The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-10-28, Page 2$g I WON SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION i ■ ■ 1 4 $ > 1/ l li^swinw»CT.wggaa EVERYONE-WELCOME-- r. 0 ... THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO i- WEDNESiDAY, OCT 28th, 1953 ■1 Im IB WmII ,.V< * ■ .■ , **• ANNE TODD, daughter of Mr.'and Mrs. Tom Todd of St. Helens, won first place for showmanship in the 4-H Baby Beef Club com; petition at the Lucknow Fall Fair. Anne poses here with her Angus steer which placed second. Murray Gaunt’s Shorthorn steer wasfirst. ■'.? > ■ FOURTH CONCESSION | all, Allan and Grace spent the Mr. and Mrs." W. F. MacDonald .arid Mack were in London Friday to attend Graham’s . graduation. Mrs. MacDonald remained for the , week-end. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. Richardson of . Howdenvaie visited last week at the home of their nephew, Mr. Ira Dickie. . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDoug- week-end in Toronto* Mr arid Mrs, R, G. Martin moved across to their new home last week. No Assessment Appeals There have been no appeals entered in Walkerton in connec- tion with the equalization re-ass- essment, which County Assessor Everett J. Finnigan states will ’ set a record for Ontario. ANNOUNCE CO.OP MEDICALBONUS The 7th annual meeting of Bruce Co-operative Medical Ser­ vices was held in Wiarton, Tues­ day, October 13th, There was a good representation of members and delegates, presided over by vice-president W. G. Nicholson of Port Elgin. The manager, gave a report of the past year’s* work,, and aflso read the auditor’s balance ‘sheet,, arid operating statement, which showed a very successful year, financially, as well _aS. increased services/having been given to the members and their dependents. Jle^'alsp report­ ed on "the .surgical, plan; which became effective November.' 1st, 1952, and the comprehensive plan for medical c'are, whicK.has been recently made available to the mem]bers._l^This.2_,compiiehensiye plan is particularly adapted to pay roll groups or’municipal em­ ployees, where the employer pays half the membership fee. The report showed a net earn­ ing of slightly over $10,000. This 'has put the Bruce Co-operative Medical Services in a very sound financial position, thus enabling the Board of Directors to increase the benefits of the plan for the members in the corning fiscal .year. • The members endorsed a re­ commendation of the Board, to give a bonus of 50c per day on the $6.00 plan, arid also to drop the $10.00 deduction on the x-ray benefit in that plari. The $3.00 plan was discontinued, as it has become outdated, and of no sat­ isfactory service to the members when they need hospitalization. These chahges are effective as of November 1st, 1953. ’ Directors elected for a three- year term were Lindsay McDon- ald, Lion’s Head; Donald McKin­ non, Paisley; Mrs. WilliamdStodT dart, Lion’s Head; and Allan Evans,-Tiverton. G. H, Ward, chartered account­ ant, was re-engaged as auditor- for the ensuing~year. A very interesting tallc was given iby J. M. Alexander of Walkerton, who has returned to Bruce County after having spent many years in he province of Saskatchewan, where he was in­ strumental in, the setting up of hospital and surgical plans in the hungry *30’s. • .■_____________■!.! - - - . • LOOKING BAC KWAK DS. THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES Sixty Years Ago J. K. M, Gordon of St. Helens; ! A. Hackett, Belfast, passed, the final,examinations^of the Ontario Medicar Council and were licens­ ed to practise. Rev. Mr. Walker became pastor bf““the”Baptist~cO^n Teeswater. and LUcknow and re- Sided at TeeWater. — . ^7- James ‘Dean, 55, o’f Ashfield, died fi?om, the effects -of5 a; dose 0f carbolic' acid : which he /topk in mistake. 1 ‘ ; An article ^signed “Mack” re­ ferred to the passing of the “Com muni On in the „ Woods”, which before long would only be a memory, This five-day cpmrriun- ion service -commenced, on. Thursr day and was held in the wood- larid in a /‘temple not made by hands’ and with the blue vaulted sky at a dome. The Scottish cus-. tojn was becoming obsolete, arid at the same time these; places of communion were disappearing as the *land was fast being! denuded of its original forest, to- make way as “Mack” put it for “bald headed farms’/ a. Thirty-Five Years Ago National registration was set for June 22nd; 1918.. .Gordon Drink water bo ugh t. Austin Solomon’s tinsmithing business and movecl_ his_ family, here from Goderich. Margaret Irwin was a graduate of Guelph General Hospital. A farewell presentation was made to Rev. J. R. Graham by the Langside Presbyterian con - gregation. Wheat was $2.10, oats 92c, hogs $J7.60, choice steers. 16.50, but­ ter 42c. • The Hydro Electric Commission. jF. McLennan, Lochalsh; and W- , Lorne B. Evans, < U — II — |l Mi II — » — M I' — II ■■ <1 — was purchasing rails and other material of the defunct West {Shore Railway project. A. tie Vote occurred between Dr. Case^ of Dungannon and Geo. Spotton of Wingham/rit the Con­ servative nominating convention' in. Wingham. The chairman," Dr, Redmond of Wingham, cast the ' -deciding4Ayk>te--h2^ ■Case. ■ . '■■■ .* ' •« Lucknow District High School will be held in the HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Friday, October 30th at 8.00 p.m. Following the program there will be an inspection of the school and / lunch will be served. Residents of the School Area are. particularly - ! requested to attend* r * . • ■ •■ w.. • R. Rae/ Chairman.Donald Henderson. Sec. ilyn and Carol of London visited on Sunday with Edna and May Boyle and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyle of Moose Jaw, Sask., are visiting with relatives here. Mrs, j. W. Colwell visited dur­ ing the week with Mr. arid Mrs, Walter Forster, Ripley. — " KINLOUGH Mr. ,Wm. Cox .attended the . Anglican laymen’s banquet at Hanover on Friday evening. Mrs. Milton Walsh, Jack and Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Miller Hart­ wick and son Wayne visited with Stratford relatives on Sunday. The Anglican Congregational and Sunday School chicken sup­ per, which was to be held last Monday, was postponed to next Monday, November 2nd. ' Mr. Jack Barr returned from the West where he had spent some time at Halkirk, Alberta. Sunday visitors with Mr, and. Mrs. George -Haldenby were Mr. and Mrs. Art Haldenby of .Tor­ onto, Mrs. M, Dudley of Luck­ now, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mc­ Guire of Olivet, Mr. and /Mrs. Clare Sparling and Allan, Walk­ erton.. J ■ ■ . ■ The Presbyterian services dur­ ing the time of re-decoration will be held at 3.00; o’clock in the . Anglican church., p ■ ■ ' ■ Rev. G. Benson Cox visited re- cently with relatives at .Seaforth i and Goderich. Mr. and Mrs-;-’ Norman Erb arid family of Salem spent an even­ ing With Mr. and ;Mrs. William ^Stauffer* ; ' ' Mr. ^arid .Mrs., Cliff Borthwick; *Mr. Jim Hodgins o.f St.'Cathar­ ines, Mr, arid Mrs: Elmer Arm'--; .strong, and’ Beth ,of< Brantford, Visited- over th.e. week-end With Mr, , and'' Mrs. James Hodgins. Mrs.- Hodgins retu-med to Brant- . ford to" Visit at-the • Armstrong home-. ■ ' . ■ ' • . Mr. Charlie Gillespie of Kitch­ ener visited over, the week-end} with Mr. and Mrs, Don BusheR •and' family. ;{, 'Mr; and Mrs.- George, Gilbert, i and Gerald, .Mr, and Mrs,. Jphn : Schmidt of' Stratford were week- : end .guests at the Cox 'home. ■, u Mr., and Mrs. Karl Boyle, Mar- /’. OBITUARY MRS. BERTHA M. ROBERTON Mrs. Bertha M. Robertori, $3. who died on Friday, October 16th in Alexandra Marine and Gen­ native of Prince Edward County but spent most of her life at Auburn. She. moved to Goderich about, three years ago. Her hus­ band, William J. Roberton, died nine, years ago. ■ She is survived by. two sons, Frank of Seaforth, and Roy of Detroit; two daughters, Mrs. Bur-" ton . Mills Of Goderich and /Mrs. Spence Irwin - of Lucknow. Funeral services were conduct­ ed bn Monday of last week at the Lodge funeral-home. by. Rev. C.‘ C. 'Washington, of Auburn Un­ ited church arid Rev. H.A. Dick­ inson of North Street United- Churcja. Interment was in Ball’s cemetery, ,t '■ . Pallbearers were Percy Barker, Earl Raithby, Melbourne Cox, Ralph ; Munroe,- 'Robert Phillips and Ted Mills; • HEALTHY AT 97 William - H, Campbell of Au­ burn celebrated his-97th birth­ day on 'Monday, October7.19th and continues to; enjoy good; health, Mrs. Campbell passed away 14 years ago, and he resides with his son Albert’., There is’ a son, Colin. ..in Ottawa and a daughter, Mrs. W/R, Crozier of London. . . 1 „ Twenty Years Ago Phyllis MacDonald, was a mem ber .of the graduating class off Woodstock Hospital. .. Kinloss Council let the gravel contract to Hallahan Bros, at 22c a idbic yard“irnthe^n and the trucking to Clendon Yeo at 6% cents per yard per mile. . < . • With economy the “war cry”, everywhere, Bruce Council paired the County rate from- 10Ya to. 8% mills. Starting from a water jacket; fire gutted Eldons.Johnston’s bar- _ _ ber shop between McKim’s Drug Store arid Joe MacMillan’s But­ cher Shop. The outbreak was dis­ covered early Sunday morning by a party of fishermen from Lon­ don* " : A military funeral was given Frank Weis, 55, of Rochester, husband of the former Sadie A. MacDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacDonald, Con; 4, Kinloss. .. ..... The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.f Ross of Lochalsh, newlyweds of but three weeks, was destroyed by fire. Jaines Glennie, former mana­ ger bf the Bank of Hamilton in Lucknow, died from a heart at­ tack at Delhi. He was 63. Mrs. Alex Ross passed away in her 83rd year. She was formerly Mary Ann Shelton, and one of her sisters was the first white child born at Blackhorse. Ten Years Ago There wefe 108 blood donors at the second clinic held locally. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Russell re­ ceived word that their son; . Fly­ ing Officer James Coyle Russell, 7 Was missing after air operations ' .He was later reported as a pris­ oner-of-war*——------■————- Henry Lantz was named CCF candidate for a three-way battle in Huron-Bruce provincial riding. John Hanna and Hugh Hill were the other candidates. i Huron County agricultural rep­ resentative. % Miss Mary. Hall, 88, ai^d .blind/ knitted an average of a pair ’■of socks a week for the Red Cross. Leon Mendolson was killed , at Dieppe. His father ran a dry goods , business here at one time, and a .few years prior to Leon’s death, the father was killed in a. motor accident at Ripley. Tom Roach died at his , home. Con. 6, Kinloss,' in his 78th year/ ’ D. R. McLean of Newmarket, Miss Dorothy Sharp of New Lisk- eard and Miss Jean Osborne of Ripley -were . engaged to fill th(? , High School staff vacancies. Mei, Women! Old at 40,50:. 60! Get Pep Feel Years Younger, Full of Vim Don’t blame exnausted, worn-out,, ruri-down feeniig on .your' age. Tliousaiids'at . a J>ttle pepping up With Ostre* Tofiic Tablets wjiI do. Contain tonic, hemic stimu-. , Dot often needed after 40-^bv bodies vyeMk, bld because lacking ii;op, A. 7fii-y<jar-,old iio< - tpx'Vvntes: took it Jnyself. Results fine ’’ b*' *,got-acquainted,‘ si/e only 60p» Stop feeling.old. Start to feOl-Reppy and- younger, today.. At all druggists. A THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL ■ Lucknow, Ontario ' Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Established 18.73 — Published Each Wednesday Afternoon Subscription Rate -- $2.50 A' Year in Advance—To U.S.A.- $3.50 L. C. Thompson, Publisher, and.Proprietor. * - ‘Xaih WEDNESDA^ OCT 28th, 1953 A" -./A-"- ' ' ,T.. , ..... ' «' ' ' ' *r ■' ' " .. f -t X , * . * ■ ■ ’ . .