The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-17, Page 4T FOR SALE—nine pigs, 9 weeks old. Jim Hunter, ,R. 3, LUcknow; FOR SALE—cob corn, delivered. _ Phone Dungannon 8Lr-7; J PAGE FOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ‘ KOR SALE-^pair of fine breed- J dnjg__geese. , Aoply" to Mrs. Ida Stanley, Lucknow. WANTED — middle-aged house­ keeper for retired farmer. Apply to Wm. Kerr, R. 5, Seaforth. “ FOR RENT—house on corner of Willoughby and Hayelock Sts., 6. roduis and bath. Available at once. Apply E, J. Farrish, Gorrie. FOR SALE—cement septic tanks, approved by the Health Unit. We deliver them. Forster’s Welding Shop, phone 206-r-U,yLucknow. 7 wanted" ^ Children under school age for kindergarten class,bonduct^ by .f ormer teacher. Apply at Sentinel Office. PHONE 41 for a price on meat by the quarter; also custorrf work and cutting. Welsh Meat Market, Lucknow. forTrent apartment, suitable for one or two people. Apply to Tom And­ erson, Lucknow. • small downstairs . it y - - - . , - ,-n- -NEW IMPRO>VED higher protein Pioneer \ Chick Starter crumbles for ’54; Available from D. R. Fin-, layson, Lucknow. TAKENBYMISTAKE — from arena Friday, pair of iboy’s brown rubber goloshes, size 5. Initials ;; K. J. on inside. Kindly return to Kenneth Jones. SALESMAN WANTED Rawleigh business, now open in Bruce County. Trade well estab-, lished. Excellent opportunity. Full. time. Write at once. Raw- Jeigh’s Dept. B-271-189? Montreal. LIVESTOCK WANTED Dead, disabled horses or cows removed free of charge.- For prompt and efficient service call “STONES” collect Ingersoll 21, Wingham^ 561J or. Ripley 182. FOR SALE—brick building, 22 x . 50, upstairs modern apartment, steam heat,, bottom floor suitable for shop or store, full dry Jjase- ment. N. W. Winterstein. MEAT FOR SALE Good beef for sale by the quar­ ter. Beef killed under license . from the Department of Health. Highest quality. Lowest prices. Raynard Ackert, Holyrood, Phone, 24-30 Ripley. FARM WANTED—in the Amber­ ley district, with good water and buildings. Anyone, having same for sale leave name at The Sen- , tinel Office. . ’ ' FOR SALE—28-46 Bell Imperial threshing, machine, complete with 'belts, as good as new. Apply to Graydon Ritchie, ft. 7, Lucknovtr, phone Dungannon 76-r-7._ ( FOR SALE=-16 pwcebred English York hogs* about 5 months old, to fell or trade oh old hogs;, also. 5 York sows due end - of March. Maurice Cronin, phone 56-r-22, TeesWater. ' ■ 8 • ■ LOGS WANTED — open to buy hard and Soft maple, basswood 8i- pine logs. Apply in person to Joe Weiler, R, 6* Lucknow*. : CARPENTER. WORK—new and repairs;..kitchen' cupboards, etc., made-8 tq order. No job too small.’ Led * Beauchamp* Phone 97-w, , LtickrioW. , AUCTION SALE .. Of livestock and imp 1 ements.at / the farm of, Morley'Mills, Lot 23, Con, 12,\Hhroh'’ToWiiShip, (two miles west of Ripley Rpad, three- ’ miles east of Bluewater Highway;) on,Tuesday, March 2nd at 12.30/ Cattle and implements o£ J, A. Little*' Teeswater, will also be df- fered at the. same tittle and place.. See 'big bills. for list and Tethis. ‘■^ClorleyMiRsrPf3^r,lMle,_Macv /Lenhart*,Auc/ ■ . -■? / . N. W. WINTERSTEIN CHROME PISTON RINGS - Mariy car owners are enjoying the wonderful service of chrome piston pings. They never fail. Why not let me install a set in your motor how. ■ —- -- ■ N; W. WINTERSTEIN t PROPANEGASBROODERS Th® most economical, the eas­ iest, the best way to brook chicks; .trouble-free, no refueling to wor­ ry about; ideal, for the busy farmer, fit' a ghs brooder, then forget aibout it and do your other work. ’ -- BUCKEYE GAS BROODERS SALES AND SERVICE Phone Dungannon 81-r-7 “IT’S THE EARLY BIRD” that catches ithe good' prof its. .* Bray Hatchery chicks for preference. Hatchery has wide choice breeds, crosses, immediate delivery; some started. Canadian. Approved. 30 years hatchery experience. Ask us for prices, order now. Agent— D. R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow ;‘__ <zt ‘ ■ , • ■ ___ ______ _ SEED CLEANING—Commencing Feb. 1st will do custom cleaning specially for. removal, of “buck­ horn’- and noxious weeds from clover seed. Good stock clovers and grasses at prices that will Ksave farmers $2 to ^$4 per bushel. -Roy-Crampi & Son,- Seed Mer­ chants, Pinkerton, Ontario, phone Cargill 68-W-3. : C^AIN SAWS, ETC. Agent for a complete line of Mall chain saws, available-with Oregon chipper chains. Some used saws obtainable; also Mall elec­ tric . hand saws, drills, sanders, No- 40 Castrol outboard oil. Jack Barr, R. 1, Holyrood , Phone, 18-29 Ripley.. FARM‘FOR SALE South half of Lot 19, Con. 12, West Wawanosh, consisting of 100 acres. 18 acres in bush, remainder seeded down; i large brick hou^e, large steel barn* driving shed and hen house with hydro through­ out all the buildings. Pressure system in stable, never failing spring well. Located beside pub­ lic school 1V4. miles from St, Hel­ ens? One of the best farms in the Township- For particulars apply, to Mrs. C. Weatherhead, Luck­ now. TENDERS MARKED TENDERS will be re­ ceived by . the undersigned until Saturday, February 27th for the position of inspector for warble fly control for the Township of Ashfieid. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Donald Simpson, Clerk-Treas., Kintail, Ontario. ' TENDERS MARKED TENDERS wilLbe re- ceived by the undersigned until Saturday^ February 27th for the spraying of cattle for warble fly control in the Township of Ash? field in accordance with the Warble^ Fly Control Act of On­ tario/ Spray operators must carry liability insurance and collect fee from farmers. Lowest .or any ten- aef ribt^^^sari , Donald Simpson* Clerk-Treas., ■ Kintail,’Ontario. Additional Classified Ads OnPageJ J. ■ STATE; FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE, INSURANCE -■ ... .• f investigate Before Investing . reuben wilson ,• R.R. 3/ Goderich j. 1 —11 ■■ . yji.w>IIBP11 11 : [coming events j DANCEKINOSriRiPUjE " • There will be • a‘ dance St, j Joseph’s Parish Hall, Kingsbridge on Friday, February 19th. Hen­ derson’s ’’ orchestra.,•. Poor “prize* Lunch counter. Admission 59c. “HAPPINESS AHEAD’* Whitecihurch Commtinity Lib- pary Board is sponsoring the mus­ ical comedy “Happiness Ahead”, presented by BelgraVe Women’s Iiistituteinthe-MemprialHall, Whitechurch, on Tuesday, Feb- ruary723rdait8.30.Admission5ik and 25c. “ / - HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT Reserve, Thursday and: Friday, March 4th and 5th, for the Luckr now District High School concert, in the school auditorium at 8.00 o’clock. There will be two plays, /‘Macbeth” arid the farce “John­ stone”, as welt as tumbling, Glee Club and Band selections and a barber shop quartette. Admission '50c. - ■ | LEGION DANCE FRIDAY LuiknOw Legion will sponsor a! dance in the Town Hall, Luck- now, on Friday, February 19th, Carruther’s Orchestra. Lunch counter. Admission 75c. w PLAY AT ST. HELENS The % Women’s Institute will sponsor, a musical coinedy play, “Happiness. Ahead” by a Belgrave cast, tin, the St. Helen’s Commun­ ity Hall, on Friday, February 26 at 8.30 p.m. Proceeds for H£ll Fund. Ladies please bring lunch. Admission: Adults 50c; children -25c?-—y— DANCE AT LANGSIDE There will bei a dance at Lang^ side Community Centre oh Wed- nesday, February 24th, 9.30 to^ 1.00 ami. Tiffin’s/ orchestra. Ad-, mission 50c. PLAY AT ZION Ashfield Y.P.U. vyill present their 3-act play, “Look Out Liz­ zie” 'in Ziorit Orange Hall,. Wed­ nesday, February 24th at 8.30, sponsored by Zion Busy Bees. Proceeds for church purposes. SHOOT PARTY AT ZION Zion Orange Lodge will spon­ sor a Shoot Party in Zion Hall, on Friday, February 19th at 8.30 sharp. Ladies please ‘bring lunch. .Admission 35c. Everyone wel­ come. PLAY AT HOLYROOD Ashfield Young People’s Union will present the play “Look Out Lizzie”, in Holyrood Hall, Fri­ day, February 26th at 8.30, under auspices of Kinlough Anglican .Young People’s Association. Everyone welcome. AdaltS“~50c;L children 35c. / I / NOTICE The regular meeting of the Lucknow Branch of the- Canad­ ian Legion will be held on Tues­ day, February 23rd. War films will be shown, Full turnout is requested. I STOP! * SHIPPING FEVER ? PNEUMONIA * CALF DIPHTHERIA * INFECTIONS ENTERITIS Illis Season With ■ '• • NIXON’S ■ FEVREX The .concentrated, easy to .•solution which combines Complete, detailed, dosage chart for all animals on every bottle? UMBACH DRUG STORE ’, Phone 13-w, Luckbow . iI use the I ROY N. BENTLEY Public Accountant 4 Britannia Rd. (corner South St.) GODERICH, OxNT, ■ Telephone' Wil ’V. f r V I ’ I z LUCKNOW Telephone 175 / .<5 Havelock St., south of Supertest Garage WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17th, 1954 Moderate Prices 1 ■/ I MEMBER OF Ontario Insurance Agents’ Association GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: Business 39 Residence 138 To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today * J. A. McDONAGH R. R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon Agnews* Agency Howard Agnew — Jos. Agnew G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist Office on Patrick St.f just off the Main St. in . .WINGHAM Professional Eye Examination Optical Services , Evenings by appointment. Phone:. Office 770; Res* 5. JOHNSTONE FUNERAL HOME *Fhone 76 . ; Day or Night Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost MacLENN AN and MacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE Services Conducted accord­ ing to your wishes at your Home, Your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. AMBULANCE SERVICE ’Phone 181, Lucknow. Day " ' / or Night ? INSURANCE Co-Operative Life Insurance Co-Operative Automobile Insurance I Mercantile & f arm Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable. ■ ■■ •• ' See . .... \ T. Av CAMERON LUCKNOW Phone 70-r-IQ;.. Dungannon KfennetliJ. Mackenzie RO. Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. Will be at. Wrona’s-Jewellery store, Ripley, 10 a.m/to 9 p.m., WEDNESDAY, FEB. 24th and every Second Wednesday/ Eyes examined - Glasses fitted -Fcr-^ppoih tmeri Wph one^^Roy* MacKerizie* 96-r-24 Ripley,. t PAPERING •.' * and, ■. ; ■. PAINTING 1954 Wallpaper Samples on hand ? - h.’ SPRAY PAINTING SANDING & FINISHING New arid\Old Floors For prompt service call FREiD EMBERLIN * ■ ■ ■ £ . " ■ ' f'r DR. T, B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN ' ' BUSINESS and TAXSERVICE MONTHLY AUDITS ? For The Small Merchant, Professional man and the Farmer. s. J. pymm P.O. Box 74 - Lucknow, Ont Office in Kilpatrick Block ’Phone 23-w F. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT ’Phone 1100 For Appointment or Information See Wm; A. Schmid, ’Phone 167 rw Lucknow INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY . AUTOMOBILE — - AND LIFE R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW • ,■ Every -Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office in. the Joynt Block Telephone: Office 135Residence 31-J I . I P. Stuart Mackenzie Barrister and Solicitor " WALKERTON,..ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK R. S. Hetherington, Q.(j. Barrister, Etc.. Winghain and Lucknow In Lucknow z : arid Wedfiesday Located oh the ground floor in Hie front of John Kilpatrick’s Building1 , .'Phone Wingham Office 48 ; . Residence 97 1 Insure With The FIRE INSURANCE \ • -fbf ' '' '' , Reasonable rates,/sound pro’ tection .& prompt* satisfactory settlement of claims../ * •’ Parish moffat ... Your Local Agent 1 Rr^^TeeswateL"*?^-~ ’Phone Teeswaier 57*r-41 <* I ’