The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-09-30, Page 57 4 i X I I . ■ ■■ . .. r ; WEDNESDAY, SEPT, ™ .............. ................II,...................................... . .. ..................................... Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 0 r 6' i 4 / 0 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ' CARS DEMOLISHED IN HEAD-ON COLLHON * * page FIVE Thursday, Friday, Saturday . OCTOBER 1, 2, 3 DALE ROBERTSON, , . RORY CALHOUN — in — ’ ; THE SILVER WHIP Matiliee Saturday Afternoon Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday OCTOBER 5, 6, 7 STEWART GRANGER, r DEBORAH KERR — in — The Prisoner of Zenda ■ ........................................................... Thursday, Friday, Saturday OCTOBER 8, 9, 10 GENE AUTRY, in PACK TRAIN % . ■ * tPARAMOUNT FOLK PRESENTdlFTS CM behalf of th® tParamount community, falter Dexter and James ^Cetchabaw paid' a surprise visit. last Thursday evening to tlie Lucknow home of Mrsl Ar­ thur Cook and Mr. Cameron Cook to present them with remem­ brances-frOm. their old neighbors. The gifts included, a trilight floor lamp, a house coat and slip­ pers for Mrs, Cook and a bed lamp for Cameron. .. ^~Mrsr^Cpbk>™eyesjgh^t””fml^7heF .a .considerable time ago, but de- spite her affliction she is" quite ' bright and cheery and is enjoy­ ing her new home here, which Mrs. Floyd Wilson. The following address accom­ panied the presentation: Dear Mrs. Cook and Cameron, We’re here tonight in a .small body to represent your old neigh­ bors and friends of the Para- | mount district. »We regret your, departure. Mrs. Cook you nave ( lived here for forty years or more and a lot of changes have taken place in that. time. Cam* eron you have gone to school with the most of us and have made a success of your career. I The two of you were always will­ ing to lend a hand in time of peed, and we’ll feel your loss very much. You haven’t gone too far but what we’ll call on you 1L231 time to, time; We’re also Two Ghevs. were . demolished beyond repair in a head-on col­ lision on. the 10th Concession of Ashifiejcj, in front of the former Vint farm, early last Wednesday morning. The drivers, Murray Gaunt of St. Helens and Bob Howard of Ashf ield, received painful though not- serious injur­ ies. NIurray was the most severe­ ly injured. He1 suffered a fract­ ured nose and a painful knee injury ^(that has since troubled -him^-Bob^eceived“iareeWitms^Qrr the. face and knee and an injury - .to? the- right -hand? He has only 'one -ariYi. The'Ga^unt car is a 1951 model wmwi and the Howard car a 1950. Chev. they ^purchased from* Mr. and Each received almost identicalj'" damage with the front left side of each vehicle extensively; smashed. in and buckled to make J repairs practically out of the question. The two .cars, lined up side by side at the Ford garage," added to the. \ collection of highway weeks at this point that has hadwrecks at this point that has spectators shuddering. The PLAYHOUSE Wed., Thuya,, Fri., Sat,, Sept. 30th, Oct. 1, 2, 3 u NOTE PROGRAM, CHANGE " (■ ...... . . ■ BING CROSBY, in ' RIDING HIGH” Matinee Each Saturday at 2.30 PJVL I COMING NEXT WEEK v rf—■— ; DEAN MARTIN and JERRY LOUIS, lit THAT’S MY BOY ■ FIVE TREES REMOVED . FROM BUSINESS SECTION • > ; . . -c——— • . ■ ■ Five towering trees that have lined the curb from the Bank of Montreal to the Anderson. Apartments, were made short work of on Tuesday morning; They were felled with a chairv saw operated by Jack and Don­ ald Farrish of Ashfield and the hydro truck cable hoist dragged., them to a vacant lot at Hedley’s barn on Inglis , St. The main, thoroughfare was cleared com­ pletely by the noon hour. Cutting of the trees will per­ mit removal of the curb at this “point and widening of the street to. provide additional ..parking space. However, there are many wh© regret to see the big shade trees; removed, and as so many express­ ed it, “It takes a long time to grow them”. 'Chadwick and Mrs. Steer contri­ buted solos. <Miss Mai’tha Suth­ erland played some Scotch jigs and reels on the piano, Mrs. D. H. Carruthers and Mrs. Houston | Sang vocal duets, with Mrs. Irwin Carruthers at the piano. Readings were given by Mrs7 Jim Burt, Mrs. J. Ackert, Mrs. Gordon Wall, Mrs. Downey. Community sing­ ing was enjoyed with Mrs; Irwin Carruthers at the piano. Others contributing- to the evening were Mrs. McQuillin, Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. MacMillan. Lunch was served by the school girls and an enjoyable evening came to a close. DUNGANNON The Dungahnon Branch of the Women’s Institute: were hostess j to tfie Golwanash Junior institute ) and Garden Club on Thursday evening at the United Church with 43 present. Miss Jean Steck- ley,. home economist, gave a vivid; outline of project work withrthe' juniors and Mrs. Herb Finnigan, leader, of the Garden Club, ex­ plained what the girls were do­ ing and a display of vegetables were on hand. Miss Barbara WiL son, a club member, entertained with a piano solo and accompan­ ied the club girls who sang a chorus. Miss Beth McConnell -gave-a^n-Qad ingTTMrT-Kei th“Kelly7 of Field Husbandry,OAC, Guelph, gave an instructive talk and samg a solo. A short business period folio wed a n d it -\Azas_reported -th at a fine sum was realized from Sales at the booth on Fair Day. It. was also decided that the In­ stitute would cater, for the Jun­ iors’ banquet on October 23rd. After the national anthem, Mrs. Raymond Finnigan and Mrs. John WHITECHURCH We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Frank Coulter is in Wingham Hospital with a- heart condition. - Mr. and Mrs. Reg Scholtz and sons of Auburn visited on, Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs;E. Scholtz. Our sympathy goes out to Mrs. - E^W-elwood-in~ihe-loss- of- a-sis- ter, Mrs. Lanigshaw of Vancouver., Miss Winnifred Farrier of Tor­ onto spent the week-end at the home, of her prents. Mr. and Mrs. W R. Farrier. Mr. Geo. Ross of Owen Sound spent the week-end at his home, here; . A’ large crowd attended .the wedding reception in the Com- munity Hall in honor of Mr. and ___ _ ___ ............... ....... Mrs. Don Ross (nee Jean Gaunt). ’ Finni-gan, lunch conveners, serv-/ t Mr. Chas. Moore read the address and Mr. Dawson Craig presented them with a purse of money. They all sang ‘For they are jolly good fellows’. There will be nd services in the United^CBurch next-Sunday. Octobet 4th, owing to the anni­ versary .service at Bluevale Un­ ited church, fflhe Thanksgiving services on October 11th will be conducted by 4he Rev. Lane of Brussels. l I glad to see you" have such a beautiful home in town, We also wish you good health in the fut- f ure, and now, we‘ ask youx both to accept these gifts from your | Paramount friends and hope as ? ,you use them you’ll think of the good times we’ve had in the past I and hope we’ll have many more in the future. Signed, Walter Dexter, James Ketchabaw. SHOWERS HELD FOR SATURDAY BRIDE I. I ed lunch. Mr. Harold Blake and nephew Jimmy Blake, returned home la^ week after an enjoyable trip to the Pacific coast ZION Miss Agnes Garld; Pittsburg; Mrs^ Mary MacAuley and Miss Ruby Clark, Acton and Mrs. Boyd Clark, Toronto, visited recently, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie and Anne. Mr. Edgar Ritchie of Huntsville called along the line last Wed­ nesday. Church will' be at 11 in the HAVE CHAMPS AT REGIONALSHOW The Perth - Huron regional Shorthorn >nd ' Hereford shows were held last week in conjunc­ tion with the Seaforth Fair, as well as the County championship 4-H calf and swine club compet- titions. / Hi-Hill Cornette, owned by Andrew C. Gaunt, was junior Shorthorn champion female and in the Hereford show George -Kennedy^s-Pine-Eeho-D^BsLy-Roy-- al ^Regent was declared senior, and grand champion ibulL Heber Eedy had the grand champion female. Barry. Hackett and Frank Alton represented the—Dungannon—club­ in the swine contest. Tlfere were 60 calves entered from Huron 4-H beef elu'bs. There were 25 animals in the heifer, sec­ I | BLAKE COMMUNITY I HELD SHOWER MONDAY Blake Church Hall was the scene of a pleasant social even: . _£ng_on_ Monday r. when .Femmigje. Lbgtenburg, bride-to-be, was guest of honor at a shower ar­ ranged‘by Mrs. Cecil Johnston. Miss Logtenburg received many lovely gifts and made a very; '’ withLorne Hackett of the nice reply in thanking the friends for their kindness.. Rev. Dickinson was program chairman, with those taking part being, Mrs., Raymond Finnigan, Mrs. Gordon Anderson, Mrs. Wm. Andrew, Mrs. Jack Cunran, Rev. ; Dickinson and Wm. Buckingham. r Dungannon club winning the County grand championship. There were’ 35 calves in the steer class, Murray Gaunt’s steer plac­ ing fifth and Crawford McNeil's eleventh. ■ The Lucknow club’s entry stood third in the calf group. Barry morning for the month of Oct- Lunch was served to conclude the McQuillin’s .calf made up the 6berr1 " I evening. •. threesome. ■■ Mrs; Bob Reed, assisted by Mrs. Donald ThorhpSOn, were hostesses to a shower for Miss Shifley Eng­ land - • at ■ t he ’ home- of Mrs. Bob Reed. The evening’s entertain­ ment consisted of contests and a. sing song by all; Lunch was served and a social tiine was en­ joyed. Mrs. Lloyd Humphrey was hos­ tess at her home for another shower for Shirley, whose wed­ ding is to take place on Satur? day:. A social time was enjoyed by aill after which a delicious lunch was served. CULROSS CORNERS -- We wish to extend our sym­ pathy to Messrs. Arthur and Per­ ry Hodgins in the death of their brother, W. Hodgins, who passed away in Vancouver. Mrs. "Midford Wall attended a shower for Miss Evelyn Reed at Pine JFtiver oh Monday night Mrs. Audrey Russell visited last, week* with Mr. and Mrs. Mopley ► . . ►' ► L_ ► ► _ ► ► ►. ► ‘ ► ► ■ ► ► ►. ► . r - ► r, 1 Gall at . Crawford's Feed Store — And Hatchery “ J ■ ■ ’ * ■ ■ . I for your Feed Requirements Commencing Immediately We Will Allow . . . ' ■' ' ma • I * ..I fdr all Quantity and for Cash Purchases. Free Delivery — Tori or -Ton Purchases phjjucknow Dungannon 19-x-i? . V I ■< < < < < < ' < I . < < •< . ■ •< ■ '■< < ■ I )■■ • • V • A. MacLEOD CHIEFTAIN IN U.S. .7 / ’ • ■ • * Last, week The Sentinel, car­ ried a story of the Isle of Skye and Dunvegan Castle, home of the MacLeod chieftains for many centuries. Mrs. Flora MacLeod is -the—present—head—of—th&- Clanr­ and by coincidence The Sentinel story was run at the same time that daily . papers were telling of her arrival in United States for a tour of the country. SCHOOL SECTION HONORS NEW .BRIDE Mrs. Elwood InVin W guest of Mrs. Allister Hughes, Tuesday everiing, September 22hd< About \ .KitcJhen^ (composed of ladies and girls of the school section) arrived to ser;, enade this recent bride. Mrs., Houston extended the best wish­ es of the gathering. Mrs. Irwin was presented with a coffee table. Although taken, much, by surprise the btide\m£de a fitting 'reply. • ■I -Mrs, George. Lpckhart. and. Mrs. I , Hughes conducted contests. Mrs. I i I I ♦ George. Lpckhart V / Wall and family. > Check Your Requirements Today ■* You DON’T take • chances when YOU Co-Op LAY MASH Co-Op TIG STARTER Co-Op HOG GROWER Co-Op SOW RATION ^Co:Op24';"DAiRYSUPPLEMENT Co-Op CALF MEAL » . ’ I 4 ’ ' • PHONE 71, LtrckNOW xniiw»» iirriM’nti