The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-10-28, Page 8WEDNESDAY, (X?T 28th,J953 that hew arid RAY ROBINSON ONTARIO * has resumed V ■4 f ' I INSOLES SPEEDF.ASY occasion by trip to Chi- THATVernonHunterandGlen Walden were among the buy­ ers at the Bruce County Hol­ stein /breeders* sale held re­ cently ast Walkerton. ..... When I total the sum at the close of each day, ' r- I hope I’ll have chosen the diffi­ cult way. * For mine is the choice to frown ’Phone Carlow ,2105 R.R. 1, Port Albert Floors LAID, SANDED AND FINISHED. POTATOES CLOTHS.—. THE LUCKNOW S^TINEL, LUCKNOW, QNTARIO ^^ CHRISTMAS LAWrAWAY v Start now—-Use our, Xmas Lay- A .Away Plan. A small deposit will 4 .hold any item. . “ ' “Foam Felt” Insoles, washable, absorbs perspiration, long lasting. . Sizes 8> 9, TO & 11. Pair .........65c PAGEEIGHT Tj ........... r 3 l ASHTON’S Rae. Couse, Mrs. FALL I t wastsoB “When you buy lingerie, gloves or hose, There’s a brand name that everyone knows, When a girl’s wearing KAYSER, The whistles surprise her— Mrs. Banni- Mrs. Harold /„• CORDUROY \ , Very fine ’ pinwhale corduroy,1 red, royal arid bottle .green.> Yard ' ......... . »••••. .««*•* • • • « • i « * « 4 « * « * $1.98 ; ; Winter Wardrobe Contest ’JBe Smart^AVin a ^Vintcr lArarclrobw «FftEE!'* ’ "$■ - I- l!.... .'. .I'J............... .^..1,... Kiss your wardrobe worries good-bye. Here’s your chance-, win—and—select^a^frinplete1 winter wardrobe and have * ’ KAYSEB pay/the * bait items in gloves, hosiery arid parities . . . all new, all \ different. . " ■ ‘T ’ ’ ‘ Here’s the big plus in KAYSER values. When "you make a J dollar purchase or moi^s of KAYSER -J may enter this grand limerick contest. It’s , easy—it’s fun. > JUST COMPLETE THIS LIMERICK - ‘ ” • ’ J < < < < < < « < .< < < < MEN’S. LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR •• ... '•' 1st PRIZE—Complete $500 Winter Wardrobe 2nd PRIZE—Smart $250 Wardrobe ’ 3rd PRIZE—Lovely $100 Accessory Outfit 100 other Prizes Consisting of 3 Pair of Kayser Nylons CONTEST CLOSES This SATURDAY NIGHT OBTAIN ENTRY: BLANKS AT THIS STORE You have 103 chances to win . . . all. for the best last line to a simple limerick; • • 0 / ’ V jPiece Good* and W<x>ilen> a a Aaa' a'Ai THIRD DRAW LIBRARY BRIDGE MARATHON Mrs. W. B. Anderson, Mrs. W. V. Johnston, Mrs. J, L. MacMil­ lan, Mrs. Pieces. Mrs.; H. R. Allin, ster, MrS; Porteous, Treleatrjbi. / Mrs. Vovan, Mrs. Bushell, Mrs. J. W. Joynt. Mrs; Schiriid, Mrs. A. Andrew, Mrs. E. H. Agnew, Mrs. A. C. -----Agnew.- _____\ .. _ Mrs. R. j. Button, Miss Plum­ steel, IMrs. R. Finlayson, Mrs. - Alex MacLerinan. Mrs. Russ Button, Mrs. L. C. Thompson, Mrs. P. S. Stewart, ——Mrs. Clark^—— ------—. / Mrsi T. A. MacDonald, Mrs. J. Agnew, Mrs. R. Johnstone,. Mrs. ' 4---- Canned Goods Sale I SEE 8ITBE SENTINEL . (Continued Iron* Pa4e L) THAT the Children’s Bible school opened a week ago Monday and will be held weekly above the Express Office in charge of Mr, John Martin and Mrs. Rich­ ardson. There was an initial .'enrolment of 49 children. THAT: Cpl. Lloyd Goudie of the R;C.A.F., Trenton, was a, recent guest at the home of Mr., and Mrs. H. B. Burden, beforefly- —:ing^overseas.He^hasbeenppst- ‘ ed \ to France for two years. Lloyd was a former pupil 'of /Mr. Burden when he taught school in Newfoundland. « THAT the Brownies have re­ sumed their meetings in the Guide Room. Mrs. Harold Allin —is ^acting ~Brown—Owlp—with- Guiders Beverley Ashton and Marjory Armstrong assisting. Any girls from 8 years to 11 years interested in Brownies are welcome. Meetings are each Friday after four. Mothers ' wishing information may com tact any of the leaders. 1 ”* ; '^0— THAT in his trophy presentation address here on Friday night, Tory Gregg remarked that while travelling he was in Lucknow every Tuesday for 8 years, and it was like an “old5 home day” every week. Why,: he said, I’d sell more meat here in a week than I would in a, month in Wingham. And speak-. . ing of banquet remarks, Rev. G. S. Baulch picked out an im­ posing Biblical all-star team, and we’d like to get that line- up of Bible ball players for. publication. I Waffffafcfc Paint a room today. Ubc it to- < night. It>- easy . with SPEED. ’ EASY. Satin. Sosatinsmootli to ~ “ use, dries so fast, stands hard Wear. . . can be scrubbed over and over. No "painty”odor, no "lap markS,,.Forpla8ter,wallpapery — - wallboard, masonry— needs no primer. 10 colours and white. FOR SALE AT Finlay Decorators ’Phone 218, ' ' ~ - ■ > Mrs. Cuming, Mrs. K, l&iirdie, Mrs. Douglas, Mrs. Wm. MacDon­ ald. •Mrs. T. Robinson, Mrs. Well.; Henderson, Mrs. Solomon, Mrs. Cook. ;' Mrs. Hoag, Mrs. R. H* Thbmp-. son, Mrs. Hollyman, Mrs. McNab. Mrk Rathwell, Mrs. W. L. Mac- Kenzie, Mrs. McKim, Mrs. H. Webster. Mrs. Alex: McNay, Margaret Rae, Mrs. M. Hamiltori, Mrs. R.7 “MacKenzier——-—7—— • ' •• —----- - " ■ BORN 7 • 5 MITCHELL—in Kincardine Hos­ pital on October 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mitchell, R. R. 6, Lucknow, ,-a daughter, Mariorr Leona. THAT it cost Elmer Bannerman of Blackhorse $10,. when Ken Brindley, 19-year-old Rivers- dale youth, won a wagerr by . carrying a lOO^pound bag of salt on his shoulder from Black­ horse to Riversdale without set­ ting it down. Ken walked the 4% miles in 1% hours. THAT the local United Church Young People’s Society was re- ~presented~aVthe7HaniiltOn-Con­ ference Y.P.U. convention at Simcoe at the week-end by Ken McNay, Gladys Kilpatrick and Ruth Treleaven. They ac­ companied the Ripley delegates headed by. KejrMcLerinan who- took the carload. NEW YORK VISITORS CALL ON FORMER LUCKNOWITE While’ Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ste-i wart were visiting in’New York, recently they called on a farmer Lucknowite, Gwendolyn MacLeod Wolff, who extended them every Courtesy. ; > Mrs. Wolff is the author of the following poem, which she auto­ graphed arid presented to the Stewart family. In the Stewart party who visited New York' were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stew-( ant7“Miss“’Winnie-rStewart—-Mr.- arid. Mrs. Jack Wilson; (Gwen) and his parents, Mr. arid Mrs.- J. Wilson of Stratford. j “And now abideth faith, hope, ’Love, -these three, but the great; est of these is Love”.—-1. Cor. 13-: 13. ' ■ • ■ " *. '■ . ? Joy in the Days to Come -1 (by Gwendolyn MacLeod Wolff) Then’s a very large crate stand-, ing outeide .my door, J With three hundred gifts—and sixty.-five more. Each oiie is a ^day fhat is pristine and bright < And there are tiwo columns, one wrong and one, right. Lucknow,Ont. -j----------------.--------_----------------.-------- But above all I ask that I give without measure The intangible things that are my only treasure. May the thoughts tftat occur in the ■ depth of my mind, Come straight from a heart is gentle and kind. And as I accept each shining .... day,. ■ . , " ■ Let me fill it with courage teach me to pray For the gift that comes truly to me frdm above, The brie priceless thing-—a heart ✓ fullof love. ~ 7 ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is ’announced of Elizabeth Fleming (Beth) Mc­ Donald, wider daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDon­ ald of Tofield, Alta., to William Graydon Ritchie* youngest son of Mr. ;arid Mrs. Robert Ritchie, R. 7, Lucknow. The marriage to take place in November. : ' ' ; '. i.. ii.... BORN ' WHITBY—in Wingham General Hospital on Friday, October 16th, 1953, to .Mr.' arid Mrs. Sidney Whitby, Lucknow, a daughter. I.G.A. Choice Tomatoes, 20 oz Stokely Fancy Corn, 15 oz. ... at I.G.A. I.G.A. Tomato Juice, 20 oz. , Aylmer Choice Peaches, 15 oz IXLA. Pork & Beans, 20 oz. . 12 cans 24 cans for 23c $1.35 $2.55 for 35c 2.10 ' 4.00 for 31c 1.81 3.52 for 37c . 2.15 4.10 for 29c-1.65 3.20 for 39c 224 4.35 35c 4.15 8.19 THAT Miss Margaret Black Was the winner of an electric clock : raffled off at the dance. on Fri­ day night following the . Juv­ enile ball team’s trophy pres­ entation banquet. THAT Robert,Button was recent­ ly presented with af lovely , watch by his family on the , occasion of a special birthday anniversary. Or to go with a friend that one extra mile. I hope that impatience won’t en- /ter my heart, Because it will make a blot on my chart. . May I give of myself and not count the cost / .To someone nearby who is lonely and lost. ■ '•I , . ■ . • ’ • 2 ... - , - -..... 2 Green Giant Fancy Peas, 2 Challenger Sockeye Salmon, ^’s ? » Large Assortment of —------—HALLOWE’ENCANDYAND^PEANUTS —— to shell out when the spooks arrive Hallowe’en Night. SMITH’S FOOD MARKET ~'plre , ’• 54 inches wide,-only .... $2.98 yd; HAT SALE ■ All ohr Hats must go* as we badly ..need trio space. 20 percerit-roft- every hat. THAT !Mr. and Mrs. Cameron MacDonald were twenty-five .. years married oh Saturday. They marked the taking a holiday cago. O THATLGeorge.Chin training for the college hockey season: George is in his final year in geology at Ann Arbor . University in Michigan.,, THAT tame blackberries, are/rip- ening again in the berry, patch at Herb McQuillin’s farm. A twig, well loaded with large,, ripe, luscious looking . berries is on display at The Sentinel Office. ■ /• ’ ’ —o— ■ •• | THAT deer hunting licenses, both resident and farmer, are av'ail- able at Greer Radio & Electric, v where fishing, nuriting and gun licenses have been issued for the past couple of years.—<- (Advt.) / 75 LBS^$1.^S d. r. finlayson ’Phone 91, Lucknow ; ......;. , ...■.. .I,: v .. . New Towels, green, yellow of pihky 22x41, oply, $L&9 Matching .Face Cloths, only 25d Lovely BoXbd Towels arid Face Cloths ffbrit 85b to $3.98 . • ■ V . *' ? ... r ■ ' r«# ‘ » ■ « \ The hfeal’ Xihas; Gift • GLOVES & MITTS. See our grand assortment of Ch ildren’s Wool Gloves and ‘Mitts, from 55c to $1,45 MEN’S GLOVES Men’s. Wool Dress Gloves,. S., M., L., gray, browri, wine $139 underwear /. Superknit Combed Cotton Com-. ■ biriations,, $8 to 44 $1-98 * Short; Sleeved Shirts, S, M| L, at $LI5 ' Arikle Length Drawees, 30 id 44,- .. ........... .........$1.49- ■