The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-02-10, Page 8RAY ROBINSON i ■0— Lorne Johnston and Mrs. Welsh. THAT there/were twelve tables. i -x'.l/ ’Phone Carlow 2105 R.R. 1, Port Albert LAID, SANDED AND FINISHED. at the,Priddy Hight Shoot party in the. Auxiliary Rooms. Prize winners were Mrs. Leo Huber and Earl Harris. ■ THAT Miss Norma Sherwood, a Student at Stratford Teachers’ THAT a television set was im stalled last week at the Legion .-.Rooms’ \ A really superb lunch-was served' by Mrs. Hedley, Mrs.. Black, Mrs. Tom Anddrson Mrs- Purvis and! Mrs. Bob Armstrong. ' ! ZONE COMMANDER. VISITS LOCAL AUXILIARY A CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP | patronage with which this business has been favored j for so many years. / ............... ij THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTAH1O PAGE EIGHT Is Your Subscription Paid? START THE DAY With A ■ r AtL WOOL TARTANS 5,4 inches wide.. Reg, $2,98; a*. y d./ Reduced to clear, yd. .... $2.49 Orangey_250’s House Dresses NEW SHIPMENTS This Week •________■ ■_________ •_______•' * AN IDEAL GIFT TOR VALENTINE’S DAY For These and Other Gift Suggestions Drop In aiid Look Arpund ASHTON’S MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR Piece Goocls And Woollens . FAMILY GATHERING MARKS 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs: Nelson Raynard celebrated their 25th wedding an­ niversary last Friday evening at their home. . They were married ; on February 6th, 25 years 'ago, by.n the Rev. Mr; Brown. They have I I — II ■■ II Mil Wl.ll — II —I P WEDNESDAY, FEB. 10th, 1954 AT BUTTON’S MEAT MARKET u I cn. • j wish to announce a change of ownership of . The Button Butcher Business which has been taken __ ,_nvpr by my son Russell* who has been associated College; was. play director of" the stage performance at the •< “Ait Home” bn Friday night. Norma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sherwood, was vale­ dictorian iat the Lucknow Dis­ trict High School commence­ ment last fall. with me for the past nine years,, ~~~ it js with sincere appreciatibn^andrfhanks-that—I- acknowledge the generous patronage and pleasant business relations I have enjoyed with the good folk of this community for 45 years, and I trust that my successor will continue to enjoy the goodwill and South Kinloss W.M.S., The meeting, of the South Kin­ loss W.M.S. was held at the home' of Misses Jessie and Annie Mac- KAy wiith 24 members present.. The president, Mrs. W. Macln-^ •tyre? opeped the meeting with a .......................................................... prayer followed by the Lord’s A Sy.............................................S wVS ‘ ............. . girls; Dorothy of Goderich, Mrs. ,IianKS was read. Russel Irvin.(Lillian) of Ashfibld, JMrs.A Fred Shropshali . (Ruth) of Wingham, Douglas, Bruce and Chris at home and three grand­ children. z 4 . Present vat the anniversary gathering—were: -Mr, ancLMrs. Will Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ritche, Mr, arid Mrs. Harvey Ritchie arid girls, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wall. Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ ert Irvin and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Paperhick, Mr. and Mrs. ! Walter Alton and Arnold and by a prayer by Mrs. D. Graham. Frank, Mr. and Mrs.. Melvin Ray- ! A solo was given iby Mrs. P. nard, Mr. and Mrs.- Harold Fer-. Steer. A chapter in the, study guson, Russel Irvin, Fred Shrop- book was ably taken by Mrs. shall and Donald Murray. . i Ted Collyer followed by the read-r They had a. social evening play-w ing of. section 2, “Who Js My ing cards. Mrs. Walter' Alton was high lady and Mrs. Ivan Paper­ nick low lady. Donald Murray was high and Douglas Raynard low for men. Arnold Alton took pictures, Mr. and Mrs. Raynard were presented with fa chest of silverware. Lunch .was served and a social time spent. uncoil. /A letter of ______ __read. Then followed a report from the bale secretary, Mrs. A. Sutherland regarding this year’s ibale.’ The next meet­ ing is to ibe held on: the World’s Day of Prayer on Friday, March 5th. The troll call was well ans- THAT Lionel “Sandy” Rider of Stratford and formerly of Lucknow, has been in the news in story and picture form, as a result of his efforts in re­ storing an old tiller-steered automobile, to running order, again. The buggy-seated vehicle was known as the Le-Roy and was manufactured at Waterloo before^the turn of the century —ih 1898 or 1899. THAT the Publisher had a note this week from Mark Gardner of Wingham who Says his hand is pretty shaky since he had the stroke last fall. Didn’t know about your illness, Mark, but sbestF wishes for a complete re­ covery which will nb doubt fee the mutual wish of your many ' friends here. SINCERELY, R. J. “BOB” BUTTON. I i I: I I i ■i I.L BREAKFAST . 0 I.G.A. Tomato Juice,. 48 oz. 27c ► Robin Hood .Oats, 3 lb. box 25c ► Treesweet ► Grapefruit Juice, 48 oz. ..-.. 29c ► Kelloggs ► Corn Flakes, 8 oz. .... 2 for 33c ► Shredded Wheat ....... 2 for 33c ► Solo Margarine ....i. 25c ► Maple Leaf Sockeye 39c ► Crown Brand ► Corn Syrup, 2 lbs. 29c ► Breakfast Club / . ► Strawberry Jam, 24 oz. .... 37c wered by a Bible verse, contain- THAT Cliff Crawford has accept- jng dhs word “love”. The scrip- II I 1 ture and meditation by Mrs. I. Dickie- was most interesting, the j subject^ being The Burning Bush, ! symbolizing the Church of /God' today, going ChrouglPtHe^ire but not consumed. This was followed I Neighbor” by Miss M. Suther­ land which was very interesting. A discussion On. this reading was afterwards held by the members. The mizpah benediction was re- r-peated, followed by;a vote of thanks given by Mrs. A. Suth­ erland to the hostess’ for the use of tljeir home. An enjoyable lunch was- then served by the1 hostesses and directors, Mrs. W. 1 MacIntyre and Mrs. P. Steer. - ed a position with Silyerwood Dairies, Lucknow, to fill a staff I vacancy resulting frdm Donald McKinnon having gone into partnership with Chas. Web- ster in the hardware business. BETTER v yv y ▼ yr.-rt y r wry y I.G.A. Choice Peas, 20 oz. 2 for 3<_ • I.G.A. < -Choice Corn, 20 oz. .* 2 for 29c IG-A. < Pork & Beans, 30 oz. 2 for 31c ’ I.G.A. Choice Tomatoes ...... 2 for 33c ” AT THEIR BEST .. . J Florida . " Grapefruit, 96’s... 10 for.49c ? Florida . ' ; ........2 doz^MJ SMITH’S FOOD MARKET: LUCKNOW’S CASH AND CARRY STORE 4 AAA A A XA 4 A A Mh'A1'A-'A- -L The regular meeting., of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion was held on Tuesday, Feb­ ruary 2nd with 29 members pres­ ent. Mrs. Philip MacMillan pre­ sided, She welcomed KJrs. Leulla ' Hall, the Zone commander, who paid her official visit, and Mrs. McGowan, president of Blyth Auxiliary and both of Blyth. Mrs. Wm._ Welsh was also welcomed j into the# Auxiliary on a transfer I from- Seaforth Auxiliary. It was i decided to take over the Navy !League canvass. Letters of thanks Were read from those "w;hoi had received Christmas parcels and get well cards, etc., also from the Legion Branch exressing thanks for the donation of $75.00. Committees were picked out for .the year. .Mrs. Hall installed t Past Pres. Black and Mrs. R. For-' ster. Then she .gave a very in­ teresting talk. She took as her subject the wbrd Service-r-S for. Self, E'for effort, R—right think- ‘ ing, V for veteran, I.for inspira­ tion, C for comrade^ E for efface. She stressed, that an Auxiliary is a chain, each member a link, and that -the chain . is only, ■ as strong as the Weakest link. Mrs.. John Hall won the. mys- • tery box. Mrs, Joe Wasney read an interesting story pn St: Vai- ehtine. She also asked a Jew rid- • dies. Mrs. Forster conducted . two -contests,.rfhe .winners. feeingFMrs._ „ INFANTS’ DRESSES Assortment of crepe, Celanese & nylon in attractive baby’styles, pink,. blue, yellow and whitfe* only, KNEELENGTHHOSE ' . All nylon, long wearing & shrink T)^r:esist^tiYSi^^td*^r^dIdr^r.edy blue, brown. Priced, pr. ........ 79c Presbyterian Church W.M.S. The W.M.S. of the Presbyter­ ian church met in the church with the president, Miss M. Mac­ Leod, taking the opening exer­ cises. The Bible study was given fully by Mrs. R; V, Mackenzie, During the business period Mrs. A. C, Agnew was appointed sec­ retary, replacing Mis. W.^ Port- eous, who has given long and faithful service. Plans-were made for the bale allocation arid quilt­ ing for the Red Cross on ia date to - be announced. Christmas cards, asked .for will be left in the church kitchen to be sent to our missionaries. The roll call was answered by a verse with-the _wordJ “comforter”. Glad Tidings prayer was given by Mrs. W. Douglas. Mrs. A. Purdon read a letter from her brother, Angus i MacKay in India thanking the : Society for a gift of $2&0 towards * his work., there. Mrs. C, A. Wiinn read another letter giving an ac-1 count of the MacKay family’s work among the students of the school. Mrs. W. McGill prepared the pacer on our missionary, Miss Reaveley whi^h was read by Mrs. Agnew. The topic was given in the form of a debate on Ind­ ian residential schools by Mrs. J. E. Little and Miss C. Carrick. Mrs, C. Cook gave current events from the Glad Tidings and Mrs. H. Anderson ,closed with prayer.. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Dan N. Nicholson, Lucknow,-wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Shirley Marion, to Mr. Donald Lloyd Gillespie, Kinlough, son of Mr.Qharles Gillespie,' Kit­ chener and the .late Mrs. Gilles­ pie. The wedding to take place in the -Lucknow Presbyterian Church early in March. . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomson, Goderich, Ontario, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ethel Isobel, to John Credit? Cole, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cole, Clinton, Ontario. The mar­ riage to take place early in. March. . . . —-o— THAT the prize winners at the ■ Monday night Shoot party were Mrs. Million and Howard Har- ■ ris. ' ; . ■ • . O—r. . ' THAT in tfie coming events col­ umn will be found reference to j “The. Songmens” visit to Luck­ now late this month. ’.9 “ IW - 1 a-L-. p■ THAT Dr. Edwin Heath, who re- j ■cently completed a week-long engagement ih Lucknow, and has -since appeared at Blyth xarid Goderich, will complete • \is appearances in this com­ munity with performances at -Kintail oii‘ Tuesday and Wed- (nesday of next week. Proceeds are for the Kjhtail Community Hall fund. . . f I . < ALL NYLON ANKLEF'HOSE ;Triple roll cuffs, pink, blue, yel­ low, white, sizes 5 to 8V2; 49c BOYS’ WORK SOX Rugged wearing work socks,, 10 percent nylorv and-9L^percent---'■■■• wool, pair ; 85c ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Armature»and Field Winding. Brushes, Bearings, Etc> —•.? Reliable- Service r— Gilson Service - . - Electrical Appliances Freezers, Dryers, Washers HALDENBY ELECTRIC Kinlough ’tHAT in-renewing her Sentinel . subscription, -Bertha . Allin of, T^Toronto -says sheTbves'"fWdTrrgr-~ . the old-time news,, as she >ro- < members nearly all the names and it brings back memories of the happy days of long ago: MW*S'";iWEAiT" WORK PANTS-^sanforized. Spe­ cial at^pair .............. $3.49 Men’s Fleeced COMBINATIONS —sizes 34 to 46. pair ........... $3.95 Two pair for ^.5(J - SPECIAL—^Meh’s cotton hose, in^orced with nylon. Substand- ardSf Lpi^iF---/’ . 59c ._ : Two pair for ...• $1.00