The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-31, Page 8✓ * PAGEEIGHT. A 4 JUST TWO WEEKS UNTIL ■ -M v jT. 9 /• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1954 ———————--——.. EASTER: For your New Ensemble ? 2 LADIES’ SUITS—in all the new- j est fabrics, shades and styles, ! sizes 12-20, 18^24^, f J MADE - TO 4 MEASURE SUITS I from “The House of Stone*’. I ACCESSORIES—Blouses, nylon, —crepeorcotton,-Bags,Gloves, ' W-N«fc Scarves, " ‘ DRESSES—in ticatina, bahama tweed, lineai,/ tafetta, nylon. .pOATS—All-weather with mat- •' Ching hate, the ever-popular shortie, full-length in all wool, ASHTON’S i MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR I; ’ Piece Goods and Woollens I nt Jr "r ....... ............................... ..... ..... KAIRSHEA WOMEN’S INSTITUTE ANNUAL Calico Ball .4 ' ' TOWN HALL, LUCKNOW X " ? ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced of Mary pollena, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Orr, Langside, to Oswald’Rudi vof London. The marriage 'vdll take place-1 April 17th at the "home' of .the bride. . AGED LADY DIES The death of Mrs. Archibald Anderson occurred in, Montreal on Saturday, March 27th, in her 87th year. She was formerly JaSi- et MacLean and a former resi­ dent of St Helens and LucknoW. The funeral .service was held at the ^bhnstone Funeral Home bn Wednesday, withr interment iir St. Helens Cemetery. i MRS.W.J. TODD PASSES “Infailinghealthforsometime the death of Mrs!. Wm. John Todd occurred on Sunday in London at/Zthe, ’home of her .daughter, Mrs;D. M. Johnstone. She was in her 78th year. 7 The funeral service was held at Johnstone’s Funeral Home on Tuesday afternoon with inter- BORN. ' MfiNARY—at Alexandra Hospi­ tal, Goderich,: on March 24, 1954, to;7Mr.and Mrs. Hugh Menary, R. 7„ Lucknow, a som» ' ' ./ HUNTER—in Wingham Hospital, on Saturday, March 20th to Mr. and ; Mrs. Wm. Hunter, Lucknow, a son; Dale Gordon. ' j hXli_—in Wingham Hospital on Saturday, March 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hall (Helen Hamil­ ton) of Lucknow,, twins—a dau­ ghter, Susan Elaine ahda soil, Steven Lloyd,: ' \ SHANTZ—Dr. and Mrs. William Shaxitz of—:Waterloo (nee Jean MacKenzie^ are happy to an­ nounce the birth of a son, Alex­ ander William, ‘ at Kitchener- Waterloo Hospital, On Sunday, Mafch/21sL 7 —•——-~ MURDOCH—in Wingham Hospi­ tal on Saturday, March 27th, to Mr/ and Mrs. Neil Murdoch (nee Marie Smith), RJL A, Glamis, a daughter, Joan Marie.. THAT a card from Rev. G. B. ;—Cox^ays-thaWhey-a re-spend-- ing four days at Rio de Janiero, Brazil; and have had two en- • tensive drives in the state of Rio. The: Brazilians are pleas­ ant people he finds. Winter is approaching in that hemisphere although it 'will not be mid- . winter until July. THAT'Foster G. Moffat, octogen­ arian Langsideresident, bears a resemblance to Prime Mini­ ster Louis St Laurent, and the Teeswater News reports that F. G. was twice taken for the P.M. while attending an insurance convention in Toronto recently. The News comments that the resemblance is so strong that it is. “embarrasing” to so / staunch a conservative as Mr. •’ Moffat. —O— ’■ ■ . THAT Mary L. Mackenzie, dan-’ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. . MacKenzie of Walkerton, and a granddaughter of Mrs, R. V. MacKenzie of" Lucknow, won the public speaking contest sponsored by the Walkertoh Legion, and qualified to com­ pete in the Zone contest at Har­ riston in mid-April. THAT at the Auxiliary Shoot party on Friday night, prize winners were Agnes Thomp- son andGeorge Elliott. These ’■ parties will conclude on" April . 9th.- THAT prize winners at the Mon­ day Mrs. win. night Shoot party were Wm. Stanley and Al Ir- f WILBEES ORCHESTRA — ADMISSION 75e Lunch Counter. — Homemade Pies $3.00 Prize—Prettiest Cotton Dress $3.00 Prize—Prettiest Ready-made Cotton Dress Dress Parade at 11.00 P-hl 1 7- THAT the “lost and found” der partment at The Sentinel. Of­ fice has a pair of glasses, a man’s hat and a cigarette light­ er—-not to mention the • win- ter’s-end- array of odd’ glpves and mitts. THAT G. “Jigger” Dorscht of St. , Helens has, been appointed Watkins dealer in Lucknow, Ripley, Ashfield, KinlOss Huron. ROE 1 Chic ' Starter and ment in Grsenhill Cemetery. THAT _____ ______ hoik’s accident at the Richards ■F J ■ “ . " “CinEDREN’S DRESSES— ’ Dresses fresh and crisp for the* ; ■ children, Moderately ■ priced, * t' , ’>■ ....Shoo to $349 LADIES DRESSES ’Welcome , Spring with , a new dress. Crepes, nylon and acetates, sizes 16 th 24^ ........ $6.95 to $8.95; following Peter Vander- farm, recently, Mrs. Vanderholk and her two-year-old .son mov­ ed. to- Wingham to reside, ob­ taining a residence there thru the efforts of ReV. Alex Nimmo. Peiter suffered a badly broken leg and will be hospitalized for at least a couple of months and it will be some time later be- fore he is able to THAT N. E. Bushell continues to gradually improve at Victoria Hospital and hi§ recovery is amazing his medical attendants who at one time had held no hope for his recovery. THAT Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mac- Lennan started back at .“the old stand” at Lochalsh on Wed­ nesday. THAT little. Pat Hogan, 5-year- old, son. of Mr.* and Mrs. Wm. Hogan of Ashf|eld has been a __.'x-i __• _ _•patient in . Sick Children’s Hos- pital.London,. for' the past cbup l e of TO quite ill for a time but is some­ what improved now. < - THAT Thomas H. Culbert te- tumed last week to his home in Saskatchewan after spend­ ing the . Winter with relatives here. He is a brother of Jim Culbert, whom he hadn’it seen in-25/years LM r 4 fl t -“^DA^:-KIViE-R^SHEET^— Size 81x997 Priced at. $3.49 each / . . ‘ ■ or $6.89. pair. ? LADIES’ BELTS Special purchase Ladies’ Belts. Pldstib Belts, reg. 89c* to , 'for 2^0; Genuine leather, r,eg. $1.00 to $2.50, your choice, only 49e LINDSAY LAWRENCE PASSED AWAY AT ST, LOUIS The death of Lindsay, Law- rence, _oldest son of Mrs. David N. Lawrence and the late Mr. Lawrence, occurred at St. Louis, Mo., on Tuesday, March 2nd. The funeral service was held at the Hbp^"Funeral“Home4n^St.~Loui5' with interment in Sunset Cem­ etery. 7 Lindsay had been ill for about eight weeks but his condition was not regarded as serious until the day before his death. Following his passing, his mother, who had been in Florida, returned North and has since been visiting with her son Donald at Harrington Park, New Jersey. Lindsay is survived by his wife Lucille, by his mother, and two brothers, Elmo of Flint and Don­ ald Of New Jersey and by a niece, Barbara Lawrence./ I Per ' CWT. .;$4.50 . f ' , *■ .' a, . ; • • • . • * / ’■ t • D. R. Finlayson Phone 91, Lucknow •w”. NIGHT CLASSES PLAN SOCIAL EVENING WIND-VP i- ,v 7 ' .u^-’ fhe Commercial Night Classes at the Lucknow District High School are reported to be pro­ gressing very favorably. . • These classes began on Wed­ nesday, January 6th; and are to continue' until the last part of April,- when a social evening is being planned for a get-together at the school of all the. night class members.’ Hold“4!lverythiiigl This Ad Is Worth Money I’m the new .Watkins Dealer in Lucknow, Ripley, Kinloss, Huron and. Ashfield. In order to introduce my­ self and my service of bringing the famous Watkins products to your home, Tm making a special offer. Clip •> this ad and present it to me when I call. ft IT IS WORTH 25c ON ANY ORDER of $2.50 or more II r JI have special offers in the famous Watkins pro- , i ducts.Yougetyourmoiiey’sworthwhehyoubuyfrom - me because you save on high-quality food products, '•■j cosmetics, medicines, household aids and farm line 1 products. Wait for my call and use this ad. j :C. *%Iigger*tI>orsclit R.R. No. 2; Lucknow .<>• Phone 42-r-3 i i r •i bV Cream colored undetweaf in fine ;' cotton. •yarn?”" .' ■ . -t TOPS have close fitting crew neck and short sleeves. Sizes 34 , ■ to 44 chest$L15 ’ 7 DRAWER^ have ' fitting. ankle ' .cuffs and elastic wcbb waistbands .Sizes 34 to 44 waist..........7.,.. $1/49 ..■.............'........''CAPS: .........' . t <7;7 ..Spring weight gabardine; Beige", dr.tan,’ sizes 6^2 to, 7^2 ....... $1.15, vw vW vv.** v vy *> WO&K GLOVES ’ Men's Work gloves, sueded pec^ • cary hog, gauntlet cuff $L19 7 I 7 YOUTHS’ SOCKS ~. j Youths’ fepuh nylon socks, .as- sorted snipes / cdldf^ Bistes V u