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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-17, Page 8
WEI PAGE EIGHT $ • iv: CONCENTRATE < i I. ’ Mofis^ SPORT... , TIMBER Tiw 2—Lucknow, ’. 650 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LIJCOOW> QNTARIO COMBINES STRETCH PLAYOFF WIN STREAK , > Ripley-Lucknow Combines and Teeswater entertained- a fairly large crowd in . the Lucknow Arena on. Saturday night, when they edged out a 6-4 win to take ( group championship “C” s ) NO WIyt WB '^th,' 1954 ’> y ------- ---yr '.i. . -----1-...LM ------It-----— WRONC Final Standing Park’s Cubs, 79, Johnstone’s . . Chipmunks 69, Button’s Gophers a 3-0 lead in the best-bf-nirit 64, Anderson’s Tigers 61, Sand? 'w series., erson’s • Fawns. 54, MDcKlnnon ? It was. a rugged ‘ battle with Beavers 54, Taylor’s Zebras 53> fists ilying in spots, and the sin- • Bannister’s Wolverines 53, Eedy’s bin loaded to capacity at times, j Lions 52, Webster’s Pole Cats 45, Jack Gould, who captains the I Hamilton’s -Kangaroos 44, Mc- Combines, sewed it jip in the 3fd Donagh’s Coons 0. -freme- with the neatest-goal-of—-Tigers—and Fawns rolled Jthe_ ' two top games as they grabbed -Whileshort-hahdedGouldandpiayoff-berths._Last_year’s_chaimL his two mates doodled dangerous- [ pion Wolverine squad were One ly around their own net, until HpoiniU off the pace as were the they sucked lin the . Teeswater at-' Zebras who were stopped by the tackers and then broke into the < Pole Cats in a close match, clear, , with Jack fooling , the . lope I Both Zebras and Lions staged defenceiman and pulling the goal-1 last-ditch come-backs in a vain i-e. ‘ .effort to make the top. six and / Because .of a storm postpone- ,are deserving of credit in defeat, ment last Thursday night, the. They, along with the Wolverines, The February * meeting of the [next two games on Tuesday and ■win enliven things in the forth- 4-^-—r Presbyterian’. Church I Thursday of this week Were slat- i coming fray in Group B for that 1—for Teeswater, where the Gul-I second cash prize. . ross capital boys will be fighting | Speaking of cash prizes^ the o ?;b.t back into the series. . ■ • • ‘ \ ,f . . . ’ ■ t th \ Writer of the book, Samuel Moffett. Mrs. David Cowan gave: ... paper on “Who is my Neigh- Contributions were taken of scripture," meditation & pray- fbr the bale from the members i any who would do knitting. The euiltihg for Red ross quilts is to take place in the basement of the church in warmer weather. The meeting closed /^yith sprayer rid. an er j >y able lunch and social i!0^50;60tGetfep~ Ftel Years Younger, Full of Vim Don't blame exhausted, worn-out, run-down feeling on your age. Thousands amazed at what a little pepping up with Ostrex Tonio Tablet* will do. Contain tonic, hemic stimu lant often needed after 40—by bodies weak, old because lacking iron, A 78-year-old doc tor writes: “I took it myself. Results fine. Introductory, or “get-acquainted" size only 60tf. Stop feeling old. Start to feel peppy ana younger, today. At alt druggists. Ashfield Presbyterian W.M.S. Ashfield - W.M..S. was held ait the home of Mrs..T Alex’ MacDonald with 20 members present. Mrs. Hugh. Mc Kenzie presided and after the singing of the psalm “Ail people that on . ean'h do dwell”, Mrs. MacKenzie took the devotional pant of the program, the reading bor?” er. The roircall was answered by present, and ie uests -made.jfor . sentence prayers. Mis. o.hn :4c. Kenzie sang a solo. Mrs. Neil J. MacKenzie discussed the first chapter of the study book, w. Where’er the Sun”,, stressing the ® . ; fact of the spread of the gospel. She also gave a short account of the night . ■•••T ed for Teeswater, where the Gul- I second clash prize. • " I Speaking of cash prizes the Cubs have already won the larg7 er for ferpping .the league. : The Winners of Grouip A will enter a round robin running five nights commencing on Thursday evening while the lower six teams [enter a similar series starting on j Wednesday.. Groups will :alter- | nate from, one night to the other . as during the schedule. In both’ series there will be a J possible itwenty points consisting of a point for each game with an additional point for high totaL A playoff schedule will' be ppst- ed on the bulletin board. ___ To save time we have decided to limitr the teams “to the Tegular six players. In fairness to the sulbs who, incidentally, should be available, team: captains Will be expected to work^them m when- a regular drops tq the lower av- | erage. Please be on time—9.20 at 1 the latest—or be prepared to con- Mixed with your own grain National Hog Concentrate makes a ^lresh-mix” feed that will add pounds of good bacon pork to your hogs and mean • ’ . extra .profits for you. Why! National ‘ -^^is^packedr^with-.alL,the essential vita- , ' mlns, minerals arid proteins that make for rapid growth and, health plus a saving in grain for you. See your NATIONAL Dealer today— Look for the bright Orange and Black Sign. “A QUALITY FEED-MIX" FOR POULTRY, TURKEYS, HOGS and CATTLE WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED ,' i' INGERSOLL, ONTARIO | 1953 Dodge Sedan, fully e ;u.ppt § . 1953 CHEV, : t A , u nipped, 4 tone | W&i’cHeV Powers^ Deluxe SEDAN, Jslly equil^ £ 1951 CHEVROLLI ■ • SWAN 4 S TWO 1949 ( F A . S’-1949 PONTI 6 :t e6r coach S 1949 DODGE SEDAN § 1948 CHEV. FLEETIINE COA "II ■g~^94K"PEYMO^'T^""’=’'.^Hr-Tu-ly-- g 1947 MER ■ 8 1947 FOLGT * g 1946 PONTI2 1946 PONTIA g 1940. P0KT <V *r' c ui^ed-----—r ? 5M CHEV. SED .. ?. * 1951 1946 1949 CE CH' G.m NEW CC $1,: » •*.g • <. • Hu?". . 8 ■ Cash. § Cities Servu : Third Period 11— Lucan, Mons 3.35 12— Lucan, Doere 6.53 13— “Lucknow, MacMillan (Blue) 7.35 ■ 14— -Lucknow, Baker (Thuell) 8.20 15— Lucan. Hodifilins 8.33 16— Lucknow, Emberliri 9.26 T1—Lucknow, Emberlin ~(Thuell," / An Dealers Lings Until 10 fione *73x, Brussels i Outstanding Bandsman Dies . Professor Charles F. Thiele of Waterloo, one of Canada's lead ing band promoters, died at K-W Hospital on February 2nd fol lowing , a year’s illness.. He. was ”70~Hte was well known to^bands- - men; here "and several-years-ago-^-t- Baker) 15.26 attended a band tatoo in the vill- Penalti0: Hodgjns, Ewen, Mons. age. .V )•• V - cede - a point |—— ------ - - O-.Q-O--------- LUCKNOW WINrLOSE, AT I<UCAN SATURDAY The Midget andeantam teams have advanced into the WOAA “D” series and are. both playing off With Lucan. On‘Saturday the . boys'made the trip to Lucan in I Allan Reed’s bus, and divided the doubleheader with the Bantams winning the first game 10-0, and the Midgets losing the second 7- 1. Goal scorers for the Bantam [team were Eugene Gardner 3, I Tom Pritchard 2, Jack Coulftes 2, j Ted Collyer, Jim Wilson & Bruce j Baker one each. Roy Emberlin ~"gqt .the Midgets’ Jone goal. The- * Midget teani lacked the services of Ken MacNay who was in Tor onto -due to the illness of his father. ' “M ian that ada’s “A excej A. his c< . venti; Luck ■ ■ ■ T i -... . -of .B plain ___ week still 1 - tire < . uW only chara itorid their ive ,'b . -ally < circu’ ■ or m . “T[ of at we vl ada’. - .4;w tinuei office serve use o . becoh lives sum ‘ . regul. . used of fh< made “Healtl econo WA? ^-Grc . Lucki the h : Wedn . . 10th Mrs. . meeti the tt the tl ’ readii Bush* werec verse, was e en.tiru two I—-—0-0-0—----- MIDQETS EVEN SERIES ‘ WITH 13-5 VICTORY ! Lucknow Midgets/defeated Lu- . j ean here on Tu^sday night 13-5 to tie the best-of-three series at ‘one game each in the W.O.A.A. ’ Midget “D” playoffs. LucknoW carried the play throughout ,the; 1 game and Lucan at no time were I. ' a: serious threat. I I Lucknow: goal, . George , Rich- | ar.ds; def?, Ken MacNay,; Claire’ I Thuell; Centre, Eugene' Gardner;' wings, Ernie- Gibson, Hugh Mac-' i Mijlan; alt;, Paul Cou$C; Alvin j •j baker, Donnie Blue, Jim Wilson, 1 —~D.ona-ld-7M^c©ona-id^Roy-_Em.ber---- I'lin." ’ •' 1 ■ Fertilize Your Crop with NATIONAL wen-cure4# Properly^Bieiided FERTiliZEk .................... " ■ 'iT' ii riiiiiiiiiiiw Lucan: goal, Reynolds; defehce, Ewen, Ddere; centre, Thompson; -wings, Mons, Cloon; alt., C... Hod gins, T. Hodgins,, Wilkemon, Me- •.Tails. , First Period 1—Lucknow, MacNay 4.35 Baker (Wilson) 3— Lucknow; Baker 7.50 . . . - 4— Lucknow, Emberlin '(Thuell, ■ ................................. 5— ‘Lucan, Mons 16.00 . 6— Lucknow; MacNay 18,5.0 ■ .Penalties: Thoriipspr),. Mons. Seconcl Period , 7— Lucknow’, MacNay 2.02 8— Lucan, Mons’ 5,02 ■ . >uck n o w’;'. G a rd ncr (Cpuso)’ r 8.40 • ... ’ .1,0—IjUcknow, .GibsO,n..1540..: T;... PenaHics: ...Wilson^ Thompson^ I '[ I J DRY IN AN HOUR for rehanging pictures and drapes. ^ SCRUBS CLEAN AGAIN AND AGAIN- without harming its lovely satin finish”. NO MESSY CLEANUP—-your hands, brush, , or roller-coater all come clean, with water. / EASY ’’GLIDE ON” APPLICATION —goes on qs easily as stroking a wall with a dry brush} .• /> JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED Xucknow Phonel50 ■ .ZOntario./.: '■ !