The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-17, Page 9V' WEDNESDAY/ MARCH 17, 1954 T .< J- ■ . ■■ ' ■ .THE'LUCKNOW -SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO'. " / k PAGE NINE T ■i.'H T---—-r .... — —7—.-- . . ,■ . . ......... . , J ---------— ................ r........were Mr. and. Mrs. Tom ,B?11 and with relatives here. Maulden. Mrs, Tom Hqdgins gave served by the hostess. The next family of Toronto spent . the . .Mrs, Gertrude Walsh spent the “ ‘...... Z • . I • KINLOUGH Natu^- was givep by Mrs. Frank ing. “Dpiinty refreshments • .• gave •'-v* mj. h*'- jivoicoo. *-ha? uicai xamu^ vx xuivntu , vxxt; . imo, xutiuuuc tt axpxx me The H.W;I. iri*et on Tuesday at <'the current events and June Ack-1 Sheeting will be held at: the home week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Bert week-end at her home in the . the home of Mrs. Raynard Ack- j! ert played a piano solo, A tele-' ert. After the opening exercises gj*am contest followed, After thi reports from the standing coni- closing remarks God Save The Hodgins spoke on the Bruce Co? dainty lunch was served by the " ” * " A ’ hostess and committee. Mrs. Tom Harris - will be the hostess for April. - Mrs, Geo. Haldenby was hos­ tess for the W.A. meeting, on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Maur­ ice Hodgins presided and the bp- ening hymn was “O Master, jet prayers, “Seek” w»as the word for | the roll call. Minutes and com- nninications followed. Mrs. How­ ard Thompson & Mrs. -Tom Hod- gins' were appointed to supervise •. .r the makipg of a fancy-’quilt. Mrs. “St. Patrick” was given toy Miss J: W. Colwell read a letter^ from May Boyle. Mrs. Doh Watson and the Bishop Horden School where Mrs. Raynard Ackert favored. the bales are sent There are 140 ' with a yocal duet. The roll call■ children in this school. Visitors 'was “A Canadian product" and . were,welcomed. The hymn “What where it is manufactured”. The I a friend we: have in Jesus” and motto, “Make me oyer,. Mother the■ W.A. litany closed the meet- ^y. i of Mrs, Jim Smith and will be. Nicholson and family. i ert. After the opening exercises gram contest followed, After the reports frorii the standing coni- closing remarks God Save The mittees were heard, Mrs. Perry Queen closed the meeting and a Co-cp Medical Services. A play was planned for the near future, also the extension course. The convener, Miss Edna Boyle, pre­ sided for the following program, At this time Mrs. P. A, Murray read an address- and Mrs, Jim Smith presented Mrs. Perry Hod­ gins with a casserole arid pottery vase in appreciation as the Blue Cross secretary. MrsJ Hodgins ex­ pressed her thanks to the Insti­ tute for remembering her. The topic, “Kitimat”, was read by Mrs. Frank Thompson* A poem, . i * I village. a Quilting. . v I Mi*. . and Mrs. Johnston Mac-1 ; A successful box social . anc| The.World Day of Prayer was Leod and family Qf Ripley were.-ft^J11^ wa$. held in. the held on Friday in the Presbyter-; dinner guests - of. Mr. and Mrs. I?- ^chopl on Friday night. Mr. ian church with Mrs. Maurice Wm, Haldenby on Friday even- McEwan acted as auctioneer* Hbdgins in charge. Miss Margaret' ingr Malcolm was. at the organ. Those ! ...-------_ __ ... _T__ taking part were Mrs. George now visited on Thursday with Haldenby/ Mrs. Frank “Maulderi,! friends in the village. . Mrs. J. W. Colwell, Mrs. John I Mr, and Mrs. Tom Stewart vis- , Emerson, Mrs. Tom Hodgins and ited °n Wednesday with Mr. arid Mr. apd Mrs, M. - John-stone of Miss Nellie Malcolm; Mrs. Jas. Mr?; Wm, Haldenby. I Lisfowel visited Sunday with Mr. McEwan gave a sDlendid address ! A social evening was held in i Jw ’M18.- ” A- Graham and on YhFwaik^itJrThp^^ the-school^heirthe-teacher,-Mrs7^^^s^a^ev^PJn€’-Mr--and^Mrs.— i.. followed by a suitable solo. The Senior girls I Burton Collins showed films/.from i Eckenswiller/Mrs. Joe Cas- ^rpfo^he-schoolmnder^he-direet^r^fhe-NationaL-Filmr-Bpardr ’ ’s,dv Knvc *ic, ion of their teacher,.Mrs. Burton Collins, favored with a number. Included in the. program were four familiar hymns. Mrs, Perry Hodgins was named key woman for 1955. : j Mrs. Howard Mc«Guire return­ ed home to Olivet on Friday , af­ ter spending a while at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. George Halden- | and a pleasant vtime was enjoyed. Mr. iand Mrs. Joe Wall of Luck- j ^rs. McEwan is the teacher. Miss Helen Malcplm pf Toronto spent a few days’at the Malcplm home here. Mr. and Mrs, M. Johnstone of I sidy and boys of Teeswater also visited at the Graham home.Mr. and Mrs. Dori Gillespie re­ turned from their wedding trip * rx on Friday evening, We welcome SIXTJH AND NINTH Mrs, Gillespie to our,, Commun­ ity.- < '■ ■ . , Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bonnett of _ Glamis visited Friday evening March 12th. Progressive euchre with Mr. and Airs. Win. Stauffer.' was played'with high scores go- Mr. and Mrs, Karl Boyle, Mari- [ ing to Mrs. Allan Miller. and Mrs. lyn • and Carol of London and ] George SkitrLfor the ladies and Miss Marjorie Boyle of Moose high gept’s scores to Gordon Me- [ Jawi Sask., visited on Sunday Tavish A pleasant social evening was « spent at. S.S. No. 3 school, Friday, !» "/ > 1and medical branches of Canada’s Air Force. FOR All THE FACTS, SEE, WRITE OR TELEPHONE THE CAREER COUNSELLOR AT YOUR NEAREST RCAF RECRUITING UNIT — OR MAIL THE COUPON TODAY! I 4 . * i <• L*r V f •• f I Director of Peirsonhe! Manning, I I RCAF Headquarter^, Ottawa* I • Please mail to me, without obligation, Ju I I particulars ! J. regarding enrolment requirements and openings now l I available in the R.CA.F, ' . < I _ I NAME. (Please Print)......,...1..,............................' I . I . (Surname)- (Christian Name) | [ STRiEET ADDRESS................. i :P. ..........J:.;...* | EDUCATIONgrade and province)................... t..........................................^..^.^...AGE,.j I CAF-54-4WS •■ i-r .ii.|....... .. ... Y ■ ■: ■ --^2 r- ■ ■ .. .■ r ■. . ..... . r J t. JL , ...4 ■.ft. < ft i t , « f 1 ft * 4 * ft. . li •*» 4 ' >> ■ fti' ? <; J and . Howard ‘ Thompson, ths evening the piipil.s*' of “Arts and Crafts” was and. much credit is given to the pupils and teacher for the .. work shown.'Dancing was enjoy- ’ ed to music .by- George Stuart, Don Cameron and Murray Gaunt with Mrs. Stuart and Norma MUr- lay as accompanists and Bob Lyons as caller. • \ . - Mr. Michael Kinahan of Lon­ don spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kiriahan. - Miss Shirley Finnigan has re­ turned, to Oakville after spend­ ing* the past few weeks at her I home; .■ i We are sorry, to report, that I Mrs. Mike Cummins is a patient iri Wingham Hospital. _ ' Mrs. Bill Kiriahan visited dur- 4n g—the—week->end-rwith--her--par ents, Mr. and Mrs/ Kennedy at Seaforth. Sgt. and Mrs. Merviri Gray and children left Saturday for their_• after .During display ; ,,/view.■•I' j ■i iI .1 i S ’-A n ,t V ft U • » 1. ! > i I1 f ,: f.' j« •* * . ■■ *. 1 ’ ft home in Winnipeg,, Man., after ; visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. | Miss Marjorie Stuart of God- - I erich visited with Mr. and Mrs. , George Stuart over the week-end. ■i Mrs. Lome Dumin spent a few ' days, last, week with her mother, Mrs. Kennedy of Whitechurch, who is not enjoying good ( health. . ‘ ; Farm Forum Meeting I i I i i The Farm Forum met Monday [.evening at the home of Mr. and| Mrs. Bill Kinahan. The topic for • discussion was “From Under The i Earth”, with the question asked, A I a » * rS * r » 4 Do you think that our mineral resources; including oil^are being . ubed in. the be^t interest of all . Canadians? A “Farm, Forum’ . Questionnaire” . was answered which included, a selection of suitable topics for next year’s discussion. Progressive euchre was played with high winners <b£irig Mrs. Victor Erringtoh and Mrs. Albert Taylor (tied) and Mrs. Gus Kiriahan. Next Monday evening, the Forum will meet with the! “Prosperity Corners” . Forum; The Handicraft Sewing Class met at the home of Norma Mur-. - ray on Monday night. The next meeting will be at the, home of Beverly Gaunt. - —ASHRElbNOTES - (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. George Farrish * from-Wingham visited on . Sunday ....with.. lMr^and-.>Mrs<r,'.Lo.rri.e> .Far.1. . 'rish: , ’ ,' Miss Mauririe Leddy, who had been storm-stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Courtpey, returned to •her home at St. Augustine.- ; , Mr. Lloyd Gellan, who had the. misfortune to have his leg brok- ■ en, returned from Goderich. Hds . pital. to the hom’e of Mr. Wilfred • Farrish wher.e Lioxrd has. been- employed. . Master Douglas Scott spent: the Lome Farrish. .„J. .....^Mr—anxt..Mrs;.JFT^ _ ......... . Kitchener Visited’\yith Ijklr. and. - Mrs. ' Keith Johnston over the week-end., . ‘ ? Mr* apd. Mrs. Ha-ryoy McQuil- ?lin and Ricky returned to their' . home a| Point .Edward .after:- ' spending, the-past moij>th at the ' • home— of•.-•M'r^-'and-vMriii-^ Robert , , Scott., ’ r I - J.... Your Local R.C.A.F Career Counsellor Will Be Located In Wingham Ontario, On Wednesday, April 7th From 12 Noon Until Q p.m. .. 5............................................ ■■■■ ... , I. ................................. „i■' ' r f t' ’A ,....’ .ft ft. 2- <iir I -< ■ ■ / ■ ft 1 •k Z ' *’4 V ; * •• ft • T i