The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-24, Page 6T THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE taken into the body it passes at onee irito the ^Ippd stream and acts first on the clever forebrain. This is the part of the brain that controls conduct,. The action of alcohol is quicker. than we real­ ize. Within a matter, of minutes it enters the cerebo-spinal vfluid and seeps through to the brain and nerve centres. The result is a numbing and paralyzing effect which causes man to act as he would not under normal circum­ stances. It is well to remember then that once alcohol passes into our body, the normal free-work-, lmg“-of - the brain ^ endangered. —Advt. ————r ■ , Nobody will deny, that alcohol has many important uses. Mod­ ern civilization could not con­ tinue without the industrial and scientific aid of alcohol. But we be<^)^ng’ increasingly aware of ibe fact that beverage alcohol has fa peculiar ?affinity ' for the human body and more especially the brain of man. The explana­ tion is (simple. Alcohol is a dis­ solver of fats, and the brain is a fatty substance.. Alcohol also picks up water put of the tissues and the brain is nearly eighty percent water. When alcohol is Choose your finish1 from, those two highest quality modern enamels both made with 100^ alkyd vehicles. IMPERVO ENAMEL High Gloss — Tough and hard- wearing — Ideal for kitchens and bathroom walls and cupboards because it is so durable and easily washed. Use it also on garden furniture, front doors and ’1 shutters. The wh$e is non­ yellowing. 7 IMPERVO Lustre Enamel. SATIN Decorators Low A beautiful glareless finish -r- just "off the flat" yet durable on cupboards; woodwork and furni­ ture as well as walls. A lovely finish in lovely modern colors. i i .. Both of these enamels are easily applied with either brush or roller,. No primers ooodbd pq rocoat work — simply appiy one or two coots os needed to cover. BEYOND DOUBT AN AMAZING PAINT SPORT t. ■ BANTAMS ELIMINATED BY BROQKLIN IN FINALS Lucknow Bantams were elini* inated from' the O.M H.A;. Ban­ tam “D” final series by a classy Brooklin team who defeated the locals 14*4 and; 13-2 to take the. goals*td-count round 27-6. *> In'Wingham arena on. Wednes­ day night the score was 14-4 for Brooklin . with goal scorers for Lucknow being' Jim Pedersen 2, Eugene Gardner and Jim Wilson one each.Back in Port Perry bn Friday, Lucknow-s goals were scored by Jim Wilson and Jim Pedersen. . . Despite the championship ser­ ies the Bantam team had a good season and did well to win the W.O.A.A, championship along with, the semi-final, round against Alvinston. Brooklin was a power-packed team that would prove st/ff enough . opposi­ tion in some Midget tanks. Line-up for Wednesday’s’ game in Wingham was: - 5.- Lucknow: goal, Jerry Mow­ bray; def., Bill Fisher, Tom Prit­ chard; centre,. Eugene Gardner; wings, Jim Wilson, Jim Peder­ sen; alt., Jack Coultes, Art How- aid, Paul Henderson, Bill Marsh-J all, Ted Collyer, Bruce Baker, Al­ vin Hodgns, Bill. Robinson, Brooklin: goal, Asling; defence, Roberts; Grandy; centre, E. Tran; wings, P, Tran, Pascoe; alt., Jones, Kaine, Disney, Biggs, Doires, G. Tran. First Period 1—-Brooklin, Disney (Kaine) 3.13 Z—Brooklin, Pascoe , (E. Tran) - '■ 3.25 ’ ■ • 3;—Lucknow, Gardner 3.55 • 4—Brooklin, Pascoe (E. Tran, P. Tran) 4.35 5— Brooklin, Pascoe—(P.-Tr.an-)U- 9.02 ' 6— Lucknow; Pedersen (Gard­ ner) 10.02 7— ‘Brooklin, P. Tran (E. Tran) •16..45 ' 8— Brooklin, P. Tran (E. Tran) 13.50 . “ 9— ^-Brooklin, Jones. (Kaine) 17.08 prayer,. Mr;S. (Rev.) R. D. A. Second Period j Currie and Mrs. George Fisher Pascoe (P. Tran) j read the chapter on India in the Grandy Galvanized Large Shipment Of WESTEEL” SECURITY RIBBED galvanized roofing arriving early in April ■ V ’ • WESTEEL” ROOFING the only one which gives you a full 32%” coverage on the sheets. SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR ORDERS PLACEb DURING MARCH / JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED Lucknow < Phone 150 Ontario 6 F I I, WHITECHURCH /The, W.M.S. meeting/for Chal­ mers Presbyterian ’church for the month-of March- wasTwell atten.-„ ded at the home of Mrs. Albert McQuillin. Mrs. Jas. Mclnnes op­ ened the meeting with the call to worship. Hymn 393 was fol­ lowed, by the scripture and med­ itation, Acts 8:26-40 by Mrs. Daw­ son Craig.' Mrs. Earl Caslick led 0—Brooklin, * 3.50 11—-Brooklin, i 5.35 12?—Brooklin, 8.53 13.,—Brooklin* Pascoe 10:i2; 14— Lucknow, Wilson 12.20 15— Brooklin,- E. Trail 18.43. 16— Lucknow’, Pedersen (Gard - her) 13.50 # Third Period 1 17—Brooklin, Pascoe 6.20 113—Brooklin, Pascoe (Roberts) ' ' 16.43 • (Roberts) P. Tran (Pascoe) (E. Tran) (Gardner) (Roberts) ’ ‘ ' ——0-0-0—^ \ ■ ! Brooklin Win Midget Also . . H i Brooklin. Midgets, as well as|i Ltheir Bantams, have coped theh - O.M.H.A. “C” title; Brooklin nosr; ed Wainfleet 7.. to 6, to take the, . Imai game and win the best-of - ■ ' three series, in two straight. Luck-..; now Midgets lost out to Wain-s Heel; in' the semi-finals, by an 8-4. / count 'in' two games. .<•<■ . . j study boqk. Hymn 402 was sung ! followed by a chapter and a discussion on what we are doing to welcome and help displaced persons who have come to reside in our community, led by Mrs. ! Alex Robertson. The Glad Tid- ■ ings prayer was given by Mrs. J Frank. Coulter. The business was {'then, dispensed with by the. pres- 1 idept.,, Mrs. Walter Lott led in the offertory' prayer. The roll call [ was responded to by character- i istics of Philip/ Hymn, 481 was jsung and the meeting closed with the Lord’s prayer. Mrs. George Fisher was convener of the meet­ ing. The April meeting will be the Easter thankoffering with a special speaker. Mrs. Currie is convener of the program^ and has invited the ladies to 'meet at the ..Manse.. The Chalmer’s Young People's Society entertained the Wingham Young People’s Society of the .Presbyterian church,- Walter El—— liott presided for the program. Ross MacGregor gave the scrip- “ ture and meditation. James Wil­ son led in prayer. Murray Gaunt favored with saxaphone solos and a vocal .solo, -‘Bless this House”. The Wingham Y.P. presented a skit, “How; Young People’s Soc­ ieties Should Not Be Run”, and Gordon Ross gave piano solos. The .meeting closed by repeating t the1 mizpah' benediction. Games and‘ refreshments followed. The Women’s Institute held an­ other successful euchre in the hall on Friday evening with 16 tables playing. The evening was in charge of Mrs. Ernest Case- more, Mrs. Jack Burchill and ! Mrs.. Owen .King. High prizes j w ent to Mrs. John Gaunt and Dustin Beecroft. Second high was tied by Mrs. Walter’Lott and Mrs.---- FranlCROss and won by' the lai- • ter. Frank Ross jwon the lone hand prize and Willace Conn the second high. Lunch was served arid another enjoyable evening brought to a close. •: ■ & MERCURY SEDAN 1348 CHEV. SEDAN. > DODGE COACH FORD 5-PASSENGER COUPE . - PONTIAC 5-PASSENGER COUPE ( PONTIAC SEDAN 1010 PONTIAC SEDAN ’ ' ;• TRUCKS ' .. CHEV. f >-TON. ElCK-UP TWO- i.95i) CHEV. STATION/VAOONS ” 1949 G.M.C; ONE-TON STAKE TRUCK >/ . A: 1 ^-tON/GMC PICK-UP : SPECIAL r ■ t In all round, performance — hiding, ease of application, op- pearonce and- wosbab'lity you'll ' find Benjamin /Aoore's Wqll Safin leads fne parade. You'll be surprised how ,ebU-iy and —gu i c kI y d... beau-tt £U. dec4. i ■ job. can b& done •with Weill Sa* Alkyd Sahl-Flat — "Looks like velvet — scrubs like enamel" — For the very best in living room and bedroom:^dll decoration. Simple and easy to apply — lovely, colors. f •> * » FOR FREE COLOR ADVICE - WRITE BETTY MOORE CARE OF BENJAMIN LTD., TORONTO 9 FOREMOST RUBBER PAINT BEV. MLMEOBP TO CONDUCT OLIVET PREACHING MISSION Mission^ ■ was minister. Rev Sunday, -for the ie Rev; g u. 5. - form er i y Ch u'rch announced by t).' A; pry don week -.April j. Mumford ■pf»-puckhow- sp?c ng m I........................... r; § 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953. CHEV. SEDAN J* /TWO 1952 CHEV. SEDANS 14 YOU CAN’T GO WRONG With One Of Brussels Motors . .. Used Cars 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 195T FORD SEDAN ..... . • —r 1951 CHEV/ Powergiide Deluxe SEDAN, fully equipped 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN WO 1919 CHEV. SEDANS 1319 DODGE SEDAN . ' ...r948”UIIEV;:-VLEFJTLlNE^C-OAUH^“^^^^“—— 1947 1017 ■ 101“ 1946 1946 I ____... .. . -.. .rNEW COCKSHUTT TRACTOR, NQ.^20 SI, Brussels Motors » Huron County’s Foremost Used Car . Dealers Cash, Trade; Tertns -^ OpOh Evenings i^ntO.li) • Cities Serviced Dealer . •> ’■«* VliOne Brussels 7#-'“■"7 “ / ,. •;•• .. i J..» , , •' , , . ...i,— . A