The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-31, Page 5fl The Desert Foxe Ji KINLOUGHJ ■ Hall, i •x WHITECHURCH /■£r ■’ K R. 3, Lucknow Is Your Subscription Paid? Two Shows Each>Jght FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 7#\ - . ■ s For . . . . it’s Wed., Thiirs., Mar, 31, Apr. 1 SPENCER TRACY, JEAN SIMMONS — in — THE ACTRESS Higher Crop Yields drew Kiirk. p The regular meetingof the Monday, Tuesday, April 5, 6 Joan Crawford, Michael Wilding ■ in' TORCH SONG Lyceum Theatre V , MARCH M* 1954 Lyceum Theatre WI NGHAM THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, - ONTARIO _ ......................................................„.^.A----------------------------—PAGE FIVE Friday, Saturday, April 2, 3 dick haymes, AUDREY TOTTER — in — ■ Crusin’ Down The .River Matinee Saturday Afternoon < and Joseph Cotton, Jean Peters in Blueprint for Murder ; Adult entertainment------ Last complete show'starts 8.15 Wednesday, Thurs., April 7, 8 ROBERT TAYLOR. , ANN BLYTH .... in ~ All The Brothers Were Valiant WINGHAM ONE FULL WEEK T^il 14th to Aprir^Z^ Watch Fot Further Announcement '? T'.,'v \ nr r \ <>. Pltimbi nqand Hfiatinj Ser vice ■y ' Oil Burners Serviceil^tWIs Converted „ . 7 “ Complete Repairs for^ Deep arid'MhdnpW t’Vell Pu.nips . Aiitomatle libt, Waiet Tanks IhstaiUd \ For a free estimate <jali .dr S^e * , ABT GILMORE V imngammn CARD OF THANKS . The Lucknow; Women’s Insti­ tute wishes, to sinceifely thank all those -who made—donations *to* their rummage sale. ................-....... .....'..'..;...;...... . - CARD OF THANKS •.Mr;, arid-Mrs. Archie MacIntyre wish . zto express .their sincere thanks to friends and neighbors who joined in to make their sil­ ver anniversary jstich a happy occasion. , . IN MEMORIAM • CAMPBELL-—in loving memory of Mrs. Nancy Lbuise .Campbell, 'who passed away April 5th, 1950. Not just-tqday but every day In silence we remember. —Lovingly remembered by her daughters Louie, Belle and Lorna. The many friends of Miss Jean Guest are pleased to know that she is improving after being a bed patient for the past few Weeks... ... y Mr. and Mrs. Don Gillespie (Marion Nichelson) were honor­ ed w hen frlends ’ an d relat ives gathered at Holy rood Hall on Friday evening. ■ Dancing - was enjoyed and a (presentation made to. the newlyweds. Mr. T. Errington was taken to Wingham Hqspital. We hope he will soon, have improved health. Misses Iona TeAy and May "Boyle" spent ’ “the"’, week-end in London, with Mi', and Mrs. Karl Boyle and family (and also visit­ ed with Mr. Dick Neil at Moores­ ville and MMvMary Simpson of Hensail. . Mrs. Jack Hedley and daughter Marjorie, visited during the- week with Mrs. J. W. .(Colwell.. Mr. Roy Schneller, Mr. and • Mrs. Bob Clark spent part Of the j week in Owen Sound. I CULROSS CORJ^S^ Little Gary/and Barry Whytock) -spenU Monday -afternoon ^witn their grandmother, Mrs, Alex • Whytock.____ __ ......._______ The robins are back on the 10 th of Culross, so Spring must be here. . Mr. & Mrs. Art Hodgins spent . Wednesday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Morley Wall and- family. There; was a large crowd at the auction sale of Mr. Charlie Hodgins and Mr. ..Weir Ecken- swiller on Tuesday UfternbOri; Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins and family have lived in Wingham for. some time and Mr. and Mrs. Ecken- swiller have looked after, farm­ ing operations. Mr. and Mrs. Eck- enswiller are moving to’Holyrood. We are. sorry to see them move. Mr. Arnold Scott is nursing a badly bruised leg these days.. Mr, and Mrs. Murray . Hender­ son and Lynda of Lucknow spent Thursday afternoon with Mr. & Mrs. Jas. Wraith. Mr. and- Mrs. Jack Schumacher and Helen1 and MrS? Wm. Wall spent Wednesday evening’ with Mr., and Mrs. Melvin-Zettel. of Walkerton. The com munity was well r ep­ resented at Holyrood Friday ev­ ening when friends gathered to shower Mr. and Mrs. Don Gil­ lespie with good wishes, a large chair-and-a-purse of money. Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie will move to the farm vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Eckenswilier. We extend a welcome to Marion and Don. Bethany Forum met Friday ev­ ening with the other Forums; of Culross Township in the Town eeswater. There were six contestants in the public; speak­ ing contest^ all of therii doing ex­ ceptionally 11. Eight little girls~ in costume; f/’om our school, put pn a lovely ^drill under the sup­ ervisionof o ^teacher, MiSs Es- plen, who deserves much credit for the splendid training given these children. The .members of our Forum are very grateful to Miss Esplen and the children for presenting this number. Other Forums provided musical num­ bers. The judges for the public speaking contest were Mr. and Mrs. Austin Martin, Ripley, and Mr. Anderson, Wingham. AndVaso finis is written to another farm forum season. / . Mr. . arid, Mrs. Jas. Wraith vis­ ited Saturday with Mr. arid Mrs. Murray Henderson and Lynda of Lucknow’. ... We are sorry to repdrt Mr. Ev­ erett Wihytock to be under the doctor’s care and hope for a speedy reepvory. ' Mrs, Ethel Wilson and Mr. Whi- Kidd, Toronto/ spent a few days with Mrs. Mary W^ll and James and Orval Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wall, 8th Con., spbnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wall and family^— —M r .- and MrAlex- -Ki ng - and family-of London spent -Sunday with Mr. and Mi’s. Clayton Myers and^ family. r Mr. and Mrs., Grant Wall-and fairii 1 yLuisited. .Sunday, with,.Mr.. and Mrs. E. Thacker.’ ’ ( “ . ■ ! '11 'J, The PLAYHOUSE 1st show 7.30; 2nd 9.15—Adults 50c, students 35c, children 25© ' * < / .■ ■ - .' ■. ■ Wednesday,; Thursday/ March 31, April 1 ■ James Mason, in . Friday, Saturday,.. April 2, 3 Two Big Features The Bowery ; Boys, in TRIPLE TROUBLE and Whip Wilson and Andy Clyde, in Arizona Territory Matinee Saturday at 2.30 — Children 10c, Students 20c Wednesday, Thursday, April 7, 8 rPeggy Cummings, Victor Mature, Ethel Barrymore, in “MOSS ROSE” daughters of Culross visited with. lives.. his parents, Mr. arid Mrs. E. Cas-i\. our community extends their lick on Sunday. - sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mrs. Bagg and her daughter,1 Beecrpft and family in their re- Ha?el, of Willowdale, visited on cent, bereavement in the death of Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, E. ■ Mrs. Beecroft’s mother, Mrs. An- Groskorth. I Mr. and Mrs. Wm; Dawson and ' Mrs. C. Falconer visited on Sun- W.M.S. was held at the home of1 day with Mr. and Mrs. Sandy1 Mrs. E. Groskorth on Wednes- Purdpn at Lucknow.. I day, March 24th. The meeting Mr. and _ Mrs. R. Ritchie of I opened with hymn 688 followed Langside visited* with Mr. and | by the scripture reading by Mrs. Mrs. E. Emerson. H. Laidlaw. The study book was -. Mrs. J. J. Tiffin,. Mr. and .Mrs. in charge of Mrs. M. Moore. It Wes Tiffin arid Mr. Tom T^prdon! was decided to give each new visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wai- baby of the Baby Band a pair ' lace Wilson of the 6th of West j of new bootees. The prayer for Wawanosh on Sunday. Mrs. Wai-: the missionary/ was given by Mrs. lace Wilson was formerly Vivian. T. H. Moore. As this was also Tiffin. ' the birthday tea, a vote of thanks We are sorry to hear of the was given to .Mrs. E. Groskorth death of Mrs. Archie Anderson for her hospitality for the use at Montreal, formerly of St. Hel- j of her Rome, ens. Shb leaves to mourn three ------------- ; daughters, Lizzie of Montreal, -Papa once came home and asked: (Fanny) Mrs. Henry of London < “What cooks?” and (Hazel) Mrs. Robert Purdon Now, when hunger pangs are and a number of grandchildren, i gnawing, - Mrs. Anderson was bom on the He walks in and says:- ‘‘What’s farm where Pat MacMillan now’ ..thawing?”, . v ---------------- --------.... ..... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ J T w. * : ** t ••"1 .... •. ■..; AL ,T 1 • Mrs. Robt. Rbss visited recent- , ]y.'--with her-son, George Rosstat /Owen Sound. Mr; Chester Co.ulter qf Calgary, . Alta./is visiting his' parents, Mr; > and Mrs.- Frank Coulter. Mr. and* Mrs. Jack Henderson • Visited, on Sunday with Mr. ?and.........? The Hackett’s'Young People’s' Wehted^bl^^“‘‘to Likzie”, will be in the Memorial Hall in ■ Whitedhurch oh Eriday, April 2nd. sponsored by,the W.L Dance ■ will follow w tb \ music of Tiffin’s orchestra. i y Mr StanW Mooto visited last U’eek '.with friends at Caledon, & '"Frestohx ■ ' * ,4-..; .. .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .Caslibk and Can Always Be Sure Of Top/.Quality \ . ' Otder .Early j •. *S ' •' Lucknow District Co-op Phiihe 71, Lueicnpw