The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-03-17, Page 2we will give you entirely 'fl’®® any one piece of Wm. ROGERS Du Barry Silverplate you wish FULL INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT OUR STORE- PAGE TWO r WithPurchases made atourstore including a selection of A CANADA PACKERS PRODUCTS ^domestic YORK GOlDINCORK Henry’s Fruit Market Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and Gtc^ceries Free Delivery — Phone 82, Lucknow I i POISONED CORN KILLS CROWS BY BAGFULL With fields, covered with deep snow, the crows have been find­ ing feeding grounds scarce. How- ever, they located a couple of high knolls On Raynard Ackert’s farms at Holyrood, where man­ ure had been spread and ^Vhere they converged in clouds. Raynard soaked a bushel of corn in strychnine water and ___________ _____________,____I scattered it oh the knolls, which} were far from where any barn­ yard fowl could get to. The crows started droppings and as they’re a mighty wary bird, Raynard had to^ceep^eomnmtmgby-horsebaek- - i i 1NQW ^ENI’INEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ' : ■ ...... KIN LOUGH HONORS FOURTH CONCESSION MALCOLM FAMILY ' Mrs. Allan Graham and Aww ' (KIN|LOUGH NEWS) spent last week with her m^ . , On ‘Saturday evening, friendsi in the community gathered at the | school for a farewell party for Misses Nellie, Margaret and Helen Malcolm who are moving shortly to their new home in Lucknow.. Mr. Frank Maulden was , the1 chairman for. the following pro­ gram: community singing, “The rnore^We__get2Jtogether,’;chorus iby the school children; readings, by Mrs. Clark Needham, Mrs- Don McCosh, Mrs. Burton Colling Mrs. Milton Walsh, Mrs1. Arthur Graham, Mrs, James Hodgins; piano number, Sharon Hodgins; solos, Mrs. Jack Hewitt, Mrs, Har­ old Haldengy and -Mrs. John Emerson, > Mrs, Perry Hodgins read an ad­ dress expressing regret in losing the Malcolms from this commun­ ity. The presentation of a torchere floor lamp, a wall mir­ ror and gift of money was made by Mrs. Frank Maulden; Mrs, Morley Bushell arid Miss, May Boyle. ’ ■. ■? ( Each, of the ladies ma de;.a suit­ able reply Refreshments were I served and a social time enjoyed, i ' Kinlough, March 13, 1954.’; Dear Friends, . . . " 1 We your friexids and neighbors have gathered here this evening to spend a social time with you before you mo ye to y our. new home in Lucknow. / We regret that you are leav­ ing here but are happy to knchv that you will qnly be a few miles away and we trust you will often return and renew old acquaints aiices. You have always been ready and willing to help in any worth- Wile~ui^ertakings "in^hC—c munity and we know that what is our loss will be Lucknow’s!1 gain. . • ■ At this-time we-would ask you to accept these gifts as a token of remembrance. . Your friendship means a lot to us, And at a time like this Affords an opportunity we real­ ly couldh’t miss. We know we’re going to miss you And know you have to go. < But hope you; will remember. Your'good friends around Kinlo’. Sighed on behalf of the 'Kinv lough Community —Hazel, <Bess, May and Doris. Langside W.M.S. x The W.M.S. meeting was held in the church on March 11th in, the afternoon. The World’s Day Mrs. Barton at Drayton,Mr, and Mrs.. Ira Dickie *nd -boys were dinner guests of Mrs. T. A. MacDonald gt Mrs. L,Mac- I ver’s on Sunday. Mr and Mrs; Be Jong and f amily and Mr. Dystrka baye pui> ’ chased the John A, MacDonald WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1954 farnl and will move to the’Fourth in April. ^Mrs. Herb Miller is again "a patient . in Wingham ' Hospital. Some of the twelve children are being cared for at the homes of Mr, and. Mrs. Harold Johnston, Mr& Beth MacLeod and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Martin. Mrs, L, Maclver of Lucknow is visiting at the Home of. Mr, and Mrs. Ira Dickie^ . with Benjamin Blue Dulamel, white Moore's h igh-hid ing between the two knolls, gathering! meeting was opened by the pres­ up the dead and dying birds, be-; ident. Hymns were sung and foTe the rest of the flock got’ wise to the poison trap. Hund­ reds of these undesirable birds died before the remainder of the flock took off. There hasn’t been a crow around since. prayers were given by Mrs. Wm. Orr, Mrs. . Elmer Scott, Mrs, Wm. Scott and Miss Emma Richard­ son. Mrs. Gordon Wall read the address. The next meeting will be held in the church. 4 mi'll Illi 111 ITU 111 IB £......■ is easily secured modern paints. Would you like walls in Dresden . ., ceiling and cupboards. Ocean Corat furniture? Or perhaps ceilings and wc 'ls in Chartreuse Dulamel, cupboards in Sandalvrdod, furniture in holly Bright Greenlmpervotnamel? Lovely colors and true decorating satisfaction will be • found. in^these" dependable Benjamln Moore Paints, -r* Beautiful Finish — You will be. delighted with the low gloss enamel finish of Benjamin Moore's Du la me I — and it's so eUsy to keep clean. Use it on kitchen and " bathroom walls or Wood trim through­ out the housed Dense hiding, easy brushing— beautiful modern colors. Easily Applied UNEQUALLED —INSIDE Here's an enamel which will give yVu real service in both appearance and wear. The white is non-yellowing and finish with extreme washability. Use it on front doors, shutters, garden furni­ ture, as well as on kitchen and bath­ room walls, cupboards, and ; wood trim. You'll say "the best enamel yet". o .r /. T LAST CHANCE t WRITE. BETT Y MOORE TO WIN ONE OF SEVEN LOVELY PRIZES THAT ARE BEING / G^ MARK THE GRAND OPENING formerly Rae and PorteoUs A Draw Ticket Is Given With Each $1.0Q Cash Purchase SEE PRIZES ON DISPLAY AT THE STORE DRAW SATURDAY NIGHT Reeve S. E. Robertson Will Make The. Draw This Saturday Night . -r ■ ’ ’■ ,* ' ' •' •' A LOVELY SATIN GLOSS Utilac is the most versatile of enamels. You can UMi it dnyWhere in the kitchen — walls, woodwork and trim — and it goes on the easiest of any enamel you've ever tried. Its attract < live finish is durable arid easily --/.washed.-— GLOSS ENAMEL FINISH AT A PAINT COST Here's a high quality gloss enamel. ' finish which Will give your kitchert Walls a really spic and* span appear­ ance... Moore's Inferior Gloss has ex­ cellent wearing qualities and is easily washed. White and 8- modern colors. Wm. Murdie & Son * . :»■ J.