughters and a son, Mrs. Virden Mowbray (Freda) of Lucknow; Mrs. Cameron Walsh (Isabel) of Belgrade, and Stanley and Lena at <home.. EPWARD LEVI HOPGKINSON ’ The death , of Edward Levi Hodgkinson occurred in Mount Forest Hospital on Monday, April 119th, fpllowing a two weeks’ ill­ ness, His passing came as a shock to the family who wqre ndt aware of his illness. - —Levi~was-46-years-old—He-was- a son of the ia'i-e Ezekiel Hodg­ kinson arid Berdilia Carter, and. was 'born.9 in Huron Township on Octoberist, 1907. ; , : Levi attended school at S.S. No. 12, Huron, and lived most of his life on the farm where he was born, with the .exception of a short time in Lucknow, and Dun­ dalk and for the past two years near Mount Forest. In 1937 he almost .met death in a dynamite, explosion while blasting stones on his -father’s farm.,As a.result<of his injuries; he had to ihave his left hand am- ' putated,/He spent a long,period PURPLEGROVE ' Miss Betty Fry of Kincardine, visited with her. aunt, Mrs; Frank, Dore last week. iMr. and. Mrs. Glen Young of Kingarf visited at the home of Mr. and . Mrs’s Burton Collins on Sunday. Mr. Roy McKenzie has spent in the hospital and had suffered continued pain ever since, - The funeral service was held ait the McLennan - MacKenzie, Memorial Chapel on Wednesday, April21st,-conductedJby™RevLjjL S. Baulch of South Kinloss Pres­ byterian. Church. Interment was in South ■ Kinloss Cemetery. The pallbearers were Austin ^Martin, John Carter, Wm, K. MacDonald, Elliott Carruthers, Lome Durnin, Harvey Webster, Levi is survived by three bro­ thers, John of 'London, Joseph of Edmontonj Henry of Chesley and two x sisters, Mfrs. Carl Dixon (Mary) of Owen Sound and Mrs., Allan Durnin (Elizabeth) of Lon-f don. A brother, Nelson, died in 1924; his mother in 1947 and his father in 1950.- . , • the pagt few days decorating the interior of George S. Em­ erson’s house. Mr, and Mrs.- Donald. McCosh, Mary and Dickie visited, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Arn« old on. Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Sexsimth of Tor­ onto and Mr. and Mrs, Alym Trouse and grandchildren Visit- ed at . the Home of Mr. and Mrs, Victor Gawley recently,, . George and Katherine Bushoil spent a few days at the home« of Mr. arid Mrs. Tom McDonald last week. j * / •Mr. Donald .Robertson and Margaret visited at the home of Mr? ahdiWr^^o^^^^to Sunday. ’ > ' Dickie McCosh spent Easter holidays ,at; the home of his aunt, Mrs. Walter. Forster. Mr. and Mrs. John Emerson visited' friends in Wirigham on Friday afternoon. Wedding bells are ringing around the Grove. Miss. Mary Ahne McCosh at­ tended a meeting of the Girls Garden Club at the home of Mrs. ’Will Arnold on Monday of last week. '’Aren’t you glad we tried them all before we chose? Where a fine car nutters VWMWL belongs. . I Yes, and one drive was- enough5 to. prove that Monarch outclassed them all."; ELECT KAIRSHEA W; I. OFFICERS The annual meeting of 'Kinloss Kairshea W.I. was hold at the homo qf Mrs. Harold. Campbell, Mrs. D. H, Carruthers presided and Mrs* Donald McKinnon read the minutes and the report of the Calico Ball profits and expenses. The annual reports of the dif­ ferent standing committees* were given as .follows: Mrs. T, A. Mac­ Donald, for the Sunshine commit­ tee; 9for Agriculture and Canadian TndUstries—Mrs r—Si—MaeGiliivrayT"— for Historical Research and Cur­ rent Events, Miss A. MacKay and"-- Mrs. H. Lavis; for Community Activities and Public Relations,. Mrs. A. MacIntyre and Mrs? Ted Collyer; for Home . Economics Health, Mrs, R. Martin; for Cit­ izenship and Education, Mrs. D, L. MacKinnon; for Resolutions, Mrs. H. Campbell. The District Director report was given by Mrs. H. Houston. The Auditors Report was given iby Mrs. F,. Gilchrist and Mrs, Donald McKinnon gave the sec.-treas. report. * • For the election of officers, Mrs. A. MacIntyre was appoint­ ed to the chair. Mrs. Essie Puryes?-.,.. brought in the report of the hbm? ihating committee and with some nominations from the floor it wks accepted; as follows for 1954-55: president, Mrs. D. H. Carruthers; 1st vice pres., Mrs. D. L Mac­ Kinnon; 2nd vice pres., Mrs. Gor­ don Wall; sec.-treas,, Mrs. Don­ ald McKinnon; district director, Mrs'. Harvey Houston; pianists, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Inwin Car­ ruthers;. auditors, Mrs. F. Gil­ christ, Mrs. H. Buckton; Institute , directors; - -Mrs—-Lh MacDougall; Mrs. L. MacLeod, Mrs. S. Chis- lett, Mrs. T. MacKenzie.' Convenersof standing’ com- ■f ONE DRIVE AND YOU LL HAVE PROOF I PROOF OF THE EXTRA SAFETY AND SMOOTHER, QUIETER PERFORMANCE IN MONARCH'S GREAT NEW 161-HP. V*8 convincing evidence of Monarch’s A ■ " in ’■ ■ ■ PROOF OF MONARCH'S MATCHLESS STABILITY. ITS REASSURING CONTROLON THE CURVES. ITS l|EW STEADINESS ON THE STRAIGHTAWAY One drive will give you convincing evidence "of Monarch’s incomparable performance. You’ll feel the amazingly responsive and flexible power of Monarch’s great new 161-Hp. V-8—today’s most advanced and efficient type of engine, made by Canada's most experienced V-8 builder. This means smoother performance, faster acceleration and ah extra reserve of safety. You’ll experience a completely new feeling of stability, a reassuring, road-gripping steadiness on curves and bn the straightaway—the result of Monarch’s revolutionary new ride control system—Ball-Joint Monarch’s beautiful interiors—so comfortable and^sc^ restful. A phone call will bring a Monarch to your door i / “mittees-were appointed-as for lows: Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Wm. Scott; His­ torical Research and Current . Events, Miss Annie -MacKay, Mrs, H. Lavis; Public Relations and . Community Activities, Mrs. C, Roulstori and Mrs. .F. Gilchrist; Home Economics and Health, Mrs. R. Martin; Citizenship and •Education, Mrs. Ross MacMillan; '. Resolutions, Mrs. H. Campbell; Sunshine Committee, Mrs. T. A. MacDonald, Mrs. W. F. MacDon­ ald, Mrs, T. Collyer. Mrs. Hous­ ton installed the officers. ’ For roll call written sugges­ tions for next year’s programme were given and fees were paid.. Mrs. Evan -Keith gave a very in­ formative paper on the life of Stephen Foster, after which Mar­ ilyn Carruthers and Florence MacDonald/ sang “Old Black Joe” MONARCH LUCERNE CbUPC 2 > * *. r [Certain, features illustrated or mt nt toned are ‘‘Standard” on some models, optionalat extra cost on others.) • YOUR MONARCH DEALERWILLBE PLEASED TO ARRANGE D DEMONSTRATION AT YOUR CONVENI^NCF •r FORD - MONARCH DEALER \ ’PHONE 40, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO LOOK FOR THEc-^^^SiGN OF VALUE WHEN YOU BUY A USED CAR -SEE YOUR MONARCH DEALER *r. Dougall gave the closing remarks. After “God save the Queen” a social hour was enjoyed. > The May meeting is to , be held in Holyrood Hall with Misses Jessie and'.Annie MacKay host­ esses and the directors to be an­ nounced later. ■ . .V . • ■ MURDER CHARGE LAID IN “PERFECT CRIME”, CASE A charge of murder has been laid against Bruce MacLean of Welland^who boasted to,a girl friend that he had performed the “perfect crime” ,in the:drowning of his 20-year-old wife last fall. MacLean is alleged to have told Miss Sylvia Davies that he took his wife out in a carioe on -a—marshy—stream neaiMhe-^lelr—_ land canal, .tipped the canoe and swam around till,he thought she was dead. This’ statement Was made in court by Miss Davies " who had laid a charge of, false pretences against MacLean .^whorrf sb?- claimed /had defrauded her . out of $1600 Which sh6, had leaned him supposedly to complete', the . purchase of a .houM' . This disclosure gpurred police . ’ -iri Hfheir' Ihvestigatidri'^^x ' MacLean’s death. Bruce. MacLean, a^e 23, is ,/ie' adopted son of Dr. R; M.n.Van, Welland dentist and the late Mrs MacLean.Dr. MacLean has. dis- owned his foster son and J& - ■ ing police io lay thb qharge wv, : det his original name bf MuiW ■ ■ Barrick. ties was adopted. at the . age of six when his parents sepw' arated and abandoned1 him.