The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-01-20, Page 6WEDNESDAY, JAN; 20th, .1954
I5AGE SIX t* ■
Langside W.M.S.
The WiM.S, met at the home
Mr, and Mrs. Parish Moffat
for thejr January meeting. The
meeting opened with the call to
worship. Hymn 192 was sung.
The scripture, reading , was taken
by Emma Richardson. Mrs, Peter
Moffat led in prayer. The roll
call was takeJh by paying mem-
bership fees. The offering was re
ceived with prayer by Mrs. John
Pollock. The topic was from the
study book-by Mrs. Pollock, A
hymn was sung and the. meeting
closed with prayer "by Mrs, Lloyd
Mpffat. ’
United Church W.A. '
Group 3 of the W.A. of the
United Church met at the home
of Miss McGregor" on Wednesday
afternoon with an attendance of
17. Mrs. Hunter , was in charge
of the meeting.. After the. de
votional period by Mrs- Hum
phrey and' Mrs. T. A. Ca^meron,
business was discussed and plans
were made for quilting, two Red
Cross quilts February and one
for the bale. Red Cross sewing
was distributed by Mrs. Kilpat
rick? Mrs. W- B. Anderson pre
sided for the following program:
a reading by Mrs. Wilfred Dren,-
nan and a -mouth organ selection
by Mrs. Breckles. A very inter
esting talk was given by Mrs,
McKim on~her trip to. the West____________
Poast last summer. The meeting' jeS were very much enjoyed. A
closed with prayer and lunch . . .
Was served by the committee^ in
.charge.' '
Group 2 of The W.A.
The January meeting of Group
2 of the Woman’s Association was
held at the home of Mrs. Ken
neth Cameron on January ,13th
-withTthe .president. Mrs. Camer-
on, in the chair. After singing
the hymn ‘‘I love to tell1, the
story”, all joined in repeating the
theme prayer? The roll call was
^^ponded;to“With"~i 4; members
present. It is to be decided at
the T'ebruary meeting how best
to raise funds for 1954, The group
decided to quilt two quilts for
the Red Cross. Arrangements
were made for the pthree*Group
meeting with Mr§. R, Robertson
and Mrs. B. Roach appointed to
take care of the program. Mrs.
’MacDiarmid took the chair for
the program. The scripture les-
Son with synopsis of same was,!
taken by Mrs. MacDiarmid. Read-1
ing thoughts for the new year4 by'
Mrs. Roach, selection on. the
mouth organ by Mrs. Collins,
topic “A biography of the life
of Rev. Wm. Allen with the read
ing-of one of his sermons on
bringing in the new year by Mrs.
R. H. Thompson? which proved
very interesting. After singing
hymn 9 the meeting was closed
by repeating the mizpah bene
diction., A vote of thanks was
tendered Mrs. Cameron and a
social .half hour enjoyed. Mrs.
Sproul conducted a contest on
snow- v / ,!' ■ • 4 •• \ <
Group ,1, United Church W.A.
Mrs. \G. M. Couse was hostess
for the meeting of Group 4 on
Wednesday everting, January 13.;
The meeting opened by singing
“Onward Christian Soldiers” and
repeating the Lord’s prayer in
unison' Mrs. 'jones presided for
the business, and Mrs. A. Wilson
| Lucknow Women’s Institute
held the first meeting of the
New Year in the Town Hall with
.the president, Mrs. Cookh in the
chair. Minutes and correspon
dence were read iby the secret
ary, Mrs, A/Havens. A donation
from Mrs ;S. Durnjn, enclosed
witji a “Thank You” npte" was
turned over .to the committee
W<ho are remembering the pat
ients at the • Baker Convalescent
Home, Miss Mary MacLeod^gave
a report of the Auxiliary to the
Wingham Hospital meetii^R^iich
Was attended by. five 1 “ rs.
P. Stewart. was appdfnted con
vener of Federated News.
The roll call was responded to
by*.“a 'fact about'-the. Corona-,
tion”. The. topic “Citizenship &
Education”, prepared by Miss
Dean MacLeod, was read by Mrs.
R.. Robertson. A splendid paper
on “Mental Health”, written by
Miss Shirley Robinson, R.‘N,, was
read: by her mother, Mrs. H. Rob-
Highway cheques: Pay Roll
No, 1, $340.30; R. Forster, weld
ing, 12.00; B-A. Service, parts,
3.03; Elliott Purves, gravel, 7,5Q;
Jack Henderson,, gravel, 32.95;
Wesley Guest, gravel, 242.20; Rae
and Pprteous, wire and shovel,
3.90 ;Twp of Kincardine, bound
ary account, 105,47C, E. Mac-
Tavish, fuel and grease, 11543;
Dominion Road Machine €0,, re*
pairs, 223.82; E. R, Gaunt, truck
ing, 117.00; Twp. of Huron, bdy.
Highway cheques:boundary account, 127.85; Bruce
Co. Highways, grader andcalci-
urn, 223.55; Pedlar People, cul
verts, 440.00; Armco Drainage,
culverts, 68.88; Rosco Metal Pro
ducts, culverts, 789,84; Robf. Ross,
bulldozing, 40.00; Dept, of High*
ways, gas tax', 22.00; Lome Beck
ing, snowplowing, 19340,
J. R. LANE, Clerk.
.. ■; ■’ . ’,c*. react py nei iiiruviieif ivxio. n. xvwmtook charge of the program. jnson a reading was given by
Those who .had forgotten to tang Mrs g Johnston and Mrs. B.
their donation of used childrens YoVkn espl,ained the new rul-
clothihg and toys for the ba e to, jn(;:;in rpffard tb the Blue Cross.
Cape Croker were asked to do so
as soon as possible and leave it
with Mrs. ‘ Art,* Breckles, Mrs. Al
Irwin gave the scripture reading
and meditation. Readings given.,
by Mrs. George Joynt$ Mrs. K.
C. Murdie, Vji/Irs. Roy Black and
Mrs. R. Johnstone, and harmon
ica selections by Mrs. Art Breck-
very interesting paper entitled,
‘‘Random Thoughts”,, prepared by
Mrs. W. V. Johnston, was read
by Mrs. Allin, and Mrs, Wilson
concluded this part of the pro
gram with a poem, “Thoughts for
the New Year”. Following the
roll call and offering, the meet
ing closed with singing the hymn
peating the mizpah benediction.
During a social half hour, Mrs.
Wilson conducted a contest. The
committee, namely, Mrs. Allin,
"jfcs. AT IrwinF and Mfs/ Wilson
served refreshments, and Mrs. A.
MacNay moved' a vote of thanks
to. the hostess.
Yqvan explained the new rul-
I ing in regard to the Blue Cross.
Mrs. W. McGill had1'-the current
events,. after which a •. spelling
match was conducted by Mrs. A,
Wilsbii with the president and
secretary as captains. The result
°was ’a tie. Lunch was served by
the directors, Mrs. A. Wilson,
Mrs? McGill, Miss MacGregor &
Mrs. Sam Reid;
has been formed in Walkerton by
Dr. J. T. H. Robinson, who has
been there for many years, and
by i)r. Herbert Mosser of Sarnia.
Lynda Shtws typical little-girl interest in. her mother's telephone .call',
‘ that's 18-monthtold Dprliidyberehed in her. high chair. ■
’ . 1 JI ’ . ’ . ’ ’ . ■
;fVVhen you have to do everything for’ two small -
• children it’s not easy to leave the’house even for
essential shopping,” says Mrs.' Bernard Renaud
of 755 Desaulniers Blvd., St. Lambert, Que. ’ y
ffI’ve really appreciated our telephdni& in the last few
. ■ in the paper and do my shopping in a matter of
■ ' minutes . , . hy telephone. So, my ’phone saves me ’
■ money and gives me .tirne to do other’things that
:: . . crowd ihy busy day. That’s why I think one of the" ■ :
, . best bargains I ever bought.was our telephone!” /
The re-elected-Council Of Kin
loss Township met in the Town,
ship Hall on January llth> 1954,
After signing their “Declaration
of Off ice” took their seats as
Council, Harold Percy, P. A. Mur
ray, Parish Moffat and Dan T.
McKinnon. Tihe minutes of the
December. __15th_; jmeeting were,
read and ^approved.
An .order was given the C.I.L.
agent, Mr. Stevens, for the nec
essary warble fly powder and
brushkill for 1954. ,
A communication from Mr.
Groskorth Of Whitechurch,, was,
ordered filed and the Clerk in
structed to reply thereto.
A communication from Mr.
Malcolm Lane was ordered filed:
The forms for the statutory
grant on the, road expenditure of
1953 were completed to be for-
•warded to the Department of
‘Highways. .
Mr. Allister Hughes was re
appointed ^s Kinloss member, of
the Lucknow District, High, School
Board, as . was Mr. Ernest Case-
more to the Wingham District
High School Boat’d. ; '
Mr. Harvey Houston was nom
inated -as; candidate fur election
to the Wingham Hospital Board
from this area. m ‘
. By-Law No. 1, 1954, making
appointments for the year 1954,
>was .prepared and finally passed.
By-Law No. 2, 1954, for road
appropriations for 1954, was pre
pared and finally passed.
By-Law No; 3, 1&54, was pre
pared for the borrowing of the
necessary monies needed during
the year, from the Bank of Mon
treal, LUcknow;
$25.00 of the levy for. the Fed-
j oration of Agriculture was re-.
1 tained for the use of the Ki'nloss
Branch.. . . . ■ ■ ■■...............X ’ ' -'I
• Council adjourned to meet,
again on. Monday, February 1st,
1.954f " ~ -
j Cheques issued. Gerald Rhody,
fox bounty, $2.00; George Colwell,
fox bounty, 2.00;. Brian Hiltz, fox
bounty,-’ 2.00; Harold McQulllin,
7 . fox bounties/ 14.00; Rae and
Porteous, tap at hall, 2.60; Roy
Graham, material at hall, 218.16;
Scott. Bros., work, at hall,.15'00;
Assessors’ Assn/ membership fee,
JOj.00;. Hi- H? Bannerman, refund
taxes, burned .‘house, 27.16; Dr.
Marcus,. J/4 calfhpod vaccination,
9.25 ;D r. J; E. L i ttl e, den tai wor k
children'4953? 600.00;.Dr. W. G.
• Bruce, dental work children 1953,
[ 32.50;1 Dr. R; W#, Blackwell, den
tal work children 1953,30.00;
Treas. Kiricardine Township, Tile
Ed White drain, 86.00; J. Lahb,’
unemploymeht stamps,. 3.24;'’Re
lief, 75‘;0'0; Robert, McCIena&han?
debenture Gaunt drain, 288;00;
’ "'Tre a h/Kln'idfis “T?MeratFdhrbT“A'g'^'
riburture^ 25,00; , '
• f
The amount of sleep required
by the average person is about
account’ 12L66; Twp. of Culross, tiye mjnutes more.
. I
r *•