The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-04-07, Page 11WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7th, 1954 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO , RED CROSS FUND LONG WAY TQ GO (Intended for March 24) Donations to the nual cam­ paign of the Luc trict' Branch of pe Jted Cross , Society had reached a total. of $856 at the firsfo^ the , week,. This is short almost "00 the total re­ vived last year which amounted to $1433,70. A house4o-house canvass of . the Village has been pretty well —-completed- and with- few excep­ tions the total to date has been —.-made-up- bythe-responseto-this canvass. If ' the objective is to be met there will have ,.to be a good response fror^rtlie rural cornnfun- ‘ ity. As has beeh. stated before there-is no planneXpanVass in the country, and donations- are made voluntarily at the Bank, of Montreal, McKim’s Drug Store or at country stores in the, vicinity. A partial list of donations to date is a§ follows: Elmira Alton $2.50; W, L. Mac­ Kenzie 5.00; Wm. Robb, town, . - 2.00; Sam Reid 2.00; W. W. Hill 2.00; Mrs. E. Congram 5.00; Geo. ‘Jardine 2.00; , Friend , 2.25; Jack Wraith 2.00; George M'acMillan .1.00; Wm. Stimson 2.00; Alex Mc- ■ ‘LeocI 2.00; >N. -H. Hedley 2.00; Mrs. Wm“ McIntosh. 2.00; Mrs.' Heiwat 2.00; Mrs. Sarah Collyer 2.00; Mrs. Norman Stewart 1,00; Sid Gardner 2.00; Howard Rob­ inson 1.00; Mrs. Zita Duncan ow and Dis- MONUMENTS % SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKERTON 0 i 6 J J * r r AN v TOP QUALITY 1 TOP QUALITY Wm. Murdie & Son K/0 ■WfA\ ’ ■ »v|IJJE ? B XT J Y MOORE ^'S?1S0r^LTb';/ATdRONTO 9 MOORE’S 100 EXTERIOR WHITE A brilliant, self^cleansing white paint which keeps cldan through slow, controlled chalking. Recom­ mended particularly for the all white .frame house. ~ TOh QUALITY PAGE ELEVEN 1.00; George Stanley 50c; Wm... McGill 1.Q0; Mrs, Annie Struth­ ers 1.00; Wm. E. Houston 1.00; Alex Sutherland 2.00; Elizabeth G. Welsh 1,00; Douglas Graham 3-00;. John Cathcart. 4:00; John McRae 5.00; P. W. Hoag 5.00; A. E. McKim 5.00; Wm. J. Reid, R. 1, Dungannon, 2.00; Donald Hen­ derson 25.00; Jim Henderson $15; John W. Henderson Lumber Ltd. 50.00; Morgan, Henderson 15.00;“ Oscar Hodgins 1.00; Misses Mc- Quaig 4.00; Mrs, John W. Hen­ derson 10.00; Miss Jane Bowman 1.00;- Ted vHowey 1,00 ,\:Sil ver wood" Dairies 15.00; Thos. Burns. 2.00; .Flora -and- John -MacDonald 2.00; H. M. MacLennan 5.00; James Mcltfapghton 1.00; . Miss ■ A; Mather . 2.00;\ Marjorie Webster I. 00;. Miss E/M. “Henderson 5.00; Rev. R. A. Macconnell 10100; Mr$. Dudley 1,50; Gladys MacDonald, 5.00.; R. C, MacKerizie 5.00; Neil MacLennan 5.0Q; Elizabeth Mur- die 5.00; Elnjer ymbach 5.00; Harold Greer 5.00; James Dun­ can 2.00'; Henry Donais 2.00; Dr< Jas. Little 10.00; L. C. Thomp­ son '5.00; Wm. Fisher .2.00; Mrs. Grace Johnston 5.00; Donald Mc­ Lean 5.0'0; Jack Fisher L00; Rose- zella Mull'in 2.00'; Mrs. Barbara "Stothers 1.00; Harry McQuillin 1.00; Mrs, Wilson Hamilton 1.00; Gretta Hudson 2.00; Redvers Johnston ’• 2.00; George Elliott 5.00> Mrs. Rena McNab 10.00; Orville-Jones 5,00; Rdod MacDoug­ all 1.00; Dick Baker 1.00; Miss Esther McGill 1.00; Roderick Ross 2,00; Mrs. Nellie Scott 1.00; Mrs. R. V. MacKenzie 2.00; Mrs. D. C. Taylor 1.00^ Mrs. Clara Shaddick 'S' Jessie, and Annie McKay/1Q.00; Elmer Johnston 5.00; Stan- Mus­ tard 2.00; W. B. Anderson 25,00; Mrs. E. Hollyman 2.00; Charles Steward 1.00; Jack F. Henderson -^2-OOj—W-m--Portebus —10:00 ;;Cliff Crawford 2.00; Dick McQuaig 1.00; Wm, MacDonald 5.00; Mrs. N, J. MacKenzie .2.00; Ken Ches­ ter 2.00.; Gerry Derring 1.66; T.. A. Ferguson 2.00; Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn 5.00;-Joe Irwin 2.00; Fred Jackson 5.00; Treleaven Milling Co. 10.00; Carrie Milne 2.00; Miss C. Carrick 1.00; Mrs. M; McFarlane: 2.50; Miss Ven­ ning 1.00; Stuart Robertson 10.00; Mrs, G. Brooks 1.00; Rev. H, L. Jennings 1.00; Albert Al­ ton, 2.00;.-W. A. Russell. 3,00;: Geo. Swan 2.00; Katherine MacDon­ ald 1.00;-Ed Dexter 2.00; Mrs. M, Sproul 1.00; Wm. Humphrey 1.00; Bld_JWhitbyilJ..0.0-;_JV[rs._G.—Mae^ Donald 2.00; Miss Janet MacDon­ ald 2.00; Miss McCluskey 5.00; R., B/Quanee 50c; Wm. Bushel! 5.0.0; Leonard MacDonald 3.00; Angus Gra'k^nji 1.00; Austin Solomon ■5.00;-—Mrs. , aI-E.-—-Ma-r&ha41—2tOO4~ Mrs. Margaret Mathers 2.0p- Bob Armstrong 2.00; Leslie Mcfceith I. 00; Sam Sherwood 2.00; Mrs. A. E; Durnin 2.00; Dr.” M. “H. Corrin ■5.00; Dr. W. V. Johnston. 10.00: Mrs. C. Schell 5.00; H.; Cuming 2.00; Mrs. James Mathers 2.00; I s 1.00; Mrs. Ed. Little 2.00; Misses »T AO’oi o o irt <4 A v> LC T\ /T -- . 1 A A A . We are the only manufac­ turers in this pari of Ontario of high class monuments ’ who import granite from the Old .Country in the rough by the carload and process from the rough to the finished monument: No middleman. VVhzen choosing a monument x come and see one of the .jargest_selectionsiin--Ontario.— Established-over sixty .years. Write or pho^e Walkerton 8 and reverse, charges; SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKERTON J . TRY IT FOR FEATURES COMPARE IT FOR VALUE I ■I HEW REMINGTON mm s beoutiful} ltzs compdcfLljL. > lias more new features thdn i-—~ever~ before;" The ■“prihlworlr’isT superb, It operates with ease and speed. Come ini let os show,you these Quiet-riters. Carrying case included • EXCLUSIVES I i • Miracle Tab • Sirtiplificd Ribbon Changer • ■ . • Super. Strength FrameSuper. Strength Frame New beauty in printwork Larger sized Cylinder >,,* ‘ Free! Touch Method Instruction , Book * * ’ , » • . Budget Terms arranged. ♦ t Lucknow Sentinel I 1 r WHITECHURCH Mr, and. Mrs. Chas. Falconer and son John of Alamis' visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer.' Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Jantzi and family of Milverton visited with her. brother, Mr. and. Mrs. Fisher and. Mrs, Kennedy Fete on Sunday. Mrs. A, McQuillin spent Geo: and Mrs. A, McQuillin spent last Wednesday in Luckhow with her sister, Mrs. N. -McCallum. ■^ack”™Mofrisbh“ '■■und^-wehV™ a" minor operation on Saturday to -remove^a" growth abbve~his.'knee caused by a hurt awhile ago and expects to be. home the first of this week:' ' \ Mr. and Mrs.’Gib Hamilton & family of Lucknow visited with friends in the village. - There will be a concert in the Memorial Hall on Friday even- r ing..»Jim Powers will be guest speaker. Ladies bring lunch and a silver collection will be taken.’ Dance following, . . E. S. Watt of Palmerston has bought the mill, from Walter Bell. Mrs. Charley Martin, and Mrs. MacNeil] visited..with Jim on. the 2nd Concession. Laura Irwin . S.S; No. 10 helped to take part in the _ Hall. The proceeds are to help pay for the new projector. . Congratulations to Mrs. J, J. Tiffin who celebrated her 80th birthday on. Saturday.. The executive meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held at Reids Corners op Wednesday. Mrs. George McClenaghan, and Mrs. V. Emerson are going from here. • ‘ ' Mr. and Mrs. V., Emerson vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Mr. anad Mrs. Wm. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, Mr. R. H. Purdori and son Tom all spent the week-end in Brantford with Mr. anad Mrs. Jas. Hender­ son. ■ ' Janis Farrier was sick with the. measles last week and is im­ proving nicely. • •' x ing charge of the services at Rev. W; J. Watt has been tak-l Brick Church anad Belgrave ow- ■ ing to . tha illness of Rev. Cox I of 'Belgrave. concert' in Lucknow Town St.. Helen’s.: Women’s Institute 5.00; Miss Margaret Pickering -2t00; -R; J-~MacKenzie^LOO ;””Geo^ Whitby 2’00; Rev. C. A. Winn 2.00; T. B. Cieland 5.00; Miss Tena MacDonald 50c; Mrs, R.- T:-Doug­ las 50c; Alex Purdon 56c; T. W. Smith 5.00; J. M. Greer,5.00; Ste- : wart Lavis 2.00; Neil MacCallum 1,00; Mrs.' C. Weatherhead 75c; Les Purves 1.06; John A; Mac-’ Donald. 3^6; Miss Elizabeth Mac­ Donald 2.00; Jack MacDonald 2.00; Georg-e Taylor; Sr., 1.00; Mrs. E. 'Ferguson 50c; J. Mc- Charles 5.QQ;: K. Cameron 2.00;' . Wm. Lyons .1.00: Lloyd Ashton 5.00; Dorothy Cook 2.00; Brown Smyth 5.00; Daye Anderson 1.00; Lucknow Women’s Institute $15; j Alex Andrew: 5.00; Roy Alton. 2.00; Cameron' MacDonald 10.00; Mrs, Mary Finlayson 5.00; Dun­ can Cameron 5.00; James Cam­ eron . 5.0.0; Clayton Alton 1.00; George Joyrtt 5.00; S. B. Stothr ers 10:00; Mrs. Thomas Ander- sori 2.00; Wm.' S, McLeod 5.00; Hazel and Ada Webster 8.00; Mrs. George Andrew 2,00; James Dur-, nin 2.00; Thomas Hackett 5.00;’ Grant McDiarmid 2.00; Mrs. R, ’Robertson 2:00; Elizabeth Cum- ’ mings 1.00; J. C. Stewart. 1.00; Jerry Cranston 2.00; T. A.‘ Cam­ eron 1.00; Wilfred Drennan 2.00; Harry Anderson 2.00; j. W, Joy nt 10.00;- Wrs. Sam’Morrison 1.00; A: J, Wilson 2,00; J: . C. Arm­ strong 2.00; Dorothy Gammie $2; S. J. Pyrhm 1.00; John Murdoch ,2.00:."Mrs. Jack Hamilton. 50c; V,.' 'A, Mowbray 10.00; Anderson Flax Products 16.00; Mrs. John Jafnie-. son , 50ct. Mrs. Ida , Hackett 1.001. "Murray “ Henderson 1.00; Miss C. | McGregor 10500; Oliver Glenn $2;' “MRrSfahler Jean Lyons 1.00;, Ira Campbell 5,Q0j:. Lduis Taylor L00; Lucknow District Co-op 5.00; D, R. ’ Fin­ layson 5.00; J. S. Kilpatrick 5.00; M, L, Sanderson ,5.00; Philip Ste­ wart 2.00; Gordon Fisher 2.00; Win. Welsh 2.00; Webster and Mc­ Kinnon 1.6.06; X H: Hail 3.00; S, C,z Rathwell & Son 5.00; Wm. ' Schmid.5.00;, Ho.wai'd Cowah 2.00; ’> y , • . • « • ■ ( BROWN BROS ’Phone 181 Kincardine PAYING HIGHEST PRICES FOR LIVE POULTRY Poultry Cufling A Specialty In accordance, with government regulations our poultry coo2ps are thoroughly washed and disinfected ——— for your protection. • —- LONG LASTING PROTECTION BEAUTY Painting a house is ordinarily no small undertaking — so when you paint you want, the job which'will. (1) last the longest, (2) look the best and (3) be done the easiest. Moore's House P.aipts measure up fully to these standards. They are modern paints — backed by ex­ tensive^ painstaking research and Benjamin Moore & Co.'s 70 years' experienceinmanuf acturingdependdble paints —you can count on them for all round top performance. MOORE'S HOUSE PAINT A very durable paint, made for Canadian climatic conditions, city or country. Comes in white and 14 colors. Easy brushing and dense hiding. MOORE'S ONE EXTERIOR WHITE A very dense hiding paint made for one coat work, on repaint ^f^yyirr^falr^to^pod cori- di t ion. Will cover in one coat if the. old paint is white or-a light - color. COAT MOORWHITE PRIMER This^' is " an exterior primer specially formulated ‘to seal new , wood of old weathered painted surfaces.. Prevents absorption of . ,oiLJrjomjJ:he_jGnish™cQat--so--thQ the paint job lasts longer.