The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-10-07, Page 5H' Ii Thursday, Friday, Saturday OCTOBER 8, 9, 10 - GENE AUTRY, in PACKTRAIN Thanksgiving Day — 2.00 p.m. Admission 50c and 25c Matinee Saturday Afternoon- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1953 Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM , Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 MON., TUES., WED., THURS, . ^October 12, 13, 14, 15^ MARILYN MONROE, • CHARLES COBURN, JANE RUSSELL — in '— ' • GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES Admission 75c & 35c MATINEE MONDAY Friday., Saturday, Oct. 16, 17 Constance Smith, Dan Dailey 4. in , “TAXI” KAIRSHEA W. L LAYS PLANS FOR “AT HOME” .• ' . ’ . ' ■'’* ■ ■ ■ ...... ■ . ■ " , ■ t ; ' * V ».r, ,, jfe.* *-■>» •■** --•<4, >5 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LUCKNOW. ONTARIO! OBITUARY MRS. (CHARLES BOYD Mrs, Charles D. Boyd passed RWRy suddenly at her home in Ashfield township on Thursday, September 24th in her 70th year. She w^s born at Lochalsh on June 2, 1884, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander MacKen­ zie. ■ . ; • , .... In December4 1907 she wed Charles Boyd of Amberley and since then resided there, She was a. devoted member of Pine River United Church and. as * long as .'health_^.permi-tted---Avas—^an—active­ member in . the church organiza-r .liPJis^Sh^. had been in failing health. for some tithe that robbed her of her eyesight, yet bore her affliipatibn with cheerful patience;: Besides her husband she leaves to mourn her loss one daughter and three sons, Grace (Mrs. El­ liott Carruthers of Huron), Don­ ald of Buffalo, Mac of Huron and Gordon . at home, also seven grandchildren. Three . brothers, Duncan of Lochalsh, Kenneth and Alex of Detroit also survive. .She was predeceased by three sisters and..two brothers. The funeral service, which was very largely attended, was con­ ducted at her late residence orf Sunday with Rev. J. C. Hutton officiating. Interment was in Kin­ cardine Cemetery. She was car­ ried to her last resting place by her three sons, Donald, Mac arid Gordon, her son-in-law . Elliott Carruthers .; and two nephews, Grant MacDiarmid and Elmer MacKenzie. Friends and neigh­ bors acted as flower bearers for the many floral tributes. The Kairshea W. . I. held their September meeting in the Holy- “ rooU^Hall-with"_Mfs7 DTHTUar^ ruthers and Miss Annie MacLeod . as hostesses. Plans were made for , the Kair­ shea “At Home” to be" held” on October 16th at Holyrood Hall / with Mrs. Harold Campbell, Mrs.- A. Hughes, Mrs. O. Elliott, Mrs. Glen Irwin and Mrs. Donald Mc: > Kinnon to assist the directors. Arr rangements were also discussed for their annual St. Andrew’s Ball to be held m Lucknow Town Hall on November 20th. / The roll call, “Name a vege­ table beginning with the (first letter of your surname” was ans­ wered by a good attendance. Mrs. Ross MacMillan gave a splendid motto, “If you have' good horse sense yoy won’t be a nag”. Mrs. Wm. Scott and Mrs. W. Hous­ ton’s piano duet was very much __enjoyed.—__■ .-----— The ( topic, “F.A.Q. Food arid Agricultural Organizations of the United Nations”, prepared by Mrs. Stewart MacGillivray and read by Mrs. A. Hughes was very enlightening. All joined in sing­ ing O Canada. Mrs. Gordon Wall conducted a very interesting weed naming contest. Mrs. H. Houston gave a few highlights on A.C.W.W. day held in Toronto, August 21st. Mrs. Dune McConnell gave .the closing remarks. PAGE FIVE * loor ling lai 0. ACKNOWLEDGE BLIND DONATIONS ‘J.. *' A’’ The local appeal for donations to assist in. carrying on the work of the Canadian National Insti­ tute for the Blind, has met with a fair response to date. No doubt many; have neglected or over­ looked: making their contribution, and the fund is being kept open so they may still do so. The local appeal, under the chairmanship of H. yi. Thompson, is being car­ ried out in conjunction with the -Huron-CQun^icampFaignrvT” Local donationsf in part as. f01- lows, (totalling $152, witli^Rn ob­ jective of at’ least $200. .' . Mrs; A. E< Marshall $1:00; Geo, Henry 2.00; Mrs. Clark Finlay­ son 2.Q0; Wm. Helm 3.00; E. H. Agnew 2.00; Bushell Clinic 1.00; Rod Ross 2.00; Robt. McIntosh 5,00; Alex: Andrew 5.00; Misses Annie and Jessie MacKay 5.00; Mrs. Henry Mathers 1.00; Mrs. J. W; Henderson 5.00; J. E, Was- ney 5.00; H. M. McLennan 2.00; John W. Henderson Lumber Ltd. 25.00; Miss E. A. Murdie 5.00; Ed MacKenzie 5.00; S. ,B; Stothfcrs 10.00; Walter Breckles 2.00; Lloyd Cline 1.00; J. E. Bannister 1.00; Mrs.- M. MacFarlane: 1.00; Mrs/ Alex Gillies 1.00; Ken Cameron 1.00; Wm. M. MacDonald 1.00; Donald McLean 2.00; Jas. Cam­ eron 2.00; Jim McNaughton 1.00; Mrs. Lenore'Glenn 2.00; Wm. A! Stewart 10.00; Miss N. Scott 1.00; Kintail Women’s Institute 10.00; Thos, MacDonald 2.00; H. Dr Thompson 2.00; Mrs. Sam Dur^7 nin 5.00; St. Helens Women’s In­ stitute 5.00; John McRae 5.00; jVIiss Gladys MacDonald .3.00; Robinson Woods 1.00; E. R. Gaunt 2.00; S.S. No. 12, West Wawanosh 5.00. MRS. THOMAS CULBERT There passed away in Kincar­ dine General Hospital on Septem­ ber 18th, Mrs. Thomas E. Culbert Jj^_her_8j2n_d_year._Mrs.__CuLber-t. was the former Sarah Ann Beri;y, daughter of the late Mr. arid Mrs. Henry Berry , of Brant township . and the last of a family of eight. On November 1, 1905, sfie wed Thomas E. Culbert and lived on lot 7, concession 8, Huron town­ ship until 1937 when they retired to: Ripley. Her husband prede­ ceased her November 27th/ 1949. She was an active member of St. Paul’s Anglican ChUrch; Rip­ ley and her life will remain sweet to all her relatives# neighbors and friends’. Left to mourn her pass-- ing is one daughter, Hazel of- Lucknow and two sons, William of Windsor, and Walter of Ripley, ^lstr^oul^i^aTidchiidre ,'. ' Funeral ’ services 1 were held Monday, September 21st from her late residence with interment in Ripley Cemetery, the Rev. H. L. Jennings officiating. Pallbearers were six nephews, Thomas and Irv. Berry and Henry Patterson of Hanover, Wm. Pat­ terson of Elmwood, Geo. Berry of Tara and Duncan McTavish of Chesley. LIST DISTRICT RURAL TEACHERS Rural school . teachers in the southern part of Bruce riding as listed by Inspectors J. M. Game and A. A. Gilroy, are as follows: (* denotes new teacher) Kinloss U. 1, Mrs. Doreen Young*, Kin­ cardine 2; 2, Mrs. Katherine Col­ lins*, Ripley 3; 3, Mrs. Joyce Mc­ Ewan, Kincardine 4; 4, Mrs. Jen­ nette Ross, Holyrood 1; 5, Mrs. Joan Inwin,- Lucknow; 7, Eliza­ beth Hamilton*, Lucknow 6; 8, Charles Pinkerton*, Teeswater 3; U. 9, Lois Jean-Hunter*f Armow; UTT07“Wr_Kemwtir:McAinster*, Whitechurch. . Huron 1, Mrs. Gwen Harrison, Ripley 2; 2, Ronald G. Hill, Teeswater 1; c t The PLAYHOUSE VVed., Thurs,, Fri., Sat., October 7, 8, 9, 10 DEAN MARTIN and JERRY L^OUIS, in THAT’S MY BOY Matinee Each Saturday * at 2.30 P.M. SPECIAL SUNDAY MIDNIGHT SHOW . .Doors Open At 12,05 a.m. ~^T^/~A1XAN^"YOUN<F AND DINAH SHORE^ jn “AARON SLICK FROM PUNKIN CRICK” coming NEXT week “ALL ABOUT EVE” 5, Zion, Mrs.. Lorne Johnston, •Lucknow; S.S. No. 6, Con. 4, Mrs. Wm. [Stewart, Dungannon; S.S.t No. 7, Lothian, Mrs. Lloyd Cline, Ashfield Twp.; S.S. No. 8, Senior room, Dungannon, Eric Moore, Cdlborne Twp.; Jr. Room, Mrs, T. M. Durnin, Dungannon; S.S. No. 9, Con. 9,’Ray Stanley, Luck­ now; S.S. No 10, Con. 10, Mrs. Janies Little,. Ashfield Twp.; S.S. No. - 11, Sheppardton; Miss^ Lois Feagan, Cblbome Twp.; S.S. No. -13, Belfast, Mrs. Jack Catesar, Dungannon; S.Sk No. 15, Hemlock City, Mrs. James McTavish, Hur­ on Twp.; S.S, No. 16, Crewe, Miss Ada Webster, Lucknow; S.S. No. 17, Cedar ValleyrMiss-Lois-.Webbr 3 West Wawanosh Twp.; music .teacher, Mrs. Duncan Simpson, Kintail. 7 : .■ 7 ' ' ’ ■ 4 I KINTAIL W. I. MADE $10 DONATION TO BLIND The Kintail W- I. met at J l.ly lunch was served by the com­ mittee and a social half hour wass spent. The Kintail I. met at the home of the president. Mrs.* Ray Dalton. The roll call “How to postpone old age” brought some interesting replies. $10.00 was do­ nated to the institute for the -Biindr ■. "■ The guest speaker was the c|js- trict health nurse from Clinton. The aim of the district Health Unit is to prevent sickness and promote health among school and pre-school age children. She ex­ plained the duties of each mem­ ber of the staff. There are 29 health units in Ontario.-She said our. infant death rate is higher than Denmark and Sweden. The Unit has an inspector for dairies, eating places, disease in cattle, ^slaughter—houses—etc.—They—also- look after the tuberculin tests in high schools. , Mrs. George Moncrief thanked the speaker, after which The Queen closed the meeting. A love- a play writer. FORMER LANGSIDE COUPLE HOSTS AT B.C. GATHERING ♦ J* • Mrs. W. J. McKee of 1634 King George Highway, New Westmin­ ster, JB.C., (entertained two of heir brothers and their wives at a chicken dinner on Saturday, Sep­ tember 26th. Mrs. McKee' was formerly Minnie. Mclnnes of the- Langside district ibut left there when she and her husiband moved, to Western Canada over forty -y ears agor-*------- Those present at i the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mcln- ness of Gorrie; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Mclnnes and son Bud of Walk­ erton, who are spending a month at the West Coast; another Old friend, Mr. Ira Wei wood of Van­ couver; and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Welwood of Wingham. It—was”ovef“forty yearF_sihcfr~" the group had last been together and a pleasant evening was spent discussing the /horse and buggy days of fifty years..ago when telex­ phones and radios were unheard of; the womehi wore bustfesj and. the men wore top hats and every­ body was happy. I I f I ' ONTARIO PROGRAM DIRECTOR FOR BC Harry J. Boyle, a native, of the St. Augustine district, has been named program director for On­ tario of the Canadian Broadcast­ ing Corporation. He was a former work apid has been connected with the CBC in various capacit­ ies for several years. Harry also has shown considerable ability as The October meeting will be in the. Holyrood Hall with Mrs. F. Gilchrist and Mrs. W. Mac­ Kenzie as hostesses and the dir­ ectors are Mrs. Wm. Evans, Mrs. F. Moffat, Mrs. P. Steer and Mrs. AVm. Scott.V toria Smith, Ripley 3; 5, Mrs. Anne Schildroth, Ripley 1; 7, Mrs. Reta Martin, Kincardine 1; 9, Kathryn Liddle, Ripley; 11, Mrs. Olive Vogan; Ripley; 12, Muriel E. Scott, Lucknow 6; 13, Mrs, Vio­ let MacKenzie*, Ripley; 15, Lu­ cille Pollock*, Ripley Culross 1, Jessie -Kennedy*, Teeswater 2; 2, Rnoald G. Hill, Teeswater 1; 4, Marjorie Lamont, Formosa I; 5, Gwyneth Collins*,. Teeswater 3; 7, Audrey White; Teeswater 3; 8. Mrs. Annetta Stroud, Glammis “A”; 9, Raymond Gross, Teeswat­ er; 10, Norma Esplen*, Holyrood 1; 11, Mrs. Arina Cronin, :Tees- wat/f; 12, Kay MacLennari,. Bel­ more. ■ „ ■ -< . • Some of the music teachers in .this ..part. of. the.: inspectorate in-, elude Mrs. Jean Carruthers, Holy­ rood; Mrs. Donalda Scott, Lang- sideT^lTTton "Ireland, Teeswatei^ Mrs. ard ----- .,Hay, Walkerton; < Everett Lane, Port " | The Children’s Aid Society of the County of Bruce u . • « •' •/. . ■ ’ ./ • • . : Requests Your Support In The Annual A. ■0 / 4 I’ FINANCIAL CAMPAIGN »~'"V y q e r T * r » * * * ■ 1 >■.' ... Call ait , Crawford’s Feed Store : . And Hatchery __ < < •< < < ’4 4 Ton or Ton Purchases < ; / Phones:. Lucknow19 F k x ’ . ............... ..............I i 4 a I * Call at I r fof your► ► : Feed Requirements k. ; r ( ► r1” ► ► ■ 4 0 Commencing Immediately We Will Allow Liberal Discounts : for all . n..antity and for Cash Purchases. Pearl McKenzie and Bern- Hirans, Kincardine; ■ J. A. pro­ letary Free Delivery ,v . I Elgin.' . West Wawanosh S.S. No. 17< Miss Shirley Burr den, Luckhbw; S.S. No. 2, Mrs. Kitchener Fiririigari, R. 2, Luck­ now;. S.S. No. 3; Don Cameron, ■ R, 2, Lucknow; S.S. No. 4^ Miss Beatrice iMcQuilliri, R’. .1* Luck­ now; S.S. No. 12, Ross Errinjg- - ‘irefiT’R.1 2; LuckTiow; - music- teach" er,.' Miss rtamilton, Wirighaffi. , Ashfield . ‘ "The list' of teachers -in Ash­ field, which was published early in the. summer, is.repeated: S.S. No. 1, Pbrt Albert, Wilfred .Spiv- ey. Brussels; S.S. No. 3, Kintail, i Miss’:766ityt Johnston;. Lucknow; i S^S. No. 4, Lbchalsh, Mjs^ .RUth - Pentlandi Ashfietd Twp.; S.S. No. _— whichhaisnow The Welfare oL Children under the supervision of The .Bruce County Society. Organizations and Friends have shown splendid co-operation in the past. Again, we seek your whole-hearted assistance. > ft i Your donations and moral .support will be of great benefit to the Needy Children \. of Bruce County. *4" i kindly forward your contribution Tb box 270, Walkerton. 1 . ■ • ■ >; 4," ■ l’Cd/ • u>.wi»*4s’