The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-04-14, Page 10PAGETEN t THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14th, 1954 .t .... ............................................ ......................... ‘••'T*-1,...............;............................. '; V ; . ?• . • .»! 0 NOW IN STOCK Large Shipment Of “WESTEEL"I - ’ O” Security Ribbed alvanized Roofing ■ • ■ . • * ft “WESTEEL” ROOFING is the only one which gives you a full 32%” coverage on the sheets; ' Sizes in Stock r - 8< - 9’ / z 6’ - •o JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED Lucknow —* Phone 150 -— Ontario OBITUARY BiRS. WATT HAMILTON Death came with shocking sud­ denness early last Saturday morning to Margaret C. ..MacNab, wife of. Watt Hamilton' at the age of 47. b Mrs. Hamilton had gone; to Westminster Hospital a couple of wAeeks prior to her death for . a check-up in connection—with—a- back ailment that was troubling I her, and while there decided to | undergo a gall bladder operation, i which however had hot been of an emergency nature. She under­ went the operation on Thursday and -was progressing satisfactor­ ily, when a bloo’d clot struck the heart early Saturday morning, re­ sulting in her death within a few minutes and before medical aid :could reach her. , Mrs. Hamilton served in the Women’s Division of the R.C.A.F. during World War II. At the time ’ of her death she held a secretary i ial position at the local office of the Bruce County Health Unit, FORD MARKS ITS JUBILEE YEAR In the past 50 years Ford Motor Company of. Canada, Limited has prodiiced two of every five motor vehicles made in Canada, and has sold 3V2 billion dollars worth of products. Its profit for the half- century, not taking into account dividends, it has received from its.wholly-owned subsidiary com­ panies : <in other countries, has I been equal (to only four cents on c-ach dollar’s worth of goods sold. The company has operated at a profit in 45 of its 50 years in busi­ ness.. The impressive record of Can­ ada’s oldest automotive company is related ih an 8-page foreword to Ford? ’bf Canadas annual re­ port for . the year ended Decern-1 ber 31, 1953. The book has . been mailed to the company’s more ithan: 13,000 . shareholders, ‘ -- whom almost 75 percent are resi­ dent in Canada. ' ... .•.•• Commemorating the^ Golden j & private funeral service was Jubilee of Ford of Canada, which orj Tuesday afternoon at the was incoi’pqrated on August 17* home of her father, Mr. J. R. 1904, the report >has a cover of MacNab, conducted by Rev. G. special design, is replete with a. Meiklejbhn. On Sunday even- -chaids_Qf__the ■company.s progress • a, memorial service was held over the past 50 years, and con- iaciies of the Legion Auxiliary taips a ,nLJ^ber of ^trlkmg_ por- of y^hich ’ “Peg”, as she was famr I iliarly known, was a member. I Interment was in Greenhill acting as pallbearers, ‘George Cameron, Charles Cook, -. Bob Simpson and Philip MacMillan: Mrs. Hamilton’s mother prede­ ceased her seven years ago to the very day’ and her brother, the late J. C. MacNab, di^d in a highway accident less than two years ago; / Mrs, Hamilton' is'survived-by her -. husband,: one son Jim of London, and her father. SPORT... THREE TIIVIES* AND OUT The Free Press trophy, em­ blematic of the W.O.A.A. Inter - mediate “C” ehampionship, has finally changed hands again; Lucknow Sepoys held it foijthree consecutive-years until losing th,e big mug- to Mildmay Monarchs in the Ajjril finals in 1951. The, Monarchs have since then successfully defended it until the final series this, year with Lucan when they“’dfbpped"'fQur-straight- to the powerful; Irish,- “ IhcTdenta^r—Don—McAlpine* knows' how to pick .the winners, He was a member of. the cham­ pionship Monarchs' for three seas- ons> and. this past year changed his abode and turned out? this winter with the -Lucan squad. ? -u-----rQrO-O------ - LUCKNOW PEE WEES IN GODERICH TOURNEY Lucknow Pee. Wees will have a team in the Young Canada hoc­ key tournament at Goderich next week, and have been represented, each .year since .this, popular event was organized; The locals are in the “C” series and"'are slated for a 2.00 p.m. game on Monday against Bridge­ port. The winner meets the wih-( ner of the. Lucan-Tavistock set ait'6.30 that evening. •Othei? teams in this series are Paisley, Milverton and Mildmay. The championship game will be at 9.00 p.m. on Tuesday night, and on Wednesday night at 8.30> the “D” and MC” winners will imeet in the grand championship game. \ . • -■*. —o-d-o—— At Talent Hockey School „ Ken McNay, Roy Emberlin, Jim Pdddrsen and" Eugene ^Gardner were at the Walkerton hockey school last week, known as the “Talent Show Case”, when scouts Were on hand to view some of this district’s material jKeri Hodgkinson of Wingham, who played a leading role in the M'id- gets conquest of the W.O.A.A. and O.M.H.A. titles, was among others performing. ' . ■ • ——-0-0-0—-4- ■ Goderich Samis Pontiacs wrap­ pedup the W^).A.A. “A” title on Saturday night. and are "now in the O.H.A. semi-final series. Geo. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a ■■■«■■■■■■■■■■*■■» I Bruce Co-operative Medical Services L Hospital and Surgical Plans V-. ■ AND ALSO • ; s Comprehensive Medieal Care Plans ■ (Particularly adapted to Payroll Deduction Groups) which can include Life Insurance, JJ Pension or Loss of Time Contracts. ■ Our BENEFITS have been INCREASED with no additional increase in rates. ■ BRUCE CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES are providing sound, ■ but economical protection against medical expenses df all kinds for a steadily % R ■ increasing membership. Members are pleased with the low cost, the excellent }■ ■ service, and prompt payment of claims. For an example of a niiore-than-satis- ■ 5 fi^ member, ;here is a copy of a letter received recently at the head bffice J i I YOU CAN’T GO WRONG i With One Of Brussels Motors..._ i . Used Cat's CHEV. ’DELUXE SEDAN C’HEV.' SEDAN CHEV COACH CHE< Powerglide Deluxe CHEV. SEDAN PONTIAC |EDAN CHEV. SEDAN DODGE SEDAN CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH ( £ X. 1953 .§ 1952 1950 § 1951 fi 1951 8 1949 g 1948 § 1947DODGECOACH__§ 1947 FORD 5-PASSENGER COUPE 8 PONTIAC 5-PASSENGER COUPE g 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN ’8 1940 FORD COACH 8 1952 * - y —. —-------- ---------?---------- 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN CHEV. SEDAN, SPECIAL AT ....... $1,095: : trucks CHEV. «/2tTON PICK-UP / CHEV. STATION WAGON CHEV. 2-TON STAKE $ I. 1951 1950 1946 _ARMY TRUCK, 2-TON STAKE Z SPECIAL ! | NEW COCKSHUTT TRACTOR, NO. 20 .................. $1,250.00 | Brussels Motors | Huron County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers | Cash, Trade, Terms — Open Evenings Until 10 “ g Cities Service Dealer — Phone 73x, Brussels | A Plumbing and Heating Service AND REPAIRS ■. Oil Burners Serviced—--Units Converted . Complete Repairs, for Deep and Shallow Well Pumps Automatic Hot Water Tanks Installed.Automatic Hot Water Tanks Installed. For a free estimate call or se© ART BJLMORE R. R. 3, Lucknow — 61-rdi Dungannon Fcirty in which 17 tables pf pl&y- ■ ers competed. The high score winners Were Mrs. Alvin Irw'iri and Ray Stanley, with consola- ; tion prizes going to.Mrs.. McKin­ non and Albert. Morton. - In the prize, draw the smoking stand went to; John Rigg .of R. 1, • Westlake of town has been play­ ing a steady game on defense all season for his old Horntown -team. . ■ b ——0-0-0 — BANTAM DRAW HELD" AT SHOOT PARTY TUESDAY '■ ~ ; The . Bantams championship jacket fund got a boost on Tues-j’.Wellandport and the table, lamp 4 day night of last week at a Shoot I to Elizabeth Conley of Lucknow. over <the past 50 years, and con- traits by the noted Canadian art­ ist, George Lonn of Ottawa. The history reveals an Indus- Cemetery, with Legion members trial achievement probably with-’; _ _ out parallel in this country. The. Whitby, Buster Whitby, Kenneth company began operations in 19041 “ in a former wagon works at ■ Windsor, Ontario, on the same site as that’of the sprawling man­ ufacturing plant of today. It had 17 employees in the first year, an annual payroll of $12,000 and turned out 117 cars over the first 12 months; Today the plants, offices and warehouses of Ford of Canada, together with“thbse““of“ itsrwholly-j owned subsidiaries abroad, have I a combined floor area under roof of more than 165 acres, and give lin, formerly of Ashfield, occur- employment to about 25,000 per- red in Goderich. Hdspital on. Sat- “sbnsT^he'Canadian^-plants-alone —urday,--where—she—had--beena as many vehicles as were made ( of a series of strokes. , * in the first 12 rnonths of the com­ pany’s most . 17,000 employees, in the', dr^sw Nelson and-Jane Hogg of. Canadian . operations, and the Ashfield Township where Mary 'wages and salaries paid to them was born 78 years ago. . .in 1953 totalled almost $59,000*-1 A private funeral service was 000. '. .... ■ ... (held ,,at. the Cranston funeral • ’ ■ - Home in Goderich, on Mp'hday, .. -------------- - i conducted by Rev. D. W, Will- WASTE PAPER COLLECTION ' j?,ms of Victoria Street United THURSDAY OF N^XT WEEK ; Cemetery, Lujcknow, whe're ——-^ber-“late- husbarid- was^laid-to-r-est . With sprihg housecleaning time f6urteen years ago: ; at hand*, many housewives will , •- be £lada to kno'w, that the Boy Scoufs are .holding-,a waste paper , . . . , '•collection oh ’Thursday of next small terwh but Whaf yoti waek. Paper ^should be packed in f 171 akcs-Up for it.* 'dartons, bF securely tied- with ai * stout. cord.. Bundle it Up. for the- Scouts—-they’ll be as ’glad to get ‘yawn « it as you are to get rid of it. motiih4 by ladies of the Legion Auxiliary MRS. JOHN MULLIN The • death of Mrs; John Mul- ■■■■■ employmeiif to about 25,000 per- red in Goderich. Hdspital on.Sat- ^onsT^he'Canadian-^lants-alone— urday,—where—she—had-beena produce in less than two hours patient for three years as a result Mrs.. Mullin was formerly Mary existence. There are al-1 Nelson, daughter of the late An- — r—jate-husband~ w;With spi-ih.g housecleaning time f[)urteen yearj ai0; ■ There isn’t ’xnuch to see Refinement; The . ability to without opening your ■ V w ■ ■■ !'r •r V DEAR SIRS: . \ . ■ ' '■ (' i was very delighted and surprised the other ; day When I ’ received the .statements' and the cheque from the Bruce Co-opera­ tive Medical Services. , . ' “ No company ,could~Have~been mofe~fair Or prompt~ih~~paymeht~ '■ I. must admit, that L had some misgivings when I learned I had to .go to the hospital, because I had discontinued1 my insurance with another well-known hospitalization plan. ’. Thank you very much. I just hope that my husband and I will continue-in the Bruce Co-operative Medical Services (without ilL ness) long enough t.o make up-the-splendid monetary assistance r’yqU have given rhe at this. time. . ’ 1 ’ Any support that I can give your insurance sales, I, would be . very pleased to speak up. " * Sin'cerely, . , / . * Name, bn.file at head office. Mrs.;.;,.............................* ■ II FoFFun Information Fill in the Attached Coupon 5 * . 1 ■ -■ I * ; :•■■■/ : ~ : ‘ " — LORNE-rB.—E-V-ANS* Secretary-Treasurer, Manager; — Bruce Co-operative Medical Services, Paisley, Ontario. • . '' send me, without obligation, complete inforpiatibn regarding Jhe Bruce Co-operative Medical Services’ Plans., ADDRESS >Y